• Pony Trailers: Call of Pony 4: Modern Warmare Intro // Pinkie Feet!!! //

    Time for some pony trailers!

    Tonight we have Call of Duty 4 and Pinkie Feet! Two things I would have never imagined using in the same post. But there you are. I did.

    1) Call of Pony 4: Modern Warmare Intro
    2) Pinkie Feet!!!

    25 kommentaari:

    1. I think I've already seen a couple COD ponyfied trailers, but the Pinkie Feet video was pretty cool!

    2. @DashieBro I had to hurry there didn't want anypony waking up and finding me on the computer (now on iPhone)

    3. #2 The funny thing is, all I saw of that movie was everything up to when Mumble wakes up in the penguin exhibit at the zoo/aquarium/wherever it was.

    4. Okay now do 'Hairspray' with ponies. You know, that movie with John Travolta and all the musical numbers. It would be fun to see someone actually do that.

    5. PINCHY! get out of there, it's radioactive!

    6. Always enjoy these trailers. First one, just simply epic. How could it not be. Great game paired with a great show. Win! And the second one, oh so much fun. I gotta show that second one to my sister in the morning. I'll be she'll love it.

    7. Ah #1 brings back good memories, those were the times when COD wasn't just a POS rehash.
      #2 Nice, I suppose. Not the greatest render quality, but that isn't really what matters.

      @DashieBro Why do you even comment?

    8. #1 was simply awesome, 2 was enjoyable also but 1 was my favorite mainly because I used to be a COD fan.

    9. Hey guys, creator of #2 here. Just wanna say thanks for liking my little video. :) And I know the video quality isn't the best, but that's what happens when you publish with WMM. It's not the best video, but i'm glad you guys like it! ;)

    10. love these trailers and it has been ponified!!!

    11. Happy Feet was a crappy movie (imo), but that was a good trailer. It was synced perfectly, just wish the quality was a bit better.
      #1 was pretty good since I play COD.

    12. @Jelfes I don't know, sorry for posting a stupid comment

    13. I loved Happy Feet. One of my most watched films. And this trailer was perfect!

    14. I was wondering, now that we have this new category for trailers, can they get a tag as well, like PMVs have? The reasoning for it is fairly commonsense, I think.

    15. That COD trailer was... kick ass...

    16. Call of pony: pony warfare and Pinkie Feet were the top of my list of must watch and play movies and games!!! ^_^

    17. #1 Nice. I especially liked the part with the AC-130 and the parasprites.

      #2 Amusing.
