• Music: Love Poison / Trixie's Ballad / Drowning in Friendship

    We have a remix of the new song by Psychedelic brony, a haunting Trixie song, and some RAP MUSIC. Check it all out below!

    1.) Psychedelic Brony: Love Poison CMC [SPOILER WARNING]
    2.) Trixie's Ballad - Scarlett Peace
    3.) Drowning in Friendship (Footwear is Magic)

    15 kommentaari:

    1. Should the first song still be marked "spoiler warning" now that the episode has aired?

    2. [hipster]
      I've listened to #3 before it was submitted

    3. Always great to listen to the music you guys put out.

      #1 Interesting remix to today's song.

      #2 Sad songs and Trixie always seem to go together.

      #3 Not really a rap person, but Fluttershy's cheering made it that much more interesting.

    4. Loved the remix, definately gonna listen to that one again. The Trixie Ballad had a good tune, but the singing seemed a little... off? Flat? Didn't suit the music well enough? I really liked the rap, though. It was SO AWESOME! /)^ɛ^(\

    5. 1. Really far out dood.
      3. Quite good actually, and I care not much for the rap music.

    6. DrowningInFootwear was spittin some BARS, damn

      i mean:

      there's not a lot of bronies who can flow like me/
      or disgrace the entire fandom with a Ke$ha parody/
      but my sincerity is there you see, and i don't care who stares at me/
      at toys r us, fighting a little girl for the last rarity/
      ITS MINE!

      I don't do dub step, but I do dub eps/
      no wubs just subs on my youtube, respect/



    7. #2 just really really makes me want to see Trixie again :(

    8. Sethisto...you should plug this Trixie song lots *nods*

    9. I really happened to like the second one.
