• Story: Magnum Opus (Update Part 4!)


    Author: Neoniie
    Description: Quantum Flux is a simple and occasionally erratic scientist, enjoying her relatively unknown place in the field. During her work on the Unified Magical Theory, she is brought in as a consultant by Princess Celestia for a matter of extra-national importance. The three divided factions of the neighboring country of Ponyland have been engaged in conflict for years and it is beginning to spin out of control. Will the unicorn be able to settle their differences once and for all? And will she learn some important lessons along the way?
    Magnum Opus (New Chapter 4!)

    Additional Tags: Political, Racial Issues, Long, OC Ponies, Non-Shipping

    14 kommentaari:

    1. Presumably this shall be the zenith of Neoniie's fanfic writing career.

    2. OC pony focused fic.


      sorry, pass. i don't mind OCs but i don't care for OC focused fics.

    3. Sad day when you have to tag stories as 'Non-Shipping'


    4. Wait, isn't there another story on here called Magnum Opus? Featured a bunch of gender bending stuff?

    5. I thought I read this fanfic here before... wasn't it about an archwizard who used a magic spell to find away to make two mares capable of magically producing offspring and then turning every male in the world into a female? It had a tag that read 'gender-bent-to-pretzels'...

      ...Am I thinking of something else?

    6. @Dusty the Royal Janitor

      Yeah, I think we're thinking about the same thing. Looks like this is a different Magnum Opus.

      The one we're talking about is here:

    7. @wackypony

      Have you read Unmarked? It's an OC focused fic, but it's fantastic. It has well developed characters and is very well written.


    8. "racial issues" don't think I've ever seen that tag on an MLP fic before, still the story does sound interesting.

    9. lul another magnum opus, no revenge-lesson here

    10. Yeah, I thought this was this Magnum Opus at first, too. I was like, "Holy spit, this thing updated!?"

      But then it was completely different.

    11. An interesting story for an interesting character. You should have gotten one the artists from Canterlot to whip up something for the story!
