[Shipping] [Slice of Life]
Author: short skirts and explosions
Description: Applejack has always struggled to make ends meet at Sweet Apple Acres. After the chaotic events of the Grand Galloping Gala, she returns home to find her farm experiencing a stroke of good luck. Applejack celebrates her fortune with all her friends, all except for one. Rainbow Dash has gone missing, and Applejack decides to find out why.
Spelling It Out
Additional Tags: Appledash, heartwarming, best friends chatting, doughnuts
41 kommentaari:
Doughnuts you say? Hmmm, sounds like a good read!
VastaKustutaThat just may be the best author name of all time. This story deserves a read just for that.
VastaKustuta>shipping tag
VastaKustuta>rainbow dash and applejack pic
buck yea
I love stories
VastaKustutaHm...the concept sounds cool, but I'm a little leery of the shipping tag--i find most shipping kinda squicky.
VastaKustutaHow heavy is the shipping in this one? And, it IS romantic shipping, not friendshipping, right?
VastaKustutaIt says heart warming.
Imma assume nothing sexual at all.
Not that sex ever gets on EQD, at least not without warnings.
AppleDash? Why, that's relevant to my interests.
VastaKustuta*snickers* Community service. Rainbow Dash committed petty theft and got away with it in an episode.
VastaKustutaThe Author of "The End of Ponies"... Must Read. Now.
VastaKustutaI love shipping and all, but i find apple-dash ships rather generic, i might still give it a try. but im not holding my breath for it to be the next "of mares and magic".
VastaKustuta@Dew Drop
VastaKustutaAppleDash is dry to me.
though i never hold shipfics up next to each other.
otherwise, a lot would fail. <_<
i judge on ability to entertain.
VastaKustutaShipping != sex
Shipping is about romance and relationships that do not appear in the show.
EQD doesn't post sex.
It's nice to see the star-bombers haven't given up that notion, however.
"best friends chatting"
VastaKustutaHow can Dash talk to her best friend without Pinkie being in the story?
For people worrying about shipping, it is only really there if you squint.
VastaKustutaThis seems more friendshippy than anything. It would probably work as an episode if the timeline didn't go through loops and tone down the one scene in the coffee shop.
VastaKustutaIck. I like AppleDash friendshipping, but I hate the regular shipping with them for some reason.
VastaKustutaPinkeDash and SoarinDash are better IMO.
This certainly was very heartwarming.
VastaKustutaFantastic read, the build up was nice and slow, made it feel real and cohesive. Not very shippy either, everyone should give it a read.
VastaKustutaLooking forward to more of your work
Really great. The quality of the writing is top notch. Great epilogue.
VastaKustutaThis story is fantastic. How is it a only a 4.1? Are you people ratebombing AppleDash fics, or shipping fics in general? Pitiful.
VastaKustutaWow, finding unique stories of this quality in both plot and writing style is rare.
VastaKustutaTruly amazing and defiantly enjoyable.
That was really cute :)
VastaKustuta@Scy Storm
VastaKustutaShipping fics in general get starbombed, unfortunately.
Excellent fic, and the shipping is done with such a light hoof that unless you like it, you won't even notice it's there. Worth reading!
VastaKustutaApplejack/Rainbow Dash shipping?
VastaKustutaImmediate 5/5!
Tagged Doughnuts... Im reading this just because of that tag
VastaKustutaSubtle shipping, that's rarely seen. I like it.
VastaKustutaThat was epic. I'm not normally one for fanfiction but I'll read more of that any day.
VastaKustutaDefinitely good, definite friendshipping. Honestly I could see this as a companion episode to The Last Roundup. That sort of solution is very Rainbow Dash, which I think is why this story appealed to me so much. It's not very often where you see a fic where one of the mane six is genuine at their best, in a social context rather than a adventure one, and I appreciate it.
VastaKustutaRight up until that last few moments I knew RD was up to something but couldn't work out what. That story was brilliant. I couldn't stop reading from start to end.
VastaKustutaFantastic story, I just wish the shipping had been a little more...shippy. After everything Dashie went through, I felt she deserved AT LEAST a kiss from AJ, and was kinda disappointed that it didn't happen.
VastaKustutaIt was a very nice read for sure, but personally I'd like a lil bit more shipping at the end :)
VastaKustutaHooray, Brain noodle is back!
VastaKustutaNice story. Great plot, too. At first, I thought RD was either stealing all the apples or paying for them, but what turned out is much better than I expected.
VastaKustutaAlso, I am confused as to why this fic has a shipping tag. It is certainly friend-shipping (or bromance for females) for sure, but there were no direct romantic gesture/involvement within the fic to warrant it a shipping fic. I mean, I could do something that crazy for a best friend if I could. On the other hand, I could be missing something, but oh well.
Also, I've never read a fic that used such SFW and family-friendly vocabulary before, so kudos to you :D
A few pointers I thought of:
1) Could be better if it was dialogue-driven story. There were too many paragraphs explaining what's going on from one scene to the next that I feel rushed as I was reading this fic. I think it would be better if the fic was divided into three parts or more, detailing each major scenes and minor scenes, but the final product helds up OK, I guess.
2) Use various type of vocabulary. The one-shot or one-chapter-complete story like this will make reader focus on story so much that if certain phrases are used twice (or several times), it would be bound to get noticed and feel very clichéd to be used again. It could be the fact that this is a one-shot and there are several moments where characters were faced with similar situation that certain phrases were used more than one time, but it still felt like some one-liners or catchphrases or something.
Sorry if these pointers feel a bit harsh, but it really bothered me as I was reading and someone else might have noticed it too, so don't take it too personally, please? D:
good story. How shippy it is is open to interpretation, could be seen as just "friend-shipping". I like it better that way the full on shipping.
VastaKustutaIt got a little slow when explaining all the good fortune coming to Sweet Apple Acres but that part was very important to the story and it really picks up again once your though it.
I'd like to see RD display as much loyalty in the show as she did here.
This right here. This is awesome dialog. Damn. And the characterization blends my favourite set of flaws and virtues. Short and sweet~
VastaKustutaReally liked this one, though I was left at the end wondering if there was more to the story, kinda wish it had lasted long enough for Dash's problems to get fixed too.
VastaKustutaThis... this was a really good fic. I know some people may not have liked the descriptive paragraphs, but I thought it added a ton to atmosphere and scene setting. Also, the way you portrayed Applejack's financial plight and climb was really touching and well done. It made me cry ffs. XD
VastaKustutaIf I could give you one tip on future fic writing, it'd be to take another look at your word choice for given characters' dialogue. When they talk, the message is conveyed, but it doesn't sound the way the character might say it. Here's an example of when I did a dialogue double take (Twilight talking):
"Your recent success has produced an infectious happiness, Applejack."
Idk, seems... odd, a little mechanic or something. Either way, great read. Thanks for the fic!
Great story. There were time's where I felt like it could have been shorter. But I was never bored. I would say it only barely, slightly qualifies as shipping. (Spoiler: the don't even kiss)
VastaKustutaGreat fic! The entire setup was very well done, and the conversations flowed naturally.
VastaKustutaI only wish we got to hear a bit of what happened after the fact.
None the less, five stars!
Great, realistic, story.