Author: Pen Stroke
Description: After overwhelming Ponyville's mayor, the main six must fill in as she takes a much needed vacation. Yet, only one pony can take the title of mayor at one time. Which of our favorite ponies will be the first substitute mayor? How long will she be able to last before passing the job to somepony else? And in the end, will Ponyville survive long enough for its real mayor to return?Bureaucracy is Magic
Bureaucracy is Magic Alternate
Additional Tags: Episode-like, mariachi, hoof fight, Twilight breakdown, One-shot
70 kommentaari:
reading yay
VastaKustutaPen Stroke wrote a one shot
Ooh, this looks interesting.....
@MandoPony NOPE, Chuck Testa!
VastaKustutaI hope you don't mind, but i'm capping a post dedicated to you on EqD using comments.
Have a nice read.
Wow, the description says main six as opposed to mane six. Web I first saw that, I thought it was an error. >_<
VastaKustutaOnwards to awesome story!
mariachi as a tag. Hmmmm
VastaKustutaOkay, this is the most interesting premise for a fic that I have seen all year. Why hasn't anybody thought of it sooner.....?
VastaKustutaLeave it to Pen Stroke to think up something brilliant :p
Oh, you're all in for a real treat. That's all I'm going to say.
VastaKustutahow much work can a mayor of a town that (i assume) has no real duties for the mayor to do, other that maybe give a speech to as to.. inspire everypony, need a break?
VastaKustutaPen Stroke?
VastaKustutaIt's Pen Stroke! YAY!
NO!!! Government class followed me home!!!
VastaKustutaThis statement is based on the title. I'll give it a read.
Twilight Breakdown as a tag. No power in the universe could stop me from reading this. Twilight is best insane pony.
VastaKustutaHmm, this one sounds good.
VastaKustutaI admit I haven't read many of Pen Stroke's works. I believe that one about Octavia is the only one. Past Sins doesn't really interest me, though.
Time to take a look at this one, I think.
Pen Stroke fanfic?
VastaKustutaOh this is going to be good...
Ugh....Politics with poinies...FU--
VastaKustuta*Sees the author's name*
I've already read 4 fanfictions today. This one sounds interesting; might as well check it out.
VastaKustuta@Batty Gloom
VastaKustutaI know that you are in league with the author of this fine fic, therefore you will act the part of the waiter. My complimemts to the chef.
This seems good
To slow man
Like your music!
I haven't read yet, so I don't know if this is going to be funny. But it is a fantastic premise, I have to say. Every one of those ponies is hilariously underqualified to be mayor.
VastaKustuta"Farm Animals in Decidedly Non-Farm Situations, Volume 4". So Straight-to-DVD it hurts.
Additional tags: "Twilight breakdown"
VastaKustutaI'm in!
At first I read the description, and thought to myself "Oh, well of course Twilight will take charge! She'll keep Ponyville in order without any trouble at all."
VastaKustuta...then I read the tags...
This description.
VastaKustutaThis author.
[Normal] Tag...
Pen Stroke?! Looks like this is gonna have to be read!
VastaKustutaRainbow's part I can't stop laughing
VastaKustutaThat was just funny
Since it didn't make it into the post, I just want to say the original premise for this was provided by Stormy Seas, who won the story commission prize I offered for the Smile Album.
VastaKustutaWho cares about politics?
VastaKustuta*sees author*
Im game.
This is an idea I thought someone should do for a long time.
VastaKustutaJust let twilight run the bitch.
VastaKustutaI don't often read fics, but when I do, it's ones like this that have a lot of potential!
VastaKustutaHehe. Sounds like hijinks will ensue. Unfortunately, it'll have to join the queue of fanfics that I have yet toread.
VastaKustutaI really liked this story, good laugh and perfect way to end the day.
VastaKustutaI liked each senatio given for each character and aside from the one or two little grammar errors( I'm not a grammar nazi don't worry)
This deserves at least five stars
VastaKustuta<Read description.
VastaKustutaHuh, this actually sounds really promising. I think I'll read it right now.
<Sees that it's by Pen Stroke.
has anypony heard about the new equestria daily WeLoveFine shirts?
VastaKustutaSince when does Mare Mayor do any work? Twilight does her job most of the time.
VastaKustutaThis was a wonderful story. I really enjoyed it. It was funny and seemed to be just the right length. It was well written and all the character were in character. This is the first story I have read by Pen Stroke but I have to say keep up the good work!!
VastaKustutaBWAHAHAHAHA. I enjoyed this fic a bit too much!
VastaKustutaPen Stroke, keep up the good work!
SPECTACULAR! Thank you for another instant classic, Pen Stroke.
VastaKustutaInsecure Dash in the picture makes me wonder...
VastaKustutaI do hope I can get around to reading this.
Now I wanna know what happened to rainbow dash at the end!
VastaKustuta@Pen Stroke
VastaKustutaCool beans!
Obviously this fic will be popular solely on account of the author.
VastaKustutaAs if that's a bad thing.
@MandoPony You do firsts? Wouldna guessed!
VastaKustutaThis actually looks like something I'd read. There are way too many depressing stories out there. Quite a breath of fresh air, really.
Hmm! This story was really fun, and definitely worth a read through. The individual anecdotes for each of the mane 6 was not only interesting, but very much in character! A big thumbs up, and I'll be keeping an eye out for this author.
VastaKustutaI don't know if Shy being a decent mayor at the end was good or predictable, I can't tell. But the moral delivered at the end decidedly fit.
VastaKustutaThis could actually function as an episode all things considered.
The details on what happened with Pinkie Pie were a little too vague but oh well.
Too bad Mayor Mare didn't take time to explain things to AJ, Pinkie, and Twilight as well. I'd have liked to hear her explain taxes, public nuisance, and paper work too.
This was a good and solid read.
@Alex Warlorn
VastaKustuta"Too bad Mayor Mare didn't take time to explain things to AJ, Pinkie, and Twilight as well. I'd have liked to hear her explain taxes, public nuisance, and paper work too. "
I'm pretty sure that they learned all about that first-hoof. If you meant before she left for her vacation, well, keep in mind, she was absolutely livid at that point. Not really in the best state of mind to think about that kind of stuff.
As for Pinkie Pie, it was meant to be intentionally vague. One of those Noodle Incident kind of deals.
Still, glad you liked the fic overall. I think Pen Stroke really outdone himself this time, or at the very least came the closest he's gone to capturing the feel of the show.
This premise will probably be done on the show someday.
VastaKustutaThis would make a great episode! Oh, if only Twilight could've improved on politics - mind, the very thought makes me want to curl up in a ball & whimper too.
VastaKustutaGreat story! Manic kudos!
Not going to read it, but this could be a great chance to make Kafka proud!
VastaKustuta@Batty Gloom
VastaKustutaI'll say! This whole thing read like an episode from start to finish, complete with zany antics, over the top presumptions from most of the Mane Six, and Fluttershy once again proving she's extraordinarily capable if people would just give her the chance.
Well done, both your editing and Pen Stroke's writing!
VastaKustutaWhile I appreciate being thanked for my editing work, keep in mind that about five others who helped with the editing and for that I'm very thankful. They caught mistakes that I didn't even know about.
@Batty Gloom
VastaKustutaYou're right. I missed that.
Thank you to Wraithguard, Cloudhammer, DeagleDued, RBDash47, and El Oso also for prereading and editing!
This is gonna be interesting
VastaKustutaeverypony goes mad with power
Hehe, that was a good read, as expected.
VastaKustutaThough I'm getting a weird sense of Deja Vu fromt he ending for some reason.
why does the premise sound so much like a dwarf fortress succession map?
VastaKustutawhy does the premise sound so much like a dwarf fortress succession map?
VastaKustutaI would love to see this as an actual episode ^_^ And Twilight's breakdown... I can't even imagine what it's like trying to reorganize a bureaucracy...
VastaKustuta*Reads title in passing, and subsequently reads synopsis*
VastaKustutaHuh, that sounds interesting. Strange use of "Bureaucracy," though, given the context--
*Author is Pen Stroke*
Alright, screw this.
@Alex Warlorn
VastaKustutaPokemon Revolution guy y/n?
Autor on selle kommentaari eemaldanud.
VastaKustutaFantastic story, I loved it from start to finish.
VastaKustutaThat being said...the AJ part rang just a tiny bit false for me. I could definitely see a city council stepping over the line like that, but I would expect a law targeting a specific individual/company to be thrown out in the very first court case. I vaguely remember that there is some fancy legal term for it even, though exactly what it is escapes me at the moment.
Pretty minor quibble though, overall it really was great.
As always, loads of fun, Pen Stroke!
VastaKustutaYou managed that perfect "episode" length and feel. I loved the use of each character and how they reacted to the job.
VastaKustuta>The mayor of Ponyville, Ivory Scroll
VastaKustuta-...Who ? Last name (and the only one I remember) that I heard for the Mayor was ‘Vanilla ...’.
>“Rarity’s in the hospital? Is she okay?”
>they want to keep her under observation for a day to make sure she’s okay.”
-Huh... why ? We see Rarity ‘’faint’’ quite a few times in the series, and... as far as we know... she never had to go to the Hospital ? So, I wonder if (here) this is happening just because an ‘’Hospital’’ was shown in a recent episode ?
>“Well the system’s broken, and I’m going to fix it!” Twilight proclaimed
-She wants to ‘’repair’’ the ‘’government system’’ itself ? Well, that’s funny... and sad, in a way...
To do that, you would need an apocalypse, no less... at least, according to most movies (and a few much smaller scale examples).
>“Not that comfortable actually. There were cookie crumbs in all the sheets,” Pinkie Pie commented
-When your bed is made of ginger bread... it’s to be expected. ;)
But, now I wonder how a bed of marshmallow would feel like ?
>“Of course; the only way to beat the forms is to not play their game.”
-‘’The only way to win, is to not play’’... I heard that somewhere, but I don’t remember where (surely there’s many sources) ?
>“It wasn’t a party,” she whispered with a tremor. “It was black licorice infused chaos!”
-A party being too much for Pinky Pie ? Impossible !
>Fluttershy looked up from the medallion. “I’m just trying to think who’s going to be mayor now.
-Yeeeah... RD is next.
But, I would be ready to bet that Fluttershy will end up being the best of the 6 mayors, against all odds, in the end. :)
>“I shall not, because it is my opinion and I’m entitled to it,” Laffer Courbe said before lifting her nose in the air.
-You are also entitled to say nothing without the presence of your lawyer... oh wait... That comes later. Right after the right to get a hoof-to-the-face for being an ass.
... And Fluttershy won at ‘Being the Mayor’ :) ...
>“I suppose I need to talk to Rainbow Dash about that,” Ivory Scroll mused
-Huh... there’s also the tax that was diverted and imposed on Sweet Apple Acres only. Need to remember that for next month.
Well, this was a good story, pretty interesting too, and certainly an original idea.
Also... Mariachis are potentially explosive, apparently.
I think this story had been rounded up well, having no loose ends here and there, however, it lacks suspense and wasn't as interesting as I thought it would be. I'm a little disappointed actually.
VastaKustuta@Pen Stroke And this is why a dictatorship is Best Government!
*sighs dreamily* Oh the heavenly smiting I could administer... the fires and screaming... Lord Discord would be so pleased!
*OMG!! An agent of Discord! D: *
Magnefique! truly gorgeous stuff and very silly fun too! I'd love to see this as an episode as that's truly what it felt like.