• Nightly Roundup #244

    This roundup actually exploded and lost a few things in the rebuilding.  If you submit something for it, and it isn't here, resubmit!

    I think I got most of it minus a few meetups that I can't seem to track the images down for now.

    Have some news! 

    Spike's Pony Dating Service

    It's pretty ridiculous to say the least!

    Wal-Mart Friendship Express has "special" special features.

    Maybe Tara Strong was on to something the other day...

    Rarity is an Egomaniac

    Don't deny it Cereal, you know she is... and you love her for it.

    Vinyl Scratch Tapes Episode 3; The Call-In Show


    Ponycast Episode 7


    Brony Comms Season 2 Episode 7

    Queensland Pegacast Episode 4



    Groups/Meetups/Guilds Looking for More

    Iowa State Group


    Across Equestria RP Site


    Copy Paste:
    For any roleplayer that is seeking a good place for pony RPs, this forum has anything you're looking for. Create or join any RP of your choosing, from action to romance. Post your characters and art for them, or just show off some of your creative skills in media section. There's even a place for some casual chatter that you may want to get out of your system as well as an actual chat system going to be placed in soon. Anypony is welcome!
    Fluttershy Cottage Forum


    Copy Paste: 
    It's still a relatively new forum, but has quite a few members, and is active everyday. We're looking for  bronies to join our ranks and just have a good time on this great forum.

    Milwaukee Meetup

    This Sunday: Bronies MKE (Milwaukee Bronies group) "Bronies at the Museum" (http://www.meetup.com/Bronies-MKE/events/48974772/)


    Merch/Ebay Stuff
    Trixie Plush
    Venus Sculpture


    1. Rather light round up tonight. still wish i had made it. Regardless. here, have a link: http://equestrianbookclub.blogspot.com/

    2. Is this the coveted first? Nay. It can not be!

    3. roundup already O_o probably time to go to bed......

    4. That Rarity video is amazingly hilarious!

    5. Now what did they sneak onto that DVD....

    6. @Rarity is an Egomaniac

      Yea, and this is exactly why I don't understand why people like her, even have her as their fav.

      I also predict Cereal will pull something when he wakes up.

    7. Rarity is an egomaniac is so damn funny!

    8. Rarity is an egomaniac is just bloody brilliant! We love it!!!

    9. @Mattwo

      Perhaps she inveigled us by being a complete antithesis to all of our opinions and beliefs, or instead, in contrast, she represents the dream of making it high into society which a lot of people probably enjoy the idea of.

      Or perhaps she is just fabulous!

    10. "It may contain intense violence, blood and gore, sexual content and/or strong language."

      Because Tara Strong is voice acting. I see what they did there.

    11. Rarity is an Egomaniac: I love this so much.

    12. @Mattwo
      What's not to like? Egomaniacs tend to be some of the most fun characters.

      Speaking of which, you're one to talk about loving an egomaniac Seth...

    13. Rarity is an egomaniac had me laughing.

      But seriously though, that episode gives her a bad rap. As she's written to be a high-class clothing designer, of course it's her dream to get in on the aristocratic upper-class she designs for. But being as we're all predominantly a bunch of dudes, we don't relate to aspirations in the fashion industry at all and write it off as, "ha ha, element of generosity my ass!"

      But the episode wasn't about the "elements", it was about compromising dreams vs. friends. And it's a tough choice. You musicians, how would you choose between collaborating with Skrillex or Avicii or The cast of MLP for a weekend vs. your friends? I know if I was in a similar situation relating to my interests, I could only hope I could end up as well-off as Rarity did, and not lose sight of my original friends as I get wrapped up in a huge opportunity to pursue my wildest dreams. Which is basically what the episode's lesson was.

      Yeah, sure, it certainly isn't the "element of generosity", but if all the characters were the perfect embodiment of their element, they'd be boring, one-dimensional, and wouldn't be relatable characters at all.

      And in conclusion, I think this parody song was awesome.

    14. Oh dear... I wonder what they stuck on that DVD... :/

      Rarity is an Egomaniac was pretty great :) Pretty much sums up the vibe Rarity gave off that entire episode.

      I've never read the Vinyl Scratch Tapes or heard the reading, but I figured I'd listen and it was AMAZING! They embody the characters perfectly, it was hilarious, and I love the feeling that went into the entire thing. If you haven't, you should go listen NOW.

    15. Good gravy! The Walmart DVD addendum, the Rarity song, and Spike's dating service has me laughing enough to piss off my cat! Oh my! That's loud!

    16. Wait, there are people who don't like Rarity? I cannot even imagine this mindset. She's not even my favorite character, and yet I'll readily concede that she's the most blatantly entertaining character on the show, hands down. She steals scenes, gets the best lines, the best songs, and generally brings out the best work from the writers. Twilight is a deeper character in which I have more emotional investment, but Rarity is comedy gold.

    17. I knew it all along! MLP being mature-rated entertainment is exactly why it attracts adults to watch it. I've seen it and I can say for certain that it is NOT kid friendly!

      Heyyyy... why doesn't anyone believe me?...


      Real post: That Walmart pic is pure gold! I'm sure that they have made rating mistakes before on things, but the irony of it landing on this one is stunning. XD It's as if they switched from marketing the show from kids to the adult fans.

      I personally doubt this, but... is it possible they may have derped on purpose? I mean it's likely that they heard of the large adult fandom surrounding the show.

      Plus if there's some adults that are ordering it for their kid, the "accidental" upped rating wouldn't prevent them from ordering it. So, there would be no impact in sales either way... except maybe in the teen crowd.

      Like I said: that possibility is very unlikely, but would be funny if it was true. :3

    18. @PkGam
      I know Im the guy who took that picture, when i saw that at the checkout I was like oh god print screen for the win! Im glad they posted this on here I thought it would get a few laughs.

    19. LOVED the Spike's Dating Service video. It starts out so innocent....then Pony Madness! :)

    20. Rarity's VA sounds like Patrick Stewart for that egomaniac song. I have to say I approve, and that parody was hilarious!

    21. I don't know if there was a meetup planned for Megacon or not, but I know I'll be going there nonetheless. So... hope that I see somepony!

    22. Guys, it probably had the Mature content warning because of Derpy.

    23. Does the DVD include "Cupcakes"?...

    24. @Apoljak

      well it has been nearly a year since the c******s incident.

      It was either shopped/filtered, derpy has become extremely offensive or they put the anthology on there.

    25. @arrowsofthenlr


      mystery solved. It was left unrated at the time they added it, so it became mature by default.

    26. @Kyle
      Actually there is at least an aspect of generosity to the episode. Notably when Rarity agrees to attend the art gallery, auction, and dinner. She initially declines only to reluctantly agree when told the events would be 'ruined' without her. Granted, it takes a pretty hefty ego to get wrapped up in that kind of hyperbole, but she's still technically only doing it to help.

      Even attending the derby was at least partly to avoid disappointing Fancy Pants by declining his invitation, and what ego was involved there is easily excusable by the fact she thought she'd still have plenty of time afterwords to finish her obligations. It's really only her choice to attend the garden party over Twilight's birthday that is inexcusably selfish, only made worse by the fact that she lies about it. Fortunately she's not the element of honesty.

    27. Those vids made me laugh so hard. Thank you.

    28. Whait WTf is up with wall mart then...

      mature audience ?

    29. @carback99I'm thinking that since the DVD is listed as "Not Rated" on Target.com, Wal-Mart just puts that on all nont rated DVDs?

    30. The website link for BronyComms was left out.

    31. Not sure I fully agree with the video considering the guilt she displayed during the episode and that she was struggling to please both sides at the party. Plus, she couldn't deny knowing Hayseed earlier.
