• PMV: Louder / Pony Fiction / Pony Fiction

    Sometimes I really do agree with the lyrics in that second one!

    1.) Louder
    2.) Pony Fiction PMV

    33 kommentaari:

    1. Oh my... that second one... so true...

    2. one does not simply say something louder.. -_-

    3. there is scary stuff on the internet...

    4. First one was synced really well with the music.
      Second one was just plain hilarious!

    5. @brony and proud of it YOU TOOK MY COMMENT
      Though I can still add "Huzzah!"

    6. Ya know, the people who make these videos (first one mainly)should put a "Seizure inducing" warning at the beginning.

    7. #1: Got about 10 seconds into it then stopped. Too flashy.

      #2: Oh lord, it's so true...And I write fan fiction, LOL. But I steer clear of the slash stuff.

    8. Well, thank god MLP fanfiction doesn't fall into that dreaded idea of content! :D

      Oh wait.....

    9. Fan fiction is one of the greatest thing to come out of the MLP community so i can't like the 2nd one :/

      Yeah yeah there are some scary / bucked up fics out there but there are more than enough amazing fics to fill anyone's mind with nothing but joy and emotions.

    10. @TheMultiCaster

      Oh I heartedly agree, there is alot of messup up fiction, even in our community.

      But MLP fanfics are the first set i've read that show the true potential of GOOD writting. I mean, just look at what some of the stuff that we've seen over the past year or so. Some of that writting is fantastic. :)

      The second PMV is just a parody of what the general idea behind most fanfics are. They don't get alot of praise across the internet, and for mostly a good reason...

    11. God, I laughed. That song is so fantastically true.
      Sturgeon's Law - 90% of everything is crud.
      Law of Fanfiction - 90% of everything is TERRIFYING.

    12. #1 Very nice!
      #2 OMC! It's so TRUE! /)^3^(\
      Seriously, some of that stuff is so hideous that it should be considered a crime against ponykind, and I haven't even read the really messed up examples.
      Of course there are real gems too, but sometimes I wonder if they worth it.

    13. first one was not bad but, I just didnt like it that much.
      The second one, so TRUE, there are some really messed up fanfiction out there, but thankfully moste of the MLP stuff is pretty good

    14. Holy sh*t. The Invader Zim line is exactly how I found out about this type of nonsense. I rue the day I asked a girl in my fiction group what "slash" was, and was shown Zim/Dib as an example.
      Maybe these people go on to write "bizzaro" fiction like "Ass Goblins of Auschwitz" and "Super Fetus" (real books).

    15. 2# Fan fics can get very disturbing but that is why I only read the stuff that comes up on EQD.

    16. "One bad apple spoils the bunch."

      This saying can't be more true than when it is aimed at FiM fanfiction. Some people out there write whatever they can for shits and giggles, but others *cough*Kkat*cough* are excellent examples of how to write good stories.

      I do wish I could understand the singer, though. It might make things a bit clearer for me.

    17. @Masquerade

      I think it might be MOST true when applied to apples, like when one bruised apple releases ethylene and makes all the other ones rot ^_^

    18. #2 Makes me sad. The greatest thing I have ever read (I am quite the egghead when it comes to books) was a FIM Fan Fiction.

      I am serious.

    19. "I think you scared, even the pr0n industry." #2. Ha.

    20. That second one is a good reason why we have prereaders here on EQD. So the (small?) percent of actually not-demented fiction gets through.

      Oh and notice that we also avoid about 90% of this song simply by refusing to post clopfics and gore. Go us.

      Seriously, there is such a thing as good fanfiction. I've read some. I like to think I've written some. And I'm glad EQD takes the time to filter out the garbage before they give it to us.

      *Ok rant that I only felt the need to post because I am an author is now over.*

    21. #2... I think I speak for everyone when I say Where are the lyrics?

    22. Lol I actually listened to the real version of the first one it was Teenagers from My Chemical Romance I never really liked that band but now that it has ponies I approve also the fanfiction version was just sooooooo true

    23. I enjoy every kind of fan fiction myself. Some that makes my cry, and some that is pretty much porn. If its well written, it's good to me.

    24. Re #2: Heh, a while back I helped maintain a fansite for a couple of years, the bulk of what I got in my inbox was fanfiction. Even after discarding the gore and slash, this song is a pretty accurate description of my state back then.

      Ironic that it's a PMV since MLP is the first franchise since then to rekindle my lost love. I have read some really great, funny and/or moving stories in the past year. Gotta salute the ED pre-readers for that, they do a great job.

    25. Yeah... the second one sums it up in a nutshell.

    26. Fanfiction scares the living shit outta me!
