Author: Dubs Rewatcher
Description: It's been more than a year since Princess Luna's return to Equestria, and she is making great strides in her language skills. And along with this come a slew of new writing skills.The Moony Maiden
However, Celestia may have a few objections once she finds out just what Luna has been writing...
Additional Tags: Books, Pen names, secrets, socks
45 kommentaari:
It's exactly what you're expecting based on the description. And it's very funny!
VastaKustutaSounds funny, Luna Fics are awesome.
VastaKustutaI read this not too long ago. Definitely recommend.
VastaKustutaWow Luna!!!
VastaKustutaThat is such a cute title image, i think i might just have to read this one right now.
VastaKustutaRead this a few days ago, definitley worth reading.
VastaKustutaAnd it's really funny too!
Wow, that description matches what would happen with me if people knew I write MLP fiction.
VastaKustutaWow, that image is from the AskMolestia Tumblr.
Wow, this seems interesting.
I should read this.
I read it last night, it's definitely a great read.
VastaKustutaDamn.. That Luna image gets me every time.
VastaKustutaread it just yesterday.
VastaKustutait has some fun stuff and it's luna, so it's good.
That image + That description = I just might read this one.
VastaKustutaalso socks.
Oh Luna, you so silly.
VastaKustutapicture alone makes it a 5-star for me
VastaKustutaThat image + That description = I just might read this one.
VastaKustutaalso socks.
I read this on FiMFiction a few days ago, glad to see it made it on here!
VastaKustutawow, I read this just a few hours ago, and now it get posted here
VastaKustutaA rather hilarious and light-hearted Luna and Celestia fic. Definitely nothing wrong with that.
VastaKustutaRead this a few days ago,apparently along with everyone else...anyways, this piece of fanfic is amazing!
VastaKustutaTis very silly :p
VastaKustutaWill read just for the socks tag
VastaKustuta"Do you take commissions?"
I died.
That was an entertaining, cute, and well-characterized little story! Well done!
Read it before now. I loled even rereading it
VastaKustutaHee hee, good stuff. As Lyra would say, "thumbs up"!
VastaKustutapicture by..... JOHN JOSECO!
VastaKustutaSilly ponies are best ponies!
VastaKustutaMeanwhile, the Mane 6 are wondering why everypony is acting embarassed around them.
VastaKustutaAfter reading this, I have two reactions that are similar
I want to read Celestia's commission now.
VastaKustutaTHANK YOU, EVERYONE! You have no idea how much your comments mean to me.
VastaKustutaI loved this story! It was very cute and silly! The smile I'm wearing is certainly testament to that.
VastaKustutaI love stories about Luna and Celestia.
This is one of my favorite fics ever
VastaKustutaGreat fic. Silly pony is best pony. 5/5
VastaKustutaAs soon as it said "Element of lust" I don't know whether to continue reading or not... like I don't want something dirty like that one fic of R.D and that wonderbolt Soarin, Celestia that was horiffic!
VastaKustuta*puts on fake glasses*
VastaKustutaI read this before it was on EQD.
I couldn't help but say it when I read:
VastaKustuta"The SEL was one of two things in the world she would never understand(the other being magnets"
Feels like it could have used another round of editing. The general consensus for thought formatting is:
VastaKustuta[i]This is supposed to be Luna’s job[/i], she thought./"This is _," she thought.
where one uses either italics or quotation marks, but not both. A space is needed after ellipses (...). Even so, those are minor details.
Celestia's impatience is dubious, more on the edge of fanon, and the dessert scene stretches disbelief a little more. Her yelping/outburst raises an eyebrow. The Lavender Unicorn Syndrome - "the white alicorn", "the [colour] [type of pony]" where the colours really don't mean anything to the plot, was niggling.
Luna forgoing her duties for smutty writing, though, and all the fanon pandering...
The style of writing's certainly alright, but I couldn't finish it. It aims to be fun and fluffy, which it is, to an extent. I guess my canon nazi-ism got in the way.
It was good in a silly way.
VastaKustutaOnly problem I see is that she REALLY should have changed the names.
The Elements are going to KILL HER.
That's the difference between writing about fictional characters vs writing about actual individuals who know where you live and wield the strongest force of magic in the world...
At least the story sounds like standard erotica without any of the grimdark shit our elements get put through in our fics.
Read this on Fim, nice to see it made it's way here.
VastaKustutaAn excellant story, plenty of fun, laughs and embarassing moments.
loved it
VastaKustuta>Celestia honestly believed that role went to dessert.
VastaKustuta-Ah yes, the famously well known love of cakes of Celestia ;)
>was the most beautiful crème brûlée she had ever seen
-Wait what ? De la ‘Crème brûlée’ ? She’s ‘’addicted’’ to cakes specifically, not ‘that’, everyone and pony know this.
>A wooden abacus sat on her left, propped up against a pillow.
-Oh dear Abacus... hadn’t heard of ‘’him’’ in a while. :)
>Twilight blinked. “Research.”
-I’m sure there’s supposed to be something funny here, but... I don’t quite see what ?
>she was subject to it’s power
-‘’its’’ (small error)
>The SEL was one of two things in the world she would never understand(the other being magnets).
-Ooooooooook... talk of one heck of a bad joke ? Seriously.
>It just so happens that the one you read is my most popular.” She held a hoof to her chin and looked thoughtfully at Celestia. “I have always found that strange.”
-*roll my eyes* ... *cough* ...Humm, I wonder why...
>“Luna, I wanted to ask you one more thing.”
>“Do...do you take commissions?”
-Honestly had a quick laugh, when reading those 2 lines. ;)
...mmh. I wonder if the first commission would be about a certain purple unicorn ?
This was hilarious. Now I wish I could commission Luna... XD
VastaKustutaI just read this though it has been in my queue for a while. It was great. Good job!