• Operation: FiM Musicians are Awesome

    Friendship is Magic is host to a plethora of extremely skilled musicians.  I have created posts dedicated to them in the past, but unlike some of the other crew members, we have never raided their specific pages with praise (Mainly because I didn't have permission!).

    It's time to change that! The other day I tossed a post up about William Anderson's new website opening image.  Later on in the comments, he dropped this:
    "Earthworm Jim was one of my favorite themes! I wrote the lyric, music, orchestrated it, conducted it, and sang it! I also whistled the bridge section...Good times.

    My sincerest thanks once again to all you fans of the show. I bust my ass week after week on this show and I cannot tell you how gratifying it is to be appreciated by such a dedicated group. I also want to acknowledge Kristopher Gee who has been working with me on this series since day one. The score would not be what it is without him. He is with me in the trenches day after day. And weekend after weekend. And Marc Perlman, music editor without equal, who became available this year and is equally dedicated to putting out the best score we are capable of.

    And Jordan! Thanks again for the wonderful artwork!!!! What a great surprise to find it just floating around out there on the interwebs! You coulda told me, ya' know!

    And Lucas, thanks for letting me know about this post, wow!

    Allright, my carriage is turning back into a pumpkin. Time to crack open 25 and get to work.

    Go Ponies!"
    They work their asses off, lets give them some love! 

    William Anderson created a Deviant Art page specifically for his new pony avatar, time to +watch it!

    Steffan Andrews, partner to Daniel Ingram, has a Facebook fan page with only 155 likes! Get over there and help him out!  He also let us know about Super Speedy Cider Squeezy's original name.  Apparently it was supposed to be called "Cider Horse Rules."  I like the new one personally!

    I didn't get an OK from Marc Perlman or Kristopher Gee, so just thank them in the comments! 

    And with that, I leave "Operation: FiM Musicians are Awesome" in your capable hands (Or hooves if you roll that way).

    39 kommentaari:

    1. Looks like it's time to spam some deviantart and facebook pages. Sounds fun

    2. Idk why people write, "WUB", "WOMP" is much more accurate.

      Also, people who care about getting first need to find girlfriends buy more weed.

    3. near the top! Liked Steffan Andrew's page!

    4. I'll admit, the only reason I clicked on this is because I know the person that made the image XD Nice to see it getting used :D

    5. Plethora seems to be a popular word recently.

    6. Yes, master Sethisto. At your orders, master Sethisto.

    7. Time to like yet another page about ponies.

    8. Yay! Seth used the word "plethora". That made me insanely happy for some reason.

    9. I remember when Daniel was just getting into the social networks like Facebook & Twitter and barely had any likes or follows...Much as changed since then.

      Looking forward to watching this unfold now that the floodgates has opened...

    10. Yes, one of the main reasons I have a facebook.

      I'm a go rape the like button.

    11. Earthworm Jim? He rockets through the sky. Earthworm Jim? He's such a stand up guy! Cruising through the universe having lots of fun, here comes Earthworm Jim and you know he's a mighty one.

    12. Jawohl mein kommandant.

      I don't have a facebook but I do have a working deviantart if I can remember the login.

    13. Now to go bug somepony at Hasbro for that soundtrack album again.

    14. I'm only seeing around 10 new likes per minute for Steffan! Step it up bronies!

    15. Oh man, he did Earthworm Jim? :D I loved that show!

    16. http://mylittlefacewhen.com/f/892/

    17. @Present Perfect

      That's on of the reasons why I believe cows to be the very source of evil in the universe. Also I still can't remember the princesses name for some reason.

    18. Will have to thank them on their respective sites when I'm on my laptop. But will do it here as well. Thank you so much all you guys who put so much hard work into the show to make it what it is, we all really appreciate it :)
      (Also William did Earth Worm Jim? That's so fucking cool)

    19. 25? As in, episode 25, 25?
      If so, then Cool! :D

    20. Wait, the Earthworm Jim theme?! I already liked Mr. Anderson, but with that he just got all my fanboy! ^_^

    21. Sweet, more recognition and love for the music staff. :3

      And Earthworm Jim, man that brings back memories!

    22. Wait, the Earthworm Jim theme?! I already liked Mr. Anderson, but with that he just got all my fanboy! ^_^

    23. Unfortunately, I have neither Facebook nor DeviantArt. So I'll just express my appreciation here in the comments, for what it's worth.

    24. Cider Horse Rules?

      Cider House Rules?

      Because if so, day = made

    25. He has gotten 203 watchers in the last 80 minutes

    26. I totally agree that these guys deserve all our congratulations, complements, and everything wonderful we can throw at them. Watched & liked for Mr. Anderson & Mr. Andrews (watch out you two; the watches and likes are gonna come pouring in.) And all the other FiM musicians that see this, all my complements. Thanks for bringing the show alive with wonderful music. Keep up the great work

    27. All the people mentioned in this post are amazing and I thank them for their hard work on an amazing show.

    28. Truly, thanks again to all those that create such wonderful background music for the show. It's one of the major reasons why this cartoon is as awesome and fun as it is. :D

    29. Thank you too all of you talented artists that have done anything on this magnificent show. It would not be what it is if any one of you were not a part of it. Thank you, thank you, thank you!

    30. Thanks everyone for your support! You have no idea how much fun it is to work on this show - and the fanbase's enthusiasm adds so much wind beneath my wings. Thank you ♥

    31. Oh? So he's that same guy?

      I've met him and heard that story! (At a convention for the industry in LA, when I was visiting there.) He did a silly sample track with his own voice and then hired a pro singer to do the actual theme, but everybody on the show liked his own silly demo voice better.

      He's a really nice guy with a good sense of humor. I'm glad he's doing so well with FIM.

    32. @Suburbanbanshee

      (Conventions for the industry are pretty expensive, btw. Broke my budget for the trip, even though it was worth it. Learn caution by me, my friends, and never end up far from home with your credit card company helpfully stopping your card.)

    33. @Steffan Andrews

      Thank you Steffan, for helping create such incredible music :D

    34. And by the way, everyone; my name in the block quote up there? I didn't do the artwork. That was a slip up on William's part.

    35. I can't thank you enough for your hard work, you musicians are absolutely the best. Incredible story telling can only be achieved by ambiance. Sure one can read, but alot of emotions are played out through the score. It's something most folks don't realize and it's something I appreciate wholeheartedly.
