Have some news while I go play more TrixieF2
WEBReeF Convention Panel Seeking Pony People
The virtual WEBReef convention is seeking bronies for a FiM panel. If you are open on Saturday night, and want to join in, check out the details about it here!
They also need people that know about FiM in webcomics especially for a full on panel dedicated to it. Check that slot here!
It's beautiful...
Rarity's Cider
Do pony legs bend that way!? And what is she doing in Stormwind?
Rainbow Dash Invades Homestuck
>Put a picture of Rainbow Dash in Mspaintadventures
>My inbox gets 400 emails
It's just Rainbow Dash guys! :p
Pony Valentine
Hmm, gives me an idea for a valentines day event. Sounds like it might be fun...
Derpy Invades New Zealand's Street
How sneaky...
Ponies Invade Halo
Or at least flags with their marks on them. Some day we will get real 3d pony models in everything!
Check out the blog here for more information.
Blindbags Invade Toys R' Us
It looks like they are spreading past Walt-Mart's shelves. Good news too! It sounds like all the Walt-marts are out of stock!
Thanks to Katai for the heads up.
Successful Meetups
Central WI Meetup
I guess they watched a G1 episode! The horror!
Ann Arbor Meetup
The bronies of Ann Arbor and Southeast Michigan (http://www.michiganbronies.org/) gathered at the University of Michigan for a good, old-fashioned, pony party. We filled the chalkboard with ponies, we rewatched The Last Roundup (because Derpy), we played lots and lots of card games, and for the high point of the night, we played a rousing round of Pony Jeopardy!
Groups/Meetups/Guilds Looking for More
Maplestory Guild
Guild name: Equestria
Guild is in Broa. Currently only has two members, seeking new ones. All classes and levels are allowed. Ask PhoenixApple or Painwheel to join the guild.
Xbox Clan
Clan Name: Celestia’s Spartans
To Join: Message Pinkie Guy
Info: We are a small Halo: Reach clan and are looking to get more members. We’re a laid back clan that loves Custom Games and Matchmaking. We have daily Team Slayer or Squad Slayer games together and if we recruit more members we can play other game types including Big Team Battle. Please message Pinkie Guy on Xbox Live if you want to join or have questions.
Merch/Ebay Stuff
Derpy Plushie
Twilight Scarf
Dash Sticker
Discord Shadow Box
Fluttershy Beanie
Fluttershy Plushie
64 kommentaari:
VastaKustutaI've been lucky with the firsts today
VastaKustutaYou need a better hobby me thinks.
"You are a studious popculture scholar of all eras. A sharp critic of that reflection in the mirror we hold up to our society. You seek truth in the vivid mosaic made of our most shameless obsessions.
VastaKustutaYour interest in these cartoon ponies is strictly academic, ok? No, seriously.
She is so spunky. <3"
Makes me want to do a chalk drawing on my street.
VastaKustutaNope, I just need to find a way to not procrastinate when I've got tons of homework.
Xbox clan? I don't play much Halo these days but this might be worth checking out.
VastaKustutaThat lasers show was beyond amazing, it gives such a powerful feel to the song!
VastaKustutaI still say that Trixie medic is actually kinda a looker. Y'know, not that I would ever find any of the ponies attractive in any other way besides cute ever, oh no no. Never.
VastaKustutaI didn't get the laser thing at first. It's a laser, yes. As an old DJ, I have a ton of them. lol But what the video didn't show I think, was that it's a programmable laser and he programs special images into them. I think. But yes, I love me some freaken lasers!
Oh my goodness! Rarity is doing that adorable awesome leg dance they were doing in the episode. That's one of my favorite parts. As for pony legs and bending that way... they do now! Also, yeah, what is Rarity doing in Stormwind? Better yet, what level and class is she? I hope she's a healer. I need a healer. :3 Also also, the ending of that video with her smiling was too darn adorable.
I'm still not real familiar with Homestuck. But that's cool... I think. lol
Awwww, Pinkie Valentine's card. Utterly adorable. <3
Cute and nicely drawn chalk Derpy.
Haven't played Halo in a good while honesty. But I love seeing pony mods in games. Any games. Pony ALL the games!
Blind Bags are coming to Toys R Us too now? Actually, think I might have already heard about that somewhere. lol But that is good. From what I've seen and heard so far, the ones at Walmart seem to fly off the shelves pretty fast.
Wait... That Lasers video... I... what? What does that has to do with ponies? :L
VastaKustutaAlthough it is pretty........... /Mesmerized
The Fluttershy plush is one the best yet. Angel bunny even looks grumpy!
VastaKustuta@ Octavia
VastaKustutaMe thinks the lady doth be right
Pony legs...they bend in ways beyond the confines of natural bone structure, no argument.
Fluttershy is still adorable though
When I clicked on that laser video, I thought to myself: "How is this pony related?"
VastaKustutaThen in about ten seconds flat, I didn't care any more.
Give me ponies in WoW!!!!!!!!!
VastaKustuta>Rainbow Dash Invades Homestuck
VastaKustutaThat's going to cause so much flankhurt. :3
Blindbags at TRS!? Cool! Saves me an out of the way trip to Walmart.
VastaKustutaCider cider cider cider cider cider Homestuck.
VastaKustutaNah, any flankhurt would have happened 17 days ago, when the picture could be seen the first time.
I think any haters would just write it of as fitting in the same category as those (thankfully censored)bits of furry porn one of the trolls watched due to their apparent cultural significance.
I'm laserPon3 maker of the lasershow ;) the song is beyond her garden from woodentoaster.
VastaKustutaa do a lot of pony related lasershows and laser art actually :3
VastaKustutaThat lazor show was amazing!
VastaKustutaWhoa. Those lazers. @_@
VastaKustutaFar as I care, Dirk's a Brony... XD
VastaKustutaAnd that's all there is to say on the matter.
F YEAH Ann Arbor meetup! I'm on the internet!
VastaKustutaNo, really, it's an awesome group. Go Blue!
I'm real happy for you Seth, but Medicshy is the best PF2 medic of all time, OF ALL TIME!
VastaKustutaFluttershy is best Medic.
VastaKustutawhat the fuck is Homestuck?
VastaKustutaThanks for the shoutout about our online webcomics meetup, Equestria Daily! (I just had to shore up the server)
VastaKustutaYes, we're looking for folks to participate in a live video chat Saturday night and also for some[pony] to possibly run a panel dedicated to MLP FiM references in webcomics. If you're the brony for the webcomics panel job, write me here: http://chat.shadowbinders.com/event-schedule-request/
Also, due to some server downtime this AM you may want to also drop me a line at contact[at]shadowbinders.com to make sure I get your request!
VastaKustutaActually, someone already managed to get 3d ponies into halo... youtube /watch?v=EGBeBSTXBrM
VastaKustuta'Rarity's Cider' -Rarity is a secret Warcraft fan.
VastaKustutaA valentine event would be cool as I don't have much going on.
That Derpy street in NZ is awesome. More ponies on pavements please.
Speaking of walmart blind bags, mine just got then in yesterday. My friends and I bought 10 out of 11 of them. Leaving one for some younger child.
VastaKustutaSpeaking of walmart blind bags, mine just got then in yesterday. My friends and I bought 10 out of 11 of them. Leaving one for some younger child.
VastaKustutaI know one WalMart near me is out of stock, because I bought the whole box of them :P Unfortunately i'm missing 4 (Twilight, Fluttershy, Lily, and Sugar Grape).
VastaKustutaHasnt pony 3d models in halo already been made a while ago?
VastaKustutaWahahaha I'm in the AA picture.
VastaKustutaAlso "It's just Rainbow Dash guys"
Six months ago, I doubt you would've said that :P
Marshmallows bend any way you want them to...
VastaKustutaAnd the Ann Arbor meet-up... I am so jealous. You taunt me with that bottle of Faygo. You also get to have a Blimpy burger, or visit Zingerman's or Angelo's whenever you damn well please. And you have ponies.
Go Blue!
dangit i suck at halo reach
VastaKustutaWhat Is she doing in Stormwind?
VastaKustutaAlso looks like I can expand my blindbag search out a little bit more.
But seriously, what the fuck is Homestuck?
VastaKustutaThis tells me there is no reason I can't have a bounding Pinkie Pie mount in World of Warcraft. Blizzard might as well add ponies; everybody else is getting those damned pandas. Might as well jump two sharks.
VastaKustutaSo nopony has anything to say about the Valentines Day card?....Nopony?....Ok, that's cool.....*sniff*
VastaKustuta@Noodle The card was pretty cool :) is it yours? If so you got anymore coming?
VastaKustutaEverybody is missing the point. A BLU medic cannot heal a RED engineer! The artist lost his common sense.
VastaKustutaI would play on my WoW account more than once every three months if I could have ponies on WoW. Ponies make everything better.
VastaKustutaThere was actually a meetup here in Michigan and I only just not caught wind of it, after it's done?
Even if it was at U of M...
The Walmarts here in Central/Western Alabama are all still stocked with Blind Bags, as of yesterday. I now have three sparkly ponies on my desk at work (:
VastaKustutaCider was said 72 times in that video.
VastaKustutaThe Homestuck thing is funny, because a lot of readers were actually concerned/angry the Bro character might've turned out a brony and/or homosexual.
VastaKustutaSo the author made him a brony and homosexual. MASTERSTROKE
First, that's a good question, what IS Rarity doing in Stormwind?
VastaKustutaSecond, holy hell that light show. Yes, it's beautiful!
And finally, Dirk is DEFINITELY a brony. The recent update was AWESOME.
It's more than ok.
The Halo 3D models are only for the Custom Edition while this flag reskin will work in both the regular game and the Custom Edition. In any case I've had a pony mod running in my game since I first learned to mod, because Fluttershy is best tree and that's what my flag is.
VastaKustutaMan, those lasers were mindblowing @_@
Haven't seen the blind bags in the Walmart stores near me. Will have to check TRS when I get the chance.
VastaKustutaYes, operation "Invade Stormwind" is going along perfectly! Soon, the whole world of Azeroth will fall to ponies and Bronies! Muhahaha! We will be unstoppable!
VastaKustutaThe Covenant shall run in terror from my WOONA Rifle!
VastaKustutaChecked my local Toys R Us this afternoon. No blind bags. Checked Wal Mart a couple weeks ago. No blind bags. Why is the universe so cruel?
VastaKustutaMaybe I'll try Wal Mart again in the next few days.
Look what all those subscribers got me into!
I won't even lie, the post on Homestuck elaborating on Dirk's Rainbow Dash pictures BASICALLY made my day. It was brilliant. :D
VastaKustutaGuys guys.
VastaKustutaOf coooouurrrseeee Rarity s legs bend that way.
She's a marshmallow.
And as for what class she is, hmmm. Tf2 logic would dictate she is a fabulous Blood Elf rogue. But personally I think she's more of a mage.
Uploaded by SonicMG on Feb 29, 2008
VastaKustutaAs He Came Into The Window
It Was The Sound Of A Crescendo
He Came Into Her Apartment
He Left The Bloodstains On The Carpet
She Ran Underneath The Table
He Could See She Was Unable
So She Ran Into The Bedroom
She Was Struck Down, It Was Her Doom
So rainbow dash are okay (derply was sing mj song lol)