Time for some remixes- only two this time around! Because a song can't exist in this fandom without being remixed at least a dozen times. It's only a matter of time before I'm remixed.
1) My Little Pony - Becoming Popular (JayB's Pegasus Trance Remix)
2) Beyond Her Tomb Guitar Cover - CaptainFluffatun
19 kommentaari:
VastaKustutaAlso, why were both of them muted?
VastaKustutaYou must have muted the last video you watched before you went to this page.
nothing to post xept this
VastaKustutaalso :/ not enough beyond her tomb remixes ppl need to make more
VastaKustuta@Cereal Velocity
VastaKustutaDoes filly you count as a remix?
VastaKustutaHow do you expect to be remixed when the remix is ALREADY HERE?
inb4 remixes of soundclips of Cereal
VastaKustutaawesome songs!
VastaKustutaHmm... Anyone got recordings of Cereal talking? This could be interesting...
VastaKustutaSomeone should do this with the stuff in the Q-and-Neighs.
Autor on selle kommentaari eemaldanud.
VastaKustutaInb4 Cereal remix.
VastaKustutaThe Becoming Popular remix was pretty good. Sounded nice. The guitar cover of Beyond Her Tomb was okay I guess.
These were both good songs. As long as a remix is good, I don't care how many times it pops out.
VastaKustutaGood job Fluffaton. <3
VastaKustutaThis Trance pleases me. :3
VastaKustutaFinally an true Trance remix of Becoming Popular!
VastaKustutaIs she running with scissors?
VastaKustuta1#- Kinda long, still nice.
VastaKustuta2#- This is really good, I love this song.