• Music for Smiling: The Smile Emporium / Smile! - Electro Pop / F3nning - Smile

    I guess it was inevitable that we would be flooded with smile remixes with the leak and all! Have some after the break.

    1.) The Smile Emporium
    2.) [NEW] Smile! [ELECTRO-POP COVER]
    3.) F3nning - Smile (Miles And Miles)


    1. Steampunk Pinkie and more music is a good combo.

    2. Music for Smiling.

      This is going to make many of my days and nights...

    3. I totally expected this, I'm surprised I haven't heard one yet.

    4. @kfish5050 Smile! Charity album, anyone?

      As far as remixes go, due to people who might not have watched the episode yet, there may be spoilers- OOH, SHINY BANNER.

    5. Dr Dissonance!!!

      First time I see him get on EqD so fast. This is a good thing.

    6. The buildup for number one is simply magical. The rest of it follows suit, and I actually feel as though I am being guided through an emporium, lol

    7. Wut happened to my praise comment for the doctor of dissonance.....

      Like I said, magical buildup accompanied the feel of actually being led through an emporium...

    8. I refresh three times, my comment disappears after the first refresh.


      anyways, number two has nice vocals, while number three has a drawn out intro. The rest of the song feels a tad bit repetitive for my liking, though. It also feels as though the intro extends until about three minutes. Hmm.

    9. The reason we haven't seen remixes on EQD was to prevent spoilers when it was leaked. Now were gonna get a crap load. It's funny, because Daniel Ingram knew the song was leaked and he, himself at bronycon livestream, even requested for people to remix it.

    10. SO THIS WAS THE LEAKED SONG. I feel like an idiot for not putting two and two and two together.....

    11. Ah yeah! Remixes of the song that has left me with a smile permanently glued to my face. I'm dead serious: I haven't stopped since it officially aired.

      #1 Nice steampunk twist. Nice "warm up" at the beginning.

      #2 Great cover/remix. Different style of music, but it stays pretty close to the original.

      #3 Also great. Not really my style, but still great. Nice and easy as far as electronic music goes.

    12. number two started out awesome, then ascended to extremely amazing towards the end. But then again, so did the original song, so I shouldnt be surprised

    13. #2 You can always count on All Levels at Once to take an awesome song and somehow boost its awesomeness.

    14. not first!!!
      p.s. the flash player crashed!

    15. number two started out awesome, then ascended to extremely amazing towards the end. But then again, so did the original song, so I shouldnt be surprised

    16. I was wondering when this post would show up, I was fairly certain it must have happened! I'm especially fond of 1 and 3.

    17. I'm working on an interesting remix that... well, you'll see.

    18. #2 glados is best pony

    19. At first I thought I'd like the second song, but then GLaDOS chimed in, and I knew I was wrong!


    20. I like Cityflyer502 have been smiling all day after listening all day after listening to the song today and still haven't stopped. You think I was the Joker. Anyway to the remixes.

      1. Heard this one earlier and it is impressive.
      2. I think I like this one best of the 3. Since it gives me the closest of the feeling of the song from the episode.
      3. This one Was pretty good and it did a great job of the timing and stopping of the song to keep it upbeat and unpredictable. Which can make one smile.

    21. i keep singing parts of this song on and off all day~

    22. So i watched the episode full of happy and came here and filled with more happy, friggin' heaven man XD

    23. The second one was an Immediate Download. I started smiling as soon as it started. :)

    24. #2 4:04 Smile not found!

      Lol, just kidding. Awesome mix! =)

    25. This was one of the best songs this season, and #2 was awesome
