This one is almost comical in a way. Over on Tabitha St. Germain's blog, every single instance of the name "Derpy" has been replaced by ____. That just might rival some of the names she's getting over on Welovefine! I have a feeling she is just cracking a joke on this one.
That's it for your morning Derpy news! We will see what happens later on!
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B....but....WHYYYY? :(
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteAs if I wasn't confused enough. I'm just hoping we get some answers soon.
ReplyDeleteNot more Derpy news!
ReplyDeleteI have to say... I actually do find this one hilarious >_<
ReplyDeleteI mean, there's absolutely nothing funny about this whole thing and it's the most annoying thing I've seen about bronydom ever... but just replacing all "Derpys" with _____?
Well played, Tabitha. :) <----BTW
ReplyDeleteWho was the one who spoiled it for the rest of us?
ReplyDeleteThat being said, I'm hoping she's doing it for amusement value. And I really hope that no one has been harassing her about her voice for Derpy.
This is starting to get stupid.
ReplyDeleteLike we can't fill in a couple blanks. What is this, first grade?
Seems like the situation has been overblown a bit. I'll still wait for official news. Also, an episode announcement would be nice. We didn't have one this week. Sounds like they are taking a break on my birthday week :(.
ReplyDeleteI really start hating the people who were not only offended by this but also started this shit storm.
ReplyDeleteSeriously, it's 2012. Being offended is so middle ages.
What The Pony is going on with _______???
ReplyDeletehuh _______, _______, _______,
The Cross eyed gray mare and her name??
They're going to keep up all this until April 1st then, APRIL FOOLS! Hasbro let loose that all this stuff about a backlash over Derpy was just a troll on their part!
ReplyDeleteI think the only thing we can do is sign the petition and relax...
ReplyDeleteits probably just because of some copyright issues with the name Derpy.
First there was SOPA, then PIPA, now DERPA.
ReplyDeletePoor Derpy. This has gotten far out of hand. But I guess the over-sensitive will have their voiced heard when it comes to big companies like hasbro
ReplyDeleteThat Inigo Montoya Derpy is awesome.
ReplyDelete"I do not mean to pry, but you don't by any chance happen to have six fingers on your right hoof?"
Why this, why now?
ReplyDeleteThings were going so well
Lol at the people taking this seriously
ReplyDeleteThis is so Tabitha making a joke out of the situation, showing how ridiculous this entire scenario is
What the fuck
ReplyDeleteHasbro is probably being forced to force everyone to change her name...
ReplyDeletei don't give a s...
we will call her derpy forever anyway, she probably won't get any more showtime.
we had her in a few episodes and 1 minute of her. IS enough for a background character ( i know, everyone wants more Derpy, but we still see her lot of times in the season, didn't we?).
who cares if she get renamed, the online community is the one supposed to produce art/video about her and call her derpy... Hasbro can't risk... what if Hasbro get economical loss or some crazy woman get hasbro in tribunal for strabismus discrimination? we don't want that.
we all should hope that hasbro menage to keep her name Derpy, but if hasbro can't...just don't get angry or start to do stupid not really hasbro fault...remember that hasbro allowed her to be called Derpy in the episode...they are amongst the one that wants her that way
This isn't funny. :(
ReplyDeleteDerpy is best chracter.
ReplyDeleteI was, literally, just thinking that.
I don't know, but I blame the mayans.
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDelete@Michael Butcher At this point, I don't think you can blame anyone for being on edge about the whole thing. So much confusion and not enough answers.
ReplyDeleteThis is upseeting me all too much, so I am going to have to make some light out of it before I get angry....
ReplyDeleteHere goes #attempted humour#
Perhaps our favourite muffin mare has taken inspiration from Prince...
The artist formally known as _______ has released her new album 'Derpy Rain' including the No 2 hit 'When Derps Cry' and also 'Derpy Mind' 'Derpys and Pearls' 'The Rainbow Children'
Wait... what?
ReplyDeleteNope, Luna and Granny Smith are still mentioned.
@CityFlyer502 Where is a like botton when you need one. LOL
ReplyDelete@LezliDax That was pretty funny. I may not have been familiar with Prince at the moment (I was just a kid then) but I've heard and read on that matter.
ReplyDeleteGiven that WLF still has shirts that have the apparently "mentally handicapped" pony on them, this Derpygate stuff is ''not'' about the portrayal of Derpy.
ReplyDeleteIt's a copyright problem - and why MLP editors and the like tend to avoid reading too much into fan works to avoid leakage of fan ideas into the show.
For all purposes, "Derpy" is owned by 4Chan's "Dr. Foreigner" (the one that called out the legend of Derpy Hooves). Because they've used that, unless they have signed some type of deal with Dr. Foreigner, every sale of the episode and t-shirt with the "derpy" name technically means this person would be getting royalities; if he didn't, he could sue for copyright violations.
I doubt this Dr. Foreigner would do that , but if I were a Hasbro lawyer and know that no such contract has been affirmed, heck yes I'd be pulling this as well.
Now maybe they are chasing down some type of contract with the guy, and maybe he'll willingly give up the rights to the name to Hasbro. Alternatively, all they need to do is go back to the name "Ditzy" (which is Lauren's ergo Hasbro's creation), having Ashleigh rerecord ONE line ("Careful, Ditzy!" or "Careful, now!"), and everything would be free of the copyright issue - even if "Ditzy"'s mannerism follow the fandom.
Note, that this doesn't apply if they don't actually name things: they can ship Lyra/Bon-Bon all they want on screen, and they put in the subtle Dr. Whooves reference as long as nothing's called out by name. That's why all those shouting "Luna Eclipsed referred FO:E with 'Little Pip'" should be well aware that having that insulating layer of where they don't read fanworks protects them.
ReplyDeleteDerp. Tabitha is just riding the troll wave. We'll hopefully get some answers about this in the following days. Until then, as long as the episode is safely on my computer, I don't much of a reason to over-react.
ReplyDeleteThis video is relevant
Quote from a certain British author: DON'T. PANIC.
ReplyDeleteThis is not the end of the world. Nothing has been confirmed yet. Even if Derpy is to be erased from future episodes, to bronies she is always and will always be a valid part of the show.
So Don't Panic. Keep calm and carry on. The show is still awesome with or without Derpy being kept as canon.
This has to be a joke as Hasbro has no authority to change what someone says on there blog.
ReplyDeleteI cant wait for this Derpy thing to blow over. and for Hasbro to go out of lock down over wht i hope are a bunch of trools sending angery Email's.
@sevooHypreD Thank you. I just reread it. I missed that the first time.
ReplyDelete@william1cx2 You can hit the one in your head. LOL ***Get's smashed with a beer bottle for terrible humor***
ReplyDeleteOkay, I have to ask: What is all this nonsense about? Usually I don't pay attention to all the drama going on online, but this time it's so prevalent I can't avoid it, it appears. I am vaguely aware that someone threw a hissyfit because of Derpy's portrayal but nothing beyond that. Could someone fill me in on the details?
ReplyDeleteIndeed. They won't just brush something like this under the rug, they will give us answers eventually. Best thing to do is remain calm until we actually know what is going on.
ReplyDeleteBut what if I don't like Ditsy's hair color. Purple isn't exactly my favorite color.
I still don't see why people keep saying Derpy and Ditsy are the same pony. They are two completely different silly ponies.
Would be nice to get a official response about what is really going on, but like you say we will have to wait and see.
ReplyDelete@D. Shadows"Ditzy" and "Derpy" are the same per Lauren; the purple-haired on from WWU is never called out explicitly as Ditzy (yes, she's a pegasus leading birds; Ditzy was a pegasus leading birds - but in the wrong direction. That doesn't meant they're the same).
ReplyDelete@Killsteal_Wolf watchutalkinbout.willis New ep is on Saturday at 10 am eastern time. Read it and Weep...thats the name of the ep according to the schedule.
ReplyDeleteForgive me if I sound a bit harsh, but all this nonsense is just adding fuel to the Derpy fire.
ReplyDeleteNot to tell you how to do your job, I know people wants to know what's going on, but knowing how quick the fanbase is in jumping to conclusions, I would cut back on the reporting of Derpy related stuff until real news arrive.
A lot of people comes to EQD for news, and that means you have some responsibility on how the fanbase takes things. Making the whole group throw potential drama over a set of not yet fully confirmed facts is not the way to go with this.
Is this some kind of cruel joke D:
ReplyDelete@Vinyl Scratch Probably as in a new upcoming episode. Something that'll air in the coming weeks.
ReplyDeleteIt's a lil' terrifying but strangely beautiful how all this is unfolding.
ReplyDeletePoor Hasbro. They ain't used to mattering- they just made toys. Now they've got any company's fondest dream- a property that people are nuts over. Only trouble is- people are nuts!
The only way to be truly safe from criticism is to be boring enough that criticism has no foothold. Anything that means anything can be criticized. And taking something that does matter, and dialing it back... hurts shareholder value.
Bet y'all weren't expecting THAT criticism.
I say, everypony be brave, on both sides of this- be brave, bronies, and be brave show people. We wouldn't have this big a shitstorm if folks didn't care, and that caring in itself is a beautiful thing- even as it scorches the earth.
We will NOT all come to agree. That's why tolerance is tolerance. There's gonna be stuff that upsets, whether it's ableist non-PC joking, or whether it is the very attempt by a few to bowdlerize MLP so it can't hurt anybody no matter how vulnerable.
Derpy will rise on the third day, with a slightly more girly voice that's still contralto and some future scene where she touches Dashie's heart showing that, though she is clumsy, she's as loveable as anypony- and far from being thrown out, she will become a big star, simply because of the way the fandom has cried out expressing their love for her.
You can't keep a natural superstar down, and no decent corporation would dream of trying. Derpy is the poster pony for what folks love about My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic. She is a faithful friend, loved by all (even the cranky Dashie), and I'm certain that Hasbro will look at the sheer scale of the uproar and see the extremely obvious: Derpy Hooves is a star.
I've suddenly got this huge gut feeling that something huge is about to happen.
ReplyDeletemost likely tomorrow during pony time.
All this bizarre censorship is totally suspect.
I mean come on, guys... Hasbro cant possibly have the power to censor the blogs of their staff (unless its to keep them silent about spoilers)
I think the entire staff is behind this and for a very big reason that we'll soon find out...
who else thinks so?
This is old news and was acctually one of many things that ignited the most recent shitstorm about Derpy. The possibility of this being a joke on Tabitha's side is there, but I wouldn't bet on it.
ReplyDeleteThat pic! I remember that movie from somewhere; my old middle school history teacher showed it to us one day. It was funny.
ReplyDeleteCan anybody remind me of the name?
Don't freak out.
@CityFlyer502 Ahhh gotcha, thought he meant this sat.
ReplyDeleteOh hey that's the Drepy pic I made like 6 months ago, I certainly didn't expect to wake up and the first thing I see is my old pic on the front page of Equestria Daily, nice!
ReplyDeleteOn topic, I just hope we get some answers soon, guess all we can do is sign the petition and hope for the best.
There's a difference between being over-sensitive and being inconsiderate and immature. The latter two here are the problem. These people just really need to get their priorities checked and learn to appreciate rather than complain...
ReplyDeleteAnd Derpygate continues on... I'll be so happy when this passes.
ReplyDeleteI don't really know why, but this actually upsets me. I mean I could see these as a funny tale about BS levels of PC, companies being afraid to even slightly offend anyone or trolls just being trolls. But I can't shake the feeling this might be a turning point in the relationship between Hasbro, StudioB and the brony community; turning towards a colder times :(
ReplyDeleteI really hope there'll be an offical statement sometime soon.
ReplyDeleteYeah, hasbro cant sopa-style sensor, but they can say "remove it or youre fired".
ReplyDeleteIt's called the Princess Bride.
this is stupid i cant wait for this to blow over. i bet its just because some trolls on 4chan are emailing hasbro who cares if derpy is called derpy
ReplyDeleteBy Celestia I shall not rest till this passes!
ReplyDeleteBronies, today the enemy is at our door! We know our duty and we will do it! We fight for our honor as bronies, and we fight in the name, FOR the name of Derpy!!
ReplyDeleteAs you know, most of our bronies are stationed on the Internet, prepared to deep strike! Our petitions have been prepared in the event that Hasbro should be so bold and so foolish. We have placed numerous petitions allowing for multiple, simultaneous, and devastating defensive protests.
We are the bronies! We are TEH EMPERA'S FURY!!
ReplyDeleteYou can't put a copyright on something until you file for one. I doubt they'd let Dr. Foreigner copyright a name for a character that's not even his anyway.
ReplyDelete"Poor Hasbro. They ain't used to mattering- they just made toys. Now they've got any company's fondest dream- a property that people are nuts over. Only trouble is- people are nuts!"
You forget, Hasbro is the company that makes Star Wars toys, Transformers, and GI-Joes, they are quite use to crazy unpleasable fanbases.
Heck, just last week there was a crapstorm from the Transformers fans because Hasbro canceled the rest of the first edition Prime figures. The Bronies are relatively tame compared to the other fandoms that Hasbro has to deal with, at our worst we are about where they are on average.
ReplyDeleteYou don't need to file for a copyright—not in the United States, anyway.
You can't copyright a character, besides. You can trademark a character, though.
@hubbinNo, not anymore.
ReplyDeleteIf you publish it, with or without a copyright mark, you own that copyright. (This statement, for example, is copyright me as soon as hit the publish button). This is for the US, Canada, and most other countries within the Berne conventions. You don't have to register a copyright anymore (though you still can to assert legal prove of when you published the idea).
And it's not the character, but the character "name". If the fandom called Derpy as, oh "Sue", there would be less a problem since Sue's a rather common name. There may be some issues with recognizability, however.
@mattwhite924 Our worst is their average? How does that work? Please don't think I'm trying to bash your post or anything, but considering what's been going on here the past few hours, I find that a little difficult to believe. We sound as fired up as any other fandom.
ReplyDeleteThen you haven't seen the Transformers fandom. We are impossible to please. Anything that isn't a carbon copy of G1 gets met with cries of "RUINED FOREVAH!111!!!1!"
ReplyDeletewe sound like the Sonic the Hedgehog fandom on steroids :P
I want Derpy keeps being Derpy in canon :c
ReplyDeleteWell hell, from what I've seen Welovefine still has her name up in lights, figure if the official merch site still has her after all this then it ain't too bad.
ReplyDeleteLikely Tabitha, bless her, is as the Brits might say, taking the piss?
I would have to agree with those saying this is a copyright problem for Hasbro. Same reason they don't want their people reading fanfics, then getting sued for using ideas. Of course, it may all be some strange prank.
ReplyDeleteAnd I wonder who all these mysterious anti-Derpy fans are? I sure haven't seen any. Makes me suspect they are a bunch of trolls.
I still think there's a chance this all turns out to be one big joke, seeing as there's no official announcement whatsoever, a joint hoax by Hasbro, Welovefine and many others. How great would that be?
ReplyDeleteOne can still hope, no?
No...please don't take Derpy from us. Rising from being a background pony to a pony with a name and voice, she has worked her way into many hearts. If you take that away, you will be ripping a huge hole in the community.
ReplyDeleteI love Derpy for who she is: a poor pegasus with a depth perception problem who just wants to give a helping hand. So I come before you and beg, please don't take her from us. ;.;
ReplyDeleteIt is the princess's Bride or something like that
@Gamerlord If that's the case, suddenly this doesn't sound so bad. Then again, I've only been around for two months, so I'm still getting the hang of things.
ReplyDeleteWow it may be that I am reading into this wrong but I think the fandom may be overreacting a little bit on this a little. Now here is my take on the whole Derpy situation as I understand it. Basically a few people didn't like Derpy's voice and sent Tabitha some email and then others responded with more email which was more positive in nature. Things should have been cleared up when Tabitha said that she didn't know which gender Derpy was and there was a disconect with the fandom and cannon here I guess which I guess caused this misunderstanding. I hadn't heard about what happened with Derpy until yesterday until I was reading my tweets from people I was following and checked deviant art and saw that pixilkitties journal.
ReplyDeleteAs far as this post here on Tabitha's blog I think that she is kinda just doing this to have fun because this situation has kinda gotten out of hand and well I think she is just trying to lighten then mood.
Okay this is actually pretty funny
ReplyDeleteI'm at work now and one of my co-workers brought in muffins. I can't even bring myself to eat one. I really hope it's a joke as some are suggesting, but it's like this: for eleven days we were all part of something bigger than ourselves. We made a drawing into a character, gave her a name and a voice. And now we're all in desperate fear that some stuffed-suit lawyer is going to break our dreams and tell us there is no magic in this world.
ReplyDeleteIf this is a normal day in fandom, I can't WAIT until April 1st...
ReplyDeleteThis whole situation is silly.
ReplyDeleteGo watch the MLP G1 Episodes
Escape from Katrina & Escape from Midnight Castle.
I think there is a lot of confusion about what copyright is and how it works.
ReplyDeleteFirstly, it doesn't matter who came up with the name, they don't 'own' the character, or anything to do with the character. The issue with using fanmade content is that it opens the door to legal complaints from -other- copyright owners, and potential serial litigators. The actual fan who produced the content is often not the cause for concern, but companies usually make a point of not reading or accepting fan-made content because copyright/ip disputes are messy and inconsistent.
For the record, and part of the reason these kinds of things are so confusing is that each part of a work potentially belongs to a different legal category.
For example, lets take a pony, any pony.
IP: The design, personality, name, traits and catchphrases, etc. The intangible ideas.
Copyright: Physical (or digital) works. As in, an actual work. A picture, piece of animation or vector, or voice work.
Trademarks are slightly different and just as messy, and unfortunately differ a lot (much like copyright and IP) across different countries.
Usually, at least here in the UK, you can Trademark things like logos, and in some cases character designs but they are split into different categories (such as financial, toys, marketing, etc) and a conflict only arises when the assertion is made that somebody might mistake one product name, company name or logo for another from a company in a competing position. For example, if your logo was similar to the McDonalds golden arches, but registered for say, financial advisory and not food or retail services, McDonalds would have no claim to dispute your logo unless it was identical or intended to deceive (IE the business was called McFinancial or something)
These are just the snippets I know as a copyright and ip holder myself (I run a very small business) so don't take anything here as completely concrete, just a bump away from crazy assumptions and guesswork.
It's very possible that they are in the process of legally acquiring IP rights for Derpy, or are actually unable to already (heck, who knows, these things are such a mess that potentially Matt Stone and Trey Parker could sue them for using the word first coined in Baseketball, unlikely but this is something lawyers worry about in these situations)
Again it depends on the location as well, some countries you must specifically file for certain things such as IP and Copyright, others you are granted them by default so long as you can prove beyond reasonable doubt the date on which you created or thought of something.
Essentially, yes, if he really wanted the guy who coined the name could complain, and potentially win a case against Hasbro (or lose, like I said IP is messy and unpredictable) however don't mistake, he does not have copyright over the word Derp or Derpy, but could probably argue that attaching the name to the character is his IP, but the fact the character itself belongs to Hasbro means you could literally flip a coin as to the outcome. And one you lose one IP battle, it essentially opens the doors for ANYBODY to steal your work. That's part of why these things are so messy and heavy handed.
Until we see some solid information, I am just going to assume we have lost Derpy's name forever so that I don't have to get over it again if/when that is confirmed. I am a huge fan of Derpy and it breaks my heart to see stuff like this, but that's the modern world we live in.
It doesn't even matter why or what at this point, but it is important people stop freaking out and stop spreading misinformation, rumor is fine, but misinformation causes problems.
@Jack New fanon: Derpy's father was killed by Lyra.
ReplyDelete*forgot the obligatory I am NOT a lawyer or solicitor or any other kind of legal professional.
All this whining about Derpy is so retarded words fail to describe it.
ReplyDeleteI'm sorry, I probably could have phrased that a bit better.
I'm most familiar with the Transformers fanbase, so I'll use them as an example.
Right now the Bronies are all riled up, throwing blame around, and panicking about Derpy. This is us at our worst.
On any average day Transformers fans are not riled up but still blame Hasbro for everything, say they are never going to buy any of the toys again, and just complain about literally everything. That is what they are like at their best.
They are so bad that they are the trope namer for this page on TVTropes
Even the Transformers Wiki has a page about it.
The bronies are just confused and worried right now. In general we are all united, with only minimal amounts of in-fighting. This moment will pass and we will be back to our normal, loving selves.
ReplyDeleteAs someone who used to follow the Transformers fandom, I can attest to that. Even though I still collect some of the toys, I pretty much gave up on the broader fandom after the chaos that resulted from the Micheal Bay movies.
Of course even the Transformer fandom is pretty tame compared to the post prequel trilogy Star Wars fandom.
That's what I love about FiM, I've been a part of other fandoms that are now full of so much bitterness about proper interpretation of canon and other such non-sense, but not here. Here there dozens of different approaches to the fandom with a multitude of character interpretations and for the most part everyone just lets those with differing opinions have there own way of it. I can't think of any other fandoms that would allow Trollestia, Mollestia, and Tyrant-Celestia to all coexist along side the benevolent canon version. Then there is Luna, who after having been so wildly exploited in fanworks, here canon debut was an event that would have destroyed most other fandoms, but on that day I saw just how much better Bronies were and truly gained a deep appreciation for this community.
That is why this whole Derpy mess makes me so very weary. I don't want to believe it, but it's almost feels like the fandom is crumbling around me, and that all I can do is hope that the qualities that I have come to love about this fandom endure the storm.
After watching an episode of Dan Vs. last night (which is an awesome cartoon that needs more love) and remembering all the inappropriate/offensive content and innuendos that show gets away with every single episode, I'm starting doubt Hasbro would freak out this much over the portrayal and reception of Derpy Hooves.
ReplyDeleteI'm just waiting for this to be some elaborate hoax where Studio B teaches us to be careful what we wish for or to get us to appreciate Derpy for what she was. Y'know "you don't know how much you had until it's gone" and all that jazz.
Heck, on the positive side, they may even be officially licensing her name or Tabitha could even be redubbing her lines now that she's aware that Derpy is female. Really, why do we have to assume the worse?
@Seashell Sorbet
ReplyDeleteSeashell, I think you're probably right. I have the feeling that they are having Tabitha re dub the lines to avoid any misconception
@pjabrony You win, by coining the word "DERPA" to describe this nonsense.
ReplyDeleteEh it's just folks stirring up dust on both sides, the calmer folk are signing that petition up there in a nice decent manner, Figure a petition started this mess (perhaps)gotta figure another one can end it.
If I might suggest something...
ReplyDeleteLess fanfictions about this situation, more simply asking Hasbro by people they recognize about the issue. Step 2 would be waiting for their reply and step 3, broadcasting this info there.
So far we know that something is ahoof and Derpy is vanishing from official media as "Derpy" - the whole package, not "Derpy" - the derped pegasus.
MLP artist care about us and they made Derpy for us. Hasbro cares for sales and lawsuits so they probably decided to be safe. A standard case of miscommunication between these 2 groups. We just need to wait and see how Hasbro will want to manage it. I wouldn't be surprised if official DVDs lacked on episode or the episode was ~30 seconds shorter.
ReplyDeleteThis is just a copyright issue, I've been a writer for 11 years and I know how this kind of thing goes.
When Derpy was silent and just a BG pony, the name "Derpy" wasn't in any kind of copyright. In legal terms, the image was Hasbro's but the name was public domain since it can't legally be traced to anyone. When Rainbow Dash uttered the term "Derpy" the Name became Hasbro's property under "Implied Copyright" That is, everyone everywhere say the name spoke and therefor there was a legal president for the term "Derpy" Being used for the character. Now, since it was Studio B who added this nod to the fans and not Hasbro, they likely didn't have any paperwork prepared to back up a copyright. Hence, all previous deals with companies to use the name "Derpy" now enter a weird half-limbo until the rights are secured.
Trust me, I have two books in print and a boatload of essays, I've written two plays and I've been printed in magazines and newspapers from here to New Zealand, this happens ALL THE TIME when a copyright is in question and companies like Apple are hyper sensitive about it. Hasbro just wants to make sure they OWN Derpy, and that nobody's gonna sue them later for stealing some character created in a fanfic, likely the suits at Hasbro don't know Derpy was invented by the Animaters just as much the fans, they just want their asses covered since the Rights are kinda in a grey area now. Being an actress and Writer, Rebecca St. Germain is picking on this irony that it doubtless a part of her everyday life. I know it's part of mine, so I got the joke.
If anything Hasbro is securing rights so the character can appear AGAIN and they can make some money off it. Stop freaking out already, LOL
@mattwhite924 @62835fdc-3fb1-11e1-9fc6-000bcdcb2996
ReplyDeleteI can definitely attest to the "bitterness" of the Star Wars fandom; I do follow it, but only as far as the movies are concerned, and even on that front there's death threats galore. So yeah, I'm starting to see how we pale in comparison to them. I made a mention on another post how any disagreements are quickly resolved in this fandom, so this definitely seems a little out of character for us. I wouldn't go so far to say that we're falling apart. As a whole, I think we're all confused & upset, and the lack of news certainly isn't helping. But I'm hoping once we get some kind of update, everything will calm down and "life will go back to normal."
Forgot to mention that I personally don't care much about this issue. Is Derpy really that important? It's just a minor part of the show after all. A background character we've developed "a little" who got voiced for a short scene to show that artists behind MLP care about us. I really appreciate the gesture, it made me feel really good, but for me the gesture itself was important, not a sidekick mare that was to stay a background character anyway.
ReplyDeleteDo Octavia now! Do Tavi! Pretty please!
ReplyDeleteI don't think pointing at a random background pony and assigning it a name means that it's copyrighted to you. Before it was "Derpy", it was "BG_Pegasus_24". It doesn't belong to whoever names it, it belongs to whoever created it, IE, Studio B.
@Seashell Sorbet
ReplyDeleteI'm with you on the redubing thing; I have a feeling that's what is going to happen. While sadly we may lose the name 'Derpy' for 'Ditzy' (which, in my opinion, isn't as good as Derpy but still fine) fixing the voice-gender confusion is a good motivator, as is Hasbro trying to figure out any copyright nonsense.
Though in reference to your point about the stuff on Dan Vs. one has to keep in mind that it's only the inappropriate stuff that gets caught that matters. People won't complain if they don't see it. Derpy's just happened to be overt enough for the easily offended to read too much into it.
ReplyDeleteAgreed, speculation will achive nothing here.
Furthermore, I really doubt Hasbro would leave the entire episode of the DVD, should they decide to axe Derpy. Just removing her short appearance would be far more sensible, considering the scene has little bearing on the plot outside of further establishing the damage to the townhall.
I wish someone would tell us what going on with the name.That would be the first step to clam everyone down.
ReplyDeleteWatch Hasbro weigh in and say "We'd like to keep her name but Comedy Central won't let us." That would probably satisfy everyone and no one at the same time by giving us a straw network to blame for everything.
ReplyDeleteThe more I think about this, the more I think Hasbro really is only being cautious and doesn't want any plagiarism accusations about Derpy's name.
ReplyDeleteI hope this is the case. Sure it would suck to have her name changed, but at least it wouldn't be about the neigh-saying idiots.
They better not go any farther with this. Up to this point I've had very little problem with Hasbro, but changing something that's just been established and with which I see no problem, that's upsetting. Hasbro had better restore her real name, RIGHT NOW.
ReplyDeleteCopyright law is complicated - it also might involve trademarks. Certainly the image of Derpy is copyright Hasbro.
But remember, G4 is a mix-and-match of previous gens and new ponies that are expys of earlier gens due to Hasbro losing the names. RBD is Firefly in all but name, for example, but they can't call her Firefly.
Similarly Background_Pony_24 and the fan version of Derpy all share the same traits, but the name "Derpy" is just not Hasbro's to own, as best we know now. If Dr. Foreigner assigns it away from him to Hasbro, then great, situation resolved.
There's also the possibility it could be the result of hacking. Still it's probably better to wait until we have official confirmation.
ReplyDeleteThe fandom looks so bad with sending all those irate letters and signing those petitions when all we have here is RAMPANT SPECULATION AND BASELESS CONJECTURE.
ReplyDeleteThis is most likely a copyright issue, which is why 99.9% of content creators never incorporate fan things without paid compensation and written papers.
The people screaming this as if it has to do with disabled people just look stupid, especially when there is NO OFFICIAL STATEMENT.
The bloggers for this site should be ashamed as well for dishonest journalism. This whole thing should of been nipped in the bud when the fanbase started to act like a bunch of rabid dogs.
ReplyDeleteDr. Foreiner or whomver coined the term "Derpy" on 4chan douns't own the copyright unless he attempts to back it up in court. IE Welovefine sells shirts with the name he created on it, he sues for breach. He hasn't sued, so he obviously dounsn't care. Hasbro wants to be sure their covered is all, just a little damage controll
ReplyDeleteI'll tell in Russian:
С Какого, блядь, хуя?!
I don't feel very well anymore :(
ReplyDeleteSock puppets? New Youtube sensation coming up!
ReplyDeleteI would watch the crap out of that show!
ReplyDelete@Sethisto Hey seth, u should post that Mike and Ray from Achievement Hunter of RoosterTeeth, did a achievement guide of a game called NeverDead on YouTube. It has an achievement called: HOP SKIP AND JUMP. Lol pony related stuff is fun!!
ReplyDeleteOkay, I'm trying not to be frustrated or mean to anyone here but the level of "you have no clue what you are talking about" is infuriating. Please for all that is good and holy stop saying things that you THINK are true for NO REASON AT ALL.
ReplyDelete1. No one can "copyright" Derpy. You cannot copyright a character. Copyright is the right to determine printing, publishing and distribution of an owned media work.
2. No one has the "rights" to a name outside of trademark and branding. "Rarity" is a trademark of Hasbro's MLP brand. That does not mean no one on earth cannot make a character named Rarity. Or Derpy. It means Hasbro can prevent people from creating characters, slogans, products etc. that imply or cause confusion that could affect the branding of their character.
3. No one other than Hasbro can "own" Derpy. This is because no matter what you decided to call her, she is an element of a show that is already owned by Hasbro. Derpy, as well as all other characters on the show, the MLP logo, the term "Cutie Mark," and all the characters' names, are registered trademarks of Hasbro, Inc. Again, no offense, but the idea that someone noticed a walleyed background element of a television show, made a name for it, and people are considering that means they would have the right to "sue" Hasbro for... something(?)... if the stupidest thing I've ever heard. It is also the stupidest thing a judge would ever hear.
3. Anyone is more than welcome to "Sue Hasbro" for an alleged slight. Hasbro will then use their lawyers to have the case dismissed as a nuisance suit before it even reaches a judge. Said anyone is then allowed to push further with it. Said Hasbro legal team can then move to have said nuisance suit filer pay all costs for this nonsense. So.... good luck with that guys.
4. I have absolutely no idea how the "writer for 11 years" came up with the idea that Studio B "likely didn't have any paperwork prepared to back up a copyright" given that since 1976, copyright of any published material is instant and inherent by the very act of publishing it. I am really not trying to insult anyone here but this is so completely made up it is dangerous. It has no basis in truth or earthly reality. An alien species was just invented with a new form of rectum for the sole purpose of pulling that explanation out of it.
I have no idea what the deal with Derpy is right now. But any suggestion related to the idea that there are outside entities from Hasbro who are "suing" over Hasbro's use of her is nonsense. Derpy is a character owned by Hasbro on a show owned by Hasbro. They can do whatever they want with her. I'm sorry so many fans seem to not want to believe this.
@Sethisto Hey seth, u should post that Mike and Ray from Achievement Hunter of RoosterTeeth, did a achievement guide of a game called NeverDead on YouTube. It has an achievement called: HOP SKIP AND JUMP. Lol pony related stuff is fun!!
ReplyDeleteYes two #3s. THAT ANGRY.
ReplyDeleteThis whole thing is very disturbing to me. This doesnt smell like a hoax anymore. I think they would know better than that. If derpys name is changed, i will be very pissed off, yes, but heres the even worse part: this tells me that hasbro execs are getting the notion that its a good idea to step in and interfere. If they do it once they will do it again.
ReplyDeletethis is like the WWE erasing C***s B****t's name from the records
ReplyDeleteTabitha's got a sense of humor, I see.
ReplyDeleteHas anyone written a letter to Matt Stone and Tray Parker yet? The Southpark guys are the ones who came up with the term "Derp" and it's definition. Maybe they would like the idea of a pony inspired by their lingo and be kind enough as to educate Hasbro in its etamology.
ReplyDelete@mattwhite924 Same here. When do we get the first episode?
ReplyDelete@August J. Pollak
ReplyDeleteNo! Quit burning my safety blanket with your blasted facts!
I think there needs to be a Derpy centric episode now with the friendship lesson being not to judge someone by their name or looks. This may be a fantastic way to fight this. After all, it fairly is what we are all saying, and it'd be a good topic that hasn't been brought up yet in FiM.
ReplyDeleteTurn the negativity into positive lessons!
We love you Derpy!
Silence will fall when the name is spoken.
ReplyDeleteHmm, I have socks and a camera. I think I may just have to make the premier episode of "My Little Sockies: Lint is Magic" this weekend.
This is most likely an issue of copyright. Don't start pointing fingers at Hasbro and Studio B; it's just creating pressure for them and making the fandom look worse.
ReplyDeleteDoes Hasbro own Derpy now? Yep. That doesn't stop us from making fics and such about her muffin-based adventures.
Frankly, this whole situation is REALLY confusing. I'm pretty sure it's either a copyright issue, or a few concerned people who thought that Derpy was offensive to the mentally challenged, but let's not start pointing fingers until we get an official statement.
You know something? I'm tired about talking about Derpy. This whole debacle has just been so tiring and so disappointing over the past few days, with the constant capslock screaming and the petitions and the iTuneses and the WeLoveFines and the Tabithas and you know something? I'm sick of it. And frankly, I don't care anymore. How about we all just let it drop and talk about something else until we get some more information, hmmm?
ReplyDeleteLet's talk about Vinyl Scratch instead. Anybody else feel like talking about Vinyl Scratch instead? I feel like talking about Vinyl Scratch instead.
Silence will fall when the name is spoken.
ReplyDeleteI'm just not laughing... :'(
ReplyDelete@Dusty the Royal Janitor
ReplyDeleteVinyl Scratch is pretty awesome, probably even the most awesome pony there is.
ReplyDeleteYou can send emails to here:
Hasbro Toys & Games
U.S., 401-721-7277,
Canada: T: 905-238-3374 ext. 282,
Because noone knows what's going on (copyright/PC-ness/whatever), it's not really worth panicking over it. Just lie back, and don't make much of a fuss until we know what's going on.
ReplyDeleteIf I were in the blogponies' position, I'd list what we do know (i.e. this post) and then not post anything else to rile up the fanbase until there's something concrete to go off of.
In the meantime, here's a friendly message from David Cameron.
EDIT: Ninja'd by Dusty. DX
@August J. Pollak
ReplyDelete"copyright of any published material is instant and inherent by the very act of publishing it."
Hence the colloquial term "Implied copyright" though perhaps your right in "Copyright" being a bad term to use. Perhaps I should say "Rights" all together. In any case, you have a trademark and copyright as soon as something is on paper, but it's incredibly hard to back up in court without somthing other than "I was first" Copyrights are a mess man, and my only point is that they kind of have to re-affirm their hold on the name now that it's official. That's the reason.
As for all this being "Stupid" I agree. Your right in that Hasbro can be the only one to own Derpy, and their reaction to this is over the top, but somewhat necessary. my own Copyright Woes? My book "The Shulamite" shared a name with a feminist newsletter who claimed my book "Defamed" their newspaper. Ridiculous? Sure, and it went away. As this will too. Hasbro is just being overly paranoid.
In best Saruman voice:
ReplyDeleteTO WAR!
I say something bad/aggravating will happen, and they will have their reason.
ReplyDeleteThe best situation would be, that they check the copyright/offensive stuff out because of someones complain(UGH!), withdrawing derpy meanwhile, and see that there are no problems, and keep everything how it was.
ReplyDeleteI know, right? She's got a totally awesome mane and those shades and all. I think she's probably my fave background pony.
Who do you think would be a good VA for her? I'd vote for Cree Summer myself.
@FamusJamus Bugger. Not this post, but the last post. Or whatever Derpy post it was.
ReplyDelete"you have a trademark and copyright as soon as something is on paper, but it's incredibly hard to back up in court without somthing other than "I was first"
ReplyDeleteThey were first and can prove it because the show aired on worldwide television. It doesn't matter if a fan thought of a name of an already trademarked character. It really doesn't.
ReplyDeleteThis makes the most sense out of any speculation I've seen so far. Thanks for shedding light on the whole copyright issue. :D
@Socially Inept Luna
Actually there was an issue about a month or so ago when the official Dan Vs. facebook page made an insensitive comment about rape as a facetious response to a question by a fan. Enough people were offended that the official show page would act that crass that a little while later the page issued a formal apology, but that's it. No episodes were taken down and no scenes with implied rape jokes were edited. Then again, this wasn't Hasbro directly reacting to the situation and it had a much smaller scale of backlash due to the smaller fanbase and the that it was on a facebook page, not in the actual show. However, I'm sure that if it was really an issue with Hasbro that more than an apology would be due.
This whole thing is weird, did people find Derpy's name offensive?
ReplyDeleteIf so then I wouldn't mind them naming her Ditzy, just don't kill her off, we love our little background pony :(
The petition is fine, but pleeeeeease take down that phone number.
ReplyDeleteHistory will remember the day that a petition about a background character in My Little Pony gathered 11,000 signatures in 8 hours.
ReplyDeleteAlso, feel like this should be pointed out: "The Last Roundup" is on a DVD that is going on sale in two weeks.
ReplyDeleteTwo weeks. In other words, it's been cut, locked, rendered, and sent to press. Probably months ago.
Suggesting that Hasbro is going to "edit" an episode also implies they are going to recall and remake a DVD that is likely already shrink-wrapped and waiting on shelves. That's painfully unlikely.
Last night I ordered a T-shirt at WeLoveFine - the one with Derpy on it that says "Have a Derpy Day." Today in my mailbox I get a confirmation of the order - but the order name says on it "Have a PONY Day".
ReplyDeleteWTF???? Seriously???
Not to sound against the herd here, but isn't raging about this kind of silly? I mean, does her name, what she sounds like, or any of that even matter any more?
ReplyDeleteWe had that moment. The moment Rainbow Dash said "Derpy", chat boxes blew up, EqD posted a thank you to everyone at Studio B, Derpy was officially canon. We had that moment, all of us.
If worst comes to worst, they'll go back and put a new scene in, dub Derpy's name something else, change her voice, or any combination of those. Would it matter? We /had/ that moment.
You can still search WeLoveFine for "Derpy" clothes, and she still comes up. We can still watch clips and the episode with her being called "Derpy". And we all know, even if they retcon her name, what it was originally, and that we influenced it.
ReplyDeleteThat would make a HECK of a T-shirt. "The Pony Formerly Known As Derpy". I would buy it in a second.
@Dusty the Royal Janitor
ReplyDeleteJennifer Hale could be good, maybe with a bit of a vocoder effect (nothing to much, just something subtle).
@August J. Pollak
ReplyDeleteYour right, it will be very hard to contest Hasbro's ownership of Derpy. However, this douns't mean a large company won't over-react to make sure. Case in point, it's happening now, not a big deal just someone covering all the bases.
@Toonicorn. id contact We Love Fine. and make sure the shirt still says "Have a Derpy Day." If not cancel your order. and tell them that is because that is not the shirt you order.
ReplyDeleteIf it still says "Have a Derpy Day" hold on to it like gold. As it will probably be one of the last official Derpy shirts ever made.
Whatever, I just downloaded the ep with RealPlayer from one of the final remaining copies on YouTube. If it gets redubbed, I'll always have the REAL version safely on my system.
ReplyDeleteHmm, yeah I think I can see that. Plus that'd mean that Vinyl would basically be the pony version of Zatanna, which is just awesome.
I wonder if they'll have her show up in any future episodes. That model is too cool not to reuse.
This whole anti-Derpy thing is ridiculous, haters should just forget about it and focus on this matter below.
People, use your energy to tackle on something which is a greater threat to human kind while Derpy is only a small one. Small matters are nothing and should leave it alone, you can complain about it but not until ACTA is completely killed first!
If this site were Youtube, I can predict I'll have more thumbs up in my comment here.
ReplyDeleteHey, look at that! an actual known PROBLEM that maybe a bunch of emphatic Bronies can solve! What are the odds! :O
And I just happen to have a couple petition sites here in case anyone is interested in not having what is effectively a global version of SOPA pass :D!/petition/end-acta-and-protect-our-right-privacy-internet/MwfSVNBK
@Blue fox
ReplyDeleteExcellent suggestion, Blue Fox. I'll do just that.
I have no idea what is going on but I sure as shit know I don't like it.
ReplyDeleteA law that can be passed without approval from the President. I may not be the biggest supporter of Obama, but even he knew how bad SOPA would have screwed up the internet. I really wish these old fogies would just leave the internet alone. This is all because people are set in the old ways when they really should adapt, like Valve did.
ReplyDeleteI really hope this is just a temporary name trademark issue that will get resolved in Derpy's favor.
ReplyDeleteI liked Derpy Hooves as name. Same for her voice and acting clumsily, i thought it was cute. Shame to see that that all gone.
ReplyDeletePoor Derpy, she finally got her spotlight, a few seconds of fame and now they took her name and everything cause some people can´t stop being butthurt over a wonderful shout-out to the fandom. So sad.
Also can someone please show me the link is to the petition to let them know we want Derpy to continue to be Derpy?
ReplyDeleteTabitha's just trollan.
ReplyDelete@RainbroDash THIS.
ReplyDeleteI think she's trolling...?
ReplyDeleteDear god I hope she's trolling.
ReplyDeleteThis is exactly what I was suspecting myself, a simple question of copyright. Thanks for spreading a little common sense around the comments, eh?
Clearly this is the work of the patriots.
ReplyDeleteHow long before Derpy is changed to La-Li-Lu-Le-Lo?
Tabitha seems to have a reputation as a good-natured prankster. Considering the tremendously positive response she got over Derpy, this could actually be her subtle way of showing concern over the potential removal of the character.
ReplyDeleteAfter all, I really doubt that Hasbro has the right to tell her what to write on her own blog (aside from obvious contractual things like not revealing the plots to future episodes.)
I think she's joking, at least I hope so.
ReplyDeleteIt's an ARG!!!
ReplyDelete@Blue fox
ReplyDeleteThis is not a good development for Derpy. I don't think that a voice actress would go out of her way to troll her fans like this.
I'm quite certain that Ms. St. Germain has signed some sort of contractual agreement as part of her voice acting role. It could very well give Hasbro some say in how she is allowed to talk about their properties.
Barring that, they may have asked nicely and at the end of the day, she knows where the paychecks are coming from.
I swear, if some flank hurt bronies mess up the show...
ReplyDeleteGod Dammit Hasbro, explain yourselves.
ReplyDeleteOne more strike, and I am over being a brony...
ReplyDeleteIf you haven't already, sign this petition!
Like I've said before on Facebook to panicky people; it's a hoax, or rumor blown way out of proportion. I am confident that nothing has happened to Derpy as there are no reliable sources that anything targets Derpy specifically. EQD last Derpy post was wrong on WeLoveFine, this product retains the name Derpy.
ReplyDeleteAnd other products still have the name Derpy; none of the product names were changed, I ordered previously from the site and they weren't called Derpy because IT WASN'T CANON then. She's trolling the crap out of you guys; the herd needs to think for themselves at times, not be easily manipulated.
I used my journalistic instincts to go hunting for Hasbro press releases
ReplyDeleteNothing about Derpy but they have announced a 20% increase in quarterly dividend. The link to the press release is below. I suspect we as a community had contributed to most of that.
What makes you think it's a joke? If it is it's not a really funny one, and quite honestly I don't see Miss Germain doing hurtful jokes :1
ReplyDeleteI used my journalistic instincts to go hunting for Hasbro press releases
ReplyDeleteNothing about Derpy but they have announced a 20% increase in quarterly dividend. The link to the press release is below. I suspect we as a community had contributed to most of that.
ReplyDelete/presses Mic's button :1
ReplyDeleteOkay...I confess to knowing no more than all of you what's going on with this whole "Derpy controversy". I very sincerely doubt that The Last Roundup will be edited or "censored", but I don't actually, unfortunately.
ReplyDeleteWhat I do know is that this whole "controversy" is a bit...pointless. Derpy was never meant to be a character, only a shout out. A one-off event. She keeps her role as an "I Spy"/amusing background event character, of course, but she doesn't speak again for the rest of Season 2.
As for Season 3...again, I confess to not knowing much about Season 3, but I presume nothing has changed, and Derpy doesn't get a bigger role.
So yeah. I see this all as being kinda pointless, because even if Hasbro says they don't want Derpy to have any major appearances in further episodes...well, it's not as if she was going to get more anyway. *shrugs*
On a slightly unrelated note, there's plenty of funny background ponies to occupy our time, not just Derpy. Look out for a particularly crazy one in tomorrow's episode. ;)
I wouldn't worry about this too much. She'll always be Derpy to us. Derpy ain't goin' nowhere.
ReplyDeleteAnd honestly I think it's quite reasonable to think that it's just a copyright issue. The rumors are just that, rumors.
I signed the petition, yeah, but I would suggest not doing anything with it until there is solid proof that all this craziness has some truth behind it.
Just sit back, and chillax. Or don't. After all, we've still got reason to get excited. There's a new episode tomorrow.
Look at the bright, possibly EPIC side. If derpy gets through this possible copyright gauntlet, hasbro will have FULL RIGHTS to derpy, NAME AND ALL. Derpy toys, anyone? How bout a blindbag? I for one, am very optimistic bout this.
ReplyDelete@mycutiemarkisagun "And now we go to Ollie Williams for our official Derpygate weather forecast. Ollie?"
ReplyDeleteLook at the bright, possibly EPIC side. If derpy gets through this possible copyright gauntlet, hasbro will have FULL RIGHTS to derpy, NAME AND ALL. Derpy toys, anyone? How bout a blindbag? I for one, am very optimistic bout this.
ReplyDeleteI hope you're right on that! I think just about everypony here would want a Derpy toy/plushie right now!
@Shadowed Rainbow
ReplyDeleteI know I would. You squeeze her hoof and she says "I just don't know what went wrong".
Ok, can somebody explain what the fuck is going on? Please?
ReplyDeleteI come to check 'cause it's Saturday soon, and what the hell? Vague nonsense posts, episode takedown, people going apeshit in comments, pointless petitions and counter-petitions(!) and shifty merch hustlas trying to cash in on this madness(gotta love the last one).
And all this shit is somehow tied to background character. Did the fandom just go insane while I wasn't looking?
ReplyDelete(it's easier to over react rather than try to gets going on)
Some people can be hurt by a word that doesn't affect 99.9% percent of the population, but the 0.1% are sometimes loud enough to be heard.
ReplyDeleteGoogle "Nintendo spastic" sometime. They've had to pull games multiple times because to some people, just saying the word is an automatic slur to the mentally challenged, even if it's not used in that context.
I think Tabitha is taking preventive meassures. I bet she doesn't want problems with Hasbro, so she removed the name or any mention to it, waiting for Hasbro to confirm what they will end up calling her. I think this might prove they are not cutting Derpy out, they are just re-naming her. If they were cutting her out, those emails would be gone.
ReplyDelete@Floof Cat
ReplyDeleteUgh, I remember that, that was from a Mario Party game, believe me, I face hoofed after that cause that was on levels as stupid as this.
lol Seth has been the best troll so far in all of this madness. So much for waiting on an official response from a credible source, let's just keep reporting about it and getting people even more worked up, even though there is probably a reasonable explanation about everything.
ReplyDeleteI'm with you, man. I have no idea what's going on here. I have yet to see any issue, but everybody's still freaking out! What is going on?