• Music: The Ballad of Applejack's Last Round Up / Day Bringer / Twilight's Departure

    Vocal time! We have all sorts of good stuff in this one.  Check them all out below!

    1.) The Ballad of Applejack's Last Round Up [derpy mix]
    2.) Day Bringer (Day Tripper) [2KSUBS!!!]
    3.) Twilight's Departure - Blaze & MysteriousSpoon

    18 kommentaari:

    1. "derpartrure?"

      was that intentional...?

    2. #1 the lyrics best explains the overall episode of "The Last Roundup" in a nutshell!!! ^_^

    3. Well, I wonder who did that mistake, it certainly wasn't me or anything

    4. Every day im derpying

      yeah songs! whoooh!

    5. Number one made me feel so happy for some reason. Man... music can be so awesome sometimes.

    6. I think the first one was posted here already, but looking forward to hearing the other two!

    7. departure...the music kind of sounds like ibringdalulz's "Dashie"

    8. Well, somepony definitely has Derpy on the Brain...

    9. departure...the music kind of sounds like ibringdalulz's "Dashie"

    10. #1 has already been posted, but it's always brilliant.

      #2: The beatle bronies seem to be getting better every song. My left ear is sad, though.

    11. #1 is awesome and i love how thye matched it with the character lines

    12. All three of these are pretty great, It's been a while since I downloaded all 3 songs from a music post.

      1. I wanted to download the last version of this when it was on here a couple weeks ago but, I was at work and soundcloud ran out long before I got home... so now I'm happy :D

      2. Normally I'm not a fan of Beetles type stuff but I really liked this one.

      3. Didn't expect to like it and the words are kinda hard to understand but, it sounds good.

    13. @90986af2-5e79-11e1-ba81-000bcdca4d7a

      Oh look, another link to a blog rant we already utterly ignore. Anyhow, all three of these offerings sound great; number one was particularly uplifting. Kudos all 'round to the artists!

    14. @Lightking124

      NamelessWarning originally made the instrumental, and Lulz added a bit extra to the track as well as lyrics in his version.

      The author of departure decided to use the piano line from NamelessWarning's song for his. I must say it's quite a beautiful melody.
