• Story: Athanasia (Update Side Story!)

    [Shipping] [Adventure]

    Author: Hato F
    Description: Can you ever truly know somepony, no matter how close they are to you? When a neighboring monarch and friend of Celestia's nears the end, she and her faithful student embark on a journey to seek the aid of those who reside in the lands far beyond Equestrian borders.

    Twilight and Celestia only ever wanted to understand what's going on, and to return to their normal lives. But, when they look to solve the greatest riddle ever told, the answers they find... Might not be the ones they seek.
    As I walk (New Side Story)

    Additional Tags: Twilestia fic without any clop

    29 kommentaari:

    1. >eating girl scout cookies
      >playing left 4 dead 2
      >browsing EQD
      fine day for me :)

    2. Additional tags: bout time....

      I might actually read my first ever Twilestia fic now! Yay

    3. @MyBoyJ

      Or at least straightforward extra tag, letting us know exactly what we're going to get.

    4. Twilestia? I'll pass. Student x teacher is eh, to me.

    5. Extra tag seems really appropriate right now

    6. The additional tags made me lol. Gonna' read this immediately, Twilestia fics are few and far between.

    7. @Cedric Bale

      I agree, and it's one of those ships that just makes sense given the relationship between the two.

    8. More Twilestia? Dammit, EQ, I'm *really* supposed to be working right now.

    9. Alright, I'm really liking it so far, I'm happy it has a plot aside from the shipping. But I don't even remember the last time I read something that didn't end in a cliffhanger. Am I the only person getting tired of those?

    10. Twilestia? Nope. Bad ship detected. Student + Teacher = DOES NOT COMPUTE. Too bad, might have been an interesting story otherwise.

    11. @Cedric Bale

      Probably becuase almost everything that we get up here is incomplete and it's probably the easiest way to round off a chapter.

      I had thought of a little comment but it slipped my mind when my browser crashed, i'll just have to say it seems interesting instead.

    12. So much of the shipping. If I didn't force myself to love and tolerate, I would say mean things.

    13. If you don't like shipping, GET OUT. Don't post, don't go EW SHIPPING, SHIPPING SUCKS. Just don't click on the goddamn fic. I swear to god you ignorant pieces of crap enrage me.

      Is it so hard to just avoid taking the effort to bitch about a story you don't like? [Shipping] = Oh okay, not my cup of tea, I'll look for something.


      Anyway, Twilestia is welcome, will be checking out this fic.

    14. Not a bad start. Personally, I generally go for the more "grounded" adventure stories, where there's not a lot of high concept high fantasy (this looks like it'll have a lot of that, though I could be wrong), but shipventure is a nice genre, so I expect I'll keep following this.

      Being passive aggressive is still mean. Fun, but mean.

      Don't tell them to get out; if they're still around, try to convert them. Tell them what you like about the genre, recommend them some good intro-level stories, stuff like that. Then everyone's lives are enriched. :)

    15. Score one for loving and tolerating, Kayriel. I applaud you. However, you seem to be blurring the line between hating and expressing opinion.

      Don't worry, I'm not judging you for it.

    16. I will read it just for the title, because my name is Athanasios the male form of Athanasia (they both mean immortal or immortality).

    17. I would love to read this, but so meny good twilestia fics fall into the black pit of no-updates, i don't want to have my tiny heart broken again *weep*

    18. Hato is going to love those additional tags.

    19. Hmm, not too bad. There was a little too much 'telling' in the beginning, especially in regards to how Celestia is feeling tired. That could easily have been expanded to incorporate a much more subtle delivery.

      In fact, I think this entire chapter would have been better if it was a little longer. That way it would have allowed for a comprehensive foundation for character development. Of course, this is still early days, so it might still be coming.

      Regardless, I did enjoy it and as I am always a huge fan of both Twilestia and shipping/adventure fics, I will be looking to the next chapter.

      Keep up the good work!

    20. @Rickadai

      Well obviously, I made them. :P

    21. Is it really at the point that we have to specify no clop?
      Or are you just saying it's not a sexual relationship?
      So more romantic than friendshipping?
      This is confusing. Sometimes saying less is better.

    22. @Bombedrumbum

      I have not read a single TwiLestia fic in EqD that involved clop of any kind.

      If you haven't read Composure you are missing out.

    23. Anyway, I plan to read the **** out of this. I love adventure fics and find that a little shipping mixed in makes the whole thing more interesting. I just hope the main focus is on the story.

      Also I do not view Twilestia as a student-teacher thing. It's more in line with Dash and the Wonderbolts. Celestia is the epitome of everything Twilight admires in ponykind and wants to be herself.

    24. >Twilestia fic
      >tagged as not clop
      Honestly, you should specify when a Twilestia ship is clop, not when it isn't.
      The whole really close Teacher/Student relationship slowly blossoming into romance tends to mean that authors spend so much time actually getting either to even admit their feelings that any clop material would probably be in the last paragraph of chapter 25, taking place three years after the first chapter, at which point the two are finally semi-comfortable with the thought.
      For that matter, anything resembling clop isn't exactly common on this site regardless of the shipping pair.

      I'd love to see some Twilestia that's not quite as glacial and actually has some minor clop.

    25. @Logan Warner I was writing glacial Twilestia before it was cool!!

      ... wait.

    26. Read the first 2 chapters, and it sounds like the beginning of a grand adventure. Despite the seriousness of it all, I love how you managed to keep this fic feeling very light. Good job, and I'm eager to see more!
