• Story: Shadow Of Dreams (Update Part 3!)


    Author: Keyframe
    Description: Summer Sparks is very inventive for an Earth pony. She's very good with her hooves and doesn't rely on magic for technology, but with all her success she still dreams of flying high with the graceful speed of a Pegasus pony. With her newest creation, Gigatrot, she goes to Ponyville. And compared to flying, how hard could making friends be?
    Shadow Of Dreams (New Part 3!)

    Additional Tags: Alternate universe, Rule 63

    27 kommentaari:

    1. Shipping with no sad tag. I approve.

    2. why is a pony version of Soi Fon there?

    3. Soifon pony?
      This ain't Bleach crossover...

    4. "Magic for technology"? Is that right?

    5. I haven't watched Bleach in months. I might check it out again

    6. Description makes this sound like steampunk ponies.

      Will read to confirm if it is, indeed, steampunk ponies.

    7. tags say no, but description says YES YES YES! hmm, thinking two-part probationary trial?

    8. Looks like a great story, but why did you decide to make it rule 63?

    9. Skimmed it. Stallion mane six, looks like.

    10. you know, I'll try everything once. Welcome to my (to read) list

    11. The R63 is a bit random, but perfectly enjoyable. There are also a few formatting errors here and there, but they don't detract. This is looking to be a great story so far. I just hope it'll update more often than it appears it has been.

    12. Seriously, what's with the picture of Soifon pony if this story doesn't even reference Bleach?
      Although...I can't say this is the first time the picture had no relation to the story it was attached to. After all, there's an old OC story that has an annoyed Celestia picture as its cover. (Don't ask me what it was called.)

    13. There was a mix up. Proper picture is in place. Thanks staff!

    14. Random 63 is random. Is the author a female who wanted to make a female character, but wanted straight shipping?

    15. @Aeolus

      I'm male. I made a female antagonist, and the 63 thing is a gimmick. I got into that rule very early on when I became a brony and they kind of stuck with me. Using the original mane 6 never crossed my mind.

      As for straight shipping... Does it matter?

    16. I'm usually very sceptical about shipping but I think I'll give this one a try.

      For now, here is a vectorized version of Summer Sparks. You see, I noticed that the lines on your cover image are a bit messy and decided you could use one.

    17. @Tundra
      Holy crud! Magical picture change! :0

    18. Now I want to see the picture was there before. lol I missed it. Could someone link it?

    19. I still don't get why this story had to be in an r63-verse.

    20. Noooooo!!!! My original character!!! I had one exactly like that! D: Oh well, at least someone is doing something with her. :)

    21. Eh, I tried to give this a fair shake, I did, but I just couldn't finish it. The writing is shaky and stutters from paragraph to paragraph, and the R63 is just carried too awkwardly. I keep losing my immersion every other line.

    22. @Easteu

      Wow, thank you Easteu!
      I'll admit the picture is really, really old. I've gotten better with using SAI. And I just got into vectoring but school has become way too time consuming to do anything D:
      Thank you again for this.
