• Nightly Roundup #251

    Nightly Roundup time!  We also have some late Derpy stuff, so check those out below, including the fully animated image above.

    More Save Derpy Stuff!

    That is some impressive animation in the second one! And I love the lasers. 


    15 Hours of Pony Music!

    Check the playlist out here.

    Camaraderie is Supernatural Seeking Musicians for Italian Theme

    The abridged series, Camaraderie is Supernatural, is seeking some brony musicians, check out the copy paste below:
    Me and the others on the Camaraderie is Supernatural crew are looking for some help from any Brony musician/remixer willing to take up the cause. We've written a translated version of the awesome Italian theme with the intention of making it the new theme song for CIS, but we don't have an instrumental track to go with it. And since no one else has one and our own attempts to make one have failed, we turn to the brony community in the hopes that someone can lend a hand by composing a new instrumental from scratch
    And the video here!

    Dash Raves

    Silly Dash...

    Wallpaper Compilation Updated Again!

    3000 images total now! Hit it up here!

    Allspark Charity Drive Last Day! 

    Over on the Allspark Forums, the final day is up for their donation drive.  Hit up this page if you want to help them reach their goal!


    Ask a Brony Show


    Brony FM Episode 2


    Stuff of the Week Episode 2


    Voice of Equestria Podcast



    Successful Meetups

    UMD Meetup

    Thats a huge pony! Have a link to their facebook.

    Southampton Meetup

    Lots of them at that one! Have a link to their writeup.

    Nuremberg Meetup


    And check their gallery out.

    Mardi Gras Meetup

    Find the writeup here.

    And the meetup page here!

    Lincoln, Nebraska Meetup

    Wow, that's a lot in Nebraska! Find their page here

    North Carolina Meetup



    Groups/Meetups/Guilds Looking for More

    Champaign, Urbana Meetup

    City: Champaign, Urbana
    Location: McDonald's - 1605 S. Neil St.
    Date: Friday - March 9th 2012
    Time: 5:30

    Event: The new wave of pony happy meal toys has arrived! Join us as we raid the local McDonald's and buy them all up!

    Other activities include dinner, episode viewings, and good old-fashioned conversation about our favorite brightly-colored talking equines!

    Open to everyone! Further info can be found on our facebook page: http://www.facebook.com/events/334748609901405/

    Battlefield Platoons

    PC platoon: http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf3/platoon/2832655391532652778/
    Xbox platoon: http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf3/platoon/2832655241213012383/
    PS3 Platoon: http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf3/platoon/2832655241164351488/
    Random Platoon: http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf3/platoon/2832655391513889523/

     Buck UK Convention Planned

    : Greeting EqD Bronies! B.U.C.K. -- the Brony UK Convention -- is currently looking for commitee members to help put on our first awesome brony event! If you are interested in getting involved, please check our site for more info on the positions available: http://www.bronyuk.org. We are ideally looking for people with experience in running and organising events, but the most important thing we need is dedication and enthusiasm. If you'd like to apply for one of these positions, please send an e-mail to saturn@bronyuk.org.

    Brony Awaking Forum

    The ITSF community banded together to start anew, and thus, Brony Awakening was born. We're a small community right now (and by small, I mean 9 people), and we're looking for fellow bronies/pegasisters to join us.


    University of Illinois Group 



    Merch/Ebay Stuff
    Pony Buttons
    Pocket Scratch
    Pocket Gilda Griffon
    Talking Pinkie Pie
    Fluttershy Plushie

    226 kommentaari:

    1. I'm suprised i'm awake for one of these...also poor Derpy.

    2. guys i officially no longer give a shit one way or the other about derpy hooves

      can we quit talking about it already


      FUCK YEAH.

    4. Thanks again, ED, you guys are true bros, and are welcome over at the Allspark anytime. We've got fun and games! (And lesbian ninjas!)

      BUCK YEAH!
      Alexander "Cabooceratops" Cooley

    5. I just wanna hug Derpy and never let go!

    6. http://tompreston.deviantart.com/journal/The-Derpy-Issue-Part-3-287178124

      Let's not let the Derpy thing blow out of control. iTunes is the likely culprit here, so please cut the melodrama, it could kill us all.

    7. Oh look, more BF3 platoons. Why we no band together to create ultra mega platoon >:D

    8. The Dash Raves is awesome :3

      The fifteen hour long pony music playlist has too many familiar songs........

      I have spent too much time on pony music.....

    9. I swear there's a bumblebee in the North Carolina meet-up pic!

    10. I didn't even know that there were other bronies in Nebraska

      This requires investigation!

    11. WOAH WOAH WOAH what happened Lincoln bronies? I'm not very far away and I did not hear about this? If ya'll read this someone message me (dmtactical) on Deviantart, youtube or rainbowdash.net. I don't have Facebook.

    12. That Derpy...
      ...to steal a quote from The Wizard of Oz:

      "Now I know I've got a heart, 'cause it's breaking..."

    13. yay! more music to add to my ipod ^_^

    14. i actually teared up and cried watching that Derpy video. i wanna hug her so bad. WE LOVE YOU DERPY! we gotta save her! i signed the petition as fast as i could

    15. Also good god is that second Derpy video a sad thing to listen to.

      Even if it was a little overdramatic for the issue, I can't help but tear up a little.

      Aaw, poor Derpy, do you want a hug?

    16. @template93
      You add this, what you call music, to your iPod?

    17. Hm... I might just register for that forum thing. Generally don't use those, but generally don't use those because they're never relevant to my interests... I shall sleep on it. As for Derpy, was certainly hoping for news on the issue, but ah well, that neon video is cute. Maybe something will pop up tomorrow.

    18. Oh my God.

      That Derpy video.

      Add another thing to the list of times ponies made me cry.

    19. That last video with crying Derpy was so sad. Then she said "I just don't know what went wrong," and I burst out laughing. Sorry Derpy. I just remember the happy times.

    20. Only 15 hours? Weak sauce.

      My pony playlist lasts 3 days.

    21. That Derpy video displays us one of the most abundant, 1st world problems to exist.

    22. That Derpy vid may have just been one of the saddest things I've ever seen.

    23. *misses EqD for two days*
      *spends 14 hours over the NEXT two days catching up*
      I made it!
      Anyway... This Derpy issue - is this Apple's doing, or Hasbro's? Either way I think it's ridiculous that they should actually edit her out like that. Unless they're getting A LOT of angry mail from outraged mums.
      Also I'm looking forward to another abridged series, they're always great.
      BDR's Derpy VoiceOver was animated pretty quick, too, by nomorethan9 no less!

    24. Ok any Florida (Foalrida?) bronies out there?

    25. @GreenGuy
      So true, so true. Alas for Derpy. Still, Kreoss implied her appearances would continue, I think.

      Oh, and 15 hours of pony music? Challenge accepted.

    26. @WGIJ try missing it for at least a week :)

    27. I watched both of those and they were, terrible. How could so much controversy appear over removing one line from a show?

    28. @Nothing Else To Do.

      Sounding a tad bitter here. :/

      If by 1st world problems you mean focusing on trivial issues instead of bigger stuff... Yeah. That's true.
      But the people involved here are people too. Derpy is representative of a bond between this community and another community- people who work and people who appreciate their work, and people who appreciate the appreciation. And I think that has it's own value.

    29. Derpy's apology made my heart feel like it was being torn apart :( I'm sorry too Derpy... We love you! *sniff*

    30. @Azure
      She's still there though. So that little connection, still exist.

    31. @Shrpsho0ter

      Something we've been trying for a while really (the so called Random Platoon in this roud-up)

    32. @WGIJ
      There's no solid picture yet, but according to Keross' and Tom Preston's journals, it's a pretty high chance that this is Apple's doing.


      People need to read this, it pretty much says that iTunes is behind it, and that we need to stop being so over-the-top about this.

      Derpy's OUR character. She can't die unless we all say so. All the depressive artwork and videos have just wrecked the weekend, it needs to stop.

    33. And that music that appeared when she started saying sorry sounded like a spoof parody of typical sad scenes, I honestly began to laugh.

    34. I honestly kinda wish the Derpy stuff would just blow over already. It's getting out of hand.. err, hoof. Though the lasers are fun and the animation wasn't bad.

      Oooh, Fasten Your Seatbelts by Pendulum. Good song. I could rave to that too. lol

    35. I consider myself a relatively steel-souled individual, but I'll admit that Derpy video with the dead island trailer theme brought a tear to my eye.

    36. @undergroundman196

      Well I'm one of them. Albeit I live on the other side of state so I didn't get attend. :(

    37. @Nothing Else To Do.

      Also true. But when they gave Derpy her "big appearance" something happened and they took out the defining features. They muffled that little love letter Studio B gave us. And nobody's really sure why and so naturally people get upset. Me, I understand that it's not the end of the world if they don't budge. But it disappoints me, and I would rather it be how it was. And without explanation I don't have a good reason to refrain.

      Thankfully the newness of the problem is wearing off, and people are starting to get used to the new state of things, or are seeing the bigger picture again. The internet sure breeds short attention spans, doesn't it?

    38. @Bronyhub
      Then you're nowhere near steel–souled. I never cried over any created scene. And that right there, was funny to me.

    39. So, am I crazy, or was last night also #250? (I know, I know, most likely the answer is both.)

      Is it because 250 is the number so twice it had to be used twice, or is this like somebody denying how old they are but refusing to add one to their age when their birthday comes around?

      Either way, I'm happy to see that the fandom has become strong enough for this nightly gathering of items to be needed for so long. Here's to another 250 and more!

    40. the second Derpy video made me tear up and claw at my screen to give her a big hug to comfort her.

    41. I just cried watching the second video.
      everyone, have an open heart and share it. :(

    42. @Azure
      Enjoy things the way they are. Derpy wasn't intended to speak, Derpy wasn't intended to be named Derpy.

    43. @Uther
      Isn't Derpy the only background pony of significance?

    44. @Bronyhub

      you're not steel souled until you can watch that Derpy apology 5 times and not shed a single tear.

    45. @wackypony

      I listened to 'What is Love' ten hours straight, I could do that standing on my head.

    46. That second Save Derpy video was sad as hell.
      Damn you, Dead Island!

    47. That second Derpy video definitely brought a tear to my eye :(

    48. That Derpy vid...

      If there's anything Bronies are amazing at, it's guilt-tripping. We're like a proverbial army of Liam Neeson's!

    49. DERPYYYYY! >hugs her while crying<

      That video was perfectly done and brought tears to my eyes. Well done!
      And so many meetups yet none anywhere near me. Somebrony in WI get on that!

    50. Too much sad Derpy! I'm not going to sleep depressed this time around, no sir!

    51. I'm going to repost my comments from youtube because i think they need to be seen:

      This (video) is nothing short of melodramatic. I like Derpy, believe me, but are we really so worked up about the background character of a show that we're going to expend our time and effort into making videos and fussing about it? And, even worse, flaming people with opinions that aren't our own? This video has the attitude that whoever is against us is a villain.It's in the same vein as the nasty comments left on a certain artist's page. Remember love and tolerance, guys. And priorities.

      She didn't tell hasbro to change Derpy. And she wasn't the only one who found it offensive. Now, I don't agree with her views, but playing the blame game is not only ineffecient, it's mean spirited. That is NOT what we are about. Calm yourself down and try to see why respect for your peers in the fandom is more important than defending a cartoon character.

      That is irrational thinking if I ever heard it. She loved the show as much as we did. Don't doubt that. She was defending a point that didn't come from a bad place. She was defending a community of people that has been stereotyped and spat upon in media, or otherwise completely ignored, for a long long time. She wasn't trying to ruin everyone's fun. Just because she was outspoken and had passion about this issue doesn't mean she is to blame.

    52. @Kafei
      Let's not blame "Hasbro" until we know more. According to Tom Preston, it's more likely to be the work of iTunes.

    53. Seriously. This is a background character. An overreaction like this solves nothing and only serves to keep our still laughed-at image in society negative.

      I will say that I did get a bit uncomfortable hearing the voice for the first time. Having been around disabled kids a lot, I could tell instantly that it might not gel with those sensitive to the disabled. We older fans need to remember that we don't control the show and we're not the audience the show targets. Hasbro will listen to parents first over us any day of the week, because the parents control what their kids watch.

      Hopefully this may translate into an episode with a positive focus on Derpy and whatever condition she has, in a far more positive light. Until then, it's not right for us to scream and whine about this.

      Because then we sound like ignorant children. And that's not what the show is about.

    54. @Shrpsho0ter That's what Ponies of War is for, but they only allow 100 members to each platoon for some reason.

    55. I saw this today. The voice was very cute and innocent, made me almost feel like weeping. Full support for Derpy, as of today.

    56. Err...does nobody else notice that this should be Nightly Roundup #251?

    57. And by the way, this video is a courteous way of hate and intolerance.

    58. Autor on selle kommentaari eemaldanud.

    59. You know what, this realization Ive had is a bit humorous. This fandom is a little like my religion in only one way - many of us don't agree with the opinions of others and show this by getting all pissed about it. This world could use more tolerant people, especially us bronies. C'mon guys, really. Even the Brony motto is Love and Tolerate.

    60. Oh my celestia... that Derpy video with Balddumborat;s voice.. it's making me cry.... cry so much....


      I need a few minutes alone...


    61. Derpy's tears really brought me down :'(

    62. Okay, I understand much of the shock and indignation about The Derpy Affair, share much of the fondness for the character, don't like how this all went down, appreciate the need for fans to vent and am all for working through our feelings on this (politely).

      Nothing wrong with grieving a little raging a little, or whatever. But I also think it's possible to get carried away with all this to a degree that's overblown and unhealthy, and caution against that.

      I especially think much of the animus we've been seeing directed toward Hasbro has been disproportionate and counterproductive, and urge my fellow pony fans not to go there. If once you start down the dark path, forever will it dominate your destiny.

      So yes, people are understandably upset, but let's please try not to let sensitivity displace sensibility.

      "Aren't you milking this a bit?" -- Amethyst Star, in The Mysterious Mare Do Well

    63. @Flutterboss Yeah I know, I'm the co-leader of their Xbox platoon, but they're not the ones doing that. Battlelog is the thing that limits at one hundred people in each platoon.

    64. @Nothing Else To Do.

      And yet you are being intolerant of other people's emotions on this issue as well. The sentiment goes both ways pal.

    65. @ponyvangelist

      Hasbro, almost certainly, is exasperated with bronies. What's love and tolerance if you're going to just deliver hate messages to them?

    66. @ponyvangelist
      Yes, yes and yes. Plus, all signs are pointing to Apple, not Hasbro.

      I'm also sick of the depressive melodramatic bullshit that's flooding my fave pony websites. I came here to enjoy my weekend, not be shocked by pictures of Derpy dying. If you want her saved, post happy pictures, damnit!

    67. You know who we should be fighting for right now? Bon Bon. Poor Bon Bon's voice has been changed three times now, three! But no one else even seems to care!

    68. @Nothing Else To Do.

      So you're a Troll then? Then I will take my leave from any conversation with you. I will tolerate your existence.

    69. @Bill VII

      Agreed entirely. If you're going to flip a communities view, thats based of of love and tolerance, you're going to need to post friendly views.

    70. @Yu Kigono

      No. I just literally have nothing else to do.

    71. You know, Seth... maybe we shouldn't be posting so many rumors about Derpy every time something happens that we're not sure of. I mean... had it not been for our reaction to the rumors and the vocal minority, this whole Derpy thing would have almost certainly just blown over. I honestly think the best thing we can do right now is just go off the radar on the Derpy issue and hope it improves.

    72. Seriously, does nobody else notice it? Nightly Roundup #250 was yesterday, right?

    73. @SirRainbowBlitz

      The sad point is, it shouldn't even have a reaction as bad as this.

    74. We now have a backlash against the backlash to the backlash against a mistake.


      Thats true. Maybe she's an impressionist and changes her voice as practice.

    75. I shed a manly tear at that save derpy video... Poor thing..

    76. @Nothing Else To Do.

      I can understand, though, why it does. A lot of people see Derpy as the fandom's link to the crew. Sure, she's only a character but perhaps she means a bit more to some people. My faith in humanity is suffering a bit from this whole ordeal, regardless.

    77. I d'awwwed when it got to "I just don't know what went wrong." Cheesy, but cute. Then it went all supermaudlin and I arrrghed.

      Also, who the fuck is Tom Preston, and why should I take his word more seriously than that of any other random Internet dipshit?

    78. On a non-Derpy note,
      That wallpaper post just bumped my pony folder past 50 Gigabytes... Do I have a problem?

    79. @Nothing Else To Do.

      Oh thank goodness. I thought maybe I was going crazy.

    80. Next step for Hasbro:


      Seriously, I didn't like the original Derpy all that much, and I could see why some people (not me) might find it offensive the very moment I saw it. It was too "over-the-top". But this one fits perfectly for me, and if anyone decided to redo Derpy once again, then this is, in my opinion, the way to go.

    81. Damn I look fat in that Nuremberg picture xD

    82. @FuckYouGoogle
      Popular illustrator who wrote this: http://tompreston.deviantart.com/journal/The-Derpy-Issue-Part-3-287178124

      It pretty much says that all this Hasbro-bashing is unfounded without evidence (Considering that iTunes is likely the reason for Derpy's alteration.) We have to calm down and approach this in a more level-headed manner.

    83. @Bill VII
      It was not iTunes. Sabrina Alberghetti already confirmed on her DA that DHX made the changes at Hasbro's instruction.

    84. @Nothing Else To Do.
      I think a lot of us arent really worried about seeing more Derpy (Personally, I love her, but i dont look for her in the episodes), but are just kinda pissed at the whole censoring thing, just the fact that whoever did it just caved in to the demands of maybe a hundred or two people against tens of thousands of loyal fans

    85. @Beatfox
      He just said that is was their decision. It could just as easily be pressure from iTunes.

    86. @Bill VII
      Hasbro is the owner of the property and has the ultimate say on what happens to it. Apple has no power over them - they merely act as a distribution channel for their content.

    87. *it.

      But if that is the case, there's still no loss. Derpy was once but an animation error. You can't take a fan-created character away without every single one giving it the go. Regardless of who's to blame, it's been blown out of proportion to the detriment of many.

    88. @Beatfox
      *iTunes merely acts as a distribution channel for Hasbro's content, I mean.

    89. @Bucky The Nonfictional Pony

      They were trying it to improve it to make everyone happier. They didn't cave in, they just must of though the ones displeased would feel more okay with the censorship of her name. So they kind of did something like this; X=Displeased H=Pleased C=Censorship T=Tolerance. C=X+H=T. But the H, pleased, didn't tolerate. So everyone arguing it right now are the ones causing the trouble.

    90. I don't think i'm not going to look at those videos. I'll think of why they were made and instead of sad I might get angry.

    91. Plus, Keross said she'd be fine, and if she just goes back to being an Easter egg, that's fine, too. As long as we keep drawing her, her existence is continued. Really, this "Derpy is dead" crap makes me want to go full cupcakes on some people.

    92. Holy crap, I'm gone for less than 36 hours to see a play and a hockey game (which was awesome because they played Archie V in the freakin arena right before the game!). I just get home and I'm all, "Well I'll listen to that Alex S song that was supposed to come out today and then go to bed". But what do I find in addition to that?
      -10 (!) new songs from my favorite artists.
      -Derpy edited out of iTunes
      -New episode synopsis
      -Extended Theme Song and video

      Seriously. It is 2am and I cannot handle all these conflicting emotions at once!

    93. @Bucky The Nonfictional Pony

      "That wallpaper post just bumped my pony folder past 50 Gigabytes... Do I have a problem?"

      Yes. You need a bigger hard drive. :-)

    94. What really aggravates me is the fact that the host of the #savederpy petition is distressed at the fact hasbro blocked the petition. You're the ones attacking them. Bronies, sometimes I wonder how Hasbro deals with your constant shit.

    95. @Nothing Else To Do.
      Of course, the ones displeased were displeased because of her name (and voice/eyes/whatever)
      The voice was a derp on the VA's part, so I get changing it, her eyes have been derping since day one, so thats not something you could change without raging fans, and the name, while it was beggin for "offensiveness" rage, was already canon. And given the huge frackus of joy when they finally did give her a role, changing that scene was probably one of the most stupid decisions on their part. Now they have a shitstorm of angry fans, sending pissy letters, raising hell in the little pony media we have. Yes, the rage is our fault, but in the HUMAN world, its still a matter of censoring a cartoon for the sake of a few complaints. Im not raging, but just seeing that fans can still "tell" a company what they can and cant do is depressing. Censorship is alive and well, and thats what REALLY grinds my gears

    96. You guys really need to stop feeling sorry for yourselves and think about who really got hurt. I have yet to hear anyone mention the real victims here; Jayson Theissen and his crew at StudioB/DHX. Can you imagine how it must feel to be told to go back and change something you worked so long and hard on because it was viewed as offensive by some people? It had to have crushed them. Send kind words to them instead of hateful ones to Hasbro. Feel free to copypasta this if you agree...

    97. @Bobbyzero

      Especially on that #savederpy petition. Hasbro deals with all this brony shit, yet they still deal with them, and then they want to rage at them some more.

    98. I wish Derpy was real or have a plush of her and hug her. So sad *snuff* Bro Hoof to those who care and love her

    99. @Bill VII
      I'm...not blaming Hasbro. I'm directing this at the bronies who are blowing this whole thing out of proportion. I thought that was clear...

    100. SHAVE DERPY

      those fetlocks are out of control

    101. @Kafei
      Guess I misread it. Sorry 'bout that.

    102. 15 hours pony music?
      I've listened to nothing but Celestia radio for the past 4 weeks anyway.

    103. Autor on selle kommentaari eemaldanud.

    104. I didn't plan on crying tonight....but Derpy's sadness did it.... :'(

    105. ...Changing Derpy has only made obvious her flaws. I feel like it will be MORE likely now that kids who watch the show, in their curiosity, will learn about and take the negative stereotypes of 'blonde' or 'mentally retarded' and take them to heart in a bad way.

      I feel like they should have added more depth to Derpy's character instead, in a way that shows she doesn't fit the stereotypes imposed on her. It's a win for all parties, because she'd get more screen time, and she'd cease to be offensive to some people.

    106. Those videos are so painfully melodramatic.
      I'm sorry but i don't get how people can take them seriously.

      I'm not a fan of people forcing their opinions on a character anyways.

    107. Augh god not the dead island trailer music! higgaaaaah!

    108. Yey more wallpapers
      with this 3000 i am now over 15000 wallpapers / images

    109. @Juli7xxxxx NUREMBERG! Dammit I live in Munich! How do I know if and when there will be another meetup in Germany?

    110. Successful meetups always make me smile. Even on the other side of the globe.

    111. I don't understand what we're trying to save Derpy from.

    112. @WeirdJamFace
      And I don't understand how littering my favorite pony sites with depressed Derpy is going to accomplish it.

    113. That sad Derpy video. What is this water coming from my eyes???

    114. Whatever happened to "the customer is always right"? Surely a large consumer base has some say in what's accepted or otherwise? Don't we deserve a say? Or are we all just lumped into a general sum of "fanatics"?

      When we don't have a say, when our voices truly don't matter, then we're not people and mere pawns programmed to throw money at whatever we're told to.

      No thanks. I follow and support what listens to the consumer. It's not a majority, but at least it's trying to make an effort.

    115. That is by far the saddest pony animation I've seen yet ;_;

    116. They just had to use the music from that Dead Island trailer didn't they? *sniff* I'm not crying, there's jut something in my eye.

    117. Poor Derpy Hooves! Why would anybody wanna get rid of such an awesome pony? Just because she talked everybody hates her? Or is it because she derps? Either way its a stupid reason to hate a pony. If it is because she talked that should not be a reason to protest against her! Nearly every single pony talks! And if it is cause of the derp,I know some people are cross eyed but that is no reason for them to ruin things for everybody else! At first the derp was a glitch,but now it is used with Derpy. Derpy makes lots of people very happy!

    118. I simply do not understand how the critics of Derpy, after causing much more change than they intended, are now criticizing the people who have always loved her.

      The crowd that was unable to "love and tolerate" Derpy, because of four speaking lines, has now infected the entire fandom with animosity toward other fans, Hasbro, The Hub, and Apple.

      It seems we no longer stand together, will we now fall divided?

    119. Why is that the more I read the comments, the less involved I want to be with everyone? Smarten up, guys. Derpy is still here to stay. She still has dialogue, she's still an easter egg pony whether she has derped eyes or not (she hasn't ALWAYS had derped eyes in every scene she was in). I love Derpy too, and honestly, she doesn't need saving. Be glad Hasbro gave her life, because if the new Derpy was the first time you've seen her talk, you wouldn't know a difference.

    120. I honestly could not care less for derpy.

      So they changed her lines, big deal.

    121. People are still going emo about Derpy... *sigh* I couldn't care less about her appearance on screen, because it is totally secondary to her fan image. It doesn't matter if they changed her line in the show, no one is taking your fics, artwork and comics away. She's fanon character and she will be the way we want her to be.

      "How Hasbro is still dealing with us" is the funniest thing I've read today. Wake up, people! We are their customers and we are paying them money. It's their job to deal with us if they want to make profits.

      No offence, but all these OMG DERPY IS DYING posts look like a sensationalist fishing for views from Equestria Daily.

    122. @Pink Champagne ^ THIS ^

      I think now would be a perfect time for everyone to take a break from the internet petitions, to let the hashtag button rest, and generally to take a moment to step back a little and let emotions settle down.

      Nopony needs saving at the moment. Overreacting is what caused this entire mess in the first place, raising the volume even more will only exacerbate things.

      "Love and tolerate" is not just a cute catchphrase, it is a method of dealing with conflict that has been tried and proven to work. You don't fight fire with fire, you fight fire with water. :)

    123. @Pink Champagne

      to me it seems that we stand pretty much united behind Derpy for various reasons and few people are bitching how that is making things worse, which is just silly, how would Hasbro know what we want if we didn't tell them?

    124. I actually think this fandom is handling this nonsense pretty well. Most of us are realizing that we should just be cautious and wait it out. Petitions are nice, but we'll see where things go from here.

      At this stage, we know too little to even 'forgive' anyone involved. We don't even know the reasoning yet. At the very least, this fandom should remain more vigilant to begin with. People keep messing around and trolling it constantly. I think the Derpy coverage is okay as it is.

      I agree with not fanning the flames and all, but it's honestly not as bad as the trolls and anti-bronies are making out to be in comments sections and Pony sites. People should call out those trolls out as we see it and love and tolerate the best we can.

      This fandom is stronger than people (even bronies) give credit for.

    125. @Shippoyasha
      I agree wholeheartedly. Aside from a few bad eggs the fanbase has seemed to be reasonable in protest. Making Fanart. Animation. A small charity. Saying they care. Maybe a few trolls here or their but im surprised that we arnt getting as out of hand as I expected.
      We should just continue doing what we're doing and see the reaction from whoevers done this. Go Bronies!

    126. @Jay6
      I am not sure who you are talking to with the comment about "If the new Derpy was the first time you've seen her talk" because I guarantee you EVERYPONY on this board HAS seen the original. Including my 3 and 6 year old children who have now also seen the edit. Therefore 100% of the people on this board are justified in expecting a reason from whoever is responsible. I wonder why Derpy couldn't have gotten a higher voice by sharing some of her voice with a mute pony in a quick 15 second clip in a new ep. I wonder why Derpy couldn't have gotten her eyes straightened when she saw Dinky falling and had to focus to catch her in a new ep. I wonder why Derpy couldn't have gotten less clumsy by showing some 10 seconds snippet of her practicing with RD for a Wonderbolts picnic. Any of those things wouldn't have been more work than the edit they already did, AND it wouldn't force REAL brony parents (unlike the fake troll parents who supposedly started this demolition of all things Derp) to explain what happened to Derpy by telling 3 and 6 year olds that its okay to fix people with strabismus, clumsiness, or boyish voices.

    127. Don't know if anypony read the Southampton writeup, but it seems the group was kicked out of their local Toys R Us most unceremoniously for the crime of wanting to buy ponies.

    128. I think we're taking this Derpy thing a tad too seriously. Yes, her name got cut and most likely for a stupid reason. Yes, her voice sounds stupid now. Yes, they un-derped her eyes which was pretty much taking the cake but even so, we're making this look like the world is ending. Calm down people.

      Though I'm still confused as to why EQD doesn't have a link to #SaveDerpy anywhere at the top of the page. This is the biggest pony related blog on the internet, I kinda thought they'd care a bit more.

    129. Oh dear, so much misinformation going around.

      It's not Apple, or the FCC. Hasbro decided to remove Derpy. And by all accounts, any future episodes yet to be animated will not contain Derpy. That a Top Draw animator says she's "fine" means nothing since Top Draw only gets finished storyboards and have no idea what's going on before that.

      And if you don't care for Derpy, consider that Hasbro is interfering with DHX's creative freedom and censoring the show. I don't think DHX wants that, and neither should you. DHX's creative freedom is what made this show what it is.

      - No Derpy in season 3, and whatever future episodes she would have are scrapped (but nobody would ever know except DHX and Hasbro).
      - Reduced quality of show as Hasbro interferes.

      This is what's at stake.

    130. dont send hate mail to hasbro, be polite guys, also I cried a bit while making it.

    131. No... Thank you derpy, now let's both smile...

    132. So those offended guys actually want special people to be forcefully changed into something who they aren't even though they're given much acceptance.


    133. @Nash

      "And by all accounts, any future episodes yet to be animated will not contain Derpy."

      Which accounts? Can you offer some examples? Links? Something?

    134. @ponyvangelist
      No, it's a figure of speech.

      Just look at this logically. If Hasbro thinks Derpy is offensive to the point of censoring her in an already existing episode, do you think they will let her appear in future episodes?

      Not that we will ever know since we don't know what future appearances she'd have. It will all be quietly swept under the rug and nobody will notice.

      While she has been in seen in episodes after The Last Roundup, those have already been storyboarded and animated and editing all of them would be impractical and her appearances are minor. But stuff that's not done yet? Another matter.

    135. The chalk Fluttershy makes me want to draw everypony on the streets. But I would have to ask all of my neighbors for that first.

    136. For people who don't know:

      Hasbro is in charge of everything that is MLP. Apple has no control over anything that they produce. Hasbro is directly responsibe for the change.

    137. @undergroundman196

      Check us out on our Facebook page, which is linked right below the picture :D

    138. Poor fellow... See at our feet they kneel; our hearts we cannot steel against the sad, sad tale of the lonely Derpy girl...

      Damnit, I want to know who did this to her! It does sound likely Apple did it, considering the lower quality of the voice acting in the edited version, but would Hasbro be crazy enough to bite the hand of its, significantly larger, adult audiences?
      The blocking of the petition does bring some questions though... Did they block it because their servers were being overwhelmed, because they honestly didn't want to hear our backlash at their choice, or because they weren't the ones to do it and just were blocking it to send us the hint that we should focus or internet tolerance gaze elsewhere.

      Oh, and to all the neighsayers who are saying we are overreacting... All things considered this is tame. And as long as we don't have info, it will remain tame. Once we know who did this, whether it be Apple or Hasbro, we will likely come up with harsher methods of showing our displeasure. Petitions, art, music, animation, these things might be overwhelming, but that is our love of Derpy.

      Oh, and to "Nothingbettertodo..."
      You do realize that by constantly saying you LAUGHED at the second Derpy video, you come across as a sociopath right? It's not just that it's Derpy that makes you look like a cold, heartless monster, it's the fact you are laughing at someone in pain. It doesn't matter if she's a fictional horse, it is someone in pain that you are laughing at. And yet your the one shouting Love and Tolerance...
      Tolerance runs out. It has a defined limit. and for people like you, I have none left.

    139. It's not Apple. Stop spreading that ridiculous piece of misinformation. Sibsy confirmed it was Hasbro on her deviantART, and Apple can't just go edit other companies' shows without their consent and magically produce new voice acting and animation.

    140. Can we get another "Everypony Chill out" post? Because I don't think you guys fully read the first one.

      @Rakshata "Tolerance runs out. It has a defined limit. and for people like you, I have none left." This is when you need to tolerate the most. Take a minute and consider it from his perpective. He's saying that it's melodramatic and basically cheesy. He's not laughing at the derpy issue but rather the overreaction to it.

      @Nash It's too soon to tell if she's fully been removed from the show, and pointing the finger at the giving tree isn't going to help. We all need to just take a deep breath, walk away for a few days, and come back AFTER we've seen the new fluttershy episode.

    141. @Nashbut they can make hasbro edit episode, if they want it back on itunes. They're pretty petty with this kind of things.

    142. 15 Hours?

      My pony playlist is at least 50 hours and counting.

    143. Poor Derpy we all love you! Now who wants to start a march to Hasbro and revolt/ riot?

    144. If the backlash is overwhelming enough, I wonder if Hasbro will relent. That is to say if we don't all act like immature twits firing off insults in emails and making a general ass of the fandom - and rather being polite yet frank in our opinions of this move they made - they just might.

      Particularly if it somehow translates to them losing some profit. I hate to think the vocal minority who whined and blubbered to Hasbro over this is worth more to listen to then those who support Derpy.

    145. Man that second video is sad.

      Even so, I would just like to reiterate:

      Everyone, for Derpy's sake, please calm down. Nothing will be accomplished and nothing good will come from flames and hate.

      The Brony community is, and has to be, better than that.

    146. @CaptainDash
      There will be no official word. Hasbro will not come out and say "Hey Bronies, we removed Derpy from the show, have fun mail bombing us." and DHX can't come out and state things.

      All the "let's wait and see" approach will accomplish is Derpy quietly vanishing and nobody will be the wiser, until it's too late.

    147. @darkconsoles
      The iTunes rumor is stupid, someone started it because the DVD isn't changed, but the DVDs were printed before this thing and they aren't going to recall all of them.

      Spreading these rumors is not helping. It just distracts people from the real issue at hand. What we should do is focus on changing Hasbro's mind, with polite, well considered letters.

    148. We'd really appreciate any help anyone can offer with the song project on Camaraderie is Supernatural!

      ~Buddy Vox

    149. @Nash
      With all due respect, and I mean that sincerely, right now you are the one spreading rumors. " Hasbro is interfering", "There will be no official word" etc. You are mixing facts, conjecture and hearsay into a very unappetizing cocktail.

      Please stop jumping to conclutions.
      Please take a moment to calm down.


    150. That UIC brony page looks very empty and tempting, but I fear the worst if I join it because of who may have created it, excuse my pessimism but 33% chance of who it is far too great to take the risk :[

      I also am getting a bit depressed of all the sad Derpy/Ditzy Hooves/Doo stuff. Derpy/Ditzy has always been a fun, silly, strong character who passes whatever obstacles in front of her (at least that's what I make her out to be). Stop protraying her as a weak character by all these crying images, she's better than that and can have even better propaganda with more positive images.

    151. Autor on selle kommentaari eemaldanud.

    152. You know, I've always tried to see both sides of any argument and this Derpy thing is no exception. I can see where the opposition is coming from and why they would want to change her. I never took this view, but I tolerated it. But after seeing Derpy cry, I just can't. It just feels wrong.

    153. There were more of us than that at the Nebraska meetup, some of us left earlier than when that picture was taken. But it was fun!

    154. So, they underped her eyes, taking away her excuse for being clumsy and making her into an exaggerated bumb blonde stereotype. Doesn't it offend more people than the original?

    155. I was almost crying at the derpy videos

    156. that second Derpy one made me shed a tear or two. Confound these ponies! They drive my emotions to the extreme!

    157. @kris
      That Hasbro is interfering is not a rumor, it's a fact. As for how there will be on official word, yes, that is conjecture, but let's think about this... Why would Hasbro come out and state they are removing Derpy, when they can just do it? They know how to play politics. Now, while that necessarily won't be the case, it illustrates the problem with a waiting approach.

      We don't need to wait, we know Hasbro has edited Derpy and we can address that. And by doing so, we are also addressing her future status.

    158. Derpy, We love you for who you are, the cute, walleyed grey pegasus with the silly name. I'll never change how I feel no matter what happens to you. That vid definitely made me shed some manly tears. I'll always support Derpy.

      As for the other news..DANG in Champaign..thats so close to where I live but sooo far away! Ugggh!!

    159. @Nash

      "Just look at this logically. If Hasbro thinks Derpy is offensive to the point of censoring her in an already existing episode, do you think they will let her appear in future episodes?"

      It's hard to know, which is ironically the biggest reason this is such a mess: people honestly don't know, and in the absences of facts, fiction takes their place.

      We can rightly blame Hasbro for not being more up front about what's going on, but then again, if they came out and said "we're changing Derpy's voice and appearance in the episode", would that actually have made things better? Also hard to know, but I'm not seeing a lot of give and take on any side of this.

      The problem with speculating about Hasbro's motives is that it's too easy to assume the worst, accuse them of being evil and utterly ruining any hope of actually understanding what's going on in the process.

      As an example, we can assume they changed Derpy as a prelude to writing her out of the show forever. Or we could just as easily assume they changed her so they can include her in future episodes, maybe even in an expanded role, once she's been "polished" enough to be viable as a more prominent character.

      Some people were offended by the old Derpy, some by the new. I see some fans knocking "soccer moms" and bandying other pejorative stereotypes around. From Hasbro's point of view, these "soccer moms" are paying the bills by buying My Little Pony toys, and for all the hoopla and self-importance surrounding bronydom, the lion's share of income from this franchise is from toy sales, not the TV shows, whether pirated or legit.

      Anything, and I mean ANYTHING that could impact negatively on My Little Pony's reputation, image, marketability or sales is going to take priority over mollifying the show's male fanbase. It's not because Hasbro is evil or doesn't care about us, it's because they've been selling these toys longer than most of the people on this planet have been alive, know a thing or two about how that needs to be done, and if they can't sell toys, we get no show.

      So again, I want to emphasize that I'm not knocking anyone for being upset. That's natural, understandable and I'm there with you, my friends. But I think it is very important to maintain some perspective about all this and try not to see evil where evil is not.

      The good people at Hasbro saw fit to give us this incredible show, and even throw us a bone by allowing Derpy to assume an ever more prominent role in it. Apparently, with S02E14 they may have gone a bridge too far with Derpy and are backing off a bit.

      But that doesn't mean they don't care about how we feel or are out to piss us off. They have a lot of things to consider and have to make trade-offs. They have to keep the show viable. They have to manage costs. They have to weigh legal issues. And above all, they MUST sell toys to keep the bills paid.

      There's nothing wrong with offering constructive criticism and polite feedback, but when it comes to making assumptions about the people who bring us Friendship is Magic, I think they deserve the benefit of the doubt. :-)

    160. @ponyvangelist
      You don't have to assume the worst per se, but from a decision theory perspective, the attitude that it's nothing will not help.

      If you assume that the worst might happen, and contact Hasbro about things that HAVE happened, you might be able to prevent those things from happening.

      But just saying "Derpy is fine" will let Hasbro remove her, if that's what they want, and do so unchallenged.

      Also, Derpy being canon was DHX's doing, not Hasbro. Removing her name/eyes etc is Hasbro's doing, however.

      And yes, they have a lot of things to consider, that's why contacting them to show there are a great number of people displeased with their decision, people who do watch the show and buy the toys, shows them that such decisions can in fact affect their profits.

    161. Hey, sorry to interrupt the Derpy debate, but just letting you know I made a new listing for the MLP: FiM buttons that are listed. The first set of 10 sold so the link is an old one.

      Here is the main store link where I have made another listing. =)


    162. @ponyvangelist

      Fucking beautiful. Its so nice to see someone speaking reasonably.


    164. Thank you guys, the Nuremberg meetup was awesome.

    165. *sees the second Derpy video*

      I'm going away for a bit. Going to fill the Great Canyon with my tears.

    166. @Nash

      Actually, that's another facet of all this: not everyone minds the changes. The outrage is neither uniform nor universal. I hate to imply it's a "tempest in a teapot", and don't want to disrespect my fellow fans who are really upset about this in any way, but... well...

      Back when S02E14 came out, I was thrilled to see Derpy's historic debut as a speaking contributor to the plot (as Town Hall's arch-nemesis, no less) and marveled at just how significant an event that was, but with all due respect to Tabitha, I found the voice to be too overdone and, well, too "dopey" for Derpy.

      And I know damn well I wasn't the only fan who felt that way. There was a lot of controversy about that at first, but it died off as people got used to it. A lot like Luna's comeback in S02E04. Major fanon-shock uproar followed by adjustment and eventual acceptance.

      This is jarring because we saw the first pass, got used to it, then witnessed some odd shenanigans regarding the iTunes version. Then this scene change reminiscent of the way Stalin used to airbrush former comrades out of official photos after having them purged. Kinda creepy.

      But they DIDN'T just cut Derpy out of the episode, which would have been the easiest thing to do. Town Hall could have just been running down anyway and they could have dropped in something else they cut out during the original editing process.

      They didn't do that. They actually bothered to not only re-voice the parts, but even made subtle changes to the art and animation as well. I find it hard to believe they would go to that much trouble if they were really going to pull the plug. Maybe, but why not get it over with if that's the case?

      Anyway, yes, it's possible for fan feedback to influence Hasbro's decision-making process, especially if they can see a profitable outcome from it. But selling toys is their day job, and when you're selling toys to very young children, you need to be very, VERY careful about what you're doing.

      My Little Pony doesn't need a bunch of special interest groups raising holy hell over Derpy and dragging their name (and Derpy's) through the mud. Fans can complain about them caving, but the bottom line is that there's simply no reason to put a dog (or pony) in that fight. They are guaranteed to lose orders of magnitude more than they could possibly gain by doing that.

      I appreciate Derpy fans wanting to send Hasbro a message, but I'm pretty sure they already got it, and no doubt saw it coming to begin with. They weighed their options and did what they did.

      As for what they intend to do about Derpy in the future, my guess is even they probably don't know for sure. They may want to see if "new Derpy" is feasible or not. That may decide whether they can keep her, cut her from the cast or restrict her to "Where's Waldo" duty.

      I seriously doubt spamming their inboxes with angry (or heck, even polite) protests is going to have a meaningful influence on their decision-making, because it's not just about us. They have to protect the brand more than anything, and parent or NGO-led boycotts of their toys, or brony-led boycotts for that matter, are just not the kind of thing I can imagine them wanting to have to deal with because of a character they threw in as a nod to the fans.

      But enough of my blathering. For whatever it's worth, it's nice to be able to talk about this without the requisite histrionics, and I very much appreciate being able to do so with you.

      So whatever our opinions may be, thanks for that. :-)

    167. HRNNNNNNNNGGG! DER......*aorta pops*

    168. Throwing my two cents in with Derpy:

      I'm not really one to go about signing petitions. I love Derpy, but it doesn't really matter how much anyone changes her... She'll be the same to us. The thing that makes me giggle is that in my head, it went a little like this:

      Some over-reacting people: "She's offensive!"

      People with disabilities, eye impairments, blondeness, some combination there of: "Actually, we think she's inspiring..."

      Hasbro, Apple, et al: "K, we'll change her."

      disabled people: "...so... we're just going to pretend we don't matter?... k..." : <

      I'm disabled, have eye issues, are blonde, and klutzy. No matter what, she's my fave :3

    169. @ponyvangelist
      Granted, not everyone minds the changes. However, what they should mind is the implications of them. DHX are the ones making the show, and having them limited by Hasbro is not something we should want.

      Besides, think about DHX and how they feel about having to go back and edit their hard work, and how that makes them feel.

      Why didn't they remove Derpy entirely in the edit? Well, there's two possibilities. For one, it could be too obvious, and for the sake of politics they didn't, because they don't want to alienate the brony community, but get rid of what they felt was "offensive". Option two: DHX didn't want to remove even more of their hard work, so this was the compromise.

      As for if there are a bunch of special interest groups who were actually offended, that's speculation. Other people claim "soccer moms" or "trolls" were behind it. I've also heard that it was a few bronies who complained to Hasbro because THEY were offended.

      So while we don't know what motivated this change, what we can do is express our dislike for it. If enough people contact them about it, they might reconsider, especially if they complaints they received in the first place were just from a tiny vocal minority.

      So I don't see "we shouldn't contact them because they are just protecting their brand from parent boycotts" as a solid approach, since we don't know that it's the case. We can contact them, and they can weigh in OUR voices in relation to whatever other things they have heard, things only they are aware of.

      And yes, it's nice to be able to have intelligent conversation. But that's part of what makes this community so great. Much less flaming and the like.

    170. @Nothing Else To Do.

      Love and tolerance is reserved for the lovable and tolerable. People who take joy in harming others will never, under any circumstances, respond to kindness with kindness; they will take it as a sign of weakness and that they can continue harming others without consequences. Giving in to them or responding to their aggression with "love" or "tolerance" will only encourage them to do more harm, because they have beer REWARDED for their antisocial behavior. But hey! Maybe the people they hurt next will be some other innocent who isn't a brony, won't that be cool?

      Grow a fucking spine, bronies. If you're going to be the Internet's doormats, you are going to get exactly what you deserve. And if YOUR weakness encourages the bullies, busy-bodies and professional victims to expand the list of people they hurt, then you deserve much more harm than just the loss of a character that was a gift to you.

    171. 15 hours of pony music? Challenge Accep- wait... Challenge Completed! I have about 10gb of pony music, about 1/5 - 2/5 fits on my cell phone's SD Card. I listen to pony music constantly.

    172. @Nash

      As I understand it, DHX does the animation (along with Top Draw) and a lot of the heavy lifting, but Hasbro Studios is where the writing takes place and major creative decisions are made. In practice, there's a lot of back-and-forth and bouncing around, but Hasbro is always involved in pretty much every aspect of the decision-making process.

      As Lauren Faust described it, she had to get just about everything approved in minute detail, down to nuances in character design (was the manticore too scary? are these cutie marks okay? etc.) and NOTHING of any significance gets into the show without getting the nod from the Hasbro brass. Likewise, every script needs to be reviewed and approved in detail, and is subject at any time to revision by Hasbro as the process moves forward.

      So while Studio B/DHX still has a lot of direct influence on how things work by virtue of being the people who make it happen, and may have slipped in more Derpy cameos at Jayson's behest, there's just no way she got that speaking part in S02E14 without explicit approval from Hasbro.

      Which is what makes this so intriguing, because Hasbro must not have had a problem with Derpy as she originally appeared there. The about-face came later.

      I don't doubt Hasbro would drop Derpy like a hot potato if they see the need, but I think they were as caught off guard as we were. Again, we're throwing a lot of speculation around here, but Hasbro was open-minded enough to give Derpy a shot, so I don't think they're the stiff-necked "suits" people assume they are. They DID go with this show when they could have gone with more traditional alternatives, after all.

      Anyway, everything I've seen by Lauren and Jayson about how the show is made makes it crystal clear that Hasbro is in charge of EVERYTHING, so characterizing this as some sort of creative culture war between Hasbro and DHX seems like a stretch.

      Rather, I'm sure they're all trying to figure out where (if anywhere) to go from here with Derpy, and all while they have the rest of the show to deal with.

      Fan sentiment notwithstanding, Derpy is just a bit player. Hasbro has a show to run and toys to sell. If Derpy fits in, great. If not, too bad.

      Here's hoping they find a way to keep her, and a hunch that -- fan accusations aside -- they want to.

    173. I honest to god cried when I watched the 2nd one.

    174. Since we're asking for opinions, I'll throw in my two cents. I want to talk a bit about my ten year old son. He has autism spectrum disorder and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. He is also a big MLP:FIM fan, as is the rest of the household. We, as a family, go onto fan sites, look at the pictures and read the stories together. Derpy is not his favorite Pony, but she is darn close. I asked him why he liked her so much. He said because Derpy is special, like he is special, and everyone loves Derpy. She has lots of friends. He does not have that many friends. They love her not because they have to, it is because they want to. She messes up, but that is OK, because we all mess up. Everyone still loves Derpy. In short, Derpy gives my boy hope that maybe, just maybe, he could be accepted too. The moment she spoke he was the happiest little boy in the world. Yes, that little nod to the bronies and pegasisters meant more to him than anyone could understand. Then came the change. His elder sister told him, and then I and his mother had to explain the controversy to him the best we could. While my boy is very bright, an A student most days; he has no personal understanding of what being offended or embarrassed feels like. The message that he got from Derpy's edit was that it was not OK to be the way he is, that it is not OK to be special. Take that for what it is worth.

    175. @ponyvangelist
      Sure they get approval from Hasbro, but Jayson stated a while back that DHX has had a lot of creative freedom, in that long interview with EqD. Hasbro is not in charge of everything.

      It may not be a "creative culture war", but as Sibsy put it, "Unfortunately, those calls aren't up to us at DHX, it's Hasbro's decision." Unfortunately. Yeah, DHX didn't want to do this, but Hasbro made them.

      I hope that they keep Derpy as well, but that's only part of it.

      Jayson has stated that their goal is "to make a good show". I don't want them to make a show specifically for bronies, nor to make a show that's limited by what might be considered politically correct. Above all, I just want them to be able to continue doing what they do, because that's what makes the show good.

    176. oh god that second derpy video with the dead island trailer music makes me sad :'(

    177. I was wondering when my Alma Mater would join in with the ponies X3

      You couldn't get any better foot traffic than at the North Campus diner for that.


    178. @Beatfox

      Yes, iTunes is a distribution channel. They also have total veto on what gets distributed via their channel.

      iTunes history so far shows that they are very cautious about this, they have a "better-safe-than-sorry" attitude, probably for legal resons. Content providers distributing their content via iTunes often alter their content to fit iTunes terms and conditions. This is also a matter of record.

      What Sabrina Alberghetti confirmed on her DA was only that DHX got their orders from Hasbro. That does not clash with any other information available.
      DHX is not employed by Apple. Apple does business with Hasbro directly.

      So Apple give their terms and conditions to Hasbro, then Hasbro gives instructions to DHX.
      That's how the chain of command works.

      Now can we put this strange conspiracy rumor to rest? None of these details really matter anyway, unless you're more interested in pointing fingers and holding grudges than you are in watching ponies.

    179. That Save Derpy video made me cry... :(

      I really hope Hasbro reconsiders their decision.
