• Story: Core of the Apple


    Author: outlaw4rc
    Description: Losing a family member is never easy but Applejack makes it look like it. However, her friends and family can see through the facade and it takes something special for the cow pony to open up.
    Core of the Apple

    Core of the Apple (Alternate)

    Additional Tags: Family, Tearjerker, Uplifting, Death

    21 kommentaari:

    1. Sad, death, applejack, no thanks.

    2. been here for 2 months what do they mean by back after the break

    3. @MyBoyJ

      No offense to the author, but it's just not my thing.

    4. @invizibilit3

      I think it basically means "click for more". The "break" is the separation between the main page and the post page.

      But I could be wrong.

    5. @BruteForceFTW

      Well she only has like 100 family members so I'm guessing Red Delicious Apple. Or possibly Bloomberg...

    6. Eh, sound a little too much like those other "AJ seems like she's happy but really struggling with the death of her parents" fanfics. It gets a little cliched after awhile.

    7. Why is it whenever it involves a death it's always in The Apple family? Sure they have the most extensive family we know of but still.

    8. Please don't be Applebloom, please don't be Applebloom!

    9. I remember they used this image while announcing "The Last Roundup" on EQD.

    10. I remember reading this story a while back. I won't spoil the story for you guys, but I will tell you that it's not one of those stories where you'll cry out an entire lake. It gets sad sometime after the beginning, but the mood definitely goes up not long after. And at least for me, I could relate to what was going on.

    11. tearjerker no thanks after reading My Little Dashie I decided I had enough sad fics about characters I love.

    12. Good fic. Congrats on getting this posted here.

      I never get why people post a comment to say they're not going to read it. Then why are you here?

    13. Big Mac is in the tags...

    14. Thanks!

      I found that on fic another forum.

    15. That was quite emotional. I won't spoil anything, but I liked it.

    16. I feel like applejack gets all the sad stories.

      While sad may be happy for deep people, I'm not feeling deep right now, and probably won't end up reading this.

    17. I'll admit, I was bawling like a baby near the end
