• Story: Ode to Friendship


    Author: Cloudy Skies
    Description: Where the world was once her stage, the stage is now her world, and Octavia feels trapped. Will the appearance of a certain pink pony stop her descent, or will she get to mope in peace? Will Octavia get to eat her cucumber roll while she's at it?
    The answer to the last question is probably "no". 
    Ode to Friendship

    Additional Tags: Pinkie Pie Objects To Moping, Friendshipping

    28 kommentaari:

    1. Octavia stories are usually good.

    2. Cloudy Skies! Now I have to read it

    3. Please no "Octavia is Pinkie's sister"

    4. @BruteForce
      Nope. Octavia has no relationship to Pinkie in this.

      And yes. This is yet another amazing cloudy-fic.

    5. Octavia? Check.
      Amusing blurb? Check.
      Octavia Pie? Negatory.

      Everything seems in order. Let us read!

    6. Going to read just to find out about the cucumber roll. You caught my interest with that.

    7. Cloudy Skies: THANK you for writing a Pinkie that isn't solely comic relief. She's definitely one of the most interesting and at the same time hardest to write characters in FIM. You did a good job of expressing the cage that can trap people like Octavia, and Pinkie Pie's particular approach is such terribly deliberate manipulation. I love it.

      Other authors take note of the lesson in this! Pinkie doesn't have to constantly violate physics or break the fourth wall. She doesn't need any of that to be the audacious element of laughter.

    8. That was mind-bogglingly well written!

      Man, I don't read fanfics too often... I just pick and choose the ones that look like they'll be interesting... and man, am I glad I read this one!

      Bookmarking, for sure! Pinkie was well-written and very believable... and without having to resort to crazy over-the-top antics!

      And it was a very intriguing character study of Octavia, too. Something I, as a student of Psychology, can appreciate.

    9. @Stefan
      Well if you like/tolerate shipping, pretty much everything Cloudy writes is amazing. You should totally hit his author tag up.

    10. This is a great story! Its not shipping, its Pinkie Pie being Pinkie Pie and helping Octavia not be a grump.

      Give it a read, it is a very good read.

    11. *sigh* I miss the times when these "widget" stories were the norm instead of the exception.

    12. 5 ★

      That was one of the most beautiful fanfics I've read. At first, I was a little daunted at the depressing and rather tiresome beginning, to the point where I really really wanted Pinkie Pie to appear, lest I retired early. Of course, that was all done purposefully as a projection of Octavia's state of mind, contrasting a certain pink pony's exuberance. Masterfully crafted story.

    13. I love Octavia Pie myself, but this was great nonetheless. Pinkie was very much spot on, especially scarily so considering yesterday's episode (and I have to assume this was fully done before it).

      Interestingly, the spiel about how it'd be horrible for such a high class performer to play in the street kinda made me think of this:

    14. Delightful! Just delightful! Which, to be honest, is something you're quite good at, Cloudy! :)

      Pinkie was wonderfully in character and her dialogue felt natural - which considering it's Pinkie is no small feat! Octavia was nice and three-dimensional in this and despite the length dictated by being a one-shot, the character development felt believable. (Even if it did require some crazy Pinkie Pie antics!)

      In short, I really enjoyed this. Keep up the great work as usual, Cloudy! I can't wait to see what you have for us next! :D

    15. This was a very enjoyable read. I loved all of it, and I will be sore if this doesn't get the stars it deserves. Thank you, Cloudy, for another great piece.

    16. Cloudy Skies, how do you only write quality stories for free. Go get an agent dammit, and make some bits.

    17. This guy wrote "within and without"
      That's one of my favorite fics ever!

    18. Thank you for the kind words and the support! For the record, I never minded Octavia Pie myself, I just never thought about it with regards to this story.

      I'm glad the Pinkie seemed to go over well though. There is nothing that makes me quite so nervous as mane character characterization. The threat of missing on one of these ponies is terrible.

    19. CLOUDY! THERE AREN'T ENOUGH STARS! I love your fictions, 'specially this one. I ALWAYS read your notes. Keep 'em comin' and I keep readin' 'em.
