Author: Inky Swirl
Description: Spike is getting increasingly worried about Twilight's computer addiction - and becoming downright disturbed by the amount of time she spends in the basement. In an attempt to discover what's happening to his best friend, he find that the rest of the Mane Six are entrapped in the spell of their computers as well. In a valiant attempt to free his friends, Spike enters the library basement, which Twilight has forbidden him access to... and uncovers a revelation so shocking that not even Celestia herself could handle the obscure truth.The Library Club
Additional Tags: Humorous, Satiric, Random, Thoughtful, Derpy
58 kommentaari:
Computers in Ponyville sounds a bit odd...
VastaKustutaMaybe I'll try this story.
VastaKustutaThe image sums up the description perfectly.
VastaKustutaThis should be a fun read.
Looks like Spike doesn't know about all these ask blogs
VastaKustutaWell that was... different
VastaKustutaRead this story a few days ago. It's a good moral, and it points out some of the things unfortunately found in this fandom. But I'm still disappointed that Spike was punished in the end.
VastaKustutaNonetheless, a strange story indeed.
Sounds fun, I'll give it a try
VastaKustutaComputers are just arcades that don't play one game! LOL
VastaKustutaArcades and lab equipment are both canon in Equestria. Computers are certainly possible!
VastaKustutaYeah, you're right.
I guess I'm not comfortable with Equestria having the internet.
I also still like to think that those arcade machines were magic rather than the result of technology.
My theory on electronic devices in Equestria is that they are based on a mix of vacuum tubes and diamond based semiconductors, rather than silicon. We've seen an abundance of gems in Equestria. I suspect that unicorns "enchant" the gems with circuits, by using magic to etch, transform, and plate the gem with the appropriate materials to conduct electricity. Due to the value of the gems, and fact that they are likely hoof made, one at a time, you don't have the mass production capacity of our world, so these things are quite rare, special, and valuable. Given the fact that we've already seen tube styled glasswork in Equestria, and tubes are simply metal and insulator structures encapsulated by glass, I'd say tubes are more common yet. Vinyl's turntables look modern, but most likely feature tube based amplifiers.
VastaKustutaGiven the use of tubes and unicorn crafted diamond semiconductors, it'd limit the complexity of devices to levels that can be manufactured and managed by a single mind. I'd call it a fair "Fallout" level of tech. Yes computers exist, but they are limited by the level and limits of the existing technology.
Some genuine magic enchantments (and not just magically crafted circuitry) could make up for a number of technological shortcomings, and even handle wireless communications as well.
That's my theories behind Equestrian tech.
Um... that was kind of tragically uncomfortable. Should have went with my gut and not read.
@MyBoyJ the computers could be powered by magic as well. We've already seen magic powered technological devices in the show, so it isn't much of a stretch that computers could be the same way.
VastaKustutaWhy do you think AJ had to get a special model computer while Twi and Rarity didn't? Probably because she couldn't power it herself and needed a modified model.
VastaKustutaWhat the hay did I just read?
VastaKustutaPlease excuse me, there is a great amount of alcohol I have to consume right now...
Okay, I read it.
VastaKustutaNow, if you will excuse me, my head has an appointment with the nearest wall.
VastaKustutaSounds pretty good, especially the parts about manufacture, although I still don't like the idea of technology for wireless communication even with the aid of magic. Spike would be out of a job if you could just send an email.
I'll admit I didn't read the story so I don't know about that.
Autor on selle kommentaari eemaldanud.
VastaKustutaAbout the time Spike described a whole bunch of humans "loving" with a whole lot of ponies, I stopped reading.
VastaKustutawtf man, wtf, but lol too
what in equestria did I just read???
VastaKustutanot sure if trollfic or very close borderline clopfic. or both...
well, in that case, best get back to reading Fallout Equestria. my brain needs a bit of a different ponyfic. and bleach.
VastaKustutaYou and me both, friend. The warning bell started ringing when Angel did his carrot/donut demonstration, and once Spike went to the basement, the "ick" factor went straight off the scale.
Pardon me while I run some Lysol through my ears.
I too was a little weary of computers in Equestria, but then I saw both random and comedy so it was kay
VastaKustutaOH GOD OH WAT.
Good lord.
VastaKustutaVery borderline clop. But nonetheless it was interesting.
VastaKustutaOkay, I can agree with the moral here, but the stuff I trekked through to get to it... This fic had ensured I can never enjoy donuts or carrots again. I know the old phrase: "Don't like, don't read" but the description gave no indication of borderline clopfic.
VastaKustuta*shudders and hides under the bed* Parody writers are strange. *repeats those four words for the next hour.*
Like Cupcakes, a sense of humor is required to enjoy this. I found it hilarious :D
VastaKustutaLike Cupcakes, a sense of humor is required to enjoy this. I found it hilarious :D
VastaKustutaWalking away from this relatively unscathed (though Angel's demonstration was...eyebrow raising).
Maybe I just read too fast for anything to sink in, but I totally missed what the hell this story was about or what it served.
I find this story doubly annoying because just a couple of days ago EQD rejected one of mine, telling me they didn't like the picture (does this story have a great picture?) and because "We don't really take human ponies!"
VastaKustutaI was going to downvote this, but then I remembered I had a soul.
Just finished reading this, and MOTHER OF GOD...
VastaKustutaThis is seriously a spectacular work of satire. Good show!
Unfortunately, I found that I felt too bad for Spike to really enjoy this story. :(
VastaKustutaAlso, it probably should have had a warning about being much racier than most of the fics on EQD! :O
Dear Princess Celestia, today I learned that haters gonna hate. Sometimes your oldest friends don't understand your new obsession, and the only thing to do is to ditch them for your new, cooler friends.
VastaKustutathis was getting good then it just got unbelievably weird and wacky.....
VastaKustutaTrollfic? Borderline clopfic? Preachfic? Maybe all three.
VastaKustutaKill it with fire.
Odd. Very odd.. but good
VastaKustutaO.o I thought it would be a cute little story. I was very wrong.
VastaKustutaThe ending ruins it. Before that, it was funny as hell.
VastaKustutaheh. Donut.
That was something. Not sure if i actually found it funny or not.
VastaKustutaI want a donut now for some reason...
VastaKustutaA sexy, sweet, decadently delicious donut!
VastaKustutaPardon me, I'm gonna go lie in the street for an hour.
More comedy! MINE OM NOM NOM!
VastaKustutaI have no words.. either this is awsome or creepy...
VastaKustutaMy brain is full of pony right now.
Yay for satire! Seriously very funny, even if a little disturbing in places. Still, the real world is disturbing, so to achieve what the fic set out to achieve, it needed to be exactly what it was.
VastaKustutaGood for a laugh!
VastaKustutaYou do know that there's quite a few stories with such technologies in them ?
Like the 'pony gamers (something)' story.
@Zobeid Gotta agree with you on the pic, but this was more of a satire of human ponies than a straight example.
VastaKustutaI'm really surprised this is on ED, frankly. Seems a bit too over the line.
VastaKustutaI don't have a problem with the content (I mean, just the line "Fluttershy had become a glazed donut, and her strange animal friend was a big, coatless carrot" was worth reading the fic), but the end...almost a Twilight Zone (pun non intended) Ending.
VastaKustutaProbably thinking about "The Elements of Gaming"
I thank you for giving me this information, that I had forgotten, directly and politely.
>Spike entertained the idea of a lion mating with a little unicorn pony, but found he could not giggle at the absurd concept as he usually would.
VastaKustuta-Ok... not that I really mind, but... Usually not a good idea to start a story with something like that. Just saying.
>so keep your eyes open!
>Twilight gave him a disapproving look; she had spoken to him before about mentioning the ‘bad eyes’ thing.
-Twilight here seems to strangely interpret what Spike said, going instantly for the ‘bad interpretation’ instead of any other.
...reminds me of something. Mmh.
>Spike had often heard crying noises coming from behind the door
>it’s just the pipes! They squeak
-Ah... ‘That’ kind of humor, I see ?
Meh... I saw quite a few like that. Some using it right, others just making it (uncomfortably)awkward... I wonder which it will be.
>Ponyville is very strange, after all, and very strange things often happen in very strange places at very strange times.
-Doctor Strange is right. Huh... Twilight I mean.
>“No, but she’s always in her bedroom at night. We can’t get her outta it!”
-Huh... Just ‘’staying in your OWN bedroom at *night*’’ isn’t that strange ? It’s not like she shares her room, or that ‘odd noises’ are mentioned.
...and why would you want to get your sister out of her OWN room, during the *night* ?
>“Don’t go into the basement, mmkay?” Twilight asked. “After all, you promised.”
-‘’The Basement. All is good and well... in The Basement.’’ : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zFTZuIcOew4
>until he felt the energetic glow of the enchanted skeleton key.
-Heh. Oblivion’s almighty Skeleton Key. Too bad there’s not a ‘’real’’ Skeleton Key in Skyrim (item).
>The moon was bigger than it should have been: a giant golden sphere
-Should it be ‘’silvery’’, instead of ‘golden’ ? Unless he’s confusing a light on the ceiling, with the moon ?
... Soooooooo ? A pocket-dimension, accessible through codes and magic, used for ‘explicit activities’ by, maybe, more than 1 dimension... mmh... or a purely virtual reality only existing within Equestria’s Internet ? ...
>“Twi?” he whispered. “What’s going on? Why were you hiding?”
-Ah... so, the ‘’queen’’ was indeed Twilight, which means this is indeed a ‘purely virtual reality’... and that ‘users’ can (magically) customize their ‘avatar’ apparently...? I guess ?
>I found out that there were people who made stories about humans on the Equestrinet.
-The whole inter-dimensional backward fandom thing, I see... Humans instead of ponies. Ok... but it would seem that apparently ponies (or maybe just those few) are much more into the ‘special’ kind of stuff... I guess ?
>and I thought I could perform a spell to make the website a real, live place, so everypony could experience it!”
-Holy cow (no offence) ? Twilight just went on a limb and created from almost scratch a magical-virtual reality, all by herself (using the techno-magical system as a base, I suppose too) !
>“Yes. The basement was where I would cast the spell each night to make it all real.
-Heh. She ‘host’ the ‘’server’’, in a way. She’s the ‘admin’. ;)
>But what everypony doesn’t realize is that the energy they’re spending doing all that writing and magic to make more stuff about humans can be
-...and blablabla... Spike starts a sermon, and becomes preachy and etc, and becomes boring for no good reason... and the author essentially just killed the essence of his own story.
Bad puppy, bad! I mean, author.
>“You, sir,” he hissed, “are going into the same cell with Ditzy Doo!”
-No, really... bad puppy. Not really ‘’bad’’ bad, but the author makes the end really fell flat compared to the rest of the story, by throwing a sanctimonious Spike and saying that Derpy/Ditzy is a mental hospital cell.
Ok... For what I ‘think’ it was aiming for, I suppose the story succeeded well, until the end.
I would say that ‘’Spike’s card’’ could have been played better here... and I really don’t see the necessity to jab a ‘’pointy stick’’ at ‘Ditzy’, seriously.
Oh and, just following a comment I saw on that other website :
VastaKustuta>Got it. I personally view Derpy as Derpy and Dinky as another pony entirely.
-Derpy is Derpy... Ditzy is ALSO Derpy, but more like her second name... Dinky is Derpy/Ditzy daughter.
Just a simple reminder.
My brain is full of fuck, and I love it.
VastaKustutaWell played on the satire, and entertaining beyond that.
Awesome c:
VastaKustutaSome people Need to read the bucking story before they post their predictions.
VastaKustutaI didn't like it.
Soap-boxing why people shouldn't make fanfiction (especially sexual), in a fairly sexual fanfic.
I found this delightfully bizarre. I think the author over exaggerates people obsession with the fandom; it was still a fun and entertaining read and I laughed a lot. It is definitely not for everyone though. I however always enjoy a good laugh at my own expense and tend to enjoy things that are rather bizarre. Best Quote : "I am in love with Rarity, but I would take a bath with Fluttershy anytime" LOL
VastaKustutaI enjoy a good satire story, but something about this fell a bit flat. The buildup was great, and I especially love it when I can't guess what'll happen next, but once Spike started his little speech, it lost its steam. The premise was fine, but the way he just laid out a basic "logic" style jab was a tad to heavy handed for my tastes. It didn't really leave anything for the reader to figure out for themselves, as it said it in plain English. I didn't see a problem with the racy bits, though and actually laughed quite a bit.
VastaKustutaThat was…strange. Didn't quite like where the whole story was headed, but finished it out of curiosity. The writing wasn't bad, but the subject matter didn't attract me in the slightest. Thanks anyways!