Sharp, colorful, on model characters, smooth fluid animation, and very funny. The whole video was a delight.
*Incoming rant* Also, Luna you no good Shoto scrub, how about picking a character that isn't in like, in every Street Fighter and Versus game. Bring some fresh blood to the mix and maybe your sister won't kick your flank so bad next time. (No hate here just good natured trash talk from long time player.)
We salute you General Work Day! Also this is the best thing ever. Of all time. The animation is flawless, the facial expressions are spot on, the sound effects are awesome and so many friends (I mean jokes!) Top PMV of the month right here.
That was hilarious. Although the "to the moon" is a really, REALLY, nasty touch. This is more than trolling. Considering the past events, this is plain cruelty. Ah well, still funny as hell.
I see that one, that was Frank West's finisher, called "Dead Rising". After he says, "It's time to ROCK!" his grab is unavoidable, then he spins you around, tosses you, then uses a baseball bat to knock you into orbit, then you slam down behind him afterwards. In this animation, they made him say "To the mooooon!" Although in every video I see of him doing that finisher, he never said, "To the moon!".
79 kommentaari:
VastaKustutaLuna is my fav
VastaKustutaGIO Bronies FTW
VastaKustutaAlso: Luna = D'AWWW
VastaKustutaHer Super Alicorn Magical hair wore off.
VastaKustuta@Darkeon Warlord
VastaKustutaYou aree the reason father invented foal cannon.
And the reason I bought one.
You like bannanas right?
Bwahahaha! This was both fantastically animated AND hilarious! Love it! <3
VastaKustuta...i should probably go back to work too <.<
That was inSANLY good animation, great work
VastaKustutaI like you even less now.
My feelings for you are between passive and discomfort
I'd play with Luna. I use Zero and Tekkaman Blade.
VastaKustutaThat reminds me. I gotta get to work too...
Epic. That trollestia.
VastaKustutaOH sorry, blacked out a little from the awesome. Hopefully I didn't do anything crazy like the last time I--Police at the door, hold on.
VastaKustuta@Darkeon Warlord
VastaKustutaTo the moon.
Luna you so silly.
VastaKustutaTrollestia tier.
VastaKustutaThis animation was done spectacularly. Trollestia can be so cruel sometimes. Reminding Luna of her painful banishment in a video game? Now that's low.
VastaKustutaGamer Luna is best Luna.
VastaKustutaGiggles were had.
VastaKustutaThat was amazing! Funny! Other words meaning excellent!
VastaKustutaTrollestia is bestia? Heh. I started that, iirc. Celestia is bestia. Even if I didn't start it, I sure as hell didn't get it from anywhere else.
VastaKustutaVideo's pretty good too.
That was great. Top notch animation and funny story.
VastaKustutaIs gamer Luna fancanon now? First she plays supermario now this.
That was amazing!
VastaKustutaAutor on selle kommentaari eemaldanud.
VastaKustutaOh god why.
VastaKustutaThe consumes me..!
VastaKustutaTo the moon PTSD flashback. :P
VastaKustutaAnd now we know why Luna became Nightmare Moon.
VastaKustutaTell me about it. I love fan-made material as much as the next brony but it's still fan-made...
Gamer Luna is best pony
VastaKustutaI <3 Luna
VastaKustutaWow, you are a genius for figuring out something I announce on almost a daily basis.
Have a cookie.
Very amusing :3
VastaKustutalol suxs when you have hooves to play a controller game
VastaKustutaOMG that was funny! TO THE MOOON!!!
VastaKustutaNow get back to work ... LOL
VastaKustutaI was hoping that Luna would explode into the super-alicorn look she had during Nightmare Night. Still doesn't diminish the awesome here.
VastaKustutaAnd Celestia was playing with the solo Wiimote... she really is a troll. XP
VastaKustutaLuna squee face FTW!!!! ^-^
VastaKustutaI've had enough nightmarish matches in online fighters.
VastaKustutaThat's just mean, Tia!
Loved it. So Much
VastaKustutaThat is awesomely amazing!
VastaKustutaThat was fucking awesome, the animation was top notch, great job!
VastaKustutaIt's too bad pegasi and earth ponies will never know the joy of video games. At least not the ones with more than two buttons.
VastaKustutatrollestia is awesome
XD loved it.
VastaKustutaalso... YAY FANIMATION
Really good, and those Luna faces are hilarious
VastaKustutaWondering what the results of a poll asking whether this applied to every pony would be...
Probably a pretty large portion.
Autor on selle kommentaari eemaldanud.
VastaKustutaAnd here I thought she was using a wavebird.
VastaKustutaDamn that was some very nice animation.
VastaKustutaAutor on selle kommentaari eemaldanud.
VastaKustutaSharp, colorful, on model characters, smooth fluid animation, and very funny. The whole video was a delight.
VastaKustuta*Incoming rant*
Also, Luna you no good Shoto scrub, how about picking a character that isn't in like, in every Street Fighter and Versus game. Bring some fresh blood to the mix and maybe your sister won't kick your flank so bad next time.
(No hate here just good natured trash talk from long time player.)
VastaKustutaTwo buttons and a directional pad are all you need.
In all seriousness, arcade cabinets must be huge in Equestria.
VastaKustutaI like to think that her mane turns starry at night and becomes normal during the day. It is daytime during the animation.
VastaKustutaWe salute you General Work Day! Also this is the best thing ever. Of all time. The animation is flawless, the facial expressions are spot on, the sound effects are awesome and so many friends (I mean jokes!) Top PMV of the month right here.
VastaKustutaHAZZAH! the fun has been doubled!
VastaKustutaBest animation I have seen
VastaKustutaI feel bad that mean old Celestia is always picking on poor Luna. She is just trying to have some fun. Everyone needs a break once in a while.
VastaKustutaTOO THE MOON! but seriously poor Luna... I'd let her win for once...
VastaKustutaToo funny!
VastaKustutaYAY Luna!
VastaKustutaTo funny
VastaKustutaShe's playing on a Gamecube? I guess Equestrian technology lags behind ours.
VastaKustutaShe's playing on the Wii. Tatsunoko vs Capcom is compatible with a GameCube Controller.
Amazingly fluid animation, and hilariously entertaining to boot. Seth's right, this community is absolutely incredible.
VastaKustutaand to think there is a character that says that in that game. And Trollestia picked him
VastaKustutaI love Luna's expressions lol
VastaKustutaanimation was nicely done...
Pffhaahaa! "TO THE MOON!" That was genius.
VastaKustutaYeah, that was some sweet work.
The controller was Discorded! (Pun intended!)
VastaKustutaPoor Luna.
VastaKustutaThis was just amazing x3
VastaKustutaThat was hilarious. Although the "to the moon" is a really, REALLY, nasty touch. This is more than trolling. Considering the past events, this is plain cruelty. Ah well, still funny as hell.
VastaKustutathat was the best fanvid ive ever watched nice job :)
VastaKustutathis is amazing
VastaKustutaMan, Luna and I would get along well. We would play fighting games all day.
VastaKustutaWow, that's Frank West's finisher, although he doesn't say "To the moon". But he might have, I dunno.
VastaKustutaI see that one, that was Frank West's finisher, called "Dead Rising". After he says, "It's time to ROCK!" his grab is unavoidable, then he spins you around, tosses you, then uses a baseball bat to knock you into orbit, then you slam down behind him afterwards. In this animation, they made him say "To the mooooon!" Although in every video I see of him doing that finisher, he never said, "To the moon!".