• Story: Operation Get-lestia


    Author: Cupcakes Nom
    Description: Princess Celestia is due for an informal visit with Twilight and her friends, but Pinkie Pie seems to be acting even more strange than usual. What is she up to, and will Twilight find out before it's too late?
    Operation Get-lestia

    Additional Tags: Pinkie, you so random... Episode-like!

    39 kommentaari:

    1. Cupcakes Nom? The Humble Brony Bundle guy?

    2. Think I'm gonna have to read this because of the picture.

    3. @MyBoyJ
      Same person indeed - he's an author you know :3

    4. Cinq etoiles, mon ami.

    5. I agree. Reading for the picture as well.

    6. @MyBoyJ
      And knowing is half the battle!

      Seriously though, this was pretty fun.

    7. @zapiftun
      Stole my line.

      Looks entertaining, ill give it a go

    8. *Crosses hooves*

      Please pull the trigger, please pull the trigger. End that trolls tyrany.


      I just don't like you.

    9. The picture lies.

      But yeah, this was a cute story. Definitely feels like a real episode of the show.

    10. That was a lot of fun, as any Pinkie party really should be. Poor Twilight... she's just not mentally designed for the life she leads. I think a lot of nervous breakdowns remain in her future.

    11. Good story. I could see it as an actual episode.

    12. That was just down-right adorable.

    13. @Shadow Heart

      Well you're just mean.

      I'm utterly innundated with reading material but I think this merits a read when I get time.

    14. Hahahaha! that was hilarious AND adorable.
      What a pick-me-up to an otherwise dreary Thursday!

    15. @Celestia

      I was trapped in stone for what my mind perceived as countless milenia because of your d*yay*ed elements!

      What can you honestly expect. No wonder father pranks you the most. Your
      're nothing but a cruel tyrant.

    16. @zaptiftun

      And the other half is shooting bad guys repeatedly.

    17. @MyBoyJ

      P.S. You all fell into my trap! Cobra commander will reward me handsomely for luring out undercover G.I. Joe operatives!

    18. Well, I liked it. It really did seem episode-styled, especially with the insistant terminology running gag. Still makes me feel bad for Tia though :(

    19. Something going on?

      Two hours in the high traffic mid-afternoon hours and still nothing posted since this.

    20. This is great, really so much like a real episode. Doesn't take the ponies anywhere they don't go in the series, but why should they have to?

    21. I think the crosshairs should be on Princess Trollestia after she waited fifteen goddʸᵃʸed days to go get Rainbow Dash back from our world...

    22. This was fun, silly and a little heartwarming.
      4 stars instead of five just because it was mostly fluff and could have been funnier.

    23. @Celestia
      Don't listen to him, you're the awesomest princess!

    24. @402f371e-3e5b-11e1-978f-000bcdca4d7a

      D*yay*, your name is long.

      Also, you'd change your opinion if you knew what she did to me.

    25. That was a funny little romp. Pinkie Pie being Pinkie Pie, as usual.

    26. Celestia-tier story here.
      Near, if not absolute, episode-quality.

      Star Trek movie reference? Star Trek movie reference!
      And referencing that awful pink Celestia figure. -_-

    27. quality read! i recommend this to all bronies!

    28. quality read! i recommend this to all bronies!

    29. A very solid story. The author has managed to perfectly capture the atmosphere of the show. It is indeed episode like: funny and heartwarming plot, no OCs, everypony is in character, no violent or shipping themes, lots of amazing Pinkie randomness.

      Still, I feel Twilight should have known about [ending spoiler] after being Celestia's student for many years. It reminded me of Swarm of the Century episode, where Pinkie somehow has knowledge nopony else does. Well, it's juts a minor complaint, the writing has been very good, so I'll give this story 4.5 stars.

    30. Probably a bit too long for an episode, but could easily be trimmed to fit with some work, which isn't a problem, just a description.

      Story is good, not really much more to say.

      Deserves a 5 star rating, no question.

    31. That was a nice and funny story. Everypony was in character, and I can't fathom there's anything that would anger anyone. Good job.

    32. >Twilight suddenly sat up straighter on her pillow. "Sarsaparilla." She closed her eyes and recited slowly, one letter at a time, "S-A-R-S-A-P-A-R-I-L-L-A. Sarsaparilla."
      -Somehow, I ‘’think’’ she may have participated at quite a lot of Spelling Contests ;). Which she apparently did... after reading the very next line... :3

      >"Even better than money, Pinkie!" Twilight clapped her hooves together at the memory. "Credit at the Canterlot University book store!"
      -Awww. That’s so Twilight. :) ...small details, often make for the best ones.

      >"No, Pinkie, it's mathematical notation for the imaginary unit. The square root of negative one is i, and any number times i is an imaginary number."
      -I must say that I was pretty confused about that ‘’ i ‘’, before I remember this math thing... didn’t see that in years.
      On a side note, ‘Imaginary Number’ is also the name of a top secret Unit in Front Mission 3. :)

      ... With the header picture and the mention of ‘target practice’, I wonder if Pinky Pie wants to ‘’entarter’’(apparently there’s no English translation for that word?)/throw a pie at Celestia ? ...

      >"Ribbons and bows, check. Streamers and balloons, check. Lovely cake, check. Everything's perfect!"
      >And then with a soft creak a massive bucket load of strawberry frosting fell from the ceiling, straight onto Princess Celestia.
      -And suddenly ‘party-prank happening-Celestia-Pinky Pie-RD laughing’. Don’t get me wrong, it’s ok, but it happened so shortly after last seeing Pinky Pie, and looked so predictable at the same time that I really thought it was a ‘’dream sequence’’ for a moment ...

      >Princess Celestia was bright pink.
      -The Revenge of Pinklestia !

      >"Oh thank goodness, it was just a dream," Twilight said
      -Well color me surprised, and pink, or maybe fuchsia, for it WAS indeed a ‘’dream’’. Seemed so ‘real’ ? If it was the intended effect, well it darn well worked ;) ...

      >"Why didn't you say it's your birthday today?
      -Huh... wait what ? She directly lived at almost-literally 10Ft from Celestia, back in Canterlot ! ...and was she was her personal student for YEARS, and still is!
      ...and it’s *CELESTIA* ‘s birthday! I would be extremely surprised, if it’s not a national holiday or something... or that at least everypony know this unique date.
      This is just weird and puzzling, really.

      >"So now I spend my birthdays with the ponies I care about, even if they don't know why I'm there to visit.
      -Yeah, so ? The ‘’birthday’’ of the 2 Alicorn-Princesses-Goddesses would SURELY be a date known by all, in any case.

      -This would be *largely* more believable, if Twilight had just ‘’forgotten’’ the (meaning of) date, since she was so busy and anxious for the ‘’party’’ to be perfect, and stuff...

      >"Jeez, Twilight, seriously? Read a book!"
      -Plus the fact that more than half the Nation MUST know the date...


      Well... I don’t quite know, honestly. Oh, it was good... mostly... but I really have mitigated feelings about strange decision regarding the ‘’not-knowing of the birth’s date of THE MOST known figure in all History of the entire Nation of Equestria, by THE personal student of said Alicorn’’... yeah...
