Well, it looks like the floodgates have been opened since the latest episode was leaked yesterday! Madmax, as quick as ever, already has a comic with her hilarious take on it as always. For those of you who have seen the episode already, you can check it out after the break!
Click for Full |
saw it no shame
ReplyDeletePoor shippers.
ReplyDeleteOh wait, THAT'S ME!
ReplyDeleteWait what
it got leak-what
I am soooooslooooooooow
Hahaha dance puppets, dance for my shipping pleasure!
ReplyDeletei'm the guy working for itunes who released it
ReplyDeleteI thought EqD wasn't going to post spoilers until Saturday?
ReplyDeleteTheir eyes burn into your soul...
ReplyDeleteDoes this mean the comments here are spoiler-inclusive? 'Cause I really wouldn't mind a safe place to talk about the episode.
Wow that sounded really creepy...
ReplyDeleteWell done comic! But the fourth wall is broken to pices.
ReplyDeleteanyone here got a ps3 and mw3?
ReplyDeleteI will avoid looking or watching till Saturday
ReplyDeletegood luck
ReplyDeleteI would say Kim Dotcom has both, but he's in jail at the moment.
I believe a blow has been struck against the high class shippers.....
ReplyDeleteBut they'll be back...
We must prepare the defenses
ReplyDeletelol wut? and i'm glad about the anti-shipping message
HEY! You three are NOT allowed to break the fourth wall!
ReplyDeleteSend spoilers to the MOOOOOOOOON!!!
ReplyDeleteI couldn't take it anymore! I cracked and watched the episode... Can you really blame me though? :)
ReplyDeleteForget the comic for now. I'll just look at that title picture. Yes. Still. Funny.
ReplyDeleteRight, now shut up and kiss each other already.
ReplyDeleteOh god! Yes! *Sob* It's true! I'm a monster!
ReplyDelete*Tears up 30 pages of outline for Dash-Blinkie fic*
Apparently the CMC's have been taking fourth wall lessons from Pinkie Pie.
ReplyDeleteI plead guilty!
ReplyDeleteNow back to drawing Twilight-Pinkie!
Haha, no.
CheeriMac did not work out after all so FlutterMac is still the thing, I guess.
ReplyDeleteBtw, faces of CMC in this episode were awesome.
ReplyDeleteEp in pristine quality on demonoid.me.
Yeah, damn shippers, GTFO!
ReplyDelete*goes back to writing FlutterDash fic*
Still haven't watched it, or looked at that comic.
ReplyDeleteNot much of a spoiler. The summary released over a week ago already said there was a potion involved. I declare this comic...safe!
ReplyDeleteI lol'd. :P
ReplyDelete"*goes back to writing FlutterDash fic*"
You evil, evil, EVIL person you! What you are doing is WRONG and you should be ASHAMED of yourself!
*Goes back to drawing humanized AppleDash comic*
But ponies must ship! How else will we know of the unrequited love of Derpy and her muffins...
ReplyDelete@Adam Crocker
You both should feel terrible
Do the honorable thing,
*continues writing OC Dash in fic*
This comic doesn't give away anything that couldn't be guessed from the various teasers and summaries, but as there are people (like me) who try to avoid those until watching the episode, it's still a good idea to keep this hidden behind a page break.
ReplyDeleteAnd now I need to get back to my Jet Set and Hayseed Turniptruck shipfic...
ReplyDelete"But ponies must ship! How else will we know of the unrequited love of Derpy and her muffins..."
I don't think anyone needs to be convinced of Derpy's love for her muffins.
@Travis Smith
OC-Dash fic? You sir, are worst than Hitler. No, worst than Mussolini. No...
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ReplyDelete"And now I need to get back to my Jet Set and Hayseed Turniptruck shipfic... "
@Adam Crocket
ReplyDeleteDo I can't write a story of RD falling in love with a pony I made up?
You sir are worse then Hitler, cutting off imagination.
Besides, it's a Gary Stu free
@Travis Smith
ReplyDelete"You sir are worse then Hitler, cutting off imagination."
*Ahem* Hitlini.
Silly bronies...
ReplyDeleteThat wasn't the moral!
It's TOTALLY OK to ship non-consensual ponies using love poisons...
You just have to expect to finish up with some manual labor.
Lots of manual labor.
@Adam Crocket
ReplyDeleteHitlini, whatever
does...does that really count as a spoiler worthy? I mean that could have been made with just the synopsis (hasn't seen the ep but has terrible self-control) I still laughed though
ReplyDeletelol shippers got told XP
ReplyDeleteI'm a crazy perverse person..... so what?
ReplyDelete"Dear Princess Celestia ... ahem ... I DIDN'T LEARN ANYTHING ... ship, ship, ship da ponies ..."
Funny a ship story is posted after this
ReplyDeleteThis isn't even close to being spoiler.
ReplyDeleteIs this a spoiler safe comments section? Then in that case...
ReplyDeleteAnyone else think Cheerilee sent the cmcs off to do big mac's chores at the end just so she could get it on with Big mac right there? They were on a bed, and it's hard to believe wouldn't take advantage of the situation...
Am I going to the moon for this comment? and if so, why exactly? I'm not disputing that I crossed a line, but I'd like to know which line it was, because I'm not sure...
Romance shipping can work if done properly and with a coherent plot.
ReplyDeleteProblem is most shipping stories I've read go like this, ahem.
Chapter 1: Rainbow Dash, "Twilight, you are such an egghead."
Twilight, "You're an empty headed jock Rainbow."
Chapter 2: The two couldn't stand it any longer, locked in an unending embrace. Twilight, surprisingly took the initiative and probed Rainbow's mouth with her tongue. Like an octopus trying to retrieve a shrimp from the tight crevices of a coral reef.
Seriously, how the hay did that happen in such short order!?
ReplyDeleteCould have gone three lifetimes, died, came back, died then came back with out reading that
Spoilers what spoilers? This could have been made last week from the description.
ReplyDeleteIn public? I really don't think they're that kinky...
I'd make another comment, but I'm playing it safe and keeping things spoiler-free.
ReplyDeleteReminds me of someone's description of the boiler-plate plot for your average AppleDash fic:
"RD: Why'd you call me here AJ?
AJ: I wanted to take you somewhere. *WALK* Here.
RD: Why are we- next page- here?
AJ: I love you RD
AJ: DONE! Where's my paycheck?"
Best comic ever.
ReplyDeleteNow you know. And knowing is half the battle.
lol But... but... the shipping for enjoyment... :'(
ReplyDeleteBest comic ever! It's so true! :D
ReplyDelete@Papa Prinny
ReplyDelete...okay, but where do the Red Lasers and the Blue Lasers fit in?
Best comic.
ReplyDeleteBest comic.
ReplyDeleteWell even more outspoken as it is here...
ReplyDeleteThe dirty deeds been done by maaaaaaaaaany and waaaaaaaaaay before that episode.
The planes are already flown at full speed for shipping.
Silly fillies. Ponies don't ship ponies, people ship ponies. Silly fillies.
ReplyDeleteShip is fine y'all. Just don't create a fracas if canon wants to do something different =)
ReplyDeleteDing ding ding, we have a winnah!
They ain't lookin' at me that's for sure!
ReplyDeleteHi CMC! Sorry, but I'm not a shipper...
ReplyDeleteI strangely read Applebloom's line in a Southern Zoidberg accent...
ReplyDeleteI'm not sure how I should feel about that, I haven't seen the episode but I saw screenshots so I have an idea of what's going on.
@Altherix Magnificent metaphor there. Bravo. Now everytime I see some two kissing at school I'll be able to think of nothing but coral reefs and octopi.
Haven´t watched the episode. I´ll wait till saturday like a good behaving brony.^^
ReplyDeleteAlso i will never stop shipping Twi and Dash, sorry girls. :P
ReplyDeleteI... have no earthly idea what that would sound like.
But I'm sure Billy West could do it.
Hahaha brilliant. Looks like the CMC have a bit of fourth wall breaking in them as well!
ReplyDeleteThat's correct Ms. Cheerilee, you have reason...
ReplyDelete*Hiding all my shipping sketches*
I didn't watch the episode!
ReplyDelete~shifty eyes~
Chocolate milk!
yay Madmax!
ReplyDelete...and then shipping died off.
ReplyDelete...or not
Stop looking at me, I don't ship ponies.
ReplyDeleteSince I don't write ships, I'm in the clear!
ReplyDeleteNow to go read another Twixie fic.
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ReplyDeleteSo shipping's okay if I ask the characters' permission?
ReplyDeleteHey Rainbow Dash, can I pair you with Pinkie Pie?
...Rainbow Dash?
Stop shipping characters...?! NEVAH!!! *dramatic pose* that's what Fandoms DO! Silly Ponies, Fics are for Kids! I mean, Fans!
ReplyDeleteOh come on you shouldn't have posted this till tomorrow!
ReplyDelete@Joe York
ReplyDeleteWell, it is hidden behind a page break.
I am fine with shipping ponies as long as the shippee treats Rarity like a proper lady.
ReplyDeleteIn order to provide the strongest front against trolls and haters, we must not divide our forces between Ditziers and Derpers, or between Shippers and Purists. We should consider all contributors to the fandom for their merits and try to promote them, not target their weaknesses and exploit them.
Unite the clans!
So it's OK if the shipping is consensual?
ReplyDelete@Roland It seems the CMCs have been taking lessons from Pinkie... The CMCs... getting into Earth... trying to earn their Cutie Marks...
ReplyDelete*shrill voices from off in the distance* CUTIE MARK CRUSADERS INTERDIMENSIONAL INVASION FORCE!! YAY!!
We're even more doomed than before.
I had to wait until Hearts and Hooves Day aired before I could view this (avoiding the leak), but I certainly wouldn't forget about a Madmax comic. Just like this weeks episode, this strip was certainly worth the wait. Muwhawhaw, good job Madmax, one of your best comics ever.
ReplyDeleteHa nice try Sweetie Belle, now start kissing Snails! Hahahahahaha
ReplyDeleteYeah that's pinkie pie's job.