The scene selection was alright. A ton more could have been done creatively with it other than the spoon scene and having a vector of a doll with a drop shadow effect on it everywhere. Not sure why this is getting a spot to itself to be honest given the usual higher quality of previous videos in this same position.
I was impressed by the techical aspects, too. Yes, there were plenty of parts that could have been done better, but I think the video was quite workable as a narrative in its own right, far beyond what I had expected.
Oooh, really darn good song by Jonathan Coulton. This song reminds me of an old horror movie about this rich mean guy who lives in an old big mansion and has all these little dolls from the Civil War era or so kill him in the end. Good movie. If only I could remember its name now. lol
36 kommentaari:
VastaKustutaGonna give this one a meh.
VastaKustutaYay! More JoCo Ponies. Fun.
VastaKustutaGood syncing and editing but I agree with Tanokki
VastaKustutain saying the song is just meh.
Whenever I hear one of this guys song's, I can only think of Code Monkey.
VastaKustutaGood idea, don't think it quite worked though. Needs better scene choice.
VastaKustutaJoco, yay!
VastaKustutaNice PMV to a great song by an amazing artist. This makes me happy.
VastaKustutathat's a stalker
VastaKustutacall 911
Good PMV. Maybe a few rough edits, but still very good. Plus, Jonathan Coulton is amazing.
VastaKustutaThis may also be of interest.
The scene selection was alright. A ton more could have been done creatively with it other than the spoon scene and having a vector of a doll with a drop shadow effect on it everywhere. Not sure why this is getting a spot to itself to be honest given the usual higher quality of previous videos in this same position.
VastaKustutaSilly Applejack. You can't get rid of creepy doll, it's indestructible.
VastaKustutaIt's just an early morning post, nothing crazy special
i rewoke up to see this..after accidentally falling asleep :3
VastaKustutaNeed more random early morning posts imo. :)
VastaKustutaYes! Nothing goes better with Ponies than JoCo!
I love this song.
VastaKustutaJoCo + Ponies. My life is complete.
VastaKustutaI was impressed by the techical aspects, too. Yes, there were plenty of parts that could have been done better, but I think the video was quite workable as a narrative in its own right, far beyond what I had expected.
@GreatSnapper And if its controller wins the coin flip, AJ's in for a world of hurt.
VastaKustutaOooh, really darn good song by Jonathan Coulton. This song reminds me of an old horror movie about this rich mean guy who lives in an old big mansion and has all these little dolls from the Civil War era or so kill him in the end. Good movie. If only I could remember its name now. lol
VastaKustutadamn i got shiver
VastaKustutaWow! Great work on the synching. I love the song and the scenes mixed in.
VastaKustutaEh, I prefer the live version of the song. Can't really complain though.
VastaKustutaMore pony CreepyPasta stuff :D AWESOME!
VastaKustutathis wasnt too bad...
VastaKustutabut the WoW version of this song is way creepier...but then again...gnomes are creepy...
Nice work!
VastaKustutaI'm still waiting for one based on "Skullcrusher Mountain" myself, but I enjoyed this.
VastaKustuta"Isn't it enough to know that I ruined a pony making a gift for you?"
Even if it wasn't technically outstanding, I must say I really enjoyed this one...maybe it's just the song.
VastaKustutaThe scene selection was really good, btw.
Well I loved it!
VastaKustutaI am both confused and creeped out by the song.
VastaKustuta@bestpony? AJ ;)
VastaKustutaI always think of Jonathan Coulton when I hear Da Vinci's Notebook's stuff- I heard them both in a row via Pandora a little while ago. XD
More JC and AppleJack please!
VastaKustutaHa... I thought this vid was great. Liked the song too... but it just may be me liking the weird ass songs JoCo makes... Oh well.
VastaKustutaOoooh, clever.
VastaKustutarather impressive
VastaKustutaI normally don't like creepy stuff at all but this was well done.