• Nightly Roundup #237

    Looks like the floodgates are open on pretty much everything.  Sadly once the internet takes control of something, you can't really stop it.  I'm sure someone at iTunes is getting a slap upside the head (or six).

    On with the roundup!

    Pony Fanfic Reading Night on Bronytv

    Copy Paste:

    Bronytv is hosting our first Pony Fan Fiction Reading Night! Unless otherwise requested by viewers, Prentice will be reading, live, Allegrezza by CoffeeGrunt. Voices, doesn't matter what they are, can be requested as well. Tune in on Thursday 7:00 PM EST (http://derpy.me/ESTtimeNow) at http://bronytv.co.cc/

    Vanacus Podcasts and Ebooks

    Upaded on the Vanacus blog:
    VanaCast: My Little Pony
    - Boast Busters
    - Dragonshy
    - Read It And Weep

    Fallout: Equestria V-Book
    - Chapter 2
    - Chapter 3
    - Chapter 4

    Brony Talk Episode 5

    Have some copy paste:

    Hello there everypony, this is Cinnamon Top here and we would love to invited you to go see our latest episode of Brony Talk.
    Featuring: myself (Cinnamon Top), The Duke, Graymane and The Brave Potato.

    This week on the show we will be discussing the lattes episode of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic "Read It and Weep" plus we'll talk about latest pony news.

    Be sure to stick around later in the show for our interview with Mogul Dash, an upcoming 'brosician' (a brony musician), and after the interview we will be having some caller question. So be sure to call in at our skype: bronytalkshow

    So please join us at our show this Thursday at 8pm CST at http://www.livestream.com/bronytalkshow

    Ragnarok Online 

    Ragnarok Online hasn't pulled this yet! Looks like ponies have invaded their team as well.  Are any game companies safe?! 

    Ponies Invading the Media

    We have a bunch of random articles popping up from various media locations.  Have some links!

    Polish Newspaper E-Metro (Translation here
    Modern Mom

    Equestrian Collections Book Project

    Have some copy paste!:

    I’ve started a project like none I’ve seen before. It’s called Equestrian Collections and it’s sort-of a literary Pony Swag Megamix. Bronies write essays (essays just meaning, in this case, “nonfiction expressing their opinions”) concerning several topics related to the show or fandom, each of which has its own e-book. When a given e-book seems large enough, I’ll declare it to be fair use and send a copy to everyone who submitted or reserved one, letting them spread it around the Internet however they choose, free of charge. The community gets its thoughts to stew over and more awesome pony media. I get publicity, which I can convert into a series of future projects which will hopefully culminate in an editing career.
    Hit the website up here

    Successful Meetups

     London Meetup 

    Woah, that's a huge one.  Apparently they have more planned, I'll add those below in the other section.  For this current one, have some links


    Groups/Meetups/Guilds Looking for More

    UK Meetups on the Way! 

    Southampton - 25th February 2012
    Exeter - 17th March 2012
    Nottingham - 7th April 2012
    Manchester - 20th-21st April 2012 (TBC)
    London MCM Expo - 26th May 2012


    Canberra Meetup

    Room G030 in the Copland Building at ANU
    starting at 8pm and going all the way till 2:30am :D

    A meetup for Everypony to hang out, make friends and just be about 20% cooler than anypony else out there we will be watching our own Mare-athon leading up to new Episode "Hearts and Hooves day"

    Everypony is welcome so share this around this with your friends :D

    For those who don't know where Room G030 is here are some helpful links:

    Copland Building - http://campusmap.anu.edu.au/displaybldg.asp?no=24

    ANU maps (we're in #24) http://campusmap.anu.edu.au/displaymap.asp?grid=ef32

    Google maps to Copland Lecture theatre (we're not in the lecture theatre, just a room in the same building):

    Also here is our FB page if you guys wan't to know more you can contact Haydn Allen for more info :D


    Grizzly's Burger Steaks Meetup

    Near Geronimo Dr, El Paso, TX

    Grizzly's Burgers Steaks

    1130 Geronimo Drive, El Paso, TX
    (915) 881-0297 ‎

    This shall be this shall be the location of our next meetup. 2/12/2012 (this Sunday) (time tbc)
    Activities include: Pony Trivia, Watching and discussing the new episode, and watching your favorite pmvs.

    If you would like to join us please visit the Bronies of El Paso Facebook page and ask to join the group.

    Minecraft Server

    Server: Pro-anything pony related


    Merch/Ebay Stuff
    Rainbow Dash
    Derpy Hooves Plush
    Applebloom Beanie PLush
    Scootaloo Plush
    Scootaloo Blind Bag

    68 kommentaari:

    1. The EqD Staff Rocks! Thanks for all your hard work!

    2. Once something goes on the internet: It can never be taken back...

      oh wow, Ragnarok...I'm not sure what I'm looking at in the picture.

      also: That Scoooootaaloooooo blind-bag figure looks great!

    3. I'm sorry to say that the leak seduced me :(
      I'm a bad Brony.

      ...But I'm going to enjoy it again and again watching it when it is officially released.

    4. Hehe, that London roundup. You can play "Where's Waldo" by looking for the one girl in the photo >.>

    5. i read the round up. im happy! thats all i have to say :P

    6. That RO pic, named the shop "Sugarcube Corner." Name of NPC looks almost like Pinkamena, but I think I see Pinkamenia.

    7. It was too hard to resist! I'm sorry, everypony.

    8. Now I'm debating whether it's worth waking up at 6:50 AM (wait, it has a later air time? Okay, 7:20 AM) this Saturday to watch the livestream of the episode on Bronystate. The only benefit I'd get by watching the livestream is to experience everyone's real-time comments.
      I think I'll get more rest that my body will no doubt be needing then.

    9. Bluh, where are all the California meetups?

    10. @Nämahs

      Aw c'mon i spotted at least four in about a minute. One's definitely a Butch though, and the others are just dressed for winter, which it is

    11. SHED.MOV people! What the blue blazes?? Come on! No shipping, no service? Twifight sad!

    12. why cant anyone make a tasmania meetup! if any tassies read this contact me on my DA account and lets organise a meetup xD

    13. lol whooo Pinkie made it in to Rag life is good

    14. Ooo Oooo. That's me in the London pic sitting on the floor.

      Also... why am I up for this?!

    15. I watched it. FORGIVE MEEEEEEE!!!!!

    16. For anyone who can see it. it is indeed Pinkamenia Diane Pie. official RO details - http://www.playragnarok.com/news/eventdetail.aspx?id=155&p=1

      Maybe I should start playing RO again.

    17. Ponies are invading EVERYTHING :D

      It's awesome!

    18. Derp, should say can't in my above post....

    19. Ragnarok Online has its very own Sugar Cubecorner with Pinkamena herself as the owner.


    20. Eeeee Southampton meet up! Excited!

    21. Yeah, with that iTunes leak, I can only imagine someone is probably in pretty deep water over that mishap. I'm sure Hasbro wasn't too happy when they learned of it.

      Hmm... Allegrezza. You know... I still have yet to read it. I feel so conflicted on it though. But at the same time, I'm curious to see exactly what he did with Octavia. So conflicted though...

      Is it just me or does it seem like that GottaBeMobile article may be grasping at straws a bit much? The Super Speedy Cider Squeezy 6000 episode being a metaphor for Apple and other electronics companies competing against eachother? Really? Well, I guess anyone can kinda put hidden meanings behind just about anything they want to see what they'd like to see. I really don't think that was a metaphor for that though.

    22. That London meet up looked pretty epic, may have to go to the next one!

    23. I was woken by alarms, my page long comment didn't post, and I'm too goddamn tired to post it again.

      Goodnight, gentlemen.

    24. Hope for a Danish meet up.

    25. Oh man, Ragnarok. So many hours completely wasted grinding cats and their diamonds

      Apparently the NPC is part of a community developed quest. Still funny they implemented it like that

    26. Finally, The UK of Equestria stuff got posted!

      I'm Little Emerald, the guy in pink on the right, and on the mic in the videos.

    27. Forget you guys, DerpyxDoctor Whooves is now canon!!! My life is complete!!!

    28. wow... that gottabemobile article is just embarassing.

      I mean seriously, I have never seen someone that desperate to put a spin on an unrelated story since the fundies co-opted horton hears a who to be about abortion instead of reconstruction era japan.

    29. Woo! Thanks for using my art as a title image! :D

    30. @MLP Shadowfax


      Yes, I spotted the Derp and the Doc together on the bridge (YAY!), at the same time that Lyra and Bon-Bon appeared together in the background (YAY!)...simultaneous with Bon-Bon appearing fifty yards away with an unknown stallion (WHA!).

      I propose that Bon-Bon's non-Lyra-dating clone (The Horror! The Horror!) be named Nom-Nom!

      And yes, it's pretty obvious that I watched the episode, if only because it's impossible for me to avoid spoilers for two days, given that I live in the UK and so rely on EqD and the various boards for pony-news - rather than have bits of episodes reach my ears in drips and drabs, I decided to just hit it up and enjoy it as it should be - new and exciting!

      It was a bit of a SNAFU on someone's part, but cudos to Hasbro and Studio-B for another outstanding episode. Of the recent releases (Super Speedy Cider Squeezy, Read It And Weep and this), I'd say its the best.

      And yes, let's get some Scootapreciation in here!

    31. Interesting media stuff but also true........

    32. @Teebs Good eye.

    33. If people want some good to come from the leak, do what I did and buy the episode so you can watch it early guilt-free. First one I bought. That way, Hasbro gets rewarded for the episode reaching the fans before the regular airing.

      I'm not sure what percentage of the Saturday audience Bronies actually make up, but I'm sure they're a larger part of the internet download audience. So show them how to make money off of you, support the show, and get to see the episode early. Wins all the way around.

    34. I thought the gottabemobile article was good. I thought it was fairly tongue-in-cheek and a good read.

      I'd save my criticism for the Modern Mom article. Seriously THAT'S IT? I mean it's great if moms like the show but you gotta write more than that.

    35. @Teebs What Bon-Bon and somepony?

      Can't wait for the episode!

    36. @Ulrik

      And thanks Flutterfan for the compliment.

      Regardless. To answer Ulrik's question, a few minutes into the episode (trying to avoid spoilers here) there is a LOOOONG zoom out to reveal the center of Ponyville. The context is of course 'couples', and you can see the following ponies standing in pairs;

      Derpy and Doctor Whooves on one of the river bridges.

      Bonbon and Lyra.

      Bonbon and what (now that I look closer) appears to be a powder-blue mare with a silver mane styled in Bonbon's trademark curls.

      Carrot Top and a pink mare with a yellow mane.

      Caramel and (I think) Blues

      Colgate and a cream pegasus mare with a blue mane.

      And many-many more!

      Now aside from the first two being likely shout-outs, none of this should be taken seriously, as shortly after there are on-screen pairings that contradict some of the above.

      Regardless, I'm sure there's going to be plenty of new fanon/headcanon arising from this episode, which was a really good watch in of itself, and I'm going to leave it there before I derail a News threat even more than I already have, lol :P

    37. Darn you Ragnarok Online! Don't try to pull me back to you!! so much time spend in that game.

    38. wow...Ragnarok. Good times. Goooood times

    39. @Son Gopaul Hello again! It's the hat guy here. I'll be seeing you and the gang in March. If you see Diamond about, tell him I have a hat for him.

    40. And now I shall talk about that episode! (no spoilers)

      Who bought it? I felt so great about myself! It was my first time buying that thing!

    41. Way I see it, if I watch it now I just have to wait even longer for the episode after.

      *waits for saturday*

    42. @Octavia

      Yeah, this GottaBeMobile pony...reading waaaaaaaaay into things. I guess not too different from many other haphazard fan theories you see. Happens when you get all caught up in your own little sanctum of information, but all the more painful to see for making a giant blogpost in an unrelated industry about it.

    43. YES. i am going to the London MCM Exop, as rainbow dash Orr. myself as a pony.. I haven't decided yet

    44. Oh ye gods... I figured it came from a private server... then I looked at the comments...

      Course, conserning that it's "Pinkamina" and not just "Pinkie"...

    45. Wooh! I'm the guy on the far right in the Rainbow Dash hat and purple shirt too distracted by vlogging to realise that there was a second group photo going on!


    46. More UK Brony meet ups! One day there'll be one I can attend. Today isn't one.

    47. @Tyranoman

      Honestly, it's not the wait for the following episode that seems so bad for me... it's the wait until mid-day Saturday to actually talk to the fandom at large about what happens in the episode.

      Sharing the episodes with everyone is a lot of the fun, and this early release has kind of tripped that up. I hate having things spoiled for me, even minor ones tend to make me feel like I missed out on the joy of discovering something myself. So in fairness I'm stuck for two more days before I can discuss the minutia of the latest pony release, while being hopped up from just seeing it and wanting to discuss it *now*.

    48. Haven't seen the ep, but the fixation on ponies standing together is disturbing. You do know that equines really, really hate to be alone, to stand alone, to do anything alone? Which is why, in every wild herd and in every paddock, there are usually two or three ponies who group together. There's nothing romantic or sexual about it; unless somebody's in heat, horses of the same size, sex, and social status hang out together. That's all.

      Which is why I find it annoying (and anti-feminist) to have so many fans determined to believe that intelligent ponies can't possibly have non-sexual relationships. Does it really gratify you so much, to claim that females can't possibly be best friends without also wanting each other's bodies? Really? I know college kids think about sex all the time, but this is ridiculous.

      Friendship Is Magic. Where the fans believe in ships and not in friends.

    49. Even though it's not part of the roundup, beating people up with ponies in TF2, where do I get this???

      Is Ragnarok allowed to do that? Guess the name isn't copyrighted but it seems more like laziness on the games part.

      In other news,the good folk over at Rooster Teeth mentioned ponies again on a video highlighting achievements for the Simpsons Arcade Game.

      I really like reading the articles but it will have to wait until I have the time.

    50. Manchester is having a meetup?

      My body is ready.

      Bring it.

    51. My reaction to the leaked episode: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4E6Ce2-M9xs

      I think I'm gonna make it to Saturday though...

    52. @Suburbanbanshee
      I get where you're coming from, but you're seriously going overboard with your reaction. The ships are just for kicks, no one takes them too seriously (except Bon-Bon and Lyra, whom we all know are a pair).

      So if you don't like it, ignore the shipfics. That's what I do 85% of the time.

    53. I want to go to the el paso meetup, bit I would have to drive across the state

    54. shame on whoever posted pedobear in the modern mom article, thats NOT the sort of image we want to be sharing...

    55. Autor on selle kommentaari eemaldanud.

    56. MLP in Ragnarok Online???


    57. I'm kinda surprised the Hop Skip and Jump achievement from Never Dead hasn't been in a Roundup

    58. Holy crap, I think it might be time to get back into RO o3o

    59. @Suburbanbanshee
      First of all the behavior of real world equines has very little to do with the show. Second you're reading too much into things. Some people just enjoy shipping, and the reason there are so many female/female ones here is because most of the characters are female. Compared to most fandoms this one is usually pretty good about just having fun with it not taking it too seriously, you don't see much in the way of shipping wars here for example.

    60. Just read the news articles.
      #1 I think you're drawing lines where there shouldn't be. Author is an Apple fan-boy (or girl, couldn't really tell from a quick glimpse at the picture). It's not like they named a mane character and the rest of her family with apple related names just to make this "metaphor".

      #2 Nice article, but I understand that due to the translation some things are going to be off, I'm looking at you second to last paragraph.

      #3 Uuuuuh, read books?

    61. Between this article and their parliament members' Guy Fawkes protest, have I recently mentioned that Poland is awesome?
