• Music: Shadow of a Flower

    Cheerilee needs more music! Every other background pony gets piles of attention, it's about time she got an awesome track to call her own.

    Check it out after the break!

    29 kommentaari:

    1. Cheerilee vocal track? Me gusta.

    2. I could have had my first 'first' on the internets... but I hit play. Honestly? No regrets. That was excellent.

    3. Cheerilee is not a background pony, silly!

    4. On topic: Cheerilee has been geting a significant amount of screen time for a secondary character, and H&H promises to give her a major role for once. It's nice to see another character who isn't the CMC or the Mane six to get some of the spotlight.

    5. I've never liked Cheerilee, but it's not a bad song.

    6. Totally deserved spotlight post Storm, great song!

    7. Cheerilee isn't my favorite BGP but damn this is one heck of a nice song! It's insane to see this community go so far just for a background character! Good show mates!

    8. Mag-fucking-nificent.
      EXCELLENT work. On par with Glaze for sure.

    9. He's working on a collab with Glaze. A WIP was at the last Toastbeard if anyone wants, that's even MORE similar to Beyond Her Garden than this (and awesome as well).

    10. It's not bad. Though I felt like the music overpowered the vocals a bit. Was a little hard for me to understand him at parts. Lyrics aren't bad, if but a bit cheesy in sections, yes. lol I don't like how he's kinda begging to have fanart drawn of his OC... but that has nothing to do with the song. I give it 7.5 hoofs out of 10. That half hoof... ouch. lol

    11. If every background pony gets a pile of stuff then where is the Legion of Shadowbolts?
      They have only a little compared to Cheerile

    12. >Every other background pony

      Except Hoity Toity.


    13. @Nostalgia Schmaltz

      hwat a twat-y amirite guiz

      Nahh, but there are seriously so many one-shot characters that haven't gotten much love besides hoity: Sapphire Shores, Cherries Jubilee, Hayseed, pretty much every one-shot character from Over a Barrel but Braeburn...etc etc. Point being, cmon man. chill down

    14. It was pretty good, can't call it one of my favorites, though.

    15. This is a very good song! Kinda reminds me a little bit of Beyond Her Garden (Which is NOT a bad thing!).

    16. @naahdude

      Hoity's only the classiest earth pony in Canterlot! He deserves at least a couple more lines :P Even that would make me happy forever!

    17. @Joel

      That song (specifically the H8_Seed one, I think his name is) was the first time I saw Carrot Top and needless to say, instant fan. I now have Carrot Top blind bag (whatever her hasbro name is) blu-tacked to my keyboard.

    18. this song... oh damn.. SOME FLANK HAS BEEN KICKCED!!

    19. @Nostalgia Schmaltz For what it's worth, Hoity Toity was always one of my favorite one-shot characters in Season 1.

    20. AMAZING! The score behind the vocals is beyond great. And it shows you've learned a lot from other brony artists! Congratulations, this is beautiful ^^

    21. Come on people! Am I the only one who remembers the song "You and me" by Tarby?! Who said that this is the only song about her?!

    22. @Solarsail

      Heh, yeah, "This sounds like 'Beyond Her Garden,' but with more British, slightly less processed vocals," was my first thought too.

      Not that I disapprove of processed vocals; Glaze, H8_Seed, and All Levels at Once are some of my favorite brony musicians, and processed vocals are a staple of pretty much all of those guys' work.

    23. Hah! Just downloaded the mp3; the genre is marked as "Glaze."

    24. I'm really not a fan of this whole "angsty and depressed ponies" thing. I prefer it when pony music is upbeat, positive and complements the feeling of the original show.
