• Story: Prophecy (Upate Part 8-16!)


    Author: The_Mechanic
    Description: Strange things happen when magic and technology come into contact. When that happens, events on one world can become a part of something that happened on another... many thousands of years in the past. Inevitably, what is lost can always be found... even if by the most unlikely of individuals.
    Prophecy  (New Part 8 - 16!)

    Additional Tags: Technology, Magic, Past, Present, Hope


    1. More sad ponies? I don't think I can handle this.

    2. Ponytech, that looks fun, reading!

    3. Hmmm... the setting intrigues me... Shall I read this? D:

    4. Sounds rather interesting. Is this complete or incomplete?

    5. Magicks?

      Interesting. Will read.



    6. It's off to a good start. Can't wait for the next part.

    7. Speaking as the sort-of-not-really-I-guess-you-could-count-it-if-you-squint editor of this fic, I'd strongly recommend you give it a try. If what the author told me about the future of the fic is any indication, it looks to be an excellent exception to the norm with regard to the quality of a certain, slightly infamous genre of pony fic.

    8. @Aquaman52

      Coudn't have said it better myself.

      I recomment anypony to give this a try and judge for yourself.

    9. The writing is certainly good, and the author can make a scene flow, yet it looks like it might very well be yet another Magic VS Technology story despite the fact that in the show Equestrians use both technology AND magic, and treat magic as a science.

      I will wait for future updates to see how it goes, but I am getting a bit tired of the whole magic vs tech thing, especially with settings that are the opposite.

    10. That description is simultaneously specific and vague.
      Also, wat?

    11. I don't know about anyone else but I've read it all so far and I'm hooked already, can't wait to get my hooves on the next chapter

    12. magic always wins against technology

    13. oh dear. this is every daydream i've ever had about the ponies. every. single. one. why didn't i ever write them down?

      as to this story, uhm, it's fairly well done. i like it. some hiccoughs in it but nothing i can remember off hand. i know that some readers were leaving as i read because of confusion over so many OC characters. uhm, i think Equestrian naming conventions don't work too well outside of animated series, they all run together a bit. the author did a really good job in making each character unique and having only a few in scene at any one time, though.

      uh, uhm, something about it is making me not vote as high as i should and i really wish i could figure out why. i'm sorry. there's nothing BAD about it, at all. it's really nice. author's jealousy, perhaps? this is an idea i've been playing with for months and yet never wrote it down to any high degree. i'm sorry.

      that's probably it. i'll give myself a few days to get over my childishness and come back to give this story the star rating it really deserves. i'll not star it just yet. sorry about that, author. you deserve better.

    14. @Shoggoth Hint: Of Steamworks and Magick Obscura

    15. @Shoggoth Science becomes magic once all is known and the degree to which science can manipulate the natural laws goes beyond the mere macroscopic world.

      "What is magic but science that has achieved its ultimate form?" I recall something like that from somewhere. Might have been the Technomages from "Babylon 5".

    16. Let me add my voice to the accolades, as one who's seen a lot of this behind the scenes. :) Take this as an example of how to do a number of things properly.

    17. huh... how the hell does one upload a complete human consciousness into a nonhuman species near-instantaneously?! It almost seems to break physics, and the extreme g-forces experienced by the nanotechnology capsule cannot have been minor. And it strikes me as a rather extreme measure to use a laser beam from space to drill through science knows how many layers of building just to get to a single freshly braindead patient; a cloned body sent by capsule into the Everfree would seem somewhat easier, more certain and less traumatic. I wouldn't blame the subject for having memory lapse after having a freaking mind upload...

    18. Such a strong start, and then an enormous delay. The waiting, she is painful.

    19. 23 posts, all within the first day. Then, it disappears off the map. You really should update more frequently or write most of it down before uploading. That way, less pain from cliffhangers.


    20. @Alondro

      Actually, it's Arthur C. Clarke and the Quote is "Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic"

      On another note, I'm loving this story, the way Storm keeps dropping into his other persona is an interesting twist.

    21. @Anton Koffield The Technomages in Babylon 5 said something to that effect, likely adapted from Arthur C. Clarke. My idea of how this would work in Pony takes into account a universe in which magic is allowed by its physics. In such a world, highly advanced technology could 'access' the powers of magic in the same way our advanced technology is now able to tap into the properties of quantum mechanics (especially for computing).

    22. AAAARRRRRRRRRRGHH!! Is this story dead? Will there be more?! PLEASE LET THERE BE MOOOOOOOORRRE!

    23. I've always treated fanfics with a bit of disdain (no disrespect, they just aren't my cup of tea).

      After reading this one, I'm hooked. Where can I find more? (Also, where do I go to get updates on this particular story?)

    24. @phoenix blade A great place for MLP fanfics is fimfiction.net, it's got a great variety of stories and it's organized really well. This story isn't on there though, sadly.

      As for how to keep track of this story the only two ways I know of is either favoriting the page and checking from time to time or keeping up to date with the EQD story posts. If there's some easier way I'm not sure of it.

      I can actually really relate to your initial view of fanfics, I was the same way until I found this story, funnily enough. There's a whole world of incredible fics out there, for those willing to wade through the terrible ones. Welcome to it!

    25. Looks like I forgot to post this yesterday. :O

      I very much like your characterization of Luna, especially in her dialogue with Celestia. I'm also glad she's seeing the reason behind their actions.

      Monty Python references? :| For shame!

      You know, the problem with this opening scene, for all the good Luna/Celestia dialogue, is that everything they talk about is then immediately explained to Twilight after she comes in. It's not that we don't need everything prior to Twilight, but we definitely don't need the rehash, or the bits being rehashed.

      Ooh, not growing! Excellent complication.

      "Well, there is some magical precedents": oops

      A very explainy chapter, but necessarily so, I think. I'm interested to see what kinds of trouble he can get into in flight school. :)

    26. This is the cutest story EVAR. =D

    27. It's two hours to poni and I am still reading poni.

      Celestia for best foalsitter.

      "supposed to bend the left": missing 'to'

      I got really confused by the whole glass door thing. I'm going with 'this is a dream'... and I seem to be right. Yay, I'm right!

      "Nope, I'm sleepin'!" Adorable. You're really playing the tone changes well.

      "find,"Coltle" missing a space!

      "Why were so sad?": why were so words?

      Whaa, that was brief! And I had a feeling it would be. That nightmare though...

    28. “Might be heading in that direction, is why I asked Miss Skies.”- Sounds kind of odd.

      Haycon. Hah!

      Wow, she wasn't kidding about breakfast!

      "pegasus to cloudsdale": Whoops, capital!

      I like this instinctual Cloudsdale home thing.

      Liking Cross Current already.

      Hah! That was cute. A lot of this chapter is really explainy though, like it's slowly setting things up that will need to be known later.

    29. When does the next one come out if you don't mind me asking

    30. Wow, 8 parts in a row? I'm gonna have a lot of reading to do. :D

      Chapter 8! The "Missed me!" is great. :)

      You missed a quote mark before "You fly, but without..."

      I'm surprised he didn't take any offense at the term "marefriend".

      Coliseum, not Cloudiseum?

      Another quote mark before "We fly in groups," and again after "so long as we make it count."

      No, no SoarFire shipping, bad! D:

      Chapter 9!


      Coltle's concerns are all awfully morbid...

      That ending. :D

    31. Part 10!

      Extra capital in "Well, We're not friends yet"

      Pinkie's brand of passive aggressiveness never ceases to amuse. :)

      Missed a quote mark after "I'm going to have to ask you both to leave".

      Oh crap. I can see what set off her Pinkie sense, and it's like I'm running in slow motion to catch something about to fall while groaning "Nooooooo". Augh, this scene, stahp .-.

      I must be getting my stories crossed... Hadn't he actually met Spike before?

      Ahhh, nooo, we don't need to rehash the episode a second time! D: Mech, what are you doing?

      I love this explanation of the dam. That's brilliant.

      Part 11!

      Oh wow. It's been probably over a year, but I remember a lot of this from the very first draft of this story. Man, what a change it's gone through since then.

      I like the change to having Twilight cast the dream-walking spell, and the reasons for it, if I remember where this is going correctly...

      "left an empty husk" should be plural to agree with "poor ponies".

      Oh, it is SO nice to see a story where a humanized pony recognizes fingers for what they are.

      Man, I kind of wish I hadn't known the plot going into this, because this is such a major revelation. I want to experience this for the first time all over again! :D

      Augh, Mech! D: The riffing on Rainbow Dash losing her wings, augh!

      "Twilight whispered. We know." Missing a quote mark.

      I like Spike being as competent as he is in this chapter. :)

      Chapter 12!

      Haha, Star Wars reference! I like it.

      Whew. Very emotional end to that very emotional scene.

      This whole trust issue has really gotten the story rolling. :D

      Chapter 13!

      "An errant spark announced it's brief existence" its

      That was a very cool ending to that dream.

      That scientists' prayer is beautiful. XD

      ...That was silly. :P

    32. Hey, the link to chapter 16 isn't really a link somehow. :/ I dunno, I couldn't click it. Anyway. Time to finish this up! Chapter 14!

      This sudden transition back to slice of life is... confounding, somewhat. It really felt like we were heading into the final act, but we're back to school now. Also surprised he's not just, like, escaping once he's outside. He can fly, after all.

      Forgot to cap in "storm flared his wings".

      Okay, Twilight being happy that he got into a fight is hilarious.

      Ohh, we're moving into this subplot now.

      Unfortunately, with all the neat stuff that happened in the last chapter, I'm not finding this part so interesting. I'm sure something will come of it, but I want to get back to the main plot. :(

      Chapter 15!

      Great explanation for guard clones!

      Needs a quote before "What's a people?" And again before "Therein lies my choice."

      Bringing Shining and Cadence into this was actually a really good idea. Yeah, that was a good scene.

      Chapter 16!

      Whoa, suddenly machine is working. Things seem to be moving a little quickly here, like we're missing transitional scenes.

      Is... Is this chapter finished? Is that why the link didn't work? O.o

      What the hell? o.O Where'd the story go? Uh, okay, I am now assuming that I got into an unfinished chapter. One way or the other, let me know?
