• Story: Our True Colors

    [Sad] [Normal]

    Author: Donny's Boy
    Description: Scootaloo has never really cared much for Pinkie Pie,
    and she definitely doesn’t like the way Pinkie calls her hero
    “Dashie.” But for some strange reason, Pinkie seems fixated on her and
    insistent on meddling in Scootaloo’s life. Whether Scootaloo likes it
    or not ...
    Our True Colors

    Additional Tags: Bittersweet, Backstory, Sleepovers, Tentative Friendships

    31 kommentaari:

    1. never been first before. not going to say it

    2. How can someone not like Pinkie Pie! This story makes no sense!XD

    3. We'll take a look.
      Yesterday we read most of Donny's Boy's stories!

    4. Unusual character interaction? I'm in. I don't think these two have ever had any screen time, have they?

    5. Wow. This one took a while to get here. I already read through it quite a few times. It's not "sad" sad. Everything sort of works out in the end. But it does have a few depressing points in it. In my opinion, it's a very good read.

    6. About time this got on here. Read it, its worth it.

    7. @kihap Don't forget Cutie Mark Chronicles.

    8. I thought of the Ask Pinkamena Diane Pie tumblr when I saw this. Is that wrong?

    9. This story is one of my favourites. Honestly, almost everything by Donny's Boy is one of my favourites.

    10. I had no idea what to make of that summery
      I thought at first it was like a RD/Pinkie Pie ship with Scootaloo trying to stop it(I would support that)

      Two characters in a very strange interaction, based on one of the most underused CMCs? I'll try it

    11. But Pinkie and Scoots were having fun jumping rope together during "Smile, Smile, Smile" The only time Scootaloo acted annoyed with Pinkie was when she was trying to find Rainbow to hear her cutie mark story and Pinkie wanted to tell hers, but Scootaloo was pretty much annoyed with everyone who wasn't RD that day.

    12. Huh, I like Pinkie Pie, and her stories are usually pretty interesting. Might have to give this one a go. Off to the "to read" pile with you!

    13. > Begins with two government ponies trying to take a young filly to an orphanage
      > I think I can see where this is going...

    14. shhshh Ima setting chat trap for BombendrumIcan'tpronounce.

    15. @11Bolts
      He's not here yet, probeblly will be later

    16. Submitted complete multi-chapter story? Scootaloo? Bittersweet backstory? All my loves.

    17. @The Invincible

      Cutie Mark Chronicles and a short scene in Cutie Pox (if you can even count that)

    18. a story . . . about both Pinkie Pie AND Scootaloo . . . i must read this. i must. I Must. I MUSSSST. Seeing as it is about my top 2 favorite ponies. ^ ^

    19. This was a beautiful story that was very well told. It's defiantly bittersweet but it leaves you feeling good at the end. Almost makes me wish they made episodes like this every once and a while.

    20. This is actually really sad in some parts, I'm feeling it in my throat.

    21. The problem is, in order to become a CMC she has to be enrolled in school.

    22. OH that was just really good. I always wondered where scoot fit in ponyville. she never really had any relations to any other pony, she was just kinda there. What with scootaloo's back story being non-canon in this, I cant truly say this IS what happened. But this is what will come to mind when i think of her

    23. @Sam Richardson It's definitely fanon now that she's a orphan, often homeless. Same with Pinkie and AJ. It seems we like the idea of parent-less ponies for some odd and bizzarre reason.

    24. Yes, this is quite good. It's a bit of an old concept, but it does a lot of things I've not seen before with it, and it well written. A compelling, feel-bad-then-good story, and entirely recommended.

    25. The only thing that came to mind after reading this story is that it is nothing short of beautiful. I usually avoid anything with a sad tag but I could not resist the call of a fic staring my 2 favorite ponies and I am happy I didn't decide to scroll over this story. I recommend it to any pinkie pie or scootaloo fan out there. this needs to become a 6 star fic in my opinion. Its just so … so … beautiful.

    26. i read this awhile back and thought it was adorable. it makes me sad in the good way.

    27. Well, this was pretty heart-warming. The interaction of Pinkie Pie and Scootaloo was certainly enough to get me interested, and I don't regret checking it out. Though there were a few minor grammar issues, it was on the whole good.

      The only real complaint I have is that I was a bit confused towards the end: Unless I missed something, I didn't see any indication that Scootaloo had stayed with Pinkie more than one night. I think maybe a little bit more time could have been spent on establishing just how long Scootaloo had been coming over, and how much they'd grown to like each other.
