Hahaha Everybody go spam that guy's account with: "Owned" or "lol" or "trolling failed." (joking don't really do it ...love and tolerate ...even douchebags)
Lauren Faust is a real class act, no foolin'. I have a great deal of respect and admiration for how she deals with to the massive wave of popularity and backlash that MLP has generated for her.
Sounds more like he was a guy who idolizes Fox News with the way he threw in the manchildren remark. Which, at least in my eyes, is not exactly a step above "Bronies are so stupid, durr."
One thing I've noticed is that almost every troll has something in their signature that's "edgy" or "offensive" or "insulting", something that basically announces they can't see things in a positive manner. Little wonder they hate MLP:FiM and its fans so much.
And that Lauren is why you're a hero to so many of us. Making awesome cartoons and pwning the trolls with class. Follow this example guys. When the trolls try getting to you, this!
lol stupid troll, that's like trixie going to celestia and complaining how the mane 6 are so gay for being such close friends... cept this troll doesn't get banished to the moon for it.
Really though, I've barely seen any other people who work on a show so much as acknowledge fans, let alone speak up for them against haters. And I've been a fan of quite a few shows.
(Also, props to her for never raging at anyone. I'm pretty levelheaded, but man, I couldn't keep as calm as her when faced with such a level of idiocy.)
It's good to see that Lauren has that positive attitude towards the fandom and yes we can't deny that we have a bunch of weird people but c'est la vie :D
I feel weirdly hurt by the last few comments in her statement. I don't feel it's fair or kind to belittle the creepy or unsavory aspects of the fandom. Clop artist and writers do make really nice tributes to the fandom and they are not trying to defile it to make other fans upset. I don't take any glee when some one thinks I ruined the fandom with my art or writing or views on an episode. I hope I'm just over-reacting to a bit of nothing.
Bravo Lauren you are indeed a well speaker and a great person overall you handled the situation beatifully you have definitely earned my respect.... But was there any doubt?
I understand that concern, but I wouldn't let it bother you too much. What follows is simply my own observations and opinions. :)
As I'm one of the older bronies in their mid-30s, I've been a member of various fandoms over the course of 15 years. I can say say with certainty is that the "questionable" element of any fandom is more of a human nature problem than a fandom problem. Also, the population of any fandom tends to follow a Bell curve, with a small population of extremes at either end with a much larger population of "normal" fans in the middle. :)
Guess what? There may not be many pegasisters, but we're under the same stereotype, and bronies and pegasisters I have always considered as one and the same. I've never been embarrassed to be one yet--I hope I never will.
And this--this is just something to ensure that doesn't happen.
@Daisymare"Creepy or unsavory" by definition is off-putting for most people to encounter.
I'm reminded of the people who made Star Trek fandom their way of life, modifying their homes and offices and everyday clothes to make them feel like they're living in that fiction. As an average Star Trek fan, one can feel they're an embarrassment.
People are always going to have opinions about things. To be quite honest, most clop stuff is probably not as offensive as say, 'Cupcakes' or other pointless grimdark for the sake of being grimdark. And that probably pales in comparison to those who take the fandom way, way too far.
@Timey Wimey I suppose. I just wish that people would tolerate the fringe parts of the fandom more instead of attacking it. I really don't feel like I'm a bad person for liking clop.
I'll second that emotion. I like what I like, I don't try to force it on those who don't like it and don't flip out at those who don't. Love and tolerance. I think good clop is a better direction for the ponies than grimdark.
@TechnoTrot For me Cupcakes was very important. I know most don't like it and many don't even know why they don't like it, but I enjoyed it and it was the first MLP related thing I saw that made me think that MLP was worth exploring. If not for Cupcakes I'd never have seen the show.
@Daisymare I don't think she was targeting 'Clop artists' and writers in particular, but rather the people in the fandom who bring it to shame - For example, writers of things blown out of proportion like certain fics (Cupcakes springs to mind immediately) and indeed, a lot of the 'clop artists' you're referring to also contribute to the community in a more 'friendly' way, such as regular art and fics that aren't primarily based around sexual concepts. It seems like she was referring to the people who are rude and inconsiderate who wish to ruin things for others, rather than their own interests. I have met rather a few 'bronies' who didn't seem to be in the spirit of it in the least. Each to his/her own, I suppose.
Well, I lucked out; I didn't read Cupcakes until it got MST'd in the original bad grammar style, so it no longer frightens me. I'm not a fan of it, but it's not a big bad demon. I just listed it as one of the more widely regarded fandom evils.
Please don't take my views as a reason to bash each others views though. I think we are all good kind people striving to better ourselves. We all have flaws just like the ponies we love and we should remember that. Flames should never spark up in a place as cool as this.
@Greenf0x I'd say Lauren should even get the freaking Nobel prize of peace! I mean, by being the bright mind behind this show, she HAS accomplished what was concidered impossible "pre-pony". Namely getting clips uploaded on YouTube and people in the comments are actually friendly to each other!! Friendly, understanding and even, yes this is true, even APOLOGIZING to each other as someone was proven wrong! I know it's hard to believe, but I've seen it with my own eyes!
Too bad I forgot to take a print of the screen. Such utopian events could really need evidence! ;)
@The Pwny Brony Very wise words but I still believe Cupcakes is a positive fic even though it was pointless horror short with errors. It brought me to herd so I have to give it props.
Correcting: I know I shouldn't have... but I visited the troll account on dA (The profile says is a female.), and found that the account had been suspended. ._q ... I dunno, I care about every detail. XD
Yea I'm with you on that. I don't clop and I encourage others not to, but I can't stop them and don't want to force them to stop.
My real problem with clopping + ponies is that there are still little girls in this fandom (not bronies, just fans of the show, of course), and I hate it that when you search for any pony you are bound to come across some type of R34. If there were a way to keep it isolated, fine, but it does reach out and children do/will find it.
Well, his signature has a point. If all the world leaders were busy giving blowjobs, there wouldn't be war... or... something. Uh, anyway...
I was going to request that anyone who was thinking of it should refrain from spamming this guy's DA page (I've seen it happen to others, sadly), but I see he got himself suspended. Oh well.
@Daisymare But everyone has different definitions of "creepy" and "unsavory". They're pejorative, negative terms. In any fandom there will be stuff that makes me feel uncomfortable or roll my eyes; stuff that I personally feel is detrimental to the fandom as a whole. In the case of this fandom, it isn't clop artists or writers, but those who - as I indicated above - respond to criticism with equally mean-spirited trolling. It's human nature. You can't like everything about anything, much less a hugely diverse group of people.
There was nothing to indicate that Ms Faust holds you or those like you to be the particular parts of the fandom she considered unsavory.
@snowfi6916 You are very right. My friend PixelKitties explained that to me too. She is against clop and told me so and when I started drawing clop and posting it on my main area of my Deviant Art Page she had to unwatch me. It hurt at first but it made me realize I was doing a disservice to her so I changed my page setup to hide my clop art from general view so now my page is more friendly. I still have the clop there in a folder marked clop so ponies that like it can view it and those that don't wont see it by mistake.
@jrk08004 As a parent, your comment does worry me. I do use restrictions on google images to keep my kids from running into bad ponies but it would be nice to have a way to keep adult pony art where only adults can see it.
I personally have never seen anything unsavory or creepy about the Brony fandom. Clopfic and clopart don't bother me at all, as long as you're not forcing it on other people.
I'm in the same boat as you bro. Before I read "Cupcakes" (on Encyclopedia Dramatica of all places), MLP was just another cartoon I'd watch on the weekends, and without it I would not have been exposed to the wonderful Brony fandom. For that, I have a sincere respect for SGT Sprinkles.
Yeah, especially since it's relatively easy to enable less restricted searches. The amount of security one needs to hold their children back for as long as possible is outstandingly vast, and even then it's somewhat a moot point.
Don't let me get you down though! There's still hope and it will really come down to them just learning/being taught proper self-control. The internet is quite the necessary evil.
I agree that "Creepy and Undesirable" is a totally subjective term and hard to pin down on any one thing.
If you like clop, no one cares as long as you down force it down other people's throats. *That's* whats creepy.
I don't like clop at all, but I have seen some "shipping pics" that are beautifully crafted. To me, art is art regardless of the content and as long as something has a lot of effort put into it and is not horridly obscene, I can appreciate it.
Lauren Faust is indeed one of the greatest people of the 21st century. Anyone else lol at that guys tag? 'Blowjobs for world peace' where did that come from?
@Your Friend the Taxman I'm suddenly feeling better and better about this talk. But now I must run to my DA page and add to my journal I feel that I now understand more about my position in the fandom.
More like immature adult.I checked their profile out of curiosity and this troll was 19 years old.I guess that could still be considered a teenager but by law she's a legal adult.
Guy sounds like one of those who thinks the real measure of "manhood" is being a boorish frat-boy type of person, and not an honest, moral and honorable man.
This is actually the second time in my life that you have subjected me to ridicule by my peers. In grade school, it was the Powerpuff Girls. Now, as an undergraduate in college, it's ponies.
She has answered that same question a few times, always with the same response and it always makes me happy.
Now, stuff...
Compared to most fandoms, many of the clop artist bronies are at least acting responsible. Labeling their stuff NSFW on tumblr, flagging as mature on dA and IB, etc.
This is far more then the furry community does (been a furry since the 80's, I know we suck, getting fed up with it myself) and general dA policy of "it can be hard core porn, but it doesn't need to be flagged if it's in B&W" is far worse.
IMO, this community is what I've been searching for my whole life. People who have all come together to be happy, gain friends and respect everyone's individual tastes.
Cupcakes was the first fanfic I ever read in the pony fandom xD Though I admit I skimmed a bit since simply torture and gore isn't my cup of tea, I was honestly surprised by how the author took a bubbly and happy character like Pinkie Pie and put her in such a twisted and evil situation, still "keeping her in character." Though Cupcakes is not really an impressive work of literature, it also helped me find EQD! I find the grimdark/clop/etc parts of the fandom interesting, b/c it takes talent to put characters in unusual situations, and pull it off- making the characters and setting believable. Fallout: Equestria is Grimdark, though many seem to forget this. Its beautifully well written, and the best fanfic I have ever read. On the clop side of things, I follow a lot of pony artists on tumblr who inclued clop in their range of drawings, and also a couple ask blogs that aren't exactly sfw. But I enjoy them, and the art or storylines can be so well done or interesting. People like crooked trees inspire me, and I love their art.
I think, though I can't put words in her mouth, Faust means my "unsavory" is the kinds of thing you wouldn't show newcomers, or even children since this show is aimed at that demographic. Things like Sweet Apple Massacre is only for the very select few, and to most people it dirties the name of MLP FIM instead of supports it. Really, it all depends on what you personally define "unsavory" or what you would show someone new to the fandom.
Sorry for rambling :) I love every aspect of the fandom. Its hard sometimes when people write something just for the reaction, involving rape, gore, puke, torture, feces, etc, but I always remember that I can simply ignore that if I want to, and in the end, I can't really control what anyone does. I don't know if they are just trying to defile things that others love, but that's not my problem, is it? Cloppers, gore enthusiast, etc- If they TRULY love the show, then they have every right to be a brony as I do :)
And so my undying respect for Lauren multiplies =w= And even more satisfactory because that deviant commented in every single pony deviation in the front page with hate comments.
Sometimes I worry about kids finding R34 pony stuff on the internet too -- but you know what? If you google the word "potato" without using the filter option on, you might find a potato with boobs on it.
Bottom line is this: the internet is a dirty nasty place because people are allowed the freedom to post whatever they want--and that's fine. Freedom is good. We just need to stop being naive and recognize the internet for what it is... a place that's unsafe for kids. Cloppers didn't make the internet dirty. It was already pretty messed up before they got here. (and I'm not hating on anyone, just stating the facts) It's not their fault, and if they're not shoving that stuff in my face, I won't complain about them. To each their own!
If people are worried about kids finding bad stuff on the internet, then maybe their parents should be with them while they're on the internet... you know... cuz that's sort of what parents are supposed to do. Like, being involved, and stuff. My folks were that way and I didn't turn out horribly ill-adjusted or anything.
I find that the clopping is getting waaaay too much attention in this fandom. It a shitstormbomb just waiting to explode and rain the crap on the innocent normal bronies!
I have a son and I watch him on the internet. If someone is letting their kids on the internet unsupervised then they failed as parents and have no right to complain :)
@Ink Very impressive paragraphs. I feel your post should be added to the archive as check on people that like to think we can't all get along. You point out the need to keep the certain aspects of the fandom away from the forefront to protect kids while at the same time express the fun that can be had by adults to read such works as Fallout Equestria. Good job.
Constitutional shall die underneath the wheels of my Plymouth.
Yep, it's good to be part of the minority of this group!
Lauren Faust, not only do you write a cheesy but fun cartoon, but you are a beautiful person! In fact, My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic has taught me more about controlling my Aspergers Syndrome than school has!
@MandoPony I'm very glad to see a big name like MandoPony chiming in on this topic. I enjoy your work as you must know since I @ you all the time on twitter. Thank you for your statement which I find full of truth and logic. Also good job on your project with Applebloom.
@Fleetwood_Brougham you have Aspergers? I was told I show signs of Aspergers but I don't fall into it fully. Instead I spent the 80's and 90's in special ed despite my 138 IQ. Now I just have problems dealing with real world situations and thinking fast.
@R10t Pol1ce sorry, I forgot about it. I made that back when I first joined the fandom before I knew what it was about. Now I feel embarrassed. I updated it.
Since you guys are already brainwashed by a feminist and sexist nazi, then have fun with your basement dwelling lives of clopping to shitty vector art and child cartoons.
I only wish you could stop flooding unrelated boards with your shitty work and quit making terrible fan art, AND making EVERYTHING into a pony.
I don't understand why you guys question why you're hated--you're all a bunch of faggots, it's obvious.
I would have commented back if your disgusting ruler didn't block me. Only shows what a shitty little sperg she is, along with her followers.
I like how she's pretty much neutral about it. She acknowledges the "dark" side of every fandom. But she doesn't insult nor attack them, it's clear she doesn't like that side, and that's it. That's as far as she goes. I like that. And I like how she's referring to "creepy" people as in a very low minority of really messed up people. And not exactly cloppers per see.
In any way, thanks Miss Lauren for defending us once again!
@a1754848-51ec-11e1-821f-000bcdcb5194 LOL! I like how every stereotypical insult was used in the most angry way to try to get a raise out of us. I simply smile and laugh.
Well said. I've been wanting to say something like this for a while, but didn't quite know how to put it into words. I agree. And even with filters, kids can still find things meant for adult viewers. Example: When I was about 12, I had a brief interest in making my own digital banners for original stories I wrote. I was searching for a picture of a model with "blue eyes and brown hair". I looked it up on Google, safe-search moderate, and one of the first images was a porn-type image. It wasn't really disturbing, but I sure felt uncomfortable at the time. My point? Kids are going to find this stuff regardless of rule 34, it's up to the parents to take whatever precautions they deem necessary.
Back to the original topic, though. Now THAT is how you deal with a troll! I'm super impressed, not that I doubted Lauren Faust's awesomeness, but it's refreshing to see such a cool and collected response. My respect for her has just increased x100!
The question you asked Lauren Faust could have been viewed 2 ways, Troll or "Truly curious person who isn't really in the know who simply worded their question badly." But now that you've gone and commented here on EqD. You have proven yourself to be a Troll, thus invalidating you, your words, the implication behind said words and above all, your very presence here on EqD. Now, I do actually have a rebuttal to all of your statements. But I don't feel like wasting my time typing them out as I have already spent more time with you as is. Have a nice day.
ReplyDeleteI love her so much xD
ReplyDeleteNot in the slightest and talk about a calm response from her, that gains a lot of respect from me.
ReplyDeleteYeah, Lauren is always so awesome to everyone. Even both sides of things like these and those she doesn't agree with she is more than nice to.
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteI can only imagine that that reaction was not what he expected at all.
ReplyDeleteNow that's how you shut up classy trolls, with even more class!
ReplyDeletedefiling things is fun.
Seriously, this woman is amazing. Though I'm female and consider myself a brony, all you guy bronys really are awesome :)
ReplyDeleteThat's awesome! I'm happy to see that Faust appreciates the fans.
ReplyDeleteClassy? You DID see his sig right? He's most likely a stereotypical Jersey Shore watching idiot.
Hahaha Everybody go spam that guy's account with: "Owned" or "lol" or "trolling failed." (joking don't really do it ...love and tolerate ...even douchebags)
But seriously Faust is always a BOSS.
EDIT: Deleted comment?
Whoa Faust, good answer! couldn't have said better myself!
ReplyDeleteLauren Fause is ALWAYS awesome.
ReplyDeleteAwesome response!
ReplyDeleteFaust* >_<
ReplyDeleteOh, Mrs. Faust. You honour us. ^.^
ReplyDeleteWell, that's still better than 'Bronies are so stupid, durr', he actually tried to make a point... and failed.
Hahahaha oh man his signature is probably biting him in the butt right now SO HARD.
ReplyDelete<3 the way Lauren can shut people up and just leave them gawking at the screen when she puts responses like this up.
ReplyDeleteDealing with trolls
Well done Lauren Faust. You never cease to amaze me
ReplyDeleteLauren Faust for best pony, all categories, all years.
great answer Faust, way to break social molds Bronies!
ReplyDeleteLauren Faust is a real class act, no foolin'. I have a great deal of respect and admiration for how she deals with to the massive wave of popularity and backlash that MLP has generated for her.
ReplyDeleteTell me something I don't know, Seth :P And I love the way she deals with haters; politeness and class.
ReplyDeleteAnd I think to myself, what a ponyful world.
ReplyDeleteThis is great being a brony is great life is good
ReplyDeleteYay! bronies are respected by her! Unless she's just saying that to keep us buying brony related things...
ReplyDeleteSounds more like he was a guy who idolizes Fox News with the way he threw in the manchildren remark. Which, at least in my eyes, is not exactly a step above "Bronies are so stupid, durr."
Haha she dealt with him like a faust. Lauren is just another class of awesomeness giving intelligent and polite answers back to haters and trolls.
ReplyDelete"Was there ever any doubt?"
ReplyDeleteNo. No, there was not.
One thing I've noticed is that almost every troll has something in their signature that's "edgy" or "offensive" or "insulting", something that basically announces they can't see things in a positive manner. Little wonder they hate MLP:FiM and its fans so much.
ReplyDeleteI'm feeling a bit like Applejack at the end of SSCS6K right now....
ReplyDeleteDear Princess Celestia,
I didn't learn anything! I could tell you how I saw what an amazing person Lauren Faust is, but I already knew that all along!
Well said Lauren. I love how she replied to that troll. Lauren Faust is awesome <3
ReplyDeleteAwesome doesn't even begin to describe her. She is incontestably one of my heros.
ReplyDeleteWe love you Lauren!
"Blow jobs for world peace."
ReplyDeleteI would find it hard to take any comment of his seriously with a sig like that.
This deviant has been suspended from deviantART and will return soon.
ReplyDeleteShe just keeps gaining more and more respect.
ReplyDeleteNothing was forcing her to respond, and she defends us anyway. Well said and thank you, Mrs. Faust
Our fearless leader has spoken! Huzzah!
ReplyDeleteWoohoo! Lauren is awesome! Love her work, love her ideals!
ReplyDeleteI can not wait to see Her at the next bronycon!!!
ReplyDeleteHooray for throwing caution to the wind and living beyond stereotypes regardless of the social implications!
ReplyDeleteIt's a good way to live, and I'm glad that people like Lauren Faust are supportive of it.
We love ya too Lauren :)
ReplyDeleteway to go Lauren!
ReplyDeleteLauren, you rock.
ReplyDeleteSays the person who's signature is "Blowjobs for world peace"
Just wow. xD
Hurah! Well Said!
ReplyDeleteAnd that Lauren is why you're a hero to so many of us. Making awesome cartoons and pwning the trolls with class. Follow this example guys. When the trolls try getting to you, this!
ReplyDeleteA goddess among mere mortals.
ReplyDeleteI tried to Upvote this, but then realized this isnt reddit. So I'm gonna find it on reddit and Upvote it.
ReplyDeleteLauren is truly an inspiration to troll-fighters everywhere.
ReplyDeleteLauren I just.....that's amazing (FlutterYay!!!)
ReplyDeleteTrolls never do seem to anger her she just out smarts them every time.
ReplyDeleteI may be a pegasister, but, GO LAUREN! :D
ReplyDeleteAwesome as always.
ReplyDeleteI just hope our "unsavory faction" remains small for as long as possible. I don't every want to be ashamed to say I'm a brony.
lol stupid troll, that's like trixie going to celestia and complaining how the mane 6 are so gay for being such close friends...
ReplyDeletecept this troll doesn't get banished to the moon for it.
You rock Lauren. ~woohoo
ReplyDeleteLauren makes me proud to be a brony.
ReplyDeleteLauren does love us :3
ReplyDeleteIt took me a while to realise that guy was anti-brony. I thought he just said man children in a humorous way.
ReplyDeleteI probably just approached the instance from teh wrong direction.
Like a Faust.
ReplyDeleteIt's nice to see Lauren shares in our pride, even if some might think it's strange, and that she's civil about it, too.
ReplyDeleteAnd that is why she is my hero!
ReplyDelete@3p1c_d3m0n MLP:FiM's Hasbro's property, not Faust's. Therefore, she doesn't make much money from us.
ReplyDeleteLauren Faust is my queen. I'd probably take a bullet for her. That's not creepy, right?
ReplyDeleteLauren continues to be best pony
ReplyDeleteIt's official, I love her.
The very definition of love and tolerance.
ReplyDeleteBut we KNEW Faust was awesome.
ReplyDeleteI read the comment and thought he was joking.
ReplyDeleteAfter reading this, I am even more proud to be a manchild of the weird cult of bronies.
ReplyDeleteOur god approves of us!!!
ReplyDelete"And that's the bottom line, 'cause [L. Faust] said so!"
ReplyDeleteWe do actually have a large number of very very strange people in the fandom, and they do actually make us look bad.
ReplyDeletethat is not something I can deny.
@MandoPony She's definitely deserving of our respect. As well as a warm welcome come BroNYCon.
awesomness for everypony , Lauren Faust is awesome !
ReplyDeleteNow to just put this message on my Faust worship shrine and.... there we go! Now where did that goat run off to?
The hero-worship begins in earnest now.
ReplyDeleteLauren Faust = Awesome
ReplyDeleteActually, scratch that.
Lauren Faust > Awesome
I think it's fair to say that she handled that troll... LIKE A FAUST!
ReplyDeleteThis was really an excellent response she gave.
ReplyDeleteOf course, I probably would have stuck with: "Your signature says 'Blowjobs for world peace', your argument is invalid."
"Was there ever any doubt?"
ReplyDelete>implying there was ever any doubt
ReplyDeleteFancy meating you here! :) And yea, completely agree... Thankfully, for the most part those guys hang out in the far corners of the internet.
Faust is best show developer.
ReplyDeleteReally though, I've barely seen any other people who work on a show so much as acknowledge fans, let alone speak up for them against haters. And I've been a fan of quite a few shows.
(Also, props to her for never raging at anyone. I'm pretty levelheaded, but man, I couldn't keep as calm as her when faced with such a level of idiocy.)
It's good to see that Lauren has that positive attitude towards the fandom and yes we can't deny that we have a bunch of weird people but c'est la vie :D
ReplyDeleteLauren Needs to run for Prez.
ReplyDeleteLauren Faust is a hero.
ReplyDeleteI feel weirdly hurt by the last few comments in her statement. I don't feel it's fair or kind to belittle the creepy or unsavory aspects of the fandom. Clop artist and writers do make really nice tributes to the fandom and they are not trying to defile it to make other fans upset. I don't take any glee when some one thinks I ruined the fandom with my art or writing or views on an episode. I hope I'm just over-reacting to a bit of nothing.
ReplyDeleteWe all ought to try to behave as smartly and maturely as she did on the topic of Bronies.
ReplyDeleteSeth, one of these days you should just make a "Was there ever any doubt" tag. There's enough posts here that could use it.
ReplyDeleteGood old Ms. Faust, being epic as always.
And this is why Lauren Faust is God
ReplyDeleteJust keep telling yourself that, and we'll keep ignoring you.
Bravo Lauren you are indeed a well speaker and a great person overall you handled the situation beatifully you have definitely earned my respect.... But was there any doubt?
ReplyDeleteLauren demonstrates again why she's so awesome. All of her responses to trolls are incredibly clever and classy.
ReplyDeleteMoreover, she's completely right!
@Eddie Perkins
I understand that concern, but I wouldn't let it bother you too much. What follows is simply my own observations and opinions. :)
As I'm one of the older bronies in their mid-30s, I've been a member of various fandoms over the course of 15 years. I can say say with certainty is that the "questionable" element of any fandom is more of a human nature problem than a fandom problem. Also, the population of any fandom tends to follow a Bell curve, with a small population of extremes at either end with a much larger population of "normal" fans in the middle. :)
Thank you, Lauren Faust, for encouraging people to be themselves. It is a message that everyone should be at liberty to embrace: be yourself.
ReplyDeleteOoooookay, you guys are creepin' me out a little, but I agree, Lauren is good people. ;)
ReplyDeleteGuess what? There may not be many pegasisters, but we're under the same stereotype, and bronies and pegasisters I have always considered as one and the same. I've never been embarrassed to be one yet--I hope I never will.
ReplyDeleteAnd this--this is just something to ensure that doesn't happen.
ReplyDelete@Daisymare"Creepy or unsavory" by definition is off-putting for most people to encounter.
ReplyDeleteI'm reminded of the people who made Star Trek fandom their way of life, modifying their homes and offices and everyday clothes to make them feel like they're living in that fiction. As an average Star Trek fan, one can feel they're an embarrassment.
What an ignorant asshole. You go, Lauren!
ReplyDelete@Tylendal Alright, I guess I'm not worthy of being liked. I'll go crawl into my stall and cry myself to sleep.
ReplyDeletePeople are always going to have opinions about things. To be quite honest, most clop stuff is probably not as offensive as say, 'Cupcakes' or other pointless grimdark for the sake of being grimdark. And that probably pales in comparison to those who take the fandom way, way too far.
Lauren Faust: putting trolls in their place like a BAWSS!
ReplyDeleteMrs. Faust, you are my hero.
ReplyDeleteClass act.
TROLOLOLO Somebody got his account suspended!!!!!
ReplyDeleteHaters gonna hate, ponies gonna pwn
ReplyDeleteLIKE A FAUST!
ReplyDelete@Timey Wimey I suppose. I just wish that people would tolerate the fringe parts of the fandom more instead of attacking it. I really don't feel like I'm a bad person for liking clop.
ReplyDeleterespect :)
ReplyDeleteI think Lauren's a pretty cool guy. Eh types up glorious response expositions and doesn't afraid of anything.
ReplyDeleteShe's so awesome, I can't believe it.
ReplyDeleteExample A of why bronies need to stop preaching about "love and tolerance" if they can't at least do it themselves.
ReplyDeleteI'll second that emotion. I like what I like, I don't try to force it on those who don't like it and don't flip out at those who don't. Love and tolerance. I think good clop is a better direction for the ponies than grimdark.
Ms. Faust, this is why we love you.
ReplyDelete@TechnoTrot For me Cupcakes was very important. I know most don't like it and many don't even know why they don't like it, but I enjoyed it and it was the first MLP related thing I saw that made me think that MLP was worth exploring. If not for Cupcakes I'd never have seen the show.
ReplyDeleteAlso, this is another example of why Lauren earned the right to have _her_ OC be an Alicorn... Fausticorn... =D
ReplyDelete@Daisymare I don't think she was targeting 'Clop artists' and writers in particular, but rather the people in the fandom who bring it to shame - For example, writers of things blown out of proportion like certain fics (Cupcakes springs to mind immediately) and indeed, a lot of the 'clop artists' you're referring to also contribute to the community in a more 'friendly' way, such as regular art and fics that aren't primarily based around sexual concepts. It seems like she was referring to the people who are rude and inconsiderate who wish to ruin things for others, rather than their own interests. I have met rather a few 'bronies' who didn't seem to be in the spirit of it in the least. Each to his/her own, I suppose.
ReplyDeleteWell, I lucked out; I didn't read Cupcakes until it got MST'd in the original bad grammar style, so it no longer frightens me. I'm not a fan of it, but it's not a big bad demon. I just listed it as one of the more widely regarded fandom evils.
Please don't take my views as a reason to bash each others views though. I think we are all good kind people striving to better ourselves. We all have flaws just like the ponies we love and we should remember that. Flames should never spark up in a place as cool as this.
ReplyDeleteOne more reason why she is our queen
ReplyDelete@Greenf0x I'd say Lauren should even get the freaking Nobel prize of peace! I mean, by being the bright mind behind this show, she HAS accomplished what was concidered impossible "pre-pony". Namely getting clips uploaded on YouTube and people in the comments are actually friendly to each other!! Friendly, understanding and even, yes this is true, even APOLOGIZING to each other as someone was proven wrong! I know it's hard to believe, but I've seen it with my own eyes!
ReplyDeleteToo bad I forgot to take a print of the screen. Such utopian events could really need evidence! ;)
@The Pwny Brony Very wise words but I still believe Cupcakes is a positive fic even though it was pointless horror short with errors. It brought me to herd so I have to give it props.
ReplyDeleteWoo go Lauren :D
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteBravo, Daisymare. I'd gladly be friends with you.
This is of the reasons why people like her so much.
ReplyDeleteI also like to point out his signature. "Blowjobs for world piece", I suspecting immature teenager?
Correcting: I know I shouldn't have... but I visited the troll account on dA (The profile says is a female.), and found that the account had been suspended. ._q ... I dunno, I care about every detail. XD
ReplyDeleteThat guy totally got owned...
ReplyDeleteYea I'm with you on that. I don't clop and I encourage others not to, but I can't stop them and don't want to force them to stop.
My real problem with clopping + ponies is that there are still little girls in this fandom (not bronies, just fans of the show, of course), and I hate it that when you search for any pony you are bound to come across some type of R34. If there were a way to keep it isolated, fine, but it does reach out and children do/will find it.
ReplyDeleteWell, his signature has a point. If all the world leaders were busy giving blowjobs, there wouldn't be war... or... something. Uh, anyway...
ReplyDeleteI was going to request that anyone who was thinking of it should refrain from spamming this guy's DA page (I've seen it happen to others, sadly), but I see he got himself suspended. Oh well.
But everyone has different definitions of "creepy" and "unsavory". They're pejorative, negative terms. In any fandom there will be stuff that makes me feel uncomfortable or roll my eyes; stuff that I personally feel is detrimental to the fandom as a whole. In the case of this fandom, it isn't clop artists or writers, but those who - as I indicated above - respond to criticism with equally mean-spirited trolling. It's human nature. You can't like everything about anything, much less a hugely diverse group of people.
There was nothing to indicate that Ms Faust holds you or those like you to be the particular parts of the fandom she considered unsavory.
She deserves all of our internets!
ReplyDelete@snowfi6916 You are very right. My friend PixelKitties explained that to me too. She is against clop and told me so and when I started drawing clop and posting it on my main area of my Deviant Art Page she had to unwatch me. It hurt at first but it made me realize I was doing a disservice to her so I changed my page setup to hide my clop art from general view so now my page is more friendly. I still have the clop there in a folder marked clop so ponies that like it can view it and those that don't wont see it by mistake.
ReplyDeleteDo we have a team of Bronies lurking her profile page at all times?
ReplyDeleteAnd yes she is. Is it any wonder we all love her? (non-romantically)
@TechnoTrot Aren't we all friends here by default?
ReplyDelete@jrk08004 As a parent, your comment does worry me. I do use restrictions on google images to keep my kids from running into bad ponies but it would be nice to have a way to keep adult pony art where only adults can see it.
ReplyDeleteWith her every word, Lauren Faust proves that she is awesome.
ReplyDeleteNice of her to stick up for us like that.
ReplyDeleteI personally have never seen anything unsavory or creepy about the Brony fandom. Clopfic and clopart don't bother me at all, as long as you're not forcing it on other people.
@The Numberman
ReplyDeleteHeh, true enough. I think I'll be giving Daisy a follow on dA when I get home though for exceptional love and tolerance displayed today.
ReplyDeleteI'm in the same boat as you bro. Before I read "Cupcakes" (on Encyclopedia Dramatica of all places), MLP was just another cartoon I'd watch on the weekends, and without it I would not have been exposed to the wonderful Brony fandom. For that, I have a sincere respect for SGT Sprinkles.
ReplyDeleteYeah, especially since it's relatively easy to enable less restricted searches. The amount of security one needs to hold their children back for as long as possible is outstandingly vast, and even then it's somewhat a moot point.
Don't let me get you down though! There's still hope and it will really come down to them just learning/being taught proper self-control. The internet is quite the necessary evil.
ReplyDeleteI agree that "Creepy and Undesirable" is a totally subjective term and hard to pin down on any one thing.
If you like clop, no one cares as long as you down force it down other people's throats. *That's* whats creepy.
I don't like clop at all, but I have seen some "shipping pics" that are beautifully crafted. To me, art is art regardless of the content and as long as something has a lot of effort put into it and is not horridly obscene, I can appreciate it.
Lauren Faust is indeed one of the greatest people of the 21st century. Anyone else lol at that guys tag? 'Blowjobs for world peace' where did that come from?
ReplyDelete@Your Friend the Taxman I'm suddenly feeling better and better about this talk. But now I must run to my DA page and add to my journal I feel that I now understand more about my position in the fandom.
ReplyDelete@Senior Waffles yes totaly saw that, amazing that Lauren could reply to him and not make fun of him for it
ReplyDeleteLauren Faust just loved and tolerated the shit out of that troll.
ReplyDeleteLike a Faust.
ReplyDeleteMore like immature adult.I checked their profile out of curiosity and this troll was 19 years old.I guess that could still be considered a teenager but by law she's a legal adult.
Guy sounds like one of those who thinks the real measure of "manhood" is being a boorish frat-boy type of person, and not an honest, moral and honorable man.
ReplyDeleteYeah, I'm old school, and I like it =)
Dear Mrs. Faust,
ReplyDeleteThis is actually the second time in my life that you have subjected me to ridicule by my peers. In grade school, it was the Powerpuff Girls. Now, as an undergraduate in college, it's ponies.
I regret nothing.
She has answered that same question a few times, always with the same response and it always makes me happy.
ReplyDeleteNow, stuff...
Compared to most fandoms, many of the clop artist bronies are at least acting responsible. Labeling their stuff NSFW on tumblr, flagging as mature on dA and IB, etc.
This is far more then the furry community does (been a furry since the 80's, I know we suck, getting fed up with it myself) and general dA policy of "it can be hard core porn, but it doesn't need to be flagged if it's in B&W" is far worse.
IMO, this community is what I've been searching for my whole life. People who have all come together to be happy, gain friends and respect everyone's individual tastes.
ReplyDeleteCupcakes was the first fanfic I ever read in the pony fandom xD Though I admit I skimmed a bit since simply torture and gore isn't my cup of tea, I was honestly surprised by how the author took a bubbly and happy character like Pinkie Pie and put her in such a twisted and evil situation, still "keeping her in character." Though Cupcakes is not really an impressive work of literature, it also helped me find EQD!
I find the grimdark/clop/etc parts of the fandom interesting, b/c it takes talent to put characters in unusual situations, and pull it off- making the characters and setting believable. Fallout: Equestria is Grimdark, though many seem to forget this. Its beautifully well written, and the best fanfic I have ever read. On the clop side of things, I follow a lot of pony artists on tumblr who inclued clop in their range of drawings, and also a couple ask blogs that aren't exactly sfw. But I enjoy them, and the art or storylines can be so well done or interesting. People like crooked trees inspire me, and I love their art.
I think, though I can't put words in her mouth, Faust means my "unsavory" is the kinds of thing you wouldn't show newcomers, or even children since this show is aimed at that demographic. Things like Sweet Apple Massacre is only for the very select few, and to most people it dirties the name of MLP FIM instead of supports it.
Really, it all depends on what you personally define "unsavory" or what you would show someone new to the fandom.
Sorry for rambling :) I love every aspect of the fandom. Its hard sometimes when people write something just for the reaction, involving rape, gore, puke, torture, feces, etc, but I always remember that I can simply ignore that if I want to, and in the end, I can't really control what anyone does. I don't know if they are just trying to defile things that others love, but that's not my problem, is it?
Cloppers, gore enthusiast, etc- If they TRULY love the show, then they have every right to be a brony as I do :)
Sorry again for rambling
Friendship is magic
And so my undying respect for Lauren multiplies =w=
ReplyDeleteAnd even more satisfactory because that deviant commented in every single pony deviation in the front page with hate comments.
Sometimes I worry about kids finding R34 pony stuff on the internet too -- but you know what? If you google the word "potato" without using the filter option on, you might find a potato with boobs on it.
ReplyDeleteBottom line is this: the internet is a dirty nasty place because people are allowed the freedom to post whatever they want--and that's fine. Freedom is good. We just need to stop being naive and recognize the internet for what it is... a place that's unsafe for kids. Cloppers didn't make the internet dirty. It was already pretty messed up before they got here. (and I'm not hating on anyone, just stating the facts) It's not their fault, and if they're not shoving that stuff in my face, I won't complain about them. To each their own!
If people are worried about kids finding bad stuff on the internet, then maybe their parents should be with them while they're on the internet... you know... cuz that's sort of what parents are supposed to do. Like, being involved, and stuff. My folks were that way and I didn't turn out horribly ill-adjusted or anything.
ReplyDelete"As far as I can tell, in the brony commmunity these people are ..." ON THE MOOOOOON.
ReplyDeleteHonestly, most of the anti-bronies I've seen are umm... how you say, rather low on the IQ scale.
In fact, I know a few anti-bronies in real life. They are 30, live in their parents basement and have no disabilities other than raw laziness.
They have no right to give me shit.
@Sunset Sprinkles He's a she. :)
ReplyDeleteThat was..nice :)
ReplyDeleteI find that the clopping is getting waaaay too much attention in this fandom. It a shitstormbomb just waiting to explode and rain the crap on the innocent normal bronies!
ReplyDeleteHow MLP:FIM turned out is proof enough how awesome Lauren is far in advance to this response.
Been said already, but with a signature like that it's very obvious what type of person posted it.
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ReplyDeleteI have a son and I watch him on the internet. If someone is letting their kids on the internet unsupervised then they failed as parents and have no right to complain :)
@Ink Very impressive paragraphs. I feel your post should be added to the archive as check on people that like to think we can't all get along. You point out the need to keep the certain aspects of the fandom away from the forefront to protect kids while at the same time express the fun that can be had by adults to read such works as Fallout Equestria. Good job.
ReplyDeleteConstitutional shall die underneath the wheels of my Plymouth.
ReplyDeleteYep, it's good to be part of the minority of this group!
Lauren Faust, not only do you write a cheesy but fun cartoon, but you are a beautiful person! In fact, My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic has taught me more about controlling my Aspergers Syndrome than school has!
@MandoPony I'm very glad to see a big name like MandoPony chiming in on this topic. I enjoy your work as you must know since I @ you all the time on twitter. Thank you for your statement which I find full of truth and logic. Also good job on your project with Applebloom.
ReplyDeleteI don't usually get attached to the creators of fandoms I'm part of.But Lauren deserves it and she has my respect and adoration.
ReplyDeleteShes to awesome for words lol
ReplyDelete@Fleetwood_Brougham you have Aspergers? I was told I show signs of Aspergers but I don't fall into it fully. Instead I spent the 80's and 90's in special ed despite my 138 IQ. Now I just have problems dealing with real world situations and thinking fast.
ReplyDeleteUm, why is this being posted? This picture is months old.
ReplyDeleteIs your avatar seriously a pony masturbating? Is that what it is?
@R10t Pol1ce sorry, I forgot about it. I made that back when I first joined the fandom before I knew what it was about. Now I feel embarrassed. I updated it.
ReplyDeleteSince you guys are already brainwashed by a feminist and sexist nazi, then have fun with your basement dwelling lives of clopping to shitty vector art and child cartoons.
ReplyDeleteI only wish you could stop flooding unrelated boards with your shitty work and quit making terrible fan art, AND making EVERYTHING into a pony.
I don't understand why you guys question why you're hated--you're all a bunch of faggots, it's obvious.
I would have commented back if your disgusting ruler didn't block me. Only shows what a shitty little sperg she is, along with her followers.
Rainbow Dash is a lesbian.
Did you hear that?
ReplyDeleteIt was the sound of a fandom cheering for their fearless leader. C:
Funny fact:
ReplyDeleteconstitutional on DeviantArt has been suspended temporarily due to, most likely, drawing a dick on his mural.
Man, karma is a bitch.
ReplyDeleteThen how come she had sex with Soarin in "First Blush", huh? At least bi.
Sure looks great
Kind makes you want to break into song.
I love the Mane Cast,
I love the animation,
I love the bronies and all its communities,
I love this fandom
And the love and tolerance
boom de yadah boom de yadah boom deyadah
lol wrong again sperg, I was banned for linking Faust some pony fleshlights.
ReplyDeleteAh, you bronies and your weird fetishes.
I like how she's pretty much neutral about it. She acknowledges the "dark" side of every fandom. But she doesn't insult nor attack them, it's clear she doesn't like that side, and that's it. That's as far as she goes. I like that. And I like how she's referring to "creepy" people as in a very low minority of really messed up people. And not exactly cloppers per see.
ReplyDeleteIn any way, thanks Miss Lauren for defending us once again!
@a1754848-51ec-11e1-821f-000bcdcb5194 LOL! I like how every stereotypical insult was used in the most angry way to try to get a raise out of us. I simply smile and laugh.
ReplyDelete...why exactly are you here? I don't quite get what motivates you.
@R10t Pol1ce Oh I love the audiobook version of First Blush. Butterscotch is a great writer.
ReplyDeleteDo I spy a Fallout: Equestria quote, or is plagiarism impossible to avoid nowadays due to coincidence?
ReplyDeleteTo paraphrase The Great and Powerful Faust: "Haters gonna hate."
When bronies are accused of being uncivilized, I often ponder this quote by William Bravepony, a 14th century Scottish rebellion leader:
ReplyDelete"Ego sum brony, sed ego sum equum barbarus."
ReplyDeleteWell said. I've been wanting to say something like this for a while, but didn't quite know how to put it into words. I agree. And even with filters, kids can still find things meant for adult viewers.
Example: When I was about 12, I had a brief interest in making my own digital banners for original stories I wrote. I was searching for a picture of a model with "blue eyes and brown hair". I looked it up on Google, safe-search moderate, and one of the first images was a porn-type image. It wasn't really disturbing, but I sure felt uncomfortable at the time. My point? Kids are going to find this stuff regardless of rule 34, it's up to the parents to take whatever precautions they deem necessary.
Back to the original topic, though. Now THAT is how you deal with a troll! I'm super impressed, not that I doubted Lauren Faust's awesomeness, but it's refreshing to see such a cool and collected response. My respect for her has just increased x100!
ReplyDeleteOkay, I'll be thinking about this all night otherwise; What did she supposedly quote from FoE?
Fucking Told
ReplyDeleteSee... now normally I wouldn't dignify this comment with a reply but I feel this should be said.
The question you asked Lauren Faust could have been viewed 2 ways, Troll or "Truly curious person who isn't really in the know who simply worded their question badly."
But now that you've gone and commented here on EqD. You have proven yourself to be a Troll, thus invalidating you, your words, the implication behind said words and above all, your very presence here on EqD. Now, I do actually have a rebuttal to all of your statements. But I don't feel like wasting my time typing them out as I have already spent more time with you as is. Have a nice day.
Go Lauren Faust. You Rock.
ReplyDeleteDon't get me started on scary sports fans. I swear Philadelphia deserves NO SPORTS TEAMS with the amount of raw sewage their fans spew out.
Like a BOSS! She is awesome.