@Bombedrumbum I guess I was hoping for some damage control or something. Like a post telling us not to get pissed at Hasbro, and to calm down or something.
Honestly, I have to agree. Not in the mood for this.
I'm sure there was nothing but the best intentions of this post, but, no offense.... it feels like someone trying to cheer me up directly after my dog died.
I am already cooling down the whole troll business that started hours ago. Nothing has changed from comment one, except for the fact that he is only making himself look worse.
Seth, you really need somepony to clean up the mess of the last post, somebody able to calm dowm all the people in the page an all the fans in generally, this cant stay like this. This Fandon is gonna break apart! somehting needs to be done.
Look, they changed Derpy because of some complaints.
Now, if all of you are really mad/sad about Derpy getting changed, then orderly form a complaint for them to revert it back to the original. At least you'll be doing something reasonable
I stopped caring. It doesn't matter. It was a waste of my time. First-blocking (which is making the top comment say something besides "first") doesn't really affect anything. People who just say "first" add absolutely nothing to the conversation, not even a little joke or reference, but it's not worth my time to stop them.
(Staying out of the "Derpy" thread due to supreme apathy…)
#1: Y'know, if Resident Evil had ponies, I might actually watch it. Certainly couldn't be any worse than the live action movie.
#2 : I'm guessing from the comments that this technically wasn't a trailer. Still, Scott Pilgrim + Ponies = pretty awesome, and the technical execution was outstanding.
#3: Daring Do = Indiana Jones. Surprised? Hardly. Excited? Oh, yes! Excellent choice to cast Trixie as Irina, too, and I have a feeling Scootaloo would have been much better received than Shia LaBeouf.
Come on! Somebody go ahead and animate these! There's way too much awesome in these titles to just limit them to a trailer! *Clear throat* But seriously, these three were very well done. The scenes match up well to the theme as well as the dialogue. I definitely wouldn't mind seeing these come to life. Yes, bring it on!
@CityFlyer502He He. I would love to see a Twilight vs the World animated trailer. Or maybe the Cartoon one. Also, I feel the Daring Doo one WILL be animated. Someday...
Are they still going? I bet they need a 'Hush now, Quiet now' lullaby by now.
But you are right, I second the nomination to animate these things! Now if only I knew an animation artist like Lanipator.(I don't think I spelled it right)
@D. Shadows Oh yeah. I think a hypnosis spell or something along those lines would be even better. I'm simply taking a break before heading back in. As doubtful as it may be, if I can get someone to listen to reason, I'll be the happiest guy on earth.
I'd take a stab at animating this myself if I had the means to do so. I can learn quickly when I need too. It would look terrible, but it could be a launch point for someone to do a better job.
53 kommentaari:
VastaKustutaYeah, it's a Sethisto post
VastaKustutaI wuv trailers
VastaKustutaOoh, trailers.
VastaKustutaMore trailers?
VastaKustuta@Tom WHAT ABOUT DERPY? Just stay on the previous post. Have a cookie. Take deep breaths.
VastaKustutaLook at the pretty trailers. Be happy. Derpy would have wanted you to be happy.
VastaKustutaI'm curious as to what happened in there?
any trolling? a lot of unbridled rage?
i was busy trolling a bunch of mad bronies on gamefaqs.
sorry but i'm in no mood at all not even tomorrow.... i'm gonna go to bed 6 hours early.....poor derpy
VastaKustutaWait, my pmv is classified as a trailer? WAAA?
Thanks EQD :3 Enjoy the 2nd one everypony. <3
Hi Bomb, yo the bomb!
VastaKustuta@Bombedrumbum I guess I was hoping for some damage control or something. Like a post telling us not to get pissed at Hasbro, and to calm down or something.
VastaKustutaAt least Rizvi left.
VastaKustutaEqD should seriously assign anti-troll people to somehow keep trolls away.
VastaKustutaHe'll probably be back. Just spread the word to not respond to him. If no one says anything to him, or about him, he'll get bored and leave us alone.
Honestly, I have to agree. Not in the mood for this.
VastaKustutaI'm sure there was nothing but the best intentions of this post, but, no offense.... it feels like someone trying to cheer me up directly after my dog died.
:/ sigh....
Way ahead of ya!
VastaKustutaI am already cooling down the whole troll business that started hours ago. Nothing has changed from comment one, except for the fact that he is only making himself look worse.
No replies to trolls. Even I agree with that.
Oh don't act like nothing just happened!
VastaKustutaMoving on...
My pmv just had to be the post following the derpy post....
You all being depressed makes me depressed. :\
1. Awesome
VastaKustuta2. Cool
It's a mess in there, I don't think I helped it either.
#3 Finally - It had to happen sooner or later :)
VastaKustutaAm I the only one who isn't depressed because of Derpy :I
VastaKustutaWhen everything is wrong, we move along...
VastaKustutaI don"t think it's said enough but thanks Sethisto :)
Seth, you really need somepony to clean up the mess of the last post, somebody able to calm dowm all the people in the page an all the fans in generally, this cant stay like this. This Fandon is gonna break apart! somehting needs to be done.
VastaKustuta@wackypony well, the "troll" (honestly, he can't even be called a troll) is just spewing out stuff, leeching off of every response he gets
VastaKustutaI'm still pissed about derpy
VastaKustuta@Ezio Clarke
VastaKustutaIf the fandom broke up for something this small then we wouldn't still exist as we do now.
We'll live.(Said in a flat tone as if a band-aid was just ripped off)
Look, they changed Derpy because of some complaints.
VastaKustutaNow, if all of you are really mad/sad about Derpy getting changed, then orderly form a complaint for them to revert it back to the original. At least you'll be doing something reasonable
If you wanna complain about derpy go back to the post about derpy. Every post about the derpy crisis is like a kick to the balls on here.
VastaKustutaI get on EQD and the post gets bombed by complaints...lovely..
@MyBoyJ Yeah I'll not say anything to him too, oh and by the way why don't you get first anymore?
VastaKustutaI agree!
Discretion is the better part of valor.
If we fly of the handle at Hasbro, we'll be doing more harm than good. We need to be reasonable in our response.
VastaKustutaI had a smile on my face from all the rage.
I just can't be charmed by ponies anymore tonight....poor derpy.
VastaKustutaI stopped caring. It doesn't matter. It was a waste of my time. First-blocking (which is making the top comment say something besides "first") doesn't really affect anything. People who just say "first" add absolutely nothing to the conversation, not even a little joke or reference, but it's not worth my time to stop them.
dont really feel like watching vids tonight....sorry...
VastaKustuta@MyBoyJ I completely understand, still try "blocking" but will probably eventually get tired of it, thanks for responding
VastaKustuta"You've got to smile, smile, smile."
Anyway The third one was still a good PMV.
Trixie as the crazy lady fits, Daring must really dislike snakes like Twilight.
Autor on selle kommentaari eemaldanud.
VastaKustutaI'm still confused as to why my pmv was posted on this one. Its not even a trailer. :s
VastaKustutaIt's like a trailer.
@Brony2you Bad timing. For what it's worth, your PMV was great!
VastaKustuta@Daniel G. Thank you. :) Also I hate my pmv was posted following this news or even yet in the wrong section. To me at least. :\
VastaKustutaOh well. Glad you liked it. :) Its the people that say they enjoyed my videos that make them worth making. :3
(Staying out of the "Derpy" thread due to supreme apathy…)
VastaKustuta#1: Y'know, if Resident Evil had ponies, I might actually watch it. Certainly couldn't be any worse than the live action movie.
#2 : I'm guessing from the comments that this technically wasn't a trailer. Still, Scott Pilgrim + Ponies = pretty awesome, and the technical execution was outstanding.
#3: Daring Do = Indiana Jones. Surprised? Hardly. Excited? Oh, yes! Excellent choice to cast Trixie as Irina, too, and I have a feeling Scootaloo would have been much better received than Shia LaBeouf.
Fantastic work, folks!
Come on! Somebody go ahead and animate these! There's way too much awesome in these titles to just limit them to a trailer! *Clear throat* But seriously, these three were very well done. The scenes match up well to the theme as well as the dialogue. I definitely wouldn't mind seeing these come to life. Yes, bring it on!
VastaKustuta@Ezio Clarke
VastaKustutaIf we break apart due to something like this, then we're not a very strong fandom.
@CityFlyer502He He. I would love to see a Twilight vs the World animated trailer. Or maybe the Cartoon one. Also, I feel the Daring Doo one WILL be animated. Someday...
VastaKustutaBut yeah, keep all Derpy discussion to the right post folks.
VastaKustutaAnd the third PMV is neato.
VastaKustutaAre they still going? I bet they need a 'Hush now, Quiet now' lullaby by now.
But you are right, I second the nomination to animate these things! Now if only I knew an animation artist like Lanipator.(I don't think I spelled it right)
@D. Shadows Oh yeah. I think a hypnosis spell or something along those lines would be even better. I'm simply taking a break before heading back in. As doubtful as it may be, if I can get someone to listen to reason, I'll be the happiest guy on earth.
VastaKustutaI'd take a stab at animating this myself if I had the means to do so. I can learn quickly when I need too. It would look terrible, but it could be a launch point for someone to do a better job.
2 Scott Pilgrim related submission?
VastaKustutaIn one day?
@D. Shadows Thank you for the feedback! Glad you liked it ^-^
VastaKustutalove the last one