• Nightly Roundup #252

    This image is so amazing. 

    Have some really late nightly roundup stuff!

    Friendship Express on MSNBC's "Best Bets for the Week in Entertainment"

    Looks like MSNBC loves ponies! On their top list for entertainment, Friendship Express has snuck in. Check it out here!

    Allspark Charity Drive Extended

    For those following the Allspark Charity Drive, they have extended their time to the 29th! Head here for information on it!

    Rarity Tattoo

    Cereal would be all over that!

    Late BroNYCon Musician Interview

    I have been told that this is way better than the actual panel!

    Traveling Pony Museum Followup

    Copy Paste:

    Hey everypony! Good news! But first let me introduce myself. My name is Megan Youmans and I go by the handle Inky Notebook. I’m currently a student over at Pony Brook University (Stony Brook) and I have staffed over at BroNYCon. I’m the creator and organizer for the Traveling Pony Museum, a little project of mine to help get artists out into the community.

    The museum has taken on quite a few more artists since the debut post here on EQD a mere few days ago. Here is the current list that will continue to be updated : https://docs.google.com/document/d/11eugpowof2I6DgDBjDAezuD_ihhEWT0fIZyg6jBDu94/edit

    The museum has also been given Monster Pie, the enormous Pinkie Pie plushie that has become famous over at BronyCon. She will be traveling with the museum all across the US so be on the lookout for a chance to see her! The museums traveling schedule will be secured and released soon.

    The museum also now has a deviant art group page where there is a tentative collection of the works that will be featured! http://mlp-fim-tpm.deviantart.com

    I’d also like to thank our three donors, Purple Tinker, Corey McClure and Alexander Kaiser for helping to sponsor the museum with a collective $1,050.00! One thousand and fifty dollars. I'm in awe. Thank you so much.

    But! The museum still needs plenty of help though! There is still much more to pay for to make the museum come alive!

    All donations raised will go towards commissions and travel expenses for the museum so it will be able to make it’s way to all the upcoming conventions! All donations can go via PayPal to [email protected]

    The museum is still looking for more artists as well! Don’t be afraid to send an email over to [email protected]

    Past Sins Audio Transcript Seeking Assistance

    Copy Paste:

    Hey guys, it's BrownieTheOne or The Soldier from My Little Pony: Teamwork is Magic. Recently over e-mail, MLPTIMFF and I agreed that we'd like to work on another project together.
    I decided that I wanted to do a Past Sins reading anyway, so I'm going to organise a collaborative one, and much like TIM, I'm looking for VAs.
    I'll be doing Spell Nexus and MLPTIMFF will have her choice of mare to play, but I'm going to need more than 2 people to do this.
    So, if you've read the fic, great.You know the characters.
    If you haven't, I'll leave a list in the description of the video.
    If you've got an audition, send it to [email protected]
    Of course I will respond to all the auditions sent personally, however I may end up deciding on people with MLPTIMFF.

    Or just watch the video!


    Saturday with the Brony Bros #4


    Bronies on Saturday Radio


    PMV Central Livestream

    4:00 PM CST - 5:00 PM CST (Sometimes earlier on weekends, and longer broadcasts)
    5:00 PM EST - 6:00 PM EST



    Successful Meetups

    Saint Petersburg Meetup

    Copy Paste:
    Yesterday Russian bronies from Saint Petersburg had a very successful brony meetup. There were about 38 bronies. We met at 12 am and went to the Oceanarium, then we had wonderful time at the food court in the mall nearby. We were talking, singing, spending time together until 10 pm, which means the meetup lasted for 10 hours, so it was the longest meetup in our city so far.


    Chilean Meetup

    Copy Paste:

    Gracias a todos los asistentes a nuestra ultima meetup del verano, lo pasamos genial, fuimos mas de 50 asistentes, disfrutamos mucho del grato ambiente en el parque y compartirmos la magia de la amistad y muchos choripanes XD, esperamos volver a reunirnos pronto :D, un saludo cordial a todos los asistentes, el Staff BroniesCHile

    Inland Empire Meetup

    Copy Paste:

    Shadow from Inland Empire Bronies here to tell you that our meet up at fiesta Village was a huge success. We had 26-29 people show up. We played laser tag. New Lunar Republic Verses Celestial Empire and the the NLR won. One of our member even printed up a bunch of art and gave them all away for free. Every person who was in attendance walked away with some sort of swag. Anyway if you could please include this in a nightly round up it would be awesome. As alway heres the link to our facebook page http://www.facebook.com/ShadowNightbolt Im happy to say we just hit 60 members.

    Lehigh Valley Meetup

    We had 30 bronies attend at our latest meetup. We played Trivia is Magic, Pin the Tail on the Pony, and held an auction. It was a blast and we look forward to seeing everypony next month. All the details are here: www.lvpabronies.blogspot.com

    Ohio Junior Classical League

    Woah, that is pretty complex!


    Groups/Meetups/Guilds Looking for More

    Brisbane Meetup


    EQ Beats

    They didn't give me any copy paste on this one, but it looks like a music hosting site! Check it out here.

    Socal March Marathon


    Omaha Nebraska Meetup

    The next meeting in Nebraska, will take place in Omaha! On March 9th, at 16868 Giles Road, Omaha, NE 68136


    Roleplay Forum


    Brony Custom Merch List Site


    Copy Paste:

    Hi guys,

    I'm doing a side project that I'm hoping will be AWESOME. All of you custom merchandisers out there, I need you. I am compiling a list of all custom merchants and an example of their work. If you'd like to be included on this list that will hopefully be seen by the brony community at large, please fill out the following:

    Name (Artist name, company name, whatever you sell things under):

    Merchandise you provide:


    Please also email an example of your work!

    The email address to contact is [email protected]

    Newmarket Meetup

    'Newmarket Bronies Winter Wrap Up' is quickly approaching! The MeetUp page can be found at http://www.meetup.com/NBronies/events/52021642/. We're trying to get all the Newmarket, GTA, and Toronto bronies interested

    South Side Irish Parade Meetup



    Merch/Ebay Stuff
    Iphone/ipad Sleeves

    53 kommentaari:

    1. I promise I'll never do that again. I've never had the chance before!

    2. The Traveling Pony Museum looks like it's coming along great!

      I can't wait to see it in person! :D

    3. Sorry to hijack the comments, but does anyone knows the best way to start learning storyboarding. I've been practicing animation in Flash, and I'm confident that I want to step it up a notch (into an actual project) now.

    4. The tatoo ^^ EEeeeww , but beautiful result !

    5. Of all the news here, my favorite was the mention by MSNBC, even if I don't like how liberal they are on TV.

    6. Thanks again, Equestria Daily!


    7. Every time I see 'Newmarket meetup', I'm sure that a bunch of Bronies are getting together at the UK's horse-racing capital...

    8. That's just a really unflattering photo of that tattoo.

      This one was so much nicer.


    9. *fuckin gasp!* a Brisbane meet up!

      I will have to see of I can clear my schedule.

    10. That tattoo's on a dude??

      I'm sorry but BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!

    11. This Nightly Roundup is about the time the old ones used to run around.

      The MSNBC article gave a little mention to Bronies. Kinda cool. Then again, I think it's gotten to the point where if some place mentioning MLP:FiM doesn't say something about Bronies, it's considered even more odd.

      Dat Rarity tattoo. But dang, what happened to their skin surrounding it? Looks like the shaving razor wasn't too kind.

      I love how these community musician things are rather exclusive and leave out some musicians in the community who have been in the business of music creation for a long time. But I guess it more depends on who has the spare time to create a lot of pony-themed music only.

      Good to see the Traveling Pony Museum is doing well. Though I have acouple reservations about it myself that I won't specify here. Also, yay giant Pinkie. I remember her from BronyCon.

    12. @Bolan
      > in equestriadaily
      > fan of a show about ponies
      > avatar is a pony

      You seriously still care if guys have or do feminine things?

    13. @EvilRaz

      Sorry bout that. Still love and tolerate but I have to draw the line at permanently engraving your flesh.

    14. Seth, a Brisbane/Queensland Bronies group already exists on Facebook, don't go posting about another one, it'll get all confusing and make it hard to organise large meetups if we're split into two groups.

    15. Wow, just finished watching that musician panel. That was bucking hilarious. I love these guys! XD

    16. Those iPhone cases are pretty neat.

    17. Doesn't matter if that tattoo is on boob or butt, you should really clean it up a bit before showing the internets.

    18. Uh, tattoo guy? I'd get that mole checked out.

    19. I was on the Chilean meetup, it was awesome!

    20. Lehigh valley meet up picture. All the way on the right.

      That is one BAD. ASS. dj pon3 costume.

    21. What happened to the "Pretty Much This!" post? o.O

    22. Ohio Junior Classical League? Dangit- now I'm all nostalgic about when I was in JCL in 9th grade when life was all happy sunshine and rainbows... er, somethin' like that.

      Can anyone read the latin? I'm derpin' on it....

    23. Nice Brohoof to the 909 Bronies
      from the 719

    24. I think whoever made that first one should take the 3d character artist job with Blizz for WoW.

    25. @YASM

      Learn cinematography and camera techniques.
      Background and Layout
      And Draw... Fast.

    26. How is this Nightly Roundup when it isn't night yet? My mind is boggled by this time paradox! Dr. Whooves, what have you done?!

    27. That's the famous Evil Sugar Monster Pie.

    28. Man..if there could be a meet up in Decatur, I'd be set.. I really wanna go to one x_x..And that Rarity Tattoo, I be SUPER jelly!

    29. i'm a girl btw. And here is another pic

    30. For a second I thought that tattoo was actually on their... well, you know. But yeah, now I see it's just their armpit.

    31. Past Sins was one of the best things I've ever read, so I might audition for the reading. Now, to pick who I should audition for and see if my mic is good enough quality.

    32. I like the invisible pussy in Trixie pic

    33. Lehigh Brony Meetup. That was my first meetup ever. Awesome time. And I finally got my first MLP toy, FOR FREE! I love the community. And I got to play some music there. Looking forward to the next one.


      #4 i really really woul'nt want that plushie

    35. I would really love a Michigan meet-up. although i live right next to Detroit.... that tends to scare people away.

    36. Oh no way! I was at the Ohio Junior Classical League Convention! That means there's some other Ohio Bronies that I don't know about.

    37. What the heck is wrong with Bloggers ?

      Seems like it updated itself for the worst...

      Now, when clicking on 'Reply', it ONLY shows and locks you on the first 200comments, instead of the comments on the page you clicked... AND doesn't even allow you to switch to 'more recent comment pages'.

      Bloggers keep getting worst, instead of better, at each new updates ?

    38. Ahhh its always such a good ego stroke for us when we get mentioned on some place like MSNBC in a non derogatory manner.

    39. Neat tattoo, trying to figure out where it is......*figures out* oh Celestia why did I have to see it....
