• Mini-Event: Create a Villian Song!

    Lets try something new! It's time to get those creativity hats out, and plug in the lightbulb attachments.

    You have been hired to write the lyrics for a pony Villian song!  You are free to do it any way you please, but for most of us, the best way will probably be a parody.  Find some evil-ish music on Youtube, pick a villain (Discord, Trixie, Flim/Flaim, ect) from the show, and make a parody! Toss your new custom lyrics in the comments below with a link to the video you chose on Youtube.

    Alternatively, write your own!

    Who knows, maybe one of the musicians in the community will see it and bust out an actual song.

    167 kommentaari:

    1. A Trixie villain parody shoild go well :)

      Time to.make DA MUSIKS!

    2. *waits for Mic or Tombstone to blow our puny minds*

    3. I am hopelessly pathetic at writing songs. Hopefully one of you guys will have better luck at this. That said, I can't to see what will be put out.

    4. i agree, meaning same.

      i have no idea if MyBoyJ has any musical talent.

    5. I will see a custom-evil song from Youtube, not customize one. i will see who entertains me with it!! ^_^

    6. Artists looking for inspiration, pray this might assist you: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tjbNQI-q26Q

    7. Hmm...it seems as though all that we must do is take a song and change the lyrics. I think a certain song by Voltaire will fit nicely for Discord.....

    8. Is Trixie really considered a villain? True, she is a braggart, but its not like she was out trying to take over the world or intentionally causing mischeif

    9. Can't wait to see what you guys come up with.

    10. @wackypony

      I actually don't have any musical talent. I used to be able to read music and play the trumpet, but that was about 15 years ago.

    11. @palaminopegasus

      She is a pretty ambiguous character, but the idea is that she 'represented' one of the seven deadly sins (pride) and thus is a villian.

    12. This is a pretty cool idea, definantly can't wait to see the results! :) shame I can't create music though.

    13. I talk a lot...Sometimes... I am sure I could spit something out.

    14. @Discord

      When Discord is too busy,
      And stone's a bit too much,
      They call on me, by mane you see
      For my special touch.

      Idunno, lol

    15. @Bombedrumbum

      I think it's been done before. Part of the audition for Discord in Project SATURATION required you to sing a modified Voltaire song.

    16. Someone please do a Gilda song. Preferably, an awesome one.

    17. My only idea was Discord or Trixie singing a tweaked version of "You're Only Second Rate" from Return of Jafar and someone beat me to both, so DAMMIT.

    18. @MyBoyJ

      i played the baritone horn, aka mini tuba.

      can't now, been too long since.

    19. "Flim/Flaim, ect"

      When I saw Flaim, why did Flim/Flam shipping come to mind?

    20. @palaminopegasus

      I never have. Compared to the other villains she's practically a saint.

    21. @Bombedrumbum

      that song, of course, being "The Dirtiest Song That Ain't"

      or "Bomb New Jersey"

      or "Cathouse Tragedy"

      or "The Sexy Data Tango"

      what? make sense? why on earth would Discord do that

    22. umm... isn't this why the musicians have the toastbeard comp?

      but still, will be watching the results of this with interest

    23. Let me think, I could do a couple for Nightmare Moon
      I am all of me- Crush 40
      Sad But True-Metallica
      Ah I'll think of something

    24. Gotta get my cape and hat back, gotta repair my wagon,
      'cause tonight I've gotta look my best, Trrrrrixie's back in town

      Gotta get a bunch of bits somewhere, gotta shine my hoofs and slick my mane,
      gotta get myself a corsage, Trrrrixie's back in town

      I´ll still claim I beat the Ursa Minor and I ain't gonna work on winter wrap-up
      and I´m going to be the showstopperrr Trrrrixie's back in town



    25. Based on the sadly unknown unreleased Yzma song- "Snuff out the Light". Sung by Nightmare Moon as she reveales herself for the first time in 1000 years.
      Link to original song (not this parody):

      When a ruler acquires a certain age
      And the ones you rule over refuse to swoon
      They love only the sunlit days
      And ignore the light of my kindly moon

      And I grew so weary, of all you folk
      And thus my weakling years were done
      I had to wait, and grow my hate
      To take my revenge on the sun

      When I was a mare by my sister's side
      Celestia of the light
      She said to my that I was loved
      Though you slept right through my night

      But I was not some dumb mare
      I knew none of you ponies did care
      And so, on my own, I did contrive
      Revive the night, and make it come alive

      I studied well, I grew my strength
      For I would go to any length
      To beat my 'sis and take the land
      And rule it within the night's hand

      It soon became my amibition
      Straight from my own intuition
      To gain some small remission
      From that painful, burning, sun

      Every little ray of sunshine
      Drove me up the wall
      Who gets blame?
      Who did this?
      Who to curse
      You know the only one to blame would be my enemy my sis

      Snuff out the light
      Claim your right
      To my world of darkness
      Snuff out the light
      Of my world of darkness!

      Little ponies, the night's on
      All the sunlight is now gone
      You can't run don't try to flee
      For your princess hereby decrees:

      I'm your new lord and master
      You shall love, obey, and adore
      I am your queen now, don't try to fight
      Because my night is here forevermore, ha!

      (Chorus x 2)

      Apparaitions of eternal darkness
      Spiraling in circles through the night
      Ponies in beguiling blackness
      No more squinting in the light

      Bats and owls and coiled sea-dragons
      Crocodiles and carrion beasts
      Swirling in the growing darkness
      Join us in the coming feast!

      Spectre, wraith, and appararitions
      Spirit, Demons, Phantoms, Shades
      Salamander-serpents, Dog-faced devils,
      Dance and watch the dying sunlight fade!

    26. And now Be Prepared is back in my head again, I find all the villain songs far too catchy.

      and @Bombedrumbum now that's stuck in my head too.

      I predict alot of oh so catchy songs.

    27. Autor on selle kommentaari eemaldanud.

    28. Didn't someone already do a Nightmare Moon parody of this song? (In comic form?)
      Just search "Nightmare Moon Be Prepared" on YouTube, you get this stuff:

    29. not exactly the most obvious choice... but i'm thinking the Monstars Theme (Hit Em High) from Space Jam [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ewOzi5-AZXU]

      Flim and Flam as B-Real and Coolio
      Gilda as Method Man
      Trixie as LL Cool J
      and of course, Discord as Busta

      me attempting to do the whole thing = ridiculously ambitious, dunno if i'll actually get anywhere with it. but if it ends up even as half as cool as it could potentially be, it would be pretty amazing.

    30. how long do we have? I'm starting right now!

    31. hmmmmmm.....
      Perhaps I could make one about Trixie's past.
      Power of Love, perhaps?

    32. I'm just writing this as a joke, hope nobody is offended.


      ♪ Well, lookie what we got here, Ayatollah of mine, it's the same in every middle eastern town
      Palestenians with thirsty throats, dry tongues, and not a plot of land to be found. D:
      Maybe they're not aware that there's really no need for this teary despair

      And the key that they need to solve the Israeli hegemony you and I will share

      Well you've got opportunity
      In this very nuclear community
      He's Khamenei!
      He's Ahmedenejad!
      We're the world famous Iranian brothers!!
      Travelling Islamic fanatics non pro-liferaeee!

      Pinkie: Non-pro what?

      Nonproliferation, that's exactly the reason why, you see
      No Jew else in this whole place will give you such a chance to be where you want to be
      And that's a new world, with tons of uranium
      Fresh refined and ready for arming
      More uranium than you can fission in all your days of nuking

      Al-Qaeda: I doubt that!!!

      So take this opportunity
      In this very nuclear community
      He's Khamenei!
      He's Ahmedenjad!
      We're the world famous Iranian brothers
      Travelling islamic fanastics nonprofilereeee

      I suppose by now you're wondering about our secret nuclear program
      I say, our method of nuclear-deterenceeee
      And I suppose by now you're wondering, where is this promised nuke?
      Any rougue state can make a claim and any dictator can do the same
      But my ayatollah and I have something most unique and superb
      Unseen at any time in this great new world
      And that's opportunityyyyyyy

      Folks, the one and only, the biggest and the best
      The unbelievable
      I can't believe-able
      Iranian brothers' Super Speedy Uranium Nukey 6000

      What d'you say, sister?

      *Rarity in a hijab faints*

      Oh, we got opportunity
      In this very nuclear community
      Please Khamenei, please Ahmedenejad, help us out of this Israeli jam
      With the Iranian brothers' Super Speedy Uranium Nukey 6000!!!!! ♪

    33. When Celestia is too busy
      And Stone's a bit too much
      They call on me by name you see,
      For my special touch.
      To Hasbro I'm Miss Fortune
      To the Bronies I'm Sir Prize
      But call me by any name
      Any way it's all the same

      I'm the fly in your soup
      I'm the pebble in your shoe
      I'm the pea beneath your bed
      I'm a bump on every head
      I'm the soap on which you slip
      I'm a pin in every hip
      I'm the thorn in your side
      Makes you wriggle and writhe

      And it's so easy when you're chaos
      This is the life, you see
      Luna tips her crown to me
      I do it all because I'm chaos
      And I do it all for free
      Your tears are all the pay I'll ever need

      While there's fillies to make sad
      While there's cupcakes to be had
      while there's saddlebags left to pick
      While there's Grannies left to trip down the stairs
      I'll be there, I'll be waiting 'round the corner
      It's the game. I'm glad I win it
      'Cause there's one born every minute

      And it's so easy when you're chaos
      This is the life, you see
      Luna tips her crowm to me
      I do it all because I'm chaos
      And I do it all for free
      Your tears are all the pay I'll ever need

      I pledge my allegiance,
      to all things chaotic
      And I promise on my accursed soul
      To do as I am told, Lord Discord
      Has never seen a villain quite like me
      Not only does his job, but does it giddily.

      I'm the fear that keeps you awake
      I'm the shadows on the wall
      I'm the monsters they become
      I'm the nightmare in your moon
      I'm a dagger in your back
      An extra turn upon the rack
      I'm the quivering of your heart
      A stabbing pain, a sudden start.

      And it's so easy when you're chaos
      This is the life, you see
      Luna tips her crown to me
      I do it all because I'm chaos
      And I do it all for free
      Your tears are all the pay I'll ever need
      And I do it all for free
      Your tears are all the pay I'll ever need
      And I do it all for free
      Your tears are all the pay I'll ever need

      It gets so lonely being chaos.....
      What I'd do to see a smile,
      Even for a little while.....
      And no one loves you when you're chaos
      I'm lying through my teeth!
      Your tears are all the company I need!

    34. A Discord entry, to the tune of "You're a Mean One, Mr. Grinch": http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dwHqhTr2URI

      You’re a psycho, Mr. D,
      You’re chaos in its prime,
      You have a heart of crazy, a warped and nutty mind,
      Mr. D,
      Such a weird behaviour and so easy to revile.
      What is this harmony you speak of? Mr. D, please explain,
      You’re such a loony gu-uy!
      Who’s the brainless cuckoo who let you outta stone,
      Mr. D,
      You’ve cotton candy clouds that are spewin’ choc-o-late from the sky!

      SPOKEN: If you ask anypony who would know you,
      SUNG: You’d need to be sectio-o-o-o-o-o-ned...

      You’re a headcase, Mr. D,
      Buffalo wearing tutus,
      A draconequus of loco, and a screamin’ of woohoo,
      Mr. D,
      And on top of this all, I think you’re...
      Disharmony to boooooooooooot...

    35. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ewSAnWnSJv0

      Trottin through this lonely place
      You can’t even see my face
      Where are you, where’s my place?
      Now I’ve seen the darker space.

      Lonely as the cold, dark night
      Trying to learn wrong from right.
      Try to win you, Try I might
      Why can no one see my plight?

      I just want you to notice me
      I’m not trying to be mean.
      Not trying to be too cocky
      I just want you to see me.

      I will stand up
      I will rise
      Up to the challenge
      See it in my eyes
      I can see you,
      I see me.
      Being one, in my dream


      All my Love, All my hate
      I know that I’ve made mistakes
      See the anger, see the hate.
      To get your love, I must wait

      Why can nothing be easy
      I just want to be all lovey
      Just like Mac and Cheerilee
      But I guess that’s not for me

      I have seen the other side
      They watched as I sat and cried
      As my pride slowly died
      In the end I just ran and hide

      I will stand up
      I will rise
      Up to the challenge
      See it in my eyes
      I can see you,
      I see me.
      Being one, in my dream


      I am not G and P
      I am just the Trixie
      I know that being me
      Means that we can never be


      Go on Twilight live the dream
      It’s pretty clear that you don’t need me
      I’ll just pack up, I’ll just leave
      Good luck Twi, signed Trixie.

    36. Um...in between the <>'s...it's supposed to say "Hook" Or "Hook X2"....damn blogger templates..

    37. Got it. Gonna be a song called "You Had it Coming" about Discord. Oh yes.

    38. @Gamers Once More

      To make a hyperlink, you don't use "hook" anywhere. Try "a href=" instead. That's always worked for me.

    39. @Bombedrumbum No..that's just how I told that the hook was there in my word program. I already had this song all planned out...I didn't account for that though.

    40. @CanadianJoe
      So once upon a time I heard this awesome unreleased Yzma song made back when the movie was still Kingdom of the Sun and I thought "Man, this fits so perfectly as a villain song for Nightmare Moon" so I instantly set about writing a parody of it but then got sidetracked. Up comes this post and I think "Cool, I bet I still have that half finished copy around here. All I need to do is finish it and..."

      *Sees your post. Puts on best Shatner voice* CANADIAN JOE!

      But seriously, your version is so much more awesome than mine.

    41. To the tune of "Mack the Knife"

      Oh that pony, has such magic
      And she shows it, wherever she can
      She’s a sorceress, is that Trixie
      And she’s coming, back with a plan

      When she casts it, her bright magic
      Fiery billows, fill the air
      Pointed hat and, fancy cape, dear
      Are the garb that our Trixie wears

      Outside Ponyville, one dark evening
      Lay poor Trixie, just feelin’ sad
      She would show her, that lavender mare
      And revenge would, make Trixie glad

      She had style, she was great and powerful
      That Twilight Sparkle, she would get hers
      Anything she, thought she could do
      Trixie could do, so much better

      Now Rainbow Dash, dear, and sweet Fluttershy
      Miss Rarity and, ol’ Applejack
      Pinkie Pie and, that Twilight Sparkle
      Time for Trixie, to stage her attack

      All you ponies, better watch now
      Watch in awe while, our Trixie strikes
      Ponyville and, Twilight Sparkle
      Better watch cuz’, this is Trixie’s night!

      That’s right, it’s Trixie’s night!

    42. The "Hook" is basically the chorus from the instrumental I used.

    43. Coming out of my cage,
      and I've been doing just fine.
      Gotta gotta come down,
      because I want it all.

      Nopony wanted my night,
      How could I handle that slight?
      I'm the queen of the night.
      I'm the queen of the night.

      See them falling asleep.
      See them barring the door.
      Now they're dreaming of dawn,
      when they can frolic some more.

      Now they're going to bed,
      and my stomach is sick,
      and it's all in my head,

      but they're dreaming of sun-light,
      happy playful fun-light
      letting me go...

      I just can't look it's killing me.
      I'm taking control.

      Jealously, driving my insanity,
      there is no equality
      choking on your harmony,

      But it's just the price I pay,
      destiny is calling me.
      Open up my eager eyes...
      I'm princess nightside.

    44. Here is mine
      The oogie boogie song for trixie I also sung it here http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QON_zQwDOJs&feature=channel_video_title
      But yea someone that can actually sing good should do it :P
      Well, well, well, what have we here?
      Twilight , huh?
      Oh, I'm really scared
      So you're the mare everypony talkin' about, ha, ha

      You're jokin', you're jokin'
      I can't believe my eyes
      You're jokin' me, you gotta be
      This can't be the right mare
      SHe's frieghtened, She's weakish
      I don't know which is worse
      I might just have to fight now
      If I don't die laughing first

      When Trixie says
      There's trouble close at hand
      You'd better pay attention now
      'Cause I'm the The great mare
      And if you are still thinking it
      Then there's something very wrong
      'Cause this may be the last time
      That you hear this great song, ohhh



      Snips nd snails

      Ohhh, She the great great trixie

      Well if I'm feelin' antsy
      And there's nothin' much to do
      I might just cast a spell or two
      to beat your friends again
      And don't ya know the one thing
      That would make it work so nice?
      A roly-poly Twilight to make the fun twice


      Oh, yeah


      Trixie and people
      Oh, yeah, I'm (she's) the great mare trixie

      Back off Trixie
      Or you must face the dire consequences
      You will not win
      So please, come to your senses

      You're jokin', you're jokin'
      I can't believe my ears
      Would someone shut this magic mare
      I'm drownin' in my tears
      It's funny, I'm laughing
      You really are too much
      And now, with your permission
      I'm going to start this fight

      You arent winning

      IYou will find I already have

      (Musical interlude)

      Oh, the sound of magic spells
      To me is music in the air
      'Cause I'm a magical equine
      And always win the prey

      It's much more fun, I must confess
      When lives are on the line
      so lets start now cause only one
      is leaving here tonight

      Dont do this Trix or you will have to
      Answer for this heinous act
      Oh, Twi, you're something
      You put me in a the spot but
      You aren't comprehending
      The position that you're in
      It's hopeless, you're finished
      You haven't got a prayer
      'Cause I'm the great trixie
      And you ain't going nowhere

    45. from a nonlinear, nonsubjective standpoint, rhyme is like... wimbly-wombly... rhymy-wymy stuff.

    46. Ooh, I love the "Snuff Out the Light" parady; you're right, CanadianJoe, that song is criminally un-recognized. I think a version of this with parodic lyrics may have already been written (although I don't think sung? I'd be overjoyed to be proven wrong), but Judge Claude Frollo's magnificent villain song "Hellfire " really deserves to be given a mention in any case. I wrote this after watching the fantastic "Heaven's Light" animatic that came out a while ago; the Dislestia shipping worked so well there, I figured I might as well extend it on to the point where the burgeoning relationship turns a little...chaotic. It's kinda melodramatic, and perhaps a little hard to follow what the "plot" is (Discord feels betrayed by Celestia, knows she's fond of him, and drives her to petrify him so that she'll know the same loss he felt), but I'm still proud of finding not one but two acceptable rhymes for "chaos."


      Beloved Celestia, I thought you truly cared for me
      When I was near you smiled and laughed with joy
      Beloved Celestia, I thought that happy memory
      would be my life, but now that hope's destroyed.

      So tell me, Celestia, why I can't forget your name?
      Why your smoldering eyes still scorch my soul?
      I love you, I hate you, the sunlight from your spectral mane
      Is driving me to lose all my control!
      Towards Chaos! Mad chaos!
      This chaos in my heart
      And someday, the same loss
      Will tear your soul apart.

      It's not my fault! I'm not to blame.
      It was the Alicorn, the Sun who set this flame!
      It's not my fault! If in my pain,
      I choose to rob the world of all I stood to gain!

      How could you, Celestia? How could you spurn my earnest love?
      How could you turn away when once you smiled?
      Poison and deception, the ruin of all that I dreamed of
      You trapped me, yes, but we were both beguiled!

      Screwball (or her ancient predecessor): King Discord! The Alicorns--they're preparing to attack!
      Discord: ...What?
      Screwball: Celestia and Luna have made some kind of deep magic. They're coming for you!
      Discord: But how, I--nevermind. Get out, you idiot. I'll face her. I'll face her even if she bends the fabric of the world itself against me!

      Mad chaos! Full chaos!
      Eons you've been alone
      Just one love, gained now lost
      For I'll be sealed in stone!

      You loved me once
      You love me still
      You'll know my loss when

    47. Autor on selle kommentaari eemaldanud.

    48. Damn, if only I had a good microphone, I'd be all over writing a song for Nightmare moon. Guess I could always do one without lyrics, but it wouldn't be the same...

      Has anyone told you recently that you are amazing? Just thought you should know.

    49. I always thought Nightmare!Celestia's villian song would be something like this(http://youtu.be/YUpIg9ZFsd4)

    50. Was going to do Behind Blue Eyes for Gilda
      Realized that I barely changed any lyrics
      Ha ha, looks like I need something else to do. Here's Behind Gold Eyes if you want, but uh... I'm not impressed with myself.

      No one knows what it's like
      To be the bad one
      To be the sad one
      Behind gold eyes

      No one knows what it's like
      To be hated
      To be fated
      To making ponies cry

      But my dreams
      They aren't as empty
      As my conscience seems to be

      I have hours, only lonely
      My love is vengeance
      That's never free

      No one knows what it's like
      To feel this hatred
      Like I do
      And I blame you!

      No one bites back as hard
      On their anger
      None of my pain and woe
      Can show through

      But my dreams
      They aren't as empty
      As my conscience seems to be

      I have hours only lonely
      My love is vengeance
      That's never free

      When my talons are bared, calm me down
      Before I use them and lose my cool
      When I frown, tell me a good joke
      Before I shriek and act like a fool

      And If I swallow anything evil
      Put your finger down my throat
      And If I shiver, please give me a blanket
      Keep me warm, let me wear your coat

      No one knows what it's like
      To be the bad man
      To be the sad man
      Behind gold eyes

    51. Land of Chaos"Voltaire - Land of the Dead"

      A timelord's my butler, a manticore my valet
      A phenix draws my boat that flyes me all the way
      Through a river made of ducks to a street that's paved with soap
      I got a dozen daneing buffolow to guide me to my throne

      In the land of chaos
      twilight aint it grand
      I'm the overlord of this wonderworld
      cause I have the upper hand
      In the land of chaos
      I'm Forever feared
      I'm skipping around in the chocolate town
      and aint nothing going to stop me

      Whoa! (whoa) Whoa! (whoa) Whoa! (whoa)
      HA! HA! HA! HA! HA!

      Derpy my maid is ditzy as can be
      My throne is made of tacos; its a sight to see
      I've got a chocolate milk jacuzzi; pinki thinks its cool
      and a stachue of celestia in my bedroom

      In the land of chaos
      Twilight aint it grand
      I'm the overlord of this wonderworld
      Cause I have the upper hand
      In the land of chaos
      I'm Forever feared
      I'm skipping around in the chocolate town
      and aint nothing going to stop me

      aint nothing going to stop me

    52. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=afem9mLcJ14

      (Please ignore ringtone advert. For some reason I can't explain the version of this I used to listen to is blocked in my country, so I went with that one.)

      (Actually I can probably explain it, but I thought I'd be clever. Since this is a parody on Coldplay's Viva La Vida and all.)

      (I know jack about music, by the way, and as such will stay away from all debates on it by at least five Rainbow Dash flight days. Dubstep sucks.)

      I used to rule the stage
      Applause would roar for this wondrous mage
      Now in the morning I sleep alone
      Sweep the boards I used to own

      I used to roll the dice
      See the gleam in the little foals' eyes
      Listen as the crowd would gaze
      At my illusions and lights, their splendorous maze

      One minute I held the key
      To the hearts of ev'rypony
      But I discovered that my stories stand
      Upon pillars of salt and pillars of sand

      I hear Equestrian bells a-ringing
      If only it were my praise they're bringing
      But my cape, my magic and awesome light
      Will one day grace another night

      For some reason I can't explain
      Until you came there was never
      Never an honest word
      And that was when I ruled the world

      It spread all the way up and down
      How the Ursa Minor was brought to town
      No more able to deny my sin
      People couldn't believe who I'd always been

      Only a fool would see
      A fraud and liar's matinee
      But I'm still powerful and great
      Can I make them see it's not too late?

      I hear Equestrian bells a-ringing
      If only it were my praise they're bringing
      But my cape, my magic and awesome light
      Will one day grace another night

      For some reason I can't explain
      I know I'll never forget your name
      Never an honest word
      But that was when I ruled the world

      I hear Equestrian bells a-ringing
      If only it were my praise they're bringing
      But my cape, my magic and awesome light
      Will one day grace another night

      For some reason I can't explain
      I know I'll never forget your name
      Never an honest word
      But that was when I ruled the world

    53. @Coconutswallow

      Heh, I had my parody on lay away myself; I had finished it for a fanfic, but got discouraged with writing fanfics for a while and forgot about it. My memory was triggered much the same as yours.

      Thanks; but hey, you don't have to let my parody stop you from finishing and posting yours :D

      @Sam Yates
      And thank you.

      I'm sure there are a number of Hellfire parodies floating around (I wrote one myself from a Celestia/Luna angle..I should get around to doing something with that- not a straight up villain song though), but more are always welcome for perhaps the greatest villain song ever.

      I'm not a fan of Celestia/Discord shipping, but nice work there ^_^

    54. If only I knew of any "evil songs". Heh.

    55. now imagine Equestria, but not half as nice
      without the magic, t'would not suffice
      but the magics easy, with a little direction
      and the help of dismembering unicorn demise

      lets dig deeper into pony anatomy
      specifically that of those gifted magically
      its easy to act so nonchalant
      about there glowing aura, and magical gravity
      but since all great worlds requires powerful energy
      that in this case being horns magic initially
      how you ask is the world still around
      the answer, of course, needs a bit of ability

      in the magic repository
      where the dreams of ponies come true
      in the magic repository
      were every single unicorn is used

      in the magic repository
      where the dreams of ponies come true
      in the magic repository
      were every single unicorn is used

      Rainbow factory parody http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YRx_iXgLAyw

    56. Alright, here's one for the Flim Flams, to the tune of Second Rate, from the second Aladdin movie:

      Imagine it as being a song version of the race to make the most cider.

      Flim: I must admit, this contest is quite amusing.
      It seems like all those ponies're doing their part.
      Flam: Well, come on, Flim, let's make this interesting-strike while the iron's hot.
      Flim: Come on, then...let's see what they've got!
      You try to defeat us with all your friends
      But I'm afraid this contest is about to end
      Flam: We're at a record pace, your method's out of date-
      Both: You're only second rate!
      Flim: Your think your Mac's a toughie, but he's simply lame
      With a win like this, it's almost a shame
      Flam: Brother, this is great, we're making crate by crate!
      Both: They're only second rate!
      Flam: Colts tremble, at the rumble, of the Squeezy~
      Flim: Our apples are pristine, only the best~
      But if you're not quite sure that they're the greatest thing-take a look at this!
      Flam: Double speed-and keeping them fresh!
      Flim: It's not really such a big surprise
      And it's far too late to simply compromise
      Flam: You're on a base, but we've hit home plate-
      Both: You're only second rate!
      Flam: Your hard work can only go so far,
      Just accept that you're below the bar
      Flim: Your skills may be inate, but let us reiterate-
      Both: You're only second rate!
      Flim: Bing bang zam!
      Flam: Go ahead and scram!
      Flim: Any hope of winning, Apples, is gone,
      Flam: Because his contest is officially done!
      Yeah, we may not have made the best,
      But we matched the bet, and made enough to spare
      Flim: It's us they hate, but just you wait-
      Trust me, we'll be back, and then we will create
      Flam: A greater machine, and you'll meet your fate!
      Both: You're only second raaaaaaaaaaaaate!

    57. What counts as a villain?
      Nightmare Moon and Discord, obviously, and OP names Trixie and the Flim Flam Brothers as examples, so presumably them too. Gilda clearly counts, and you could say the Dragon from Dragonshy as well.
      But what besides that? Spike plays an antagonistic role in two different episodes; is Spike a villain?
      Pinkie and Twilight have capacity for villainessness...ess, as shown in Party of One and Lesson Zero.
      What of fanfiction? Is Rainbow Dash a villain because of Rainbow Factory? Does Cupcakes-based work count? Princess Trollestia?
      Is Zecora a villain? What if someone is merely suspected of villainy? Zecora? Owloysious? Cheif Thunderhooves? Princess Luna?
      Are Parasprites villains, or innocent creatures having trouble coping in an unfamilar ecosystem? What of Dragonshy's Dragon, or Pinkie Keen's Hydra?
      Do general jerkasses count as villainous? Pegasus Bullies, anyone?
      What if someone is just a massive troll? Like Philomena?
      What about inadvertent villains? Does Derpy count? Cherries Jubilee? The CMC have caused lots of inadvertent destruction. Pound and Pumpkin Cake?
      What about Rival characters that aren't necessarily evil? Do the competing pets from MtBPW count? What about Mare Do Well? Or, since Rainbow Dash is more mean and egotistical in that episode, is she a villainess?
      What about past villains? And are any of the tribe leaders in Hearth's Warming in the right, or are they all villains? Would Puddinghead make an EXCELLENT villain song?
      For that matter, what of the Windigoes?
      In Family Appreciation Day, Granny Smith is seen, not necessarily as an antagonist, but as an obstacle to overcome. Is Granny Smith a villain?
      Or you could go the other way and make it so only Discord and Nightmare Moon actually count as villains, which would make a pretty crappy selection of songs.
      Ooh, what about unreleased characters that MIGHT be villains? For example, I suspect Iron Will will be villainous in some way; does this mean I can write a villain song?

    58. Something for Nightmare Moon set to "Nightfall" by Blind Guardian

      No sign of her did shine through,
      As all looked deeply afraid.
      "Where's the sun? It should've rose up. Where has the Princess gone?"
      "Save me your screaming, it's true (a dark voice proclaimed),
      What you love, I shall take it away from you! Darken it and now know for sure, the light you once cherished is gone forever! Ha!"
      Cries of terror rang out, no pony knew what had truly been brought.
      Darkness it covered them all, fearful light would not return.
      Many cried out in horror, night eternal now reigned!
      The signs had been clear, but no pony was safe.

      NightMare, suddenly she came back and surprised them all.
      NightMare, suddenly she took out the light of all.
      NightMare, Equestria is doomed to agony.

      "Why couldn't they all love my dark? The bliss and the beauty of the nocturne?
      Say farewell to light and the sun, and welcome moonlight ov'r you."
      But even in darkness, some weren't afraid.
      "A spark will ignite the last of the Elements of Harmony."
      (The end of the nighttime drew near)
      The words of an evil queen
      "This cannot be!"
      Filled with a bright rainbow's glow, her heart, full of rage, full of pride, it all went away!

      NightMare, darkness shall never cover the land.
      NightMare, the princess's been freed from her evil spell.
      NightMare, Equestria is now full of harmony.

      "Luna, now don't be so sad. Your actions were not of your own."
      Always trust in your friends, never doubt their faith in you.
      "I'm sorry Celestia!" she cried out afraid "The nighttime of mine, I just wanted it to shine. But will anyone ever love me?"
      "Of course." she said.

      NightMare, finally vanquished and gone for good.
      NightMare, the Princess of Night has truly returned.
      NightMare, Equestria shall love and honor thee...

      ("Twists and turns are my master plan...
      Find them back where you began...")

    59. (Well... I don't EXACTLY have music for it. The meter was LOOSELY based off of Be Prepared, since that's always what gets stuck in my head when I think of a villain song... but the lyrics and meter probably wouldn't work with that music PRECISELY...

      Anyway... I did manage to whip this up in about half an hour...)

      How now, oh my beloved subjects?
      It’s been so long since I’ve seen all your faces.
      I’m afraid dear Celestia won’t join us
      For you see, as of now we’ve switched places!

      Friends why do you shiver before me?
      Are you stunned at my glorious sight?
      No you’re just the same as you were then
      You all are afraid of my night!

      Oh the night, it shall last now forever!
      The day shall be but fantasy!
      Celestia’s crimes will be paid for in time
      I’d give it an eternity!

      Oh the day it is naught but a dream now
      The mistress of night is now in!
      Accept it my friends. My sister’s reign ends
      And now a new era begins!

      Am I not royal enough for you ponies?
      Do you not recognize who I am?
      The legends and signs were quite plain, dears.
      Now it’s time that I end Sister’s sham!

      How now, oh my beloved subjects?
      Is my crown simply no more of worth?
      After one thousand years of an exile
      I deserve some respect from this earth!

      So my night it shall last for all time then!
      You ponies shall see that I’m great!
      My power is vast and your princess has passed
      To another more fiery place

      Her day, it does nothing but burn you
      But my night, it is soothing and cool
      Alas you all cower at the sight of my power
      I guess I shall have to get cruel

      Well well well then, a little respect now
      But alas it’s too little too late.
      You ponies have incurred my ire
      You foals have now sealed your fate!

      Oh my is that fear in your eyes now?
      And anger and hatred and pain?
      Well my dears you had better get used to it
      For it’s all you will know in my reign!

      Oh the nighttime it shall be eternal!
      And the day, it no longer exists!
      So come sister’s lackeys. Stand up and attack me!
      Try to get back your sun, I insist!

      Remember this day little ponies
      For you see it was truly your last.
      Now my night is what’s true and there’s naught you can do
      And your efforts will just make me laugh!

      Remember this night oh my subjects
      And don’t you dare try to get clever
      From south to the north, from this moment forth
      The night will last FOREVER!


    60. Um, if anypony out there has the equipment, talent, and voice, but no lyrics, um, I could come up with them. I don't have the microphone or camera for recording something, and, well, I'm...too shy to sing.

      But I've been told I'm extremely gifted with lyric-writing. (I once wrote a Jurassic Park song in ten minutes, but, uh, I don't think it was that great.) If anypony's interested, I'd be happy to share the lyrics and ideas.

      I'm sure everypony is full of great ideas though. Good luck!

    61. In Despair [Discord's parody of Be Prepared from The Lion King] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L0AiN8vrn9Y

      Call on your keen observation,
      And step to the side, little ones.
      You should see, that you've no chance to beat me,
      and behold, as your world is undone!
      It's easy to see your confusion,
      you thought I'd been banished for years.
      But now that I'm back, it's forever!
      Let me show you your wildest fears!

      In despair, I can see your will crumble.
      In despair, you should all run away.
      We're drawing the curtain,
      of this I am certain.

      [Twilight]"You won't get away with-"
      Oh, a new toy to play with!
      I gave you no warning, and no time for mourning,
      before I shoved reason aside!
      I've given you no time to spare!
      In despair!

      [Pinkie Pie]
      "Yeah, in despair! Wait... in despair of what?"
      "Of the loss of your freedoms."
      [Pinkie Pie]
      "I don't have any Fritos."
      "No, you fool, your freedoms. I'm taking them away."
      [Mini Discords]
      "Excellent! Who needs freedoms? Free of freedom, free of freedom, la-la-la-lalala!"
      "No, you fools, you will never be free!"
      [Pinkie Pie]
      "But didn't you say-"
      "I've taken your freedom! Now that I rule, you'll never be free ponies again!"

      [Background ponies]
      We've lost our homes, our families.
      To a tyrantial beast of a God.
      And my dears, it was easy, to get here.
      Don't you find that a little bit odd?
      How simple I rose, uncontested.
      Victorious, untouched, and clean.
      The question I pose to you ponies...
      What do you think it all means?

      In despair, your queen and your princess.
      In despair, they threw it away!
      Royal obligation, to my subjugation
      They threw down their crowns, and I came around
      They put up no quarrel,
      Those ponies immortal
      And you'll never find them again!
      You have every right to be scared,
      In despair!

      You have every right to be scared,
      In despair!

    62. Ooh, for that matter, what counts as a song?
      Does Rap count? How about underground, obscure even for those participating in the 'scene' Nerdcore Rappist Schaffer the Darklord? He's got multiple evil songs.
      And what even counts as an evil song? I posted Behind Blue Eyes, which is about evil, but as a song, sounds most opposite of evil. What about a few of Jonathan Coulton's more creepy Romantic songs? Is Skullcrusher Mountain an evil song? What about The Future Soon?

      Also, are Silver Spoon and Diamond Tiara villains?
      What if I'm using my own personal fandom? Can I write a villain song for Gummy, or Background Eating Pony who gets ALL the fillies and will definitely grow up to be a James Bond villain?

    63. Don't you disrespect respect little Mares!
      Don't you Delegate or derive

      your in my world now not your world
      and I got chaos on the sunrise
      he's got chaos on the sunrissssssse

      How's your day going ponies
      Just a little disharmony don't worry

      travel to my labrithyh
      put your minds at ease
      doing this will enable me to
      do anything I please

      I can see your future
      and i'll change it around some too
      I look deep into your heart and soul

      you do have a soul, don't you Celestia

      Make your Worst nightmare's come true
      I Got hypnosis, hocus pocus, and things I ain't
      even tried!

      And I got Chaos coming on the sunrise
      He's got Chaos on the sunrise!

      The Clouds, The Clouds, The Clouds will tell
      The Past, The persent ,and the Future as well
      The Clouds, The Clouds, Just take three
      and see how your freindship ends with me

      need help finishing but here is link http://youtu.be/yZAY-78zhmw

    64. And for that matter, what the HELL are Snips and Snails? The Ursa Minor?

    65. I cant think of any lyrics but I reckon this would be a good villian song http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZDKRD2q3bYo&feature=related

    66. she rode up in her caravan
      all the mares freakin' out yelling oh god damn
      trixies back
      dear sweet celestia
      we thought she forgot about us
      trixies back
      her spellpower increased tenfold
      now shes got us all in her hold
      trixies back

      i warned you all and now i'm back
      get ready for my next attack
      fluttershy'll faint in the back
      i want rvenge like lyra wants hands
      now here is my list of demands

      bring the mare that humiliated me that night

      i'll finally upstage twilight

      she's gonna tremble filled with fright

      she's gonna lose her mind tonight

      she rode up in her caravan
      al the mares running off yelling oh god damn
      trixies back
      dear sweet celestia
      shes scarier than princess luna
      trixies back
      her spellpowers increased tenfold
      now we're all in her hold
      trixies back

      i practiced and more than tripled my power
      now i can handle much more than an ursa minor
      you know i'm gonna win within the hour
      so why not run like a freaking coward

      how about you?
      ready to be humiliated too?
      i know that i can break you
      just give me time to beat down derpy hooves
      i'm the best at what i do
      the princess won't dare send me to the moon

      i can beat AJ, rarity, rainbow dash too
      i'll break a pinkie promise
      only one hurt'll be you
      fluttershy doesn't stand a chance
      i'll put the baby dragon in a hypnotic trance
      i said it once i'll say it again
      twilight doesn't stand a bucking chance

      she rode up in her caravan
      all the mares running off yelling oh god damn
      trixies back
      dear sweet celestia
      i thought that she forgot about us
      trixies back
      her spellpower increased tenfold
      now she's got us in her hold
      trixies back

    67. "Discord's Rule" - a parody of Venom's "Black Metal" with debatably better grammar than the original. Maybe.


      Sun in the night, Chaos’s bite,
      Ponyville’s set to explode!
      Disharmony, now he’ll be free,
      Discord’s got us by the throat!
      He’s cast a spell, granting us hell,
      Equestria’s odds: lookin’ poor.
      Thunder will peal, this nightmare’s real,
      Nothing but friendship will cure:
      Discord’s rule!
      You’ll lose your soul to his evil control!

      World’s been defiled, Discord runs wild,
      Rivers run with soda pop.
      Scootaloo’s right: chaos tonight,
      Madness that’s over the top!
      Sneeze down the door, you know the score –
      Lunacy strengthens in might.
      Chaotic force, feels no remorse,
      Drained of all our will to fight…
      Discord’s rule!
      You’ll lose your soul to his evil control!
      Colors return with the wills he had stole,
      Magical emblems, flying and free,
      Taking our chances with pure harmony!

      Come fight the fight with us,
      Smile laugh and win,
      United in friendship we stand!
      Recall the good times,
      Regain your souls,
      We’ll banish him from this land!

      Against the odds, and trickster gods,
      To fight for friendship our goal!
      Casting a spell, rainbows to fell
      Discord, that infernal troll!
      Building up steam, Draconequus screams;
      Elements, ready to fight!
      Bright rainbows bound, faster than sound,
      Towards Discord’s form, set to rights:
      Discord’s rule!
      Take back your soul from his evil control!
      Discord’s rule!

      ... So it's not really a villain's song, but it's about a villain and I think it's a bit funny. =P

    68. Does anypony remember some secret message that was all like fill in the blanks and some people thought it was "SONGBY EVIL CHARACTER" or something like that...

      Could that have been a hint at the Flim-Flam brother's Super Speedy Cider Squeezy 6000 song... They were DEFINITELY the villains of that episode. Does anypony recal what post that came from, and if it seems like a valid claim?

      This whole create a villain song made me think of it, and it really IS the only villains we've seen sing!

    69. I've thought more about it and I have made a short villain song for Derpy! Also, no, it's not a parody of anything: Iambic tetrameter/trimeter FTW!

      I'm sneaking to Carrot Top's house
      to empty out her fridge
      she'll think she's got a giant mouse
      and run way past the bridge

      she'll find Daisy, Lily and Rose
      the screams will be quite loud
      laments about the burritos
      Dash will drop from a cloud

      A Pony hoard will arrive there
      they'll find only bubbles

    70. part 2/2: Now you Young mare are drama Queen
      but you got the blood of royalty
      I outta know, i'm one too
      you to live high, but you status is too low

      your gonna need some gems for the respect you know

      Diamond dogs cut you off eh, mare

      Yea sad but true

      And now your forced to be generous, but generosity ties you down

      You want to be queen, Be known from place to place, but being royal take greed

      It's the Greediest of greed that I've ever seen
      And when I look into the future it's Ms.greedy you'll be

      Now you quiet Mare I won't waste much Time
      You been kind all you life
      you been kind to your mother, to your sisters and their brothers

      and If you were married, you woud be kind for life

      But In you future, the you I see, is exactly the Mare I always Wanted you to be

      Come on mare's, look into to my eyes, won't you look into an old soul's eyes


      Are you ready?
      Are you ready?
      Are you Reeeeeady?

      Transformation Central
      Transformation Central
      Transformation Central

      Transmortification central
      Can you feeeeelll It?
      Your Changing Your Changing Your Chaaaanging all right!

      I know I'm satisfied
      But now with your taint, Go be Mean
      I'll go start my chaos on the Sunrissssseeeee
      He got what he wanted
      what he wants is what he gets!

      SHUUU! end

    71. Autor on selle kommentaari eemaldanud.

    72. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P1vDqgsbyhQ

      (Nightmare Moon)

      In the dark of the night I was tossing and turning.

      And the nightmare I had was as bad as can be.

      It scared me out of my wits, my shadow shredded to bits. Then I opened my eyes and the nightmare was me.

      I am the most mystical mare in all of Equestria. When that royal priss betrayed me she made a mistake.

      My curse will make Luna pay, even that little mare that got away!

      Little Twilight beware the Nightmares awake!

      (Shadowbolt chorus)

      In the shadows of the moon the nightmare will find her.

      In the shadows of the moon just before dawn!

      (Nightmare Moon)

      Revenge will be sweet, with the elements defeat!


      In the shadow of the moon.

      (Nightmare Moon)


      I can feel that my powers are slowly returning, the shadowbolts will kidnap Dash and blast any pony they see alone as well!

      As Celestia falls with the pieces into place. I'll see her falling from grace.

      Bye solar princess I'll say to your face. GOOD-NIGHT!


      In the shadows of the night we will fight her.

      (Nightmare Moon)

      To the sun is the least I will definitely do!


      In the shadows of the moon we will stew!


      Soon the elements will feel that our powers are quite real!


      In the shadows of the moon.

      (Nightare Moon)

      She'll be doomed.


      In the shadows of the moon we will fight her.


      Fight her!


      In the shadows of the moon ice will consume.


      Tomb her!

      (Nightmare Moon)

      Fear is a sign, that the night will be all mine!


      In the shadow of the moon.

      In the shadow of the moon.

      (Nightmare Moon)

      Come my Shadowbolts, plot for your master. Make those shadows fill their souls with grime!

      Come on now shadowsbolts, fly ever faster...


      In the shadow of the moon, in the shadow of the moon, in the shadow of the moon.

      (Nightmare Moon)


    73. Original song: Super Speedy Cider Squeezy 6000

      TOTALLY A RAINBOW FACTORY PARODY 'COS IT'S COOL AND STUFF. It's a duet between Dr. Atmosphere and Rainbow Dash. They're not canon villains but they're still fanon villains. Herpderp.


      Just look at all these failures, colleague of mine, they’ll make up for last year
      Ponies with useless wings, apathy, and showing that delicious look of fear

      But these mare’s aren’t aware that we really can’t stand for this utter disgrace
      Oh pity, but you see to get the best rainbow spectra, you we must erase

      (Gasps of horror)
      When you've got a deficiency in your flying proficiency
      Hot damn, you sham, get led like the sheep to the slaughter
      Canter on up to the Factory

      (But I don’t...)
      ...want to die? Oh, that’s heartbreaking, this being not your choice
      Don’t try to run, and we both know you can’t fly worth a damn, so be still and save your voice

      But you got a use: to make the spectra, to be seen in all its glory
      No pony can face this hell and live to tell her story

      (How could you?)
      So let us cure deficiency in that flying proficiency
      Although, you know, you’re just like the sheep to the slaughter
      Canter on up to the Factory

      I’ll admit it is quite genius: our approach to the extraction
      Our tool is fueled by your convulsions, but I discern you’re apprehensive
      For that I do not blame you.
      ‘cos the chain will cause your pain to gain each time you struggle in vain
      For the flock you will die, to be absorbed; spread ‘cross the sky
      Allure that captivates - but you have to die
      Forlorn in the factory

      You are all pathetic, the languid and inept
      For civilization, each laceration, fuels pigmentation and coloration
      Rainbow Fac’try Super Speedy Filly Squeezy 6000

      (Who wants to volunteer?)
      Oh our flying proficiency does not meet their sufficiency
      We’ve pled, we’re dead, we’ve got horrors ahead
      In the Rainbow Fac’try Super Speedy Filly Squeezy 6000

      Worthless failure: you are one lucky filly! You get to go first! Yes, the rest of your pathetic little classmates have to watch you rip apart at the seams! But oh, don’t cry, you’ve got the easy part: you only have to die!
      (This isn’t happening!)

      (A monstrosity, heinous atrocity!)
      You’re done, don’t run, you’ll ruin the fun!
      Strap her in tight and give these useless mongrels a crucifixion as repulsive as them!

      (spectra, spectra, spectra, spectra..) etc.,
      Stop struggling, child! You sure are wild.
      Now, here's where the Spectra's processed! Watch close as the screaming, churning worthless pony carcass tumbles around, Her chest split open-- (We’ve found the machine works better when all the ribs are broken) --and ground into SPECTRA!
      Your turn will come soon enough.

      How could you monsters do this?!
      The Crown would not approve this!
      We’re pegasi, and we demand to be let go!
      There is never a reason for such bloodshed,
      Why’s a system like this so widespread?
      This is despicable, yes
      Just demonic! Damn the status quo.

      Oh filly, you sure do have some nerve, alright, oh yes you sure do have some nerve
      But see: you’re a failure, feckless, and a waste of being. This is just what you deserve.

      Oh you poor foal, you’ll meet your doom, unloved and dispossessed
      And fortunately for the flock, you’ll be fed into its hungry jaws
      Let’s put the Super Speedy Filly Squeezy 6000 to the test!

      Time to line up, fillies! Get your worthless flanks over here. It's time to serve the glorious Cloudsdale, with rainbows! Come on failures, die for the hallowed FLOCK!

      Too bad that you've got a deficiency in your flying proficiency
      Ashamed, and maimed, just like the sheep at the slaughter
      Canter on up to the Factory!


    74. This is a parody of Iron Maiden - Moonchild, based on Discord.


      Six little Elements
      Six little pony mares
      Six paths to the darkest maze,
      And your trip begins

      Six more downward slopes
      Six more fallen hopes
      Stealing all your burning fires
      Changing your desires...

      I am he, the chaos lord
      Cast from granite, watching you
      Canterlot, where chaos reigns
      I'll infiltrate your gratitude

      Listen to the apples speak
      Hear them now, fall before me
      Be the liar or the element of truth
      Fall before me now - Discord is my name!

      Pinkie - hear the balloons scream
      Rainbow - take my gift to you

      I count those who still stand tall
      Harmonious ones - I'll find 'em all!
      And if you lie, or wreak violence
      As your mind falls, Equestria is doomed!

      And if you, Twi, reach your goal
      I will torment you, you've been so foaled
      With every second, and passing breath
      You'll be so alone, your soul will bleed to death

      Twilight - you've failed your goal
      Twilight - give your mind up now

      Equestria - a storm of chaos rise
      Celestia - see what's become this night

      The ponies are exhausted
      Chaos is this storm
      Discord's reign is rising
      And the stars meld day and night

      Ponies weary, minds are broken,
      Cannot wield their crown
      Harmony lies weeping
      This peace was born to die, oh!

      What is this - can this be?
      Friendship restored, I could not see
      I feel my form return to stone
      "Your reign of chaos is at an end!"

      But chaos lives in everything
      It clothes you in the night
      A lucky escape for Equestria
      But I will return when the time is right!

      Discord - hear Equestria scream
      Discord - beware the stone statue
      Discord - beware Celestia
      Discord - take my claw tonight...

      (Maniacal laughter at the end doesn't really need to be changed)

    75. Discord sung to In the Dark of the Night from Anastasia.

      For a millenia, I was cold and frozen
      And the chaos I made was as bad as can be
      It scared them out of their wits
      As my statue fell into bits
      Then I opened my eyes
      And the chaos was ME!

      I was once a god in all of Equestria
      When Celestia beat me she made a mistake
      My terror made everyone pay
      But one little mare got away
      Little Twilight, beware!
      Discord away!

      In the dark of the night, chaos will beat her
      In the bright of the day, chaos will fall

      There is no defeat
      When my reign is complete

      In the dark of the night
      She'll be done!

      I can feel my powers destroying the lands
      In my throne with a chance of rain I can tell
      As I change each of their ways
      Making her fall into a daze
      Arrivederci, Twilight, farewell!

      In the dark of the night terror will strike her!
      Chaos's is the least I can do
      In the bright of the day, chaos will brew

      Soon she will feel, that her fears will come true

      In the dark of the night
      She'll be through

      In the dark of the night, I will beat her (beat her)
      In the bright of the day, chaos will rule (RULE!)

      My dear, it's the time
      I'll take what is mine!

      In the dark of the night
      In the dark of the night
      In the dark of the night

      Come you ponies,
      Search for your powers,
      Harmony is sure to fall!
      You will fail
      As you waste your hours

      In the dark of the night
      In the dark of the night
      In the dark of the NIGHT!


    76. @MyBoyJ

      Don't worry dood, you're awesome at getting first comment.

    77. @4a93714c-db1a-11e0-a4c4-000f20980440

      Well now that's both a Nightmare Moon and Discord version created for the same song.

      Now everyone knows 'Dark of the night' is a villains song. Besides 'be prepared' from the Lion King.

    78. "Storm of Chaotic Tides", http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yZAY-78zhmw

      As Discord introduces himself to the Mane 6 outside of the maze.

      Don't you insult me you filly fools
      Don't you deviate...and besides
      You're in my world now, not your world
      And we're in for a storm of chaotic tides
      [Mini Discords, echo] We're in for a storm of chaotic tides

      [Discord, speaking]
      You should see the looks on your faces....PRICELESS!

      Trot around the hedge maze
      Put your harmony to rest
      If you relax, it will lead me to
      Show you who's the best

      I can see the future
      I can see your ponies' end
      I look deep into your Twilight eyes...
      [talking] Very sparkley by the way
      [singing] Stop this sinkin ship called "Friend"

      I got horns, I got wings
      I got winds to cease your prides
      And we're in for a storm of chaotic tides
      [Mini Discords, echo] We're in for a storm of chaotic tides

      The marks...the marks...the marks will tell
      The end, the defeat, and the downfall as well

      The marks...the marks...just--you--six
      It won't take long for the chaos to mix

      Now you, AJ, are an honest mare
      But if lies were right, would you really care?
      [Rainbow Dash, speaking]Enough with your mind games, Discord.

      [Discord, singing]
      Dash, so loyal...but to whom are you first?
      If it comes to a choice, which one is the worst?

      [Discord, speaking]
      I hear you're the most fun filled pony in Equestria, Pinkie Pie?

      [Pinkie Pie speaking]
      I have been told that on occassion...

      [Discord, speaking]
      You may have a knack for fun and laughter..but what if the ones you cared about most weren't laughing....WITH you? *we hear other ponies randomly laughing*

      [Pinkie Pie, speaking]

      [Discord, singing]
      *evil laugh*
      It's the fun, it's the smile, it's the laughter you drink
      But if your friends were just mean, would you still be pink?

      On you, Fluttershy, I won't waste much time
      You've been pushed to your current state
      You've been pushed round by your friends, by your schoolmates, and your bunny
      And if you were angry...they'd be pushed round by your hate *evil chuckle*

      And oh Twilight Sparkle, the you I see...
      Is exactly the mare you always wanted to be...

      [Twilight Sparkle, speaking]
      What are you--?

      [Discord, speaking]
      You will get your horns and wings back in due time. I simply took them to assure that there was no cheating. You see, THIS is the first rule of our game: no flying...and no...magic. So what do you say? As if you have much of a choice... *evil chuckle*

      [Twilight Sparkle, speaking]
      We'll defeat you yet, Discord...just you wait!

      [Discord, singing]
      Are you reeeady?!
      [Mini Discords, echo] Are you reeeady?!
      [Discord, singing] Are ya--reeeady?!

      *the ponies enter the maze, and is starts to bend to Discord's whim*

      Transformation central...
      [Mini Discords, echo] Transformation central...
      [Discord] Transformation central...
      [Mini Discords, echo] Transformation central...
      [Discord] Transformation central *evil chuckle*

      Can you feeel it?

      You'll be changin, be changin, be chaaangin alright
      In the discorded co-ooonfiiines...

      But oh wait--don't blame me
      Cause we're in for a storm...of chaooootiiiic tiiiiides

    79. And here's another quick one, because I like doing this. This one's about Nightmare Moon, except it doesn't really depict Luna in a "villainous" light, but...eh.

      Parody of Avantasia - Carry Me Over: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aC-FqllS6Ls&ob=av3e

      Never been told I'd be so demonized
      Wherever I go I am in her shadow
      Never been told my sister, so beautiful
      Would bring me up to let me down

      I brought you the stars
      And I watched through the rain
      But never saw a smile on their face
      In the eyes of the world
      I should be out of sight, out of sound
      Light of day, I'm out of place

      Canter me over
      Canter me over
      Canter me over now
      Canter me over
      Canter me over
      Canter me over now

      I let the dark come and take me now
      It follows every step that I take
      Never thought that they would like me just like you
      Now I'm looking down lightyears away
      And now it seems that I'm the mare in the moon
      I raised the stars and they did not even care

      But I'm coming back down
      You'll be out of sight, out of sound
      Time has come for this dark mare!

      Canter me over
      Canter me over
      Canter me over now
      Canter me over
      Canter me over
      Canter me over now

    80. The only villians how have had a song so far have been The Flim Flam Brothers. So there is a lot of pontential to make one.

      Just someone, please make one for Ahuizotl.

    81. Oh... my...
      These songs... They... I...

      That Rainbow Factory one... Dear Luna... Strike them all down with your lightning and your thu'um.. err... I mean ROYAL CANTERLOT VOICE... I hate that fic.

    82. Challenge Accepted.
      I'm sooo going to regret this.

    83. Well, here's a parody I wrote last year, hopefully it'll still count?

      A parody of The Lion King's "Be Prepared" - http://youtu.be/VR_xyWIX5xU


      I never thought griffon essential,
      So rude, and an incredible pain,
      But, I think they could have a hint of potential,
      If under Trixie's vision and brain...

      I'm sure that your powers of retention,
      Are as quick as a tortoise's stride,
      But slow as you are, give attention,
      This speech is my moment of pride.

      It's clear from your dullard expressions,
      The fires do not burn bright in there,
      But we're talking royals and successions,
      Even you can't all keep vacant stares.

      So prepare the chance of your lifetime,
      Be prepared for great and powerful news!
      A shining new era,
      Is clip-clopping nearer!


      This seems really sneaky...


      Just listen to Trixie.
      It's delightfully sordid,
      And you'll all be rewarded,
      When Trixie's finally given her dues,
      With a grievance ingeniously dared!
      Be prepared!


      Hmph, be prepared for what?


      For the death of the Princess!


      Is... she sick?


      No. Idiot. We're going to kill her... and Luna too.


      Hah! So no more dweeby pony princesses.


      No princess, No princess, hehehehe!


      Morons! Instead of a princess there will be a QUEEN!


      Lemme guess who...


      I will be Queen!
      Follow my lead, and you'll never go wanting again!

      [Snips/Snails/Griffons Chorus]

      Yay, all right!
      Long live the Queen!
      Long live the Queen!

      [Griffon Chorus]

      It's great that soon we'll be taking,
      The lands that we've always adored!


      Indeed, now you're finally thinking,
      There'll be all kinds of treasures to hoard,
      Equestria is littered with prizes,
      And yes, I'm the greatest pony,
      So the point that I must emphasize is,
      You won't get a bit without me!

      [Trixie/Griffon Chorus]

      So prepare for the coup of the millennia!


      Be prepared for the cleverest scam!
      My intricate planning,
      All of it spanning,
      These years of denial...
      Is surely why I'll,
      Be Queen undisputed,
      Beloved and saluted,
      And seen for the wonder I am!

      [Griffon Chorus]

      We'll have land,
      So much land!
      We will see,
      Endless green!


      Yes, no stallion or mare will be spared!

      [Trixie/Griffon Chorus]

      Be prepared!
      Yes, no stallion or mare will be spared,
      Be prepared!

    84. l'm not pinkie pie but I've a funny hair one
      someone else is pulling at the farm
      Something terrible is going down through the entire house
      wreaking anarchy and all it brings

      I be not happy idly, no, i can be mad
      I curse the name, the one behind it all...

      Pinkamina, I'm talking in my friends
      And hate rainbow dash
      Pinkamina, whatever did we do
      To make you take our bronies read cupcakes?

      Pinkanima, are we your prey sad,
      Or are we just a stepping mane for taking back the throne?
      Pinkamina, we won't take it anymore
      So be happy and smile!

      I'm fine with surprising, but be pinkie pie.
      Now pinkamina
      A happy catastrophe played by celestia,
      what a happy birthday!

      Sing it!
      Paradoy of Discord: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jDMGv3hNMes

    85. I actually made a few songs for Discord on Deviant Art! They are:

      A Land of the Dead remake (a song by Voltaire)

      a Be Prepared remake (The Lion King)

      a Friends on the Other Side remake (Princess and the Frog)

      and a Dark of the Night remake (Anastasia)





      ofc none are anywhere near as good as anyone else's work ^_^

    86. A great song to do would be "Friends on the Other Side" from The Princess and the Frog. It's just.... Perfect.

    87. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3a62PenJuFo

      Gosh, it's such a thrill to see them cower.
      When I rule, they'll treat me with respect.
      I can't wait to show them my new power.
      So much for the morally correct.

      Up till now, my life's been tragic.
      I intend to steal her magic.
      No more Mrs. Nice Mare! Not for me!

      If you think that I'm demented,
      Well, now you'll see the plan that I've invented.
      No more Mrs. Nice Mare! No Siree!

      After I've caused enough malice,
      I'll take control of the palace!
      Thanks to Twilight, I've been wishin'
      To be so much more than a mere magician!

      Trixie's back and worse than ever.
      Greater, stronger, and much more clever!
      Baby, Mrs. Nice Mare's history!

      Vengeance is what I've been wanting
      After the boo's and the taunting!
      Twilight won't even be able to blind me.
      Cause I'll turn all her friends into something shiny!

      Just get used to this new upheaval.
      I've found I love being evil!
      No more Mrs. Nice Mare! Wait and see!

      (Wait and see!)

      I'll become the twisted, crooked, nasty, spiteful,
      Wicked, wayward, way delightful
      Bad girl I was born to be!

      Diamond Tiara & Silver Spoon:
      One More Time!

      A lying, loathsome gift abuser!
      Most unpleasant magic user!
      No more Mrs. Nice Mare! That's not me!

    88. Gonna go a little off the beaten path fora villain song. Think Sabotage by Beastie Boys.

      I can't stand it, I know you planned this!
      Set them all straight, you go ahead miss!
      I can't stand talking while you're in here
      'Cause your friendship makes me want to disappear.

      So while you sit back and wonder why
      I act like I got this spur in my side
      Twilight Sparkle, why are you still around
      Your stunt with the Ursa burned me to the ground.

      So, so, so,
      So listen up Twi, and please shut your trap!
      You can't make this go away with your Friendship sap!
      But know this, that my show must go on!
      Even if you made everything so wrong!

      Strongest Unicorn in Celestia's reign,
      putting the rest of us petty ponies to shame,
      counting on the Elements to see you to though,
      without your power, what do the rest of us do!?

      You think I make a difference after all?

      Difference at all, for the years of study?
      Difference at all, for the friends that left me?
      Difference at all, all this work for a fall?
      Is the a Difference at all, if you have it all!?

      I can't stand it, I know you planned it
      I'm gonna set my self straight, and I will hate
      You!- I can't stand talkin' when you're in this place
      Because I feel disgrace because you're all in my face

      But make no mistakes and take this from a tale
      I've put in the work, and I know I can prevail
      Be the best magician in all Equestria
      Rise back up from my grave and take it all!

    89. I decided to do another one. I had this idea since I saw Hearth's Warming Eve. Not sure if this rewrite will be a real villain song, but I love it.


      Commander Hurricane:
      What do you expect from wingless little numbskulls?
      Those two unworthy races gotta go!
      One's coat's a sickly pink!
      Their corpses will soon stink!
      It's not something I think!
      I know!

      They're savages! Savages!

      Barely even ponies!

      Savages! Savages!

      I can't take any more!
      They hoarded all the food
      And caused this awful snow storm!
      We must sound the drums of war!

      They're savages! Savages!

      Evil flightless weaklings!
      Now we sound the drums of war!

      Princess Platinum:
      This is what we feard. The pegasi are bruters.
      Their hate is all that's keeping them alive.

      Chancellor Puddinghead:
      A unicorn's a snob!
      So we have to do this job!

      PP & CP:
      But our race deserves to survive!

      They're savages! Savages!

      Barely even ponies!

      Earth Ponies:
      Savages! Savages!

      Selfish at the core!

      They don't deserve our trust!

      They brought this storm upon us!

      We must sound the drums of war!

      Unicorns & Earth Ponies:
      They're savages! Savages!

      First we arm our forces!
      Then we sound the drums of war!

      Savages! Savages!

      Let's go kill a few, troops!

      Savages! Savages!

      Now it's up to you troops!

      Savages! Savages!

      PP: Evil!
      CP: Demons!
      CH: Get them!

      Destroy their lousy race
      Until there's not a trace left!

      Now we sound the DRUMS OF WAR!!!!

    90. Either Trixie + Dr Horrible (My Eyes),
      Or Discord + Be Prepared (Lion King)...

      Choice, choices, choices...

    91. Autor on selle kommentaari eemaldanud.

    92. This is so dumb...but I do not care.


      The name on everypony's lips is gonna be...Trixie.
      The pony raking in the bits is gonna be...Trixie. I'm gonna be a celebrity, that means somepony everypony knows.
      They're gonna recognize my eyes, my mane, my hooves, my horn, my nose.

      From just some dumb traveling act, I'm gonna be...Trixie.
      Who says that magic's not an art?
      And who in case she doesn't she doesn't stall, can say she made an Ursa Major fall...Triiiixie!

      (Skip a bit...)

      And Twilight Sparkle will buck I know,
      to see her name get billed below,
      The G&P Triiiiixie!

    93. @I Won't Leave You I might just take you up on that offer :)

    94. based off Exile vilify http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G-Vg2YS-sFE


      The road looks so dark, friend
      The show’s over now, again.
      It just wasn’t a hit
      Now you’ve run out of bits.
      Does it feel like a trial?
      Does your attitude affect how your crowd will smile?

      It takes your mind, again
      The show ended badly, again
      Oh, you meant so much
      Have you given up?

      Does it feel like a trial?
      Does it trouble your mind the way they just won’t smile?
      Does it feel like a trial?
      Are you're running away
      From the last of your days?

      It’s been a while
      Show some new style

      You've got suckers' luck
      Have you given up?
      Does it feel like a trial?
      Does it trouble your mind how your crowd won’t smile?
      Does it feel like a trial?
      Did you fall for the same empty answers again?

      Don't even try
      Don't even try

    95. My band could always record a screamo song. Call it lyrics.

    96. Trixie singing Poor Unfortunate Souls (Foals) from The Little Mermaid

      I admit that in the past I've been conceited
      They weren't kidding when they called me, well, vain
      But you'll find that nowadays
      I've mended all my ways
      I apologized and changed my campaign
      True? Yes

      And I fortunately am great at magic
      It's a talent that I always have underused
      And here lately, please don't laugh,
      I use it on behalf
      of the miserable, bored and unamused

      Poor unfortunate foals
      in pain, in need
      This one longing for a trick
      That one wants to see a spell
      And do I help them? Yes, indeed

      Those poor unfortunate foals
      So bored, so true
      They come flocking to my carriage
      crying "Spells, Trixie, please!"
      And I help them? Yes, I do

      Now it's happened once or twice
      Someone I couldn’t entice
      And I'm afraid I had to rake 'em 'cross the coals
      Yes, I've had the odd complaint,
      but on the whole I've been a saint
      to those poor unfortunate foals

      The colts here don't like a lot of blabber
      They think a mare who gossips is a bore
      Yes, in the Ponyville herd
      Ponies never boast a word
      And after all, dear, what is bridle prattle for?

      Come on, they're not all that impressed with dullness
      True magicians avoid it when they can
      But they fawn and swoon and praise
      Over a pony who can amaze
      It's she who astounds, who gets her fan

      Poor unfortunate foals
      in pain, in need
      This one longing for a trick
      That one wants to see a spell
      And do I help them? Yes, indeed

      Those poor unfortunate foals
      So bored, so true
      They come flocking to my carriage
      crying "Spells, Trixie, please!"
      And I help them? Yes, I do

    97. @manespiration
      Oops forgot the link

    98. Villian: Nightmare moon
      Song: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=labytsb3gfI&ob=av3e
      Love and Kindness (Night Mare)

      I think that someone is trying to save me
      soothing my rage and appeasing my grief
      No mare of the earth could ever stop me
      This fight for the land is a fight for the throne

      Night Mare, lunar glare
      Night Mare, lunar glare

      What remorseless emporess commands me
      I no longer govern the moon
      I am completely immersed in darkness
      As I turn my gaze away from the sun

      Night Mare, lunar glare
      Night Mare, lunar glare

      Split your hooves with love and kindness
      When you see the prince-cess
      Raise your horns and flap your wings mares
      If you wish to prevail

      This ivory disc is what propels me
      Lightning strikes in the sky
      Aim directly for her crooked crown
      And look her straight in the eye

      Night Mare, lunar glare
      Night Mare, lunar glare

    99. I used "It Feels So Good to Be Bad" from All Dogs Go To Heaven 2.

      I decided to go from an approach that Discord recruited Trixie for the job of stealing the elements - it seemed fitting. Trixie and Twilight seem to fit the Carface-Charlie relationship fairly well. Plus Red has a similar shape to Discord when not disguised as a dog.


      When Trixie gets those elements, she can charge twice as much for her shows!

      SILENCE! I didn't recruit you for putting on petty stage shows. You have so much to learn.

      Now I know you are ambitious,
      but you've got to be more vicious:
      so far all you've done for me is lied.

      But there's more to this than wielding
      the powers which I am dealing.
      You're an amateur. But Celestia knows you've tried.

      Trixie answered your ad, didn't she? Fame, fortune, followers: call 1-800-Discord.

      Good girl. And very soon, your efforts will be rewarded.

      You'll develop so much faster:
      now you're working with a master
      who will help you cultivate your magic skill.

      You'll discover brand new spells you've never known before.
      But you'll only find it when you're rotten to the core.

      It feels so good to be bad!
      ...So delicious to make everypony sad.
      It's simply THRILLING to be the chilling
      one who made everypony's mind go mad.
      It feels so GOOD to be bad!

      Case in point: Twilight doesn't know it, but she's in my power!
      She's gonna wish that she was never born!
      I promise you that by the day's last hour
      we'll be rid of that thorn!

      Why can't Trixie get rid of her for you?

      'Cause you had your chance and blew it;
      And you simply could not do it.
      You couldn't get Twilight's friends to turn away.

      It's a problem you created
      If the elements' power isn't grated...
      I'm not naming names, but SOMEPONY has to pay.

      Trixie could try again, Discord!

      You'll never beat them. With the elements on their side, nopony can.

      But we stole the elements!

      But they're still connected. We've got to CRUSH their spirits.

      Though you give me cause to flout you,
      there's enough potential about you,
      that I shall adopt you as my protégé.

      And when you've learned every twisted, tricky thing I know,
      "Trixie" will be the name found upon every fresco!

      It feels so good to be bad!
      ...So delicious to make everypony sad.
      It's so appealing to send minds reeling.
      With seeds you're hewing, distrust is brewing
      but nopony knows they've been had!

      You've got my guarantee: it feels so good to be bad!

      So exciting!

      Olé: So inviting!

      So good to be bad!

    100. Funny that this popped up today, because just a few weeks ago, I just finished the lyrics (I have yet to put it to a tune) to a Nightmare Moon song. You see, I've been toying with the idea of writing the script for a musical detailing Luna's descent into Nightmare Moon, kind of like Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog, except less comedic. In light of that, the proper context for this song would be as follows:

      Luna has already used dark magics to transform herself into the "Nightmare" form, and is keeping the Moon in the sky against Celestia's wishes. Celestia has already tried to reason with Luna, but she will hear none of it. After a while, Luna notices things start to deteriorate. She WAS confident that after enough time, ponies would learn to love the night, but as the sunless hours grow colder, and ponies' health is starting to fail, the younger Princess has second thoughts. Seeing that her tactics are getting nowhere, but still vainly holding onto hope, she resolves to, should morale not improve, lower the Moon to make way for the Sun.

      Then a righteous Celestia bursts in, making clear to stop Luna by force. Luna quickly resolves her angst with "Screw this, you want a monster? You've GOT one."

      Anyway, I give you, "So What You Want is a Nightmare":

      So my sister is trying to kill me!
      It looks like the whispers were right:
      When all’s said and done
      All they want is their Sun
      But the dark cannot live with the light!
      So what you want is a Nightmare!
      Well, I’ll give you a terrible sight:
      When all’s said and done
      Then I shall be the one
      To ravage this land with my Night!

      Dearest sister, don’t fret for your subjects
      I’m going to treat them quite swell:
      The cold, it will creep
      And they’ll freeze in their sleep
      But I’ll ring them a funeral bell!
      So what you want is a villain!
      Well, there’s one thing I’m willing to tell:
      The cold, it will creep
      And each life I will reap
      Shall depart with a sorrowful knell!

      Loving sister, don’t think I’d forget you:
      I’ll be taking my sweet time with thee
      Once we are alone
      Then I’m claiming the throne
      And I shall declare one last decree:
      So what you want is a monster!
      Well, you’ll soon learn how cruel I can be
      Once we are alone
      Then I’ll turn you to stone
      To moulder for all eternity!

      So what you want is a Nightmare!
      Although I didn’t ask for this part
      It’s one that I’ll play
      For your love of the Day
      Has driven me out of your heart…

    101. I used "It's Our House Now" from House of Mouse as a set-up for a huge villains gathering. I'm not entirely happy how it came out, but I hope you all like it!


      Discord: (speaking) Now now, Celestia, did you really think I was gone for good? I escaped so easily before, what made you think the last time would be any different? Now, I think it's time WE settle the score.

      (singing from here on)

      Discord: This country could be fun,

      Trixie: Ruled by ponies excelling talent!

      Gilda: Kickin' back,

      Diamond Dogs: With gems and jewels~!

      Film&Flam: So we think it's time to form a coup!

      Trixie: Don't think you'll stop us now,

      Gilda: We're just taking over, don't have a cow.

      Discord: And now the time is close at hand...

      (clock chimes)

      All: And Equestria is in our hands!!
      It's our land now,
      It's our land now,

      Blueblood: Don't even bother fighting back,

      Shadowbolts: Or we'll make you the hydra's snack!

      All: It's our land now~,

      Diamond Dogs, Film&Flam: Raise your mugs for thieves and thugs!

      Discord: Join the chaos-raising crowd!

      All: It's our house now!

      Gilda: If your cool, you may just fit in perfectly...

      Trixie: Just give up, you can't match up to meee~

      Shadowbolts: The princess' powers are history...

      Film&Flam: So their time is done!

      Blueblood: They rule no more!

      All: So now we kick them out the door!


      Diamond Dogs: All the money!

      All: IT'S OUR LAND NOW!

      Trixie: All the glory!

      All: With King Discord at our head,

      Discord: Disharmony will start to spread!

      All: IT'S OUR LAND NOW! (join the party)

      Bow to us, pathetic slaves! We're the ones on top now...

      Gilda: (speaking) Bye-Bye, losers!

      Trixie: (speaking) You're done, Twilight!

      Diamond Dogs: (speaking) Beat it, Ponies!

      Discord: (speaking) Game over, "Elements of Harmony!"

      All: (singing) IT'S OUR LAND NOW! Don't bother coming back, IT'S OUR LAND NOW!

    102. @Jason Shadow

      (Oh, I neglected to mention: Luna would be waiting one more hour before lowering the Moon, had Celestia not interfered.)

    103. Um... Does Pinkamina Pie count as a villain?... probably not... maaaybe at least the Antagonist? Oh well, i wrote this a while ago, about Pinkie's transformation between Pinkie and Pinkamina. i really wanted to record it... but my singing voice sucks...

      Taio Cruz- Dynamite

      I throw my hooves up in the air sometimes
      Saying Okie
      Dokey lokie
      I wanna celebrate and eat candy
      Saying woo hoo
      Bronies lets move

      I came to bounce bounce bounce bounce
      up to the club just to announce-nounce-nounce
      That this place right here, it is my house house house house
      No, don’t thank me, thank Lauren Faust faust faust
      Ye, ye
      Cause I’m pinkie I will rule
      If you don’t like it you’re a mule


      I throw my hooves up in the air sometimes
      Saying Okie
      Dokey lokie
      I wanna celebrate and eat candy
      Saying woo hoo
      Bronies lets move

      'Cause we gon' rock this club
      come on don’t be shy shy
      I’m gon' light it up
      Like I’m Pinkie Pie
      'Cause I told you once
      I’m on a sugar high
      I’m gon' light it up
      Like I’m pinkie Pie

      I came to Dance Dance Dance Dance
      It don’t matter the circumstance stance stance stance
      All the cupcakes I will eat eat eat eat
      Al of the pie and all the sweets sweets sweets sweets

      Ye, ye

      Cause it goes on and on and on
      buffet goes on and on and on


      I throw my hooves up in the air sometimes
      Saying oh no!
      Cupcakes no mo’
      I wanna eat more but I’m out of sweets
      Saying my friend
      This is where it ends

      'Cause we gon' leave this club
      to you all goodbye.
      now that I’ve become
      Pinkamina Pie
      'Cause I told you once
      to me don’t lie!
      hiding secrets from
      Pinkamina Pie

      I'm gonna have my party
      with my true friends by my side
      With LaFlour and turnip[
      Sir Lints –o-lot has never once lied
      'Cause I, I, I Believe them
      And I, I, I
      I just dont trust you. I just don’t trust you!
      What is that o-over there?
      That right over there?
      What are you all doing there

      I throw my hooves up in the air sometimes
      Saying AYO!
      Now I kno-ow
      I wanna celebrate and live my life
      Saying AYO!
      My friend’s let’s go!

      'Cause we gon' rock this club
      We gon' go all night
      I’m gon' light it up
      with my bestest friends
      Now I told you once
      Now I told you twice
      Our bond won’t end
      You’re my bestest friends

    104. Thumbs up, let's do this!
      Discord's take on "Brand New Day" from Doctor Horrible's Sing-Along Blog, titled "Chaos Reigns".
      Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FOtpkOUA02c&feature=youtu.be

      Could it be? That I'm free on my crime spree,
      No more tricks, no more magic, no annoying princess,
      No more clear order here in Equestria,
      You will see, You will laugh,
      Now that Pinkie Pie has me brought me back to life!

      Yes, chaos reigns!
      Discord's back in town,
      All the ponies run with their faces down!
      I'm gonna change this world, make it my very own.
      Yeah, chaos reigns!

      All the time that I spent in that prison, I'll forget.
      All the friends you will lose now, that I bet
      Chaos rules, Tia drools, I have won now
      The world finally ripe with my own beautiful sight!

      Yeah, chaos reigns.
      Nothing more makes sense.
      I see you're shaking,
      do I make you tense?
      I'm ruling this realm, so stop being dense.
      Yeah, chaos reigns.

      And Tia will see the real laugh's,
      Not on me, but on her, this failure.
      You may be sad, but I promise you
      That you'll love your brand new chaos-filled Equestria!

      Yeah, chaos reigns.
      Discord's back in town.
      Better watch yourself,
      Because you're going down!

      Laugh along with me,
      it's the brand new norm!
      Here comes the chocolate storm!
      Yeah, chaos reigns!

    105. Aaw yeah, now the ball's in my court. Here's one of mine, "Chaos Meister", a parody of "Music Meister" from an episode of Batman: Brave and the Bold.
      Original song: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V_q1SdaWLlw


      [Twilight] It looks like town hall has turned into...apple crumple?
      [Dash] Aaw yeah! My stomach was just starting to *rumble!*
      [Twilight] Umm, Dash, did you just sing that?
      [Dash] What? Of course I did *not.* Wait, yes I *did!*

      [Dash] I'm feeling lame and off my game; for home I feel like winging
      [Pinkie] And in my ears, you laugh and jeer. Your mirth I find it stinging.
      [Fluttershy] What's up Pink, you in a stink? You look a little grey!
      [Twilight] What is the source of this strange force that has you in its sway?

      [Rarity] Who is doing this to me? And also you but mainly me.

      [All] The dastardly, despicable, disturbingly, inexplicable
      [Applejack] And imminently kickable!
      [All] The author of our plight is...

      [Discord] The Chaos Meister!

      Put down your hooves my friends; your elements are such a bore.
      Your resistance to my rule now ends, so bow before Discord!

      Young mares, or stallions, it doesn't really matter.
      You are all just slaves, so watch your order scatter.
      As I regale you with my riddles, you'll know, there is no choice,
      Go find your silly Princess, while in this chaos I rejoice!

      Ohhhhh I'm the Chaos Meister (He's the Chaos Meister!)
      The reign of chaos dawns.
      He's the Chaos Meister, give back our wings and horns!

      And so you see it's destiny, so succumb to my tyranny!
      Yes I'm the Chaos Meister, and this world ain't yours anymore!

      You see, I've got plans for this little village of yours. Don't mind me while I get to work!

      Now let's make this lantern burn toffee instead of fire!
      And here's a hat made out of snacks for Applejack the liar!
      The buffalo from nowhere shall wear tutus as they prance!
      What's up Pinkie, my little dear, I thought you loved to dance?

      I'm the Chaos Meister (He's the Chaos Meister!)
      The reign of chaos dawns.
      He's the Chaos Meister, give back our wings and horns!

      I'm the Chaos Meister, not a statue on your path!
      [Celestia] You're the Chaos Meister, now you'll feel my royal wrath!

      [Discord] Ah, Celestia...how drab!


      [Discord] You better wait right there, you see. Becuase your world belongs to me.
      And now my dear you'll have the chance, to work on your own stony stance! <> Muahahahahaha!

      And now the Princess' been disgraced, the time for hope has passed! Face it Twi, it's said and done, stop living in the past!


      I'm the Chaos Meister (He's the Chaos Meister!)
      Feared from coast to coast!
      I'm the Chaos Meister! It's mischief I love most!

      I'm the Chaos Meister, what's wrong Twilight, gonna cry?
      I'm the Chaos Meister, and this world ain't yours anymore!

    106. Presenting my crappy attempt at creating a song for the windigos based on 'Skeletons on Parade' by Ludo (Minus the intro...and everything minus the first verse).

      Original song:


      The sun is down
      The ground shakes
      Diamond Dogs doth growl
      And we're makin'
      Snow fall across the park
      We're slithering in the dark

      The foals all squeak
      The mares wheeze
      The stallion shriek
      And hate sepulchered
      For years and years in dust
      Is wiggling off its crust

      Take flight now
      Gallop freely off through the clouds
      The way is clear, it is open
      I'm hopin' you'll join us
      Everypony come on ouuuut! Yeah!

      [Repeat x2]

      What a lovely lovely night
      For a fight and parade
      We'll ride until the morning's light
      This land should be afraid

      Battle Axes or halberds instead
      We loving causing ponies dread

      Cries of loved ones, frozen hay
      That's us floating on parade!

    107. Foolish Mares:
      (a Be prepared parody by Palpony)


      Discord (As scar):
      You know all those powers you mentioned
      Those elements, that I deigned to hide
      If you want to go far, pay attention
      My words have meaning hid inside.

      It's clear that you stave off depressions
      You thought things would always be fair,
      But we're talking chaos, and recessions
      Even Friends can be caught unawares

      So prepare for a chance of a lifetime
      Be prepared for sensational news
      A Shining new era
      Is tiptoeing nearer, (Twilight) And where do we feature?
      Just listen to teacher

      I'll Make you Distorted
      And I'll be rewarded
      When at last your friendship is askew
      And in Chaos, My rule is prepared
      Foolish Mares!!!!

      Dialouge: (optional)

      Rainbow: Yeah, You wish we were scared!!!!!
      Pinkie: (oblivious) scared about what?
      Twilight: (Angry) About losing EVERYTHING!!!
      Pinkie: Ooh Falling Nesquick (dashes off)
      Twilight: (sigh) Does she care if he wins?
      Pinkie Pie: (in distance) Chocolate Chocolate, lalalalala
      Twilight: (at pinkie) IDIOT!!! Discord is Winning!!!
      Pinkie Pie: But he said.
      Twilight: He was lying!!! If he wins we'll never see ORDER AGAIN!!!!

      (enter discords versions of the mane 6)

      Discord Ponies: (marching hyenas)
      It's great that we all got infected,
      Our virtues, so rife with Discord

      But of course, Don't you know, Your expected
      To spread strife all across the board.
      Now Order is to be despised (De-Spie-Zed}
      And while I'm the main addressee
      The Elements will be subsided.

      So prepare for the change of the century
      Be prepared for a life without friends.
      (Oooh... La! La! La!)
      Ridiculous Ponies
      (change of mood)
      Are finally bowing (Bowing pronounced like in David Bowie)
      (It is Good)
      Decades trapped in ire
      (We shall beat)
      Encased in stone spire
      (Order's seat)
      Make's me predisposed (predispo-zed)
      To get overloaded
      And Wreak havoc over the land!

      Yes, i'll tear you apart without care!
      Foolish Mares!!!!

      Discord's Ponies: Yes, He'll tear you apart without care!
      Discord: Foolish Mares!!!!

    108. Funny, I JUST finished writing these lyrics. And yes, it's another In the Dark of The Night parody. What can I say? It's a good villain song.


      This is meant to play on the idea that Discord had a hand in Luna becoming Nightmare Moon, and may even be the reason that Luna and Celly are the only (canon) alicorns. (Cadence doesn't count.)


      In the dark of the night I was tossing and turning
      And the nightmare I had was as bad as can be
      It scared me out of my wits
      A statue crumbling to bits!
      Then I opened my eyes
      And the nightmare… was me!

      In Equestria, I was once second to no one
      When the royals betrayed me they made a mistake!
      My curse made each of them pay
      But two little foals got away!
      Sky Sisters, beware,
      Discord is awake!

      When the chaos unfolds, evil will find them!
      When the chaos unfolds, just before dawn
      Revenge will be sweet
      When the curse is complete!
      When the chaos unfolds
      They’ll be gone!

      I can feel that my powers are slowly returning!
      I’ll bring bedlam that never can hope to be quelled!
      As my madness rains from the skies,
      I’ll see tears rain from their eyes!
      Their fear is a glorious prize! (spoken) Hahaha! How swell!

      When the chaos unfolds, terror will strike them! (Terror’s the least I can do!)
      When the chaos unfolds, evil will brew!
      Soon, they will feel,
      That the Nightmare is real!
      When the chaos unfolds
      They’ll be through!

      When the chaos unfolds, evil will find them! (Find them!)
      When the chaos unfolds, terror comes true! (Doom them!)
      My dears, here’s a sign--
      It’s the end of the line!

      (Spoken simultaneously to chorus singing)
      Poor Luna. How does it feel to live in the shadow of your sister?

      When the chaos unfolds
      When the chaos unfolds

      Come, dark minion,
      Rise for your master
      Let your evil shine! (When the chaos unfolds! When the chaos unfolds!)
      Find her now
      Yes, fly ever faster!

      When the chaos unfolds
      When the chaos unfolds
      When the chaos unfolds


    109. Deucey Dee here. I thought this was an interesting event, so I decided to join in. While thinking of ideas, I looked at actual villain songs, but I couldn't come up with something that was perfectly fitting for any of them. Then I came up with something using for its basis a song that wasn't technically antagonistic, but nevertheless dark. So, here's a more evil song for the Flim Flam brothers, based on "We're Marley and Marley" from A Muppets Christmas Carol.

      Video of Original Song: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VsiKOJOXMJU

      He's Flim and he's Flam and
      We're brothers of a trade
      We make the most of industry
      With these machines that we've made

      We specialize in making deals
      And money, that's no doubt
      And if you won't work by our side
      We'll simply run you out

      He's Flim and he's Flam and
      We're cunning, sly, and quick
      Just know that we'll do anything
      Including being tricky

      As brothers we are quite a pair,
      And thick as thieves, it's true,
      So if you try to outdo us,
      Then we'll do out with you!

      The Flim and Flam Brothers
      The Flim and Flam Brothers

      Give up, now!
      You can't win the duel
      We have technology and then
      On top of that, we're cruel

      We can't be beat
      While on our quest for cash
      So make some sales, but once you fail
      We'll own you in a flash

      The Flim and Flam Brothers
      The Flim and Flam Brothers

    110. To no particular tune.


      They slink in the shadows
      and trot beneath the trees
      They wriggle in the water
      and crawl in the caves

      Keeping you up at night
      Making you afraid of the dark
      Don't close your eyes or else

      The monsters will get you

      Cockatrice, Dragon, and Manticore too
      So much to fear
      so little they do

      Soaring above the clouds and breathing fire
      Slithering about and staring at you
      Claws and Teeth and Terrible tails

      Timberwolves that howl waking you up in fright
      Diamond dogs that are mean and steal
      Hydras that bite and chase you about

      More monsters than you can count
      more evil than can be seen
      these are no lies
      so take careful heed

      Parasprites that eat house and home
      that cause plagues and blights
      horses of cold
      that love fighting and hate

      So be warned
      for these are more than stories
      be careful
      my little pony
      when you are out and about.

      ((Terrible I know but maybe someone could make them better. Or just one up me and make something better.))

    111. I had a lot of fun with this and I hope somepony enjoys it. Poor Unfortunate Soul-Trixified:
      Trixie: Come in Rainbow Rash- Dash! It's rude to slink around. Trixie might think you were peeping on her. *Chuckles*. Now then, you're here because Twilight wouldn't give you a spell to lure that dashing marefriend of yours, eh? Not that I blame her. She's clearly jealous of the relationship you two will have. But never fear! Trixie has exactly the spell that will fix the aching in your heart.
      Dash: And, you'd help me?
      Trixie: My dear pegasus, that's what Trixie does. It's what she lives for! To help unfortunate ponies like yourself. Poor souls who are out of options. It is true that Trixie was a showoff. Her arrogance had cost her many fans. But it turns out in the end; all she wanted was some friends. And is striving for a way to make amends. True, yes. And Trixie fortunately knows a little magic. It's a talent that she always has possessed. And she uses it not for gain, nor fortune or fame. But to aid the lonely, meek and lame. Losers. Poor unfortunate souls, their problems abound. Trixie listens to their woes and they keep her on her toes until a solution is found. Those poor unfortunate souls, they make Trixie so sad. They beg for her assistance with everything they have. And she helps them, is that so bad? Now while it isn't common, there has been a little problem. When someponies haven't paid Trixie her dues. Sad, it makes her feel. But in the end a deals a deal. So here’s her proposal for you.
      Spoken: Now here’s the deal. I’ll cast a spell that will make you irresistibly attractive to the pony you adore for three full days. Now listen, because this is Trixie’s favorite part. Before midnight on the final day, you’ll have to get that pony to fall in love with you. Irresistible attraction won’t be enough. You’ll need the kiss of true love. If she kisses you, before midnight on the final day then you’ll be together forever… but if you fail; she’ll reject you forever. Have we got a deal?
      Dash: So if I don’t succeed, I’ll lose our friendship?
      Trixie: That’s right… but, if you do you’ll have your mare. Life’s full of tough choices isn’t? Oh, and there is one more thing. As generous as Trixie is, her services do require a fee. It’s not a deal if both parties don’t benefit right?
      Dash: But I don’t have any-
      Trixie: Trixie’s not asking for much, just a small token of your appreciation for her. All she wants, is your wings.
      Dash: My wings…
      Trixie: Exactly Rainbow Rash- Dash! You’ll be grounded for life.
      Dash: But without my wings, how will I impress her?
      Trixie: You have your looks, you’re pretty face. And don’t underestimate the importance of, body-language!
      Singing: The mares out there aren’t interested in show-offs. It’s a major turn off; trust me I’ve been know. But if you don’t have your wings, your friend will see the many things that make Rainbow Dash simply glow. No one’s too impressed with your attitude, and your flying only gets under their skin. So lend Trixie those wings, those trifle little things, so that you true love for you can begin. Oh, you poor unfortunate soul. Indulge, go ahead. Trixie hasn’t got all day and although this game is fun to play it’s about time it came to an end. You poor unfortunate soul, so alone. If you want to win her heart then you must play your part. Trixie just needs you to sign this paper she designed. Snips and Snails now I’ve got her boys! The boss is on a roll! This poor, unfortunate, soul!


    112. It is complete. Now, I wait for le video to render. THEN I must sync. THEN upload... and THEN, THEN I SHALL FULFILL MY DESTINY!!! Or fail miserably, the latter is most likely. :| well, time for drugs...

    113. Original Song: My Goody Two shoes brother (phineas and ferb)

      Villain: nightmare moon

      I bear lots of animosity to people
      they simply annoy me all the time
      and apple farmers really test my patience
      If they vanished, would it really be a crime?

      I don't like pegasi or stupid cider makers
      they really should just bow to me
      Not fond of ducks or fabric makers
      Or those annoying little skaters

      when i take over, i will shout with glee!

      There are lots of stupid ponies on this planet
      that i would love to see just go ka-boom!

      But my goody two-shoes sister
      in my side, she's a blister!

      nope, no one's gonna miss her
      when i brng about her doom!
      Yes, my goody two-shoes sister
      in my side, she's a blister!
      yes, no one's gonna miss her!
      yes sir, i'm gonna gonna diss her!
      yep, no one's gonna miss her!
      when i bring, about her, dooooom!

    114. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G8_cDtr8rp8
      Also a Trixie show, tho' more of a showoff than a villain song ^^

      Last of the fireworks explodes in the sky
      Stage silences after the show, success once again
      Fans’ appraisal still echoes here, the most wondrous of sounds
      Left astonished of my skills, as if there ever was any doubt

      Soon I will leave this town for my next stop:
      Everypony should have the chance to see my fame

      Behold peasants, for your mistress is here
      Cheer me! Praise me!
      The Master of Mages, the greatest of all
      Applause, worship!

      No point to challenge, whatever you try
      All you do I can do better…
      There is no shame to bow for my might
      One day the whole world will know the Great and Powerful!

      I’ve seen the horrors of Everfree, kept my courageous heart
      Stood up against the wildest beasts, and walked away alive
      No mage has overpowered me, but given me their respect
      Come forth, no need to be shy now, I’ll let you to kiss my hooves

      And as you’ve honored with my presence
      Be known, you shall see show like never before…

      Behold peasants, for your mistress is here
      Cheer me! Praise me!
      The Master of Mages, the greatest of all
      Applause, worship!

      No point to challenge, whatever you try
      All you do I can do better…
      There is no shame to bow for my might
      One day the whole world will know the Great and Powerful!

    115. Don't know if this would count, but it does focus a lot on Discord's antics. The parodied song is Green Day's "Homecoming" from the American Idiot album.

      These clouds are fleeing from me / I'm stranded in the sky
      They're made of cotton candy / Shouldn't be able to fly
      Chocolate milk comes pouring out / Over all the land
      I just don't understand

      In Sweet Apple fields / Their normal crop turns to popping corn yields
      The apple trees enlarge / Seems Celestia's no longer in charge
      Creatures grow long legs / They don't care how much Fluttershy begs
      At least Pinkie Pie / Is enjoying chocolate milk from the sky
      With no fail-safe spell / It's tough to see if this all will end well
      But it can work out / If we friends cast aside all our doubt
      Dash corrals the clouds / AJ's lasso loops up and around
      Reverse psychology from Fluttershy / While Rarity's saddle keeps Twilight dry
      When we work as a team / No challenge is too great, it would seem
      But what's this note we got / Looks like we're needed in Canterlot

      So what's going on? So what's going on?
      Oh Princess what's wrong? Just what's going on? (x2)

      Princess Celestia fills us in on / Why all this chaos has just arisen
      Seems that an old foe once defeated / Has escaped from his stony prison
      Now the only thing that can stop the insanity / Is those fabled Elements of Harmony
      We six friends are the only ones who / Can restore peace for everypony

      “To find your missing Elements / Make sense of this change of events
      Twists and turns are my master plan / Then find them back where you began”

      They're not in the box / Someone picked the locks
      Looks like Discord's handiwork
      He may know our names / But the task remains the same
      We need to stick it to that jerk
      We're proud to be Harmony!

      We knew the maze would pose quite a challenge / But we knew together we'd be strong
      Little did we know that Discord would show / And take our wings and horns before too long
      Then the hedges grew and split up our group / So we set off for the center to meet up

      (Applejack) We've all been baited / Now we're separated
      (Pinkie Pie) Discord is turning us / One by one
      (Fluttershy) We've all been baited / Now we're separated
      (Rarity) Discord is turning us / One by one
      (Rainbow Dash...Dash...Dash...Dash)

      Oh, for the love of...

      I'm a chaotic guy / In my chaotic world
      I used my chaotic powers / To corrupt all the girls
      Ponyville has gone crazy / From my chaotic touch
      Why do I cause all this madness / Because I love it so much
      A house of cards on my left / Soap-covered roads on my right
      With just a thought in my head / I turn the day into night
      That's how I run this place
      I run this place
      I run this place

      Here they are sealed inside this book
      Well we found the Elements but now look
      All the others couldn't give a care and Dash is MIA
      The Elements were of no avail
      Now it looks as though our friendship has failed
      My heart is broken, it's just not fair; guess I cannot stay
      At home a very sickly Spike / Belches out a big surprise
      The weekly letters I had sent open my eyes
      So I must round up all my friends / And cast the memory spell
      Then we'll beat Discord

      Becoming friends again (x2)

      We chased down Rainbow Dash and gathered together again
      Discord didn't stand a chance when friends wielded the Elements

      Equestria's free again (x8)

      Celestia praises us / Discord's defeated
      Everypony's cheering / Friendship won!

    116. For those who are curious, here's a link to the song:


      And the instrumental version:


    117. I had too much with the last one so I decided to do another song. Here's Oogie Boogie’s Song Discord Style. Enjoy!
      Discord: Well, well, well. Who do we have here? Twilight Sparkle, ooh. I’m really scared. So you’re Celestia’s pupil, ha ha ha ha! You’re jokin’, you’re jokin’, there must be some mistake! There’s no way that you’re the one in which Celestia put her faith! She’s youthful, inexperienced, this couldn’t be more grand! There’s no way a little filly could undo my master plan. When Lord Discord declares that we’re in for a storm, you’re better duck and cover and hide someplace warm. And if it’s raining chocolate then there’s something just not right. But that’s the way I like it because disorder gives me might.
      Woah! Ohh! Woah! Ohh! Woah, I’m the Spirit of Chaos!
      Twilight: My friends will come for me and then we’ll just see who has more power, Discord or harmony?
      Discord: You’re jokin’, you’re jokin’, you can’t believe your lies! Friendship and magic, huh. I’ll swat them down like flies. It’s funny, I’m laughing, you really are too much. And now with your permission, I’m going to do my stuff.
      Twilight: What are you going to do?
      Discord: I’m going to do the best I can. Disorder reigning in the world fills me up with bliss. I want to play a game with you so please indulge me miss. It’s much more fun, I must confess, when minds are on the line. Not mine of course, but yours young girl, now that’ll be just fine.
      Twilight: If you’re doubt my magic your fate will be quite tragic.
      Discord: You’re funny, entertaining, you’ll make a fantastic toy! You’re just not understanding that you can’t overcome my ploy. It’s hopeless, you know that, I’m gonna do you in! Cuz I’m the Lord of Chaos and there’s no way I won’t win.

    118. Take a wild guess....

      Dragonequus Anthem (feat. Pinkie Pie)

      (Discord Up!)



      (Let's go!)

      Dragonequus in the house tonight!
      Nopony gets to have a good time!
      And Discord make you lose your mind!
      Nopony gets to have a good time!


      Dragonequus in the house tonight!
      Nopony gets to have a good time!
      And Discord make you lose your mind!
      We just wanna see ya lose it.

      *Shuffles on Twilight's head*

      Peer outside, looking for sane? She gone from here, King I reign.
      Floor becomes ceiling on the spot. Falling up? Happens a lot.
      Are you sane? I gots to know. Otherwise, enjoy the show.
      Up is down, left is right, and all days, contain the night.

      Whee, I'm runnin' neath the clouds like you know,
      I got the chocolate flow, rainin' oh, candy more,
      I'm Pinkie Pie! Yeah, dis dessert I'm ingestin',
      Gonna make me fly like a pegasus zepplin!

      Dragonequus in the house tonight!
      Nopony gets to have a good time!
      And Discord make you lose your mind!
      Nopony gets to have a good time!

      (Let's go!)

      Dragonequus in the house tonight!
      Nopony gets to have a good time!
      And Discord make you lose your mind!
      We just wanna see ya lose it!

      /Everyday I'm torturin'!/

      (Torturin', torturin')

      Now, step up fast, and be the first mare to make me chortle, laugh
      'S'all for giggles, don't be mad, hey, stop; hatin' is bad.

      One more cloud for us, Another round!
      I fill up my cup, up to down!
      We just wanna see you shakin' now,
      Terrified of me, and crazy now!

      Fall up, fly down, throw your hooves up all around,
      Fall up, fly down, throw your hooves up all around,
      Fall up, fly down, throw your hooves up all around,
      Throw your hooves up all around, Throw your hooves up all around!

      Fall up, fly down, fall up, fly down
      Fall up, fly down, fall up, fly down
      Fall up, throw your hooves up all around,
      Throw your hooves up, throw your hooves up, throw your hooves up, throw your hooves up

      Dragonequus in the house tonight!
      (Throw your hooves up!)
      Nopony gets to have a good time!
      (Throw your hooves up!)
      And Discord make you lose your mind!
      (Throw your hooves up!)
      We just get to have a good, good, good time!

      Throw your hooves up
      Throw your hooves up
      Throw your hooves up
      Oh yeah, everyday I'm torturin'!

    119. @Radoxeald
      Ah typos, "appraisal" = "approval". Should have proofread this better...


      I wrote this a few weeks ago and only submitted it to FiMFiction yesterday! It's like you guys KNEW I did it!


    121. Start at 0:46 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N_0uxll_e7c&feature=BFa&list=PLE0C4D1C130091BEF&lf=plpp_play_all&shuffle=904230

      Bring out the magic
      Start the show
      Now to go
      Now with the powers
      I shall obtain
      All of the glory
      And none of the shame

      Take the stage
      Show off thou magic
      Listen to the crowd
      What is this?
      Purple Pony
      Twilight Sparkle, Why?
      Foil my plans....
      Why does this happen?
      I shall Win.
      -1:27 Magic battle until 1:35-
      I have lost.
      All my magic, useless.
      Where is my power?
      Ursa Major
      Come to my aid
      Saving me.
      No thanks, But I'll be back.
      -Stop until 2:15-
      Snips and Snails
      At my side
      Go after the Ursa Majior
      Ursa MINOR?
      Why do you help me...
      -Stop until 3:52-
      I will preform.
      Twilight can't stop me.
      Not... Once.

      -Pause for Dramatic effect eue-


    122. Am I the only one with an original song? I really need to get it recorded. It has a lovely rhythm if you know how it goes.

    123. These are original lyrics I made this off the top of my head. Note that this is practically my first time writing lyrics and I've been deprived of sleep lately when reading this. XD Please excuse stupid mistakes I may have made.

      The "villans" are Flim and Flam. I have no title for this either. It's too early to think of one. XP

      Say, Flim, what do we have here?
      See those ponies?; how they stare?
      Perhaps they’ve intrigued by our wondrous machine?
      Brother do you know what this could mean?

      Stop, Flam. What they all see is a scam.
      Everypony’s been lead to believe that we’re a sham.
      Sales ponies lost for opportunity.
      Worthless crooks are all that are left to see.

      Nay brother, can it truly be?
      It was a single failure. Surely?

      I say, one so disastrous.
      Now it’s how we appear to the eye. Scandalous.

      The apples, have led us here.
      Run out of town for our pursuit of progress.
      The apples, outdated beyond compare.
      Incapable of grasping this new process.

      Don’t worry Applejack, for we are coming back.
      This super speedy siege will be the
      one last time, this one last time.

      Listen, Flim, what say you to this?
      Make a stunning new device for this season?
      Limitations are only a sure-fire miss.
      They’ll be left charred for this very reason.

      Yes, Flam. What they all see is our genius.
      This top tier machine shall stun the consumers.
      What is business without competition? Meaningless!
      Let’s put an end to these incessant rumors.

      Look this way or you’ll miss the point.
      Hate us for our brilliance but,
      Do not miss the point,
      when we usurp your dear home.

      The apples, have led us here.
      Run out of town for our pursuit of progress.
      The apples, outdated beyond compare.
      Incapable of grasping this new process

      Don’t worry Applejack, for we are coming back.
      This super speedy siege will be the
      one last time, this one last time.

      Opportunity will arise-
      -for the top ponies!

      WE WIN

    124. @RisingStar

      I made one as well. I don't have access to my keyboard so the melody is kinda rough as I imagine it.

      Yours is certainly better done than what I mustered up. It's really cool. :D

    125. @SolidSt33d

      Yeah, it's kinda weird. Now that I've mustered up the courage to post my shit, openings are popping up for me to post them in.

      Do you think making it about Trixie gets extra points?

    126. @RisingStar

      Yeah. Never write anything on 3 hours of sleep. XD

      double the points!

    127. Oh dear, I've gone and made another one....


      If somepony flew above a crowd
      and raised her voice up way out loud
      And shook her tail and thrashed her leg
      You'd notice her

      If somemare watching a play
      Yelled, "Fire in the second row,
      "This whole place is a powder keg!"
      You'd notice her

      And even without making a fuss,
      Everymare gets noticed now and then
      Unless, of course, that mare is
      Invisible, inconsequential, me.

      Princess Cellophane,
      Shoulda been my name
      'Cause you can look right through me
      Trot right by me
      And never know I'm there.

      I tell ya,
      Princess Cellophane,
      Shoulda been my name
      'Cause you can look right through me
      Trot right by me
      And never know I'm there.

      Suppose you were a little filly
      And you felt a little silly
      'Cause you've gone and made a mess
      You'd be noticed.

      Suppose you were an important pony
      And have been longer than you've been alive
      With a sister right there by your side
      You'd be noticed.

      A pony is made of more than air
      With all that mass, you're sure to see her there
      Unless that pony next to you is
      Unimportant, unloved, me!

      Princess Cellophane,
      Shoulda been my name
      'Cause you can look right through me
      Trot right by me
      And never know I'm there.

      I tell ya,
      Princess Cellophane,
      Shoulda been my name
      'Cause you can look right through me
      Trot right by me
      And never know I'm there.

      I hope I didn't take up too much of your time.

    128. @Freyaday

      Original song: Mr. Cellophane from Chicago


    129. Second one! Done a few times already, but meh. Ponified version of "In the Dark of the Night" - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ocm8QdNR_d8&feature=related


      In the dark of the night, my jealousy burning
      I was all but forgotten, why couldn't they see?
      But Luna doesn't call quits
      To me, they'd all submit!
      Then I darkened the skies
      And Nightmare was free!

      I was never the most loved mare in the kingdom
      When my sister betrayed me, she made a mistake!
      My night would make them all pay
      But I was banished away!
      Little ponies, beware,
      Nightmare Moon's awake!

      In the dark of the night, it's nighttime eternal
      In the dark of the night, you've seen your last dawn!
      Now I'll take back my seat
      So prepare for defeat!
      In the dark of the night
      All hope is gone!

      Now that I've returned, the tables are turning!
      Dear sister, I'll whisk you away with a spell!
      I'll watch the tears streak down their face
      As I right my unjust disgrace!
      Oh sister dearest, your grace, farewell!

      In the dark of the night, they're going to love me!
      It's only what I deserve!
      In the dark of the night, daylight is through
      Soon they will see, that they all adore me
      In the dark of the night, I'm coming for you!

      In the dark of the night, it's nighttime eternal
      Rule them!
      In the dark of the night, my time is past due
      Fool them!

      Did you not heed the signs?
      It's the end of the line!

      In the dark of the night...
      In the dark fo the night...

      Come my subjects,
      Bow for your princess,
      This land is now mine!
      Heed me now,
      There'll be no cause for distress

      In the dark of the night...
      In the dark of the night...
      In the dark of the night...

      Farewell sunshine!

    130. *shrug* I already wrote this when I was bored, so what the hay.
      Lyrics: http://pyrobug0.deviantart.com/art/Brand-New-Day-Trixie-Style-273065124
      Song it goes to: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ILObfEzX92k
      (I know! I am the cleverest pony!)

    131. Wow... I'm looking at some of the stuff here. I've said this once, but I'll say it again, "this community's got talent."

    132. Just a short one to the tune of 'Gaston' from 'Beauty and the Beast':

      Gee is sure Pains me to see you, Trixi
      Filled with such abject despair
      Everypony want’s to be you, Trixi
      You need not worry or care
      There’s on mare in town as admired as you
      Or filled with as much elegance or grace
      We are all awed and inspired by you
      So be sure to lift up your face

      No pony’s strong like Trixi
      Never wrong like Trixi
      No pony who we get along with like Trixi
      And that’s why we all are celebrating

      Give three “cheers”
      Give five “hurrahs”
      The great and powerful Trixi is the best by far

      Nopony’s been like Trixi
      Ever will be like Trixi
      For your name will go down in history

    133. @RisingStar

      I have another entry. Not exactly a villain song, unless you count Clyde Pie as such in this song. It's a ponified Kickapoo, by tenacious D.


    134. @Anorax

      Oh, really. Thank you. Uh, did you have anything in mind?

    135. Just a quickie, based on Devil Nights by Electric Six. Start time: 4:12 PM

      Endless Nights:

      Endless night
      Endless night
      This night is forever
      All over Equestria!

      You sent me to the moon
      Because you that that it was right
      Taking over all my duties,
      Now you bring the day and night,
      Twilight Sparkle's your last gambit,
      And the Elements of Harmony,
      You gamble the whole world
      On her friend-making ability

      Endless night
      Endless night
      This night is forever
      All over Equestria!
      This night is forever
      All over Equestria!

      And as the sun goes down tonight
      I'll have my vengeance!
      Sure as the your coat is totally white
      I'll have my vengeance!

      Going into the old castle,
      In the depths of Everfree,
      Sending Twilight Sparkle for
      The Elements of Harmony

      FEAR ME!
      FEAR ME!
      FEAR ME!
      FEAR ME!
      FEAR ME!
      FEAR ME!
      FEAR ME!
      FEAR ME!

      This night is forever
      All over Equestria!
      This night is forever
      All over Equestria!

      And as the sun goes down tonight
      I'll have my vengeance!
      Sure as the your coat is totally white
      I'll have my vengeance!

      Endless night
      Endless night
      Endless night
      Endless night

      And as the sun goes down tonight
      I'll have my vengeance!
      Sure as the your coat is totally white
      I'll have my vengeance!

    136. @RisingStar

      Finish Time: 4:23 PM.

      A ponified song for Nightmare Moon in 11 minutes flat!

    137. "I'm feeling keen and mean
      Not lost, not flown away
      Just irritated and quite hated
      Self control breaks down
      Why's everything so lame?
      I like my life in bane
      I'm fabricating and debating
      Who I'm gonna kick around

      (Right now)
      Can't find a way to get across the hate when I see you !
      (Right now)
      I'm feeling strange inside I want to slash and buck you !
      (Right now)
      I claw apart the things inside that excite you
      (Right now)
      I can't control myself, I bucking hate you

      I'm feeling low today
      Not hurt just bucked away
      I'm devastated and frustrated
      Celestia I feel so downed
      So why'd I feel the need?
      I think it's time to bleed
      I'm gonna claw myself
      And watch the blood hit you bound

      (Right now)
      Can't find a way to get across the hate when I see you !
      (Right now)
      I'm feeling strange inside I want to slash and buck you !
      (Right now)
      I claw apart the things inside that excite you
      (Right now)
      I can't control myself, I bucking hate you

      You open your mouth again
      I swear I'm gonna break it
      You open your mouth again
      By Celestia I cannot take it

      Shut up, shut up, shut up or I'll buck you up
      Shut up, shut up, shut up or I'll buck you up
      Shut up, shut up, shut up or I'll buck you up
      Shut up, shut up, shut up or I'll buck you up
      Shut up, shut up, shut up or I'll buck you up
      Shut up, shut up, shut up or I'll buck you up

      (Right now)
      Can't find a way to get across the hate when I see you !
      (Right now)
      I'm feeling strange inside I want to slash and buck you !
      (Right now)
      I claw apart the things inside that excite you
      (Right now)
      I can't control myself, I bucking hate you

      I buckin' hate you
      I buckin' hate you
      I buckin' hate you
      I buckin' hate you
      I buckin' hate you
      (Shut up)
      I buckin' hate you
      (Shut up)
      I buckin' hate you
      (Shut up)
      Shut up"

      Gilda's theme inspired by this video :D


    138. Excelent songs, everypony!
      Got so enthusiastic I turn my Trixie song into a full story with new songs!
      Check it out!

    139. Wrote a Discord song, tried to record it. Here's the result :\ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OEPMocLg7ys

    140. So, I was figuring, the Disney villains will likely be pretty popular, so here's my shot at throwing some ideas out there...

      Hellfire / Discord? Might take some creative license, but it could work.

      Poor Unfortunate Souls / Trixie. I don't know why, I feel like this would work pretty well.

      Be Prepared / ...Diamond Dogs? Not sure who would best fit this song... but it could work...

    141. Autor on selle kommentaari eemaldanud.

    142. Video:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pAZJmOgYdpU

      Its not exactly a parody I guess.
      Enjoy anyway.
      you totally have to sing the lyrics along with it,for the full experience ;D
      (My deviantart:http://lovelyneko-mee0w.deviantart.com/)
      Coercion, the entropy, aversion, and decline to hell
      Looking at life as a game for your chaos
      depleting amity as a past time activity
      The mobocracy of the city, of the city

      Now, how do you own the world?
      how do you own it, Discord? Discord?
      Now, somewhere between the sacred order, sacred order and peace
      Somewhere, between the sacred order and peace
      Discord, Discord, Discord

      More anxiety for the lives, faltless nation
      all of them caught in a seducement of the mind
      depleting amity as a past time activity
      The mobocracy of the city, of the city

      Now, how do you own the world?
      how do you own it, Discord? Discord?
      Now, somewhere between the sacred order, sacred order and peace
      Somewhere, between the sacred order and peace
      Discord, Discord, Discord

      Now, how do you own the world?
      how do you own it, Discord?
      Now, somewhere between the sacred order, sacred order and peace
      Somewhere, between the sacred order and peace
      Discord, Discord, Discord

      When I became the sun
      the elements entrapped his heart
      When I became the sun
      the elements entrapped his heart

    143. Are people still here? Anyways, something my gf and I did. I didn't do much, mainly just the song idea.


      you hear the screeching of the owls
      you hear the Timber Wolves a howl
      you know Nightmare Moon’s back in power

      and it's Nightmare Night again
      she’s got you running through her night
      it's Nightmare Night again
      and you just might die of fright
      it's a terrifying time

      you hear the beating of your heart
      you know the scream is gonna start
      here comes the really scary part

      cause it's Nightmare Night again
      she’s got you running through her night
      it's Nightmare Night again
      oh you just might die of fright
      it's a terrifying time

      the Everfree begins to moan
      and the monsters grunt and groan
      you foals try to bring the fight
      don't you know it's Nightmare Night?

      and it's Nightmare Night again
      she’s got you running through her night
      it's Nightmare Night again
      and you just might die of fright
      it's a terrifying time

      and it's Nightmare Night again
      she’s got you running through her night
      it's Nightmare Night again
      and you just might die of fright
      it's a terrifying time (echo)(fade)

    144. @Big Love

      I didn't even need the link to recognize THAT song. Gawdy, the last time I heard it was two or three years ago in that Scooby-Doo movie.

    145. Oh, and here's a little do-hickey I threw togethor about the Windigos, because I thought they were totally awesome.


      Sleep now little ponies
      Let nightmares guide your hate
      Feed us all your wrathful thoughts
      Resign yourselves to fate

      We’ve been pushed around, forgotten
      Become a filly’s fairytale
      What happened to our reign of power?
      I guess it became stale

      But I feel the hatred looming
      And I know our time is near
      They’ll regret the day they ignored us
      They’ll learn to live in fear!

      The sound of ponies full of rage
      Our freedom from this icy cage
      Their cold hearts glistening like the snow
      The reign of Windigos!

      The pony tribes are now long gone
      And they live in “harmony”
      But will their tolerance last forever?
      *scoff* I guess we’ll have to see

      So now we’re taking back our place as the rulers of the land
      They’ll try to stop our actions, but we’ll just get out of hand

      The melody of white-hot fury
      The sparks of anger in a flurry
      As hatred’s fire starts to grow
      The reign of Windigos!

      The time has come to start anew
      Reclaim our frozen throne
      Show the bearers of the Elements
      The fear of the unknown!

      Sleep now little ponies
      Be prepared to desecrate
      Feed us all your wrathful thoughts
      Resign yourselves to hate!

      The chaos that we will achieve
      The temper of their selves unleashed!

      Rewriting of the status quo!
      Our time has nearly come
      Learn to fear your foes!
      Soon they will succumb

      We’ll put on quite show
      Let them wallow in their woe
      The reign of Windigos!

    146. @I Won't Leave You Sorry about not responding until now, but I'm thinking of something like a "big reveal" for Discord, similar to this week's Toastbeard Compo(http://toastbeard.bronyradio.com/a/ZIQ24)

    147. Here you go: a villain song for Nightmare Moon.
