• Music: Smile (Daks Remix) / Fly with the Pegasi (feat. Aviators) / Daring Mare (Piranha Remix)

    Remixes and Vocal time,  Lots of good stuff in this one.  Check them all out below! 

    1.) Smile (daks Remix)
    2.) zahqo - Fly with the Pegasi (feat. Aviators)
    3.) H8_Seed - Daring Mare (Piranha Remix)

    20 kommentaari:

    1. Aviators really does produce consistently great stuff.

    2. Listened to the first two already. Loved them. Listening to the last one now.
      Nice melody and lyrics. Blinds well together. Its perfect.

    3. I've been listening to Daks' Smile remix since 45 seconds after he uploaded it. It's a fairly simple remix, but hot damn is it addictive. Smile Smile Smile is probably the best remix fuel I've heard on MLP yet.

    4. I love these all but the Daring Doo one is just pure awesomeness!

    5. First one was good, second was good as well but the third blew me away. Incredible.

    6. Actully I would like to see the 2nd in a more rock version, especially the vocals, it's current style just ain't my taste, sorry:/

    7. That daks remix is really reminding me of Le Knight Club. Which is a good thing. Well done sir.

    8. I really liked #2 and #3. #1 was ok, also, but nothing amazing.

    9. fly with the pegasi could really be played in clubs, not sure about the smile remix though...
      daring doo just wanted me to hit the mud with the mountainbike :D :D

      regards from germany


    10. #1 daks always finds a way to get the full, undivided attention of my ears. This a devilishly catchy song

      #2 Zahqo is an artist we don't hear enough of. His track "Luna's Ruse" was astounding. So nice to hear a new track from him, the fact that it also features Aviators is a great bonus!

      #3 H8_Seed makes some very nice vocal songs, this remix is a bit too saturated with electronics for it to do the vocals justice, but the beat will get one energised

    11. I have this disturbing image of Pinkie Pie as some kind of Happiness Vampire. She NEEDS your smiles!

    12. I approve of #3. It's awesome

      Whenever I listen to Aviator it's wierd. It's like I know I should like it, but for some reason I don't. I can't for the life of me find anything wrong with his work, And the individual components are good, but SOmehow the end result kinda bores me

      #1 is pretty friggin good. As in, if I was teleported into equestria right now, I would show Pinkie that song.
