I actually had a few people request firehose Trixie for the image tonight. I guess it was a hit with some of you. Celestia is way cooler though, sorry!
Have some news. It's a short one tonight, but there are a few neat videos to check out.
Final Fantasy Pony Rom Hack
It's about time! Now someone get some working pony models into Tf2!
Also Trixie.
Derpy Goes Sparta
It never gets old...
Twilight Sparkle's Hostile School Library Takeover
Or at least shes trying to be hostile. Just let her pretend, it's cute.
Project: The Perfect Stallion Singing Collaboration
Another one of those "get a bunch of people to sing the new song" projects has popped up. If you want to toss your voice into the mix, hit the ponychan thread here for more information!
Pony Island Looking for Animators!
Check out the video for more information! Sadly I don't see an example or anything!
Podcasts/Vlogs/Radio Updates!
February 6th - February 12th
VanaCast: My Little Pony
- Look Before You Sleep
- Bridle Gossip
- Hearts And Hooves Day
Teaser Link
Successful Meetups
Helsinki, Finland Meetup
Apparently 100 of them showed up for this one! Definitely impressive!
Cranberra Meetup
Copy Paste (Shortened Edition):
We started our meet up at around 7pm for setting up and once 8pm rolled around (start of the meetup) we already had close to 20 bronies as we started off with some awesome clips from all over the interwebs more and more started showing up and after one MASSIVE pizza order totalling just over $200 bucks we hooked right into the meet of things and by that time i did a count with well over 45 Bronies which is massive for us! and even as we picked up the pizzas we where playing MLP music and getting cheers from everypony!...as well as some funny looks :D
Facebook Page
Video 1
Video 2
Hamburg, Germany Meetup
Copy Paste:
We just had one of our mothly Meet-ups in Hamburg, Germany. Some of us protested Acta and met up with the others at 6 o´clock PM in the Schachcafe Rübenkamp. There we ate and drank, talked, decorated our table with ponies and laughed a lot until we departed. Some of us walked home, and others enjoyed the nightlife in Hamburg. We have a meet-up every second Saturday of the month. When you want to attend too, just visit http://www.bronies.de/forumdisplay.php?fid=25 . We accept everypony :-)
Rhode Island Meetup
Combo-ed with CAKE
Have a Gallery
Groups/Meetups/Guilds Looking for More
Monterrey Meetup
DF In Mexico Meetup
Pony Forum/Discussion Community
Firefall Clan "The Herd"
Forum Page
Steam Group
Ohio Meetup
Where: Dayton, OH
When: February 18th-19th
Penobscot County Maine Group
Merch/Ebay Stuff
Rarity Gala Plushie
Derpy Plushie
Plushies and Customs
Twilight Sparkle Beanie Plush
Parasprite Plushie
50 kommentaari:
Muy Bueno!
VastaKustutaWas there ever a round up last night?
VastaKustutaWhere is our Meetup? Bronies Austria? Have you forgotten us? <.<
VastaKustutaCanberra has a bit over 300k population. I'm surprised we got so many.
VastaKustutaoh boy, A Derpy Sparta Remix...I rather expected that to happen much sooner
VastaKustutaYaaay library-Twi!
Big meetups are big...
Twi-cake! :D
ooh, Parasprite plushies! Me likey. Ditto to the Rarity plush! :3
XD Firehose Trixie?
VastaKustutaCelestia is way cooler than Madmax's Saucy Firechief Trixie...
VastaKustutaWho are you and what have you done with Sethisto?
Autor on selle kommentaari eemaldanud.
VastaKustutaNever any shortage of interesting information with these roundups. The videos alone were worth stopping here. And @Eric, I don't think there was one last night. If there was, I completely missed it.
VastaKustuta@Kruemelmonster Don't worry, they've forgotten Newmarket Bronies too.
VastaKustutaWelp. I guess I have no excuse not to play FF6 now.
VastaKustutaAlso, I'm loving this banner that's up right now. Please keep it for a few more days! :D
@Eric Nope.mlp
VastaKustutaSame with the the night before as well
Autor on selle kommentaari eemaldanud.
VastaKustuta...I stumbled across a TF2 server that was doing VS Saxton Hale, except with Teilight Sparkle as the juggernaut, sound bytes and magic spells and all.
VastaKustutaThat was one of the most hilarious and most terrifying things I'd ever seen.
VastaKustutaI-I-I Just don't know Derpy
VastaKustutaI-I-I Just don't know Derpy
Wooo Kumquat
Wooo Kumquat
Wooo Yay Applejack Kumquat
Oh Sweet Celestia! A brony meetup in my town?! Finally!
VastaKustutaCelestia cooler than firehose Trixie? Never! /Pinkie Pie
VastaKustutaPlus firehose Trixie has a huge freaken firehose. She's obviously way "cooler". Not to mention she obviously knows her way around large cylindrical objects well. Doh ho ho.
Ponies in my Final Fantasy games? It's more likely than you think.
Wow, that Derpy Sparta mix is pretty long it seems. Catchy of course. Probably one of the derpiess Sparta mixes out there. Love it. <3
Twilight Sparkle hostile? I don't think that adorkable little purple sweetheart could ever be hostile. Well, apart from a certain couple incidents here and there perhaps...
VastaKustutaNo, there was definitely one two nights ago, but you see, *ahem*
We're not supposed to have nightly roundup every other night! Not every week, not every 3 days. Every. Single. Night!
Seth probably just didn't have enough news for last night. That, or he was busy watching the livestreams.
FF6+Ponies? Wow... just Wow.
VastaKustutaNot much else to add to this one.
Madness? This. Is. DERPYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
VastaKustutaThat Derpy-Sparta mix is catchy, can't stop watching Derpy derp.
VastaKustutaFFVI PONIES. Mr.Bison YES YES YES! My last playthrough of that game took 130 hours. I LOVE that game. I hope he buffed Cyan, I mean Applejack.
VastaKustutaAlso Helsinki meetup hell YES! Well done guys, mayby Ill get to join you next time!
FFVI PONIES. Mr.Bison YES YES YES! My last playthrough of that game took 130 hours. I LOVE that game. I hope he buffed Cyan, I mean Applejack.
VastaKustutaAlso Helsinki meetup hell YES! Well done guys, mayby Ill get to join you next time!
Has Seth ever missed a Nightly Roundup before?
I gotta start checking the roundups more often. Be sure to inform me of the next one.
I gotta start checking the roundups more often. Be sure to inform me of the next one.
Derpy Sparta Remix and FFVI Ponies were both awesome :)
VastaKustutaOoh, a collab! I might actually sing for this one! :D And speaking of collabs, I've been thinking about doing a Winter Wrap Up one, since it's about that time. Would anypony join if I set it up? :)
As always, great roundup.
Näyttää siltä että hesan alueella on hienoja ihmisiä todella paljon.
VastaKustutaTranslation: it seems there are lots of great people in helsinki.
you're all too late. that twilight plushie is mine
VastaKustutayou're all too late. that twilight plushie is mine
VastaKustutahttp://ponimiitti.net/ informs about new meetups in Finland!
That was a pretty awesome roundup and to anyone who missed the video of our original musical/play for the first annual Shakespony festival here it is: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=45StCAARm-o
VastaKustutaor go on youtube and type is My Little Pony:Shakespeare Is Tragic
VastaKustutaOnko ketään siellä Helsingissä joka vois kyytsätä miitille ja takasin asemalta???
VastaKustutatransanlation: Could anyone at the Helsinki pony meeting give me a ride to and/or from the meeting and back to the station???
Oh, and i signred up for the meet a while ago after checking some timetables ::))))
VastaKustuta> Celestia is way cooler
VastaKustutaWait, I c wat u did dere =3=
Derpy is the master troll :0
VastaKustuta100 people showed up for the Helsinki meet up?
VastaKustuta- Mitäpä siihen lisäämään?
But that just leaves me with...
Y U gotta have the Finnish meet ups so far away! D:
VastaKustutaWhere do u live?
When I saw Pony Island, my first thought was "Monkey Island with ponies? Awesome!" Sadly, this proved not to be the case.
VastaKustutaLove the FFVI mod. This game in particular was one of my favorites, if not my favorite game of the series. I just can't get into the stories of the newer ones, starting with VIII.Makes me wish my old cart didn't have the video game Alzhimer's.
VastaKustuta@ FF Pony: Wait, backup, Twilight is equipped with the T-Virus?
VastaKustutaSeth REALLY wants to see some TF2 ponies.
But then, who doesn't? I love pony mods!
Go download Scout Rainbow Dash, then find a voice soundpack for her. She's bipedal, but it's still awesome. I've had her in my game so long it seems normal to have a pegasus running around the battlefield.
Gotta say, the Helsinki meetup didn't meet my expectations. First time being in one, and most likely never going again.
VastaKustutaBut I still can see myself in the group photo ಠ_ಠ
Hey everypony, just wanted to say thanks for the support on my FF6 crossover, and ask for a little help. I figured I'd call it "Final Manetasy 6", but I'm hearing "Filly Fantasy VI" from some suggestions, any thoughts?
VastaKustutaI don't even know where to look for up coming meet ups, outside of roundups. I've missed at least 2 Minnesota meet ups... Of course, the second one, I learned about like 2 days in advance, but had to work. There's really not sufficient advance warning of the dates here. Given the fact that I am one of those no-facebook types, that doesn't exactly help me either.
VastaKustutaI might have to play Filly Fantasy 6 Now... It's been years since playing that! I wonder what ponies are in the opera scene? LOL!
There's a meetup group... in Maine? YES! FINALLY! Actually, the distance between Cumberland and Penobscot is just too far for me. :( Maybe someday though!
VastaKustutaTwilight isnt the only one in schools. I walked into my Physics class to find Fluttershy on the board. They will be in our schools soon
VastaKustutaHey, I'm the guy who created The Pony Island Project.
VastaKustutaI've got an offer or two from animators, but I'm still open for offers from anyone else who might be interested. If there's anything you need to know, just ask.
I'm waiting for a New Zealand brony meetup.
VastaKustutaforever alone