• The Last Roundup Featured on My Little Pony Official Site - Derpy Intact

    Earlier today, Whatshisgame pointed out that the official Hasbro MLP website has The Last Roundup as it's currently featured episode, but wasn't sure when they swapped it in.  All sources point to it being Baby Cakes over there just a day ago.  I have to admit, I'm pretty stumped at this point!  Maybe it's set to automatically switch it bi-weekly? Who knows! Regardless, Derpy is totally on their front episode page in all her wall-eyed glory, even after Welovefine was asked to change her name (And later swapped back). 

    That is as far as we can go at this point though.  It is possible that they have listened to our Derpy love and 180'd on it, but without any 100% proof, it's hard to really say we are out of the woods. 

    Just keep sending well thought out and intelligent letters off to Hasbro's customer feedback department.

    138 kommentaari:

    1. Might be a sign. But I won't breathe easy until they tell us something concrete.

    2. Ohh great news! and BTW, Are you going to post the usual thread prior to the new episode release? I know in last couple days Hasbro nuked a lot of youtube channels... So I've been wondering if you will post the new episode information as you always do.

      Peace, and thank you veri much for the update about Derpy. :D

    3. Derpy is here to stay. Good thing too. I'm still on the fence about rocking a FiM t-shirt but if I ever become man enough to do so, it's going to be Derpy related and say Derpy on it. Anything less won't cut it.

    4. Well, this is only a bit reassuring at the most, but still better than nothing. I'm hoping they're leaning towards the Derpy fan side.

    5. Why do you always misuse the word "its", Sethisto? You don't put an apostrophe in the word "it's" unless it is a contraction.

    6. Still lost... But things are looking good, so... yay?

    7. Wow! I thought the official website only had 2 minute previews of episodes!

    8. I'm still not convinced that there was an issue in the first place, and it seemed like a huge mess of things being taken the wrong way.

      I won't believe that Hasbro went on a Derpy censorship campaign until they come right out and say that it was the case.

    9. Here's the Golden Question...

      What did we learn from all this?

      Answer: Don't assume things before we don't know the truth. It could be very well we freaked out over nothing. That's just silly.

      Sit back, relax, and watch the show. I'll admit, I was a little scared too..but we have to trust Hasbro, Studio B, etc. etc. that they are doing what is best.


    10. And here I thought they were taking the time to redub that scene.

    11. Ohhhhhhh If you want it to be possessive, it's just 'I-T-S.' But, if it's supposed to be a contraction then it's 'I-T-apostrophe-S...' scalawag.

    12. It is indeed shady, why would they pressure to change Derpy's name, and why would Taybitha do that on her blog.

      The only guess I can make is all copyright issues, and when they saw our roar when we saw what was, in our eyes, going on, they did like what happened with SOPA and stopped it (or well you know, kind of).

      ... It isn't april fools right? 'Cause that would have been a good one.

    13. We love you, Derpy, and we hope you stick around.

      I think it's still too early to cry "Mission Accomplished." The episode is scheduled to re-air on Hub on Wednesday, but I won't feel completely safe until we see the episode back up on iTunes. But that's just me.

    14. Ive learned over the years that calling "home free" before certainty of saftey is the magic words that make disaster happen. Im just waiting for more info.

      But JESUS, that petition gathered over 15,000 signatures in about 24 hours! This should give a sense for how many of us there actually are. Given that petitions are usually only signed by a very small minority of the interested population, either it shows extreme abillity to band together, or there are many more bronies than we know.

    15. I'm not convinced that this wasn't anything more than a number of coincidences that the brony community took way the wrong way. It's just been a confusing time all around, with quite a bit of misinformation ambushing the unwary.

    16. @Senior Waffles whenever you do get a Derpy wear it with pride I got mine a couple of weeks ago. Best shirt ever!

      Yay Derpy is here to stay free muffins for everyone!

    17. I really hope Derpy is safe... She is like my favorite pony (neck to neck with Dash =P). I would be crushed if she was removed from the show =(

    18. So, what you're saying is, we should all rage harder until everybody gets what they want. Can do!

    19. Autor on selle kommentaari eemaldanud.

    20. @Altercation

      Its rediculous to cry conspiracy, but its even moreso to assume this was all just chance. The probability is astronomical that this was all coincidence. And tabathas blog? How could that be conincidence at all?

      Something happened, its just a question of what.

    21. @Al_Skylark:
      "we have to trust Hasbro"

    22. Do you think Seth is going to post the usual thread before the new episode? I know Hasbro nuked a lot of YouTube channels in the last couple days.

      I'm starting to get worried, I cannot watch the new episode elsewhere since I live in Mexico. :C

    23. Hmmm.

      Much confusion.
      Oh, whatever. Still keeping the petition running, it can't possibly do any harm. Still trying to contact folks about this. Only time will tell, I guess.

    24. This restores my faith in the corporate system!
      Glory, Glory Hallelujah!

    25. @Rottweiler

      If it updates I will!


      Here, refresh that every 10 minutes and report back to me when it's no longer a 404 message :p

    26. It's encouraging, to say the least.

      It's almost kind of funny, in a way. Real ponies spook super-easily. Maybe bronies do, too?

    27. @Altercation

      I hope that's all it was, but I'm still of the belief that they were in the process of finalizing a copyright to Derpy and it just came back today. We Love Fine were probably told that they "should have taken the name down" by Hasbro just in case they couldn't get the copyright name, so WLF took it down then, which explains why The Last Roundup vanished first since they told iTunes about it. Then, today, they got confirmation that they got the copyright, so everything is going back up, but iTunes is still in the midst of the procedure of re-listing the episode, which would take time for something as intricate as that.

      This is all just my speculation. Again, I'm going to wait until the episode returns in tact on iTunes before I celebrate. Until then, Derpy graces my desktop with the #SaveDerpy reminder.

    28. Not sure if it's been said, but I just noticed episode 14 (The last Roundup) is missing from iTunes now.

    29. I just wish this whole business would be over already...

      And for those of you talking about it, I wouldn't put so much faith in petitions or whatever; as someone in the thread for yet ANOTHER one of these Derpy "news" posts pointed out, if petitions worked, Firefly would still be on the air. Of course, that all assumes that there's even something going on that warrants a petition in the first place...

    30. Costumer[sic] feedback? That's an odd job title, I wonder what they do.

    31. I've looked all over the site and right now i dont see anything related to Derpy can somepony post link after my post if you see her or a screenshot?

    32. @Tylendal

      They dress funny and do interpretive dances of customers' e-mails.

    33. You can't say they did a 180 degree turn on it since no one is even certain what their actual stance was on it in the first place. lol So far it's been just a lot of speculation and people getting themselves into tizzies over what could be nothing. And that's pretty much what everyone is doing still. lol I'm not going to get myself worked up over this whole thing. Because that certainly won't solve anything. I'm just going to stay optimistic and hope for the best.

    34. AFAIK the last roundup never disappeared from the hubworld site; it was there yesterday (I noted in a thread then) and a couple of days ago. It wouldn't play for me as i'm outside the US, so i couldn't see if it was intact, but I could see it was there.

      It was my main reason to hope this was all just an iTunes snafu; that a deliberate decision to withdraw the episode would have started on their own site, not iTunes.

    35. @Starfall

      It's been missing for awhile.

      I've e-mailed iTunes about it, but no one could give a definitive answer.

      We're still waiting for official word from Hasbro.

    36. @Sandman

      Petitions only work if the people recieving them are reasonable. In the case of firefly, you gotta remember that when youre dealing with a corporation as monumentally, record breakingly stupid as FOX, an argument of logic and reason will not do much.

    37. @Sandman

      But Firefly isn't made by Hasbro and the Hub.

    38. @Starfall

      That was actually the fanbase's first clue that something was very wrong in Ponyland.

      Gong on, to defend my stance on the last post I made, the reason I call copyright claim instead of PC movement, it's because Derpy was SUPPOSEDLY offensive not in name, but in action. If Derpy had that same name and voice, but was shown to be a genius that could make Twilight Sparkle jealous, there would have been no issue. At all. No, it was the action and Derpy was shown being especially derpy in "Feeling Pinkie Keen" and "Luna Eclipsed," dropping a piano on Twilight's head and unplugging Applejack's apple tub. But those episodes remained. Sure, it wasn't as heavy as The Last Roundup, but the character remained the character through and through.

      Once again, just speculation, but as I think about this, the more I'm inclined to believe it was a copyright issue and Hasbro was just playing safe. Hey, they love us, after all, otherwise Derpy wouldn't have come to be in the first place on the show the way she was. ^_^

    39. Also, i just noticed the episode numbering error has been fixed on iTunes - now properly goes 11: Hearth's Warming Eve; 12: Family Appreciation Day; 13: Baby Cakes.

      14 is still MIA though.

    40. and i just looked at hubworld i dont see any links to watch anything from the The Last Roundup there =/ i hope we find something out soon cus this is Derpy might be removed from MLP:FiM talk is getting annoying

    41. @Heartmend

      Ahhh, so that's what's going on. I already had it downloaded so I just checked when I saw this bit of news.

    42. @Beta-Carotene
      Hey, it was the original poster's comparison, I was just quoting it.

      Either way, I still think that people are just kinda overreacting at the minute and that there's nothing at risk of being "censored" or whatever. I just wish Hasbro or the Hub would clarify things for us already.

    43. @Sandman

      Agreed. What i do think is that we are too ready to assume the reasons are mallicious. Theres 2 sides to every story, and it really sucks when the other side of the story is being held secret for whatever reason.

      Sorry, didnt know the origional wasnt yours.

    44. "If petitions work, Firefly would still be on the air."

      The issues here aren't even really the same thing. Nowhere near, in fact. Acting on the petition for Firefly would mean that the company putting together Firefly would have had to spend a lot of money on making a new season. That's a LOT of work, and it was a failing project from their perspective. Even with a ton of signatures, it's still tough to organize what looks like such a low-profit endeavor.

      In the case of our petition, it's much easier for Hasbro to take action on it. Specifically, they wouldn't have to do much at all aside from just... Allow Derpy to be. Much less costly, and entirely doable. I fully believe our petition can help.

    45. yeah in fact what i'm seeing is directly opposite of the article text: It was there yesterday, it's gone now:


    46. @StrangeNoise


      It's still there.

    47. Ah, and totally different page from the one reference in the article. But yeah, hubworld: there yesterday, gone today, but possibly just to make room for 16 later today; whereas the page on the article; not there yesterday, there now (and even plays for me outside the us).

      It remains the case that if they are withdrawing the episode deliberately, they're doing so pretty incompetently. Which makes the snafu interpretation more likely.

    48. Yeah, keep sending letters! If you want to appear as moron, that is.

      Hmm, I wonder why Hasbro still hasn't commented on this disastrous Derpy crisis? Maybe because... nothing really happened and Hasbro is just going on, unaware of fans going apeshit.

      I think this is kinda poetic irony. In first season we saw overreacting ponies going "a horrible, HORRIBLE DISASTER", and lo - a year later fandumb is doing the same.

    49. @brilliantspecter
      Dude, again, someone else said that; I was just quoting him. And what you're saying still presupposes that there's something going on that requires a petition; it's entirely possible that this is all one big miscommunication and that Hasbro isn't censoring anything. Based on how they responded to last year's "Spastic" disaster, I'm pretty sure they would have issued a statement by now if they were doing anything to get rid of Derpy.

    50. @Goatroth

      It was indexed from the page i linked, but is no longer. Direct link still works but is it linked to from anywhere?

      Again; if deliberate it's awfully inconsistent and incompetent; which raises hope it's not deliberate.

    51. @StrangeNoise

      I don't know if any other page links to it, I just happened to have that URL saved in my browser history from when it was still indexed.

    52. @Goatroth

      Well, i didn't take a snapshot when I looked yesterday; should have. My memory says, then, the index page had 13 and 14 showing; 15 hadn't yet appeared. Now 15 is there on its own, on the day 16 comes out.

      I don't know :-)

    53. Autor on selle kommentaari eemaldanud.

    54. The people who actually made this into an issue probably are going to ignore that "well thought and intelligent" part you bolded Seth, might want to consider putting it in 72 point font so they actually read it. Though that might be hoping for too much as well.

      That said, hopefully this non-issue stops being made into one.

    55. Weeks from now, we will all look back on Derpygate and laugh heartily... probably.

    56. Something people SHOULD be protesting is the fact that Hasbro just signed on Adam Sandler for that Candy Land movie...

    57. Dear Princess Celestia: I have learned over the past couple days that the brony community is for the most part a community of worry-warts. I like the show just as much as the next brony, and can certainly understand why bronies are so protective of Derpy since I am too, but as Professor Oak says, 'There is a time and a place for everything, but not now.'

      Guys, so far we've overreacted to insubstantial evidence. Perhaps it's better to be safe than sorry, but...

      Well, this guy says it better than me:

    58. @IkkouSoryu
      Yes: we're a community of worry-warts alright. Good times.

    59. I really hope Derpy will stay =/

    60. According to Brian Ward (you know, the producer for the DVD/Blu-Ray over at Shout!) on his Twitter, the DVDs for FiM are already made and done ... Derpy episode included. They were given the master copy some time ago, the episodes were already printed, and .. yeah. So if Hasbro ended up wanting to remove the Derpy name from the series they would have to send them a new copy and re-print ALL THE DVDs.

      And I hardly see that happening. Who knows if they remove Derpy from syndication or iTunes or anything else. But for the DVD? It's there to stay.

    61. The power of the fans
      The fans are the bosses :)

    62. @4216968e-4f05-11e1-917f-000bcdcb2996

      You say that like it was ever going to be taken down.

      Look, I sided with the people who had beef (especially after Pro-Derpy Bronies spammed Yamino's page with threats and insults because they thought she somehow master-minded something that wasn't even happening) but there was no way they were going to change it, it would have taken a Christmas miracle combined with a once in a lifetime chance wrapped in a birthday wish.

      (This next bit isn't directed at you, I just wanted to make a quick rant.)

      That just makes me frustrated, you know? All the talk of "You're too sensitive, it's just a background character! You need to chill!" went completely out the window and off a cliff. I saw threats. I saw insults. I saw baseless lies and rumors passed around like it was a golden truth. I saw people reduced to their most maniac base states. The moment they could, the very moment they were given the excuse, scores of Bronies all jumped at the chance to be ravenous animals, and for what? Rumors and strange, non-concrete events.

      And not a one is going to apologize. Nobody's going to reblog anything or leave a second comment saying "oh, I guess I overreacted. I'm sorry for jumping to conclusions." I've already seen people say "oh, well they didn't do anything, but they still deserve the spam."

      Highly doubt I'll ever see a post on EQDaily from Sethisto or Cereal saying "We're sorry on behalf of the fandom. We don't agree, but there was no reason to spam abuse."

      Between this, and every time I see a some dumb-ass comment on a non-White humanization, or bashing *something,* all it tells me is that "Love and Tolerate" is a convenient little lie the fandom spread so that 4chan would leave it alone.

    63. @fc53465c-4f21-11e1-a7e9-000f20980440

      Nah, you won't get any apology from mods. Because, you know, they kept feeding this circus with ridiculous posts about nothing solid. And where's the catch? Show your love, bu-

      Whoa, no. I think people can put two and two together without me. It's not stupid, it's brilliant marketing. Shitstorms in blogs are just side-effect.

      Truly, Post shit-???-PROFIT

    64. "It is possible that they have listened to our Derpy love and 180'd on it, but without any 100% proof, it's hard to really say we are out of the woods."

      There isn't even 100% proof there was a real problem to begin with.

    65. @Sandman

      What was the fiasco from last year? I've only been a pegasister since August.

    66. OH! HAY!
      That link in the post actually works in Canada! I wasn't expecting that! A totally legal way for Caneighdians to watch the show? Cool!

    67. ...and the Bronies flipped out over nothing, just like real-life horses. Looks like we careened through some barbwire fences on our flight too, cause now we have the sparkly new reputation of being a fandom full of whiny man-children who'd rather throw their fellow bronies under a bus in a moment of desperation than stay calm and think things through. Good luck shaking that off.

      I was on the pro-Derpy side and after I saw what happened to Yamino, I was disgusted. I've never been a fan of her, and she was overreacting about Derpy in the first place, but there was absolutely no excuse for the way she was scapegoated for all of this. I really hope EQD releases an official apology or at least a follow-up(similar to the one after Mare-Do-Well) to get everyone to calm down.

    68. I HOPE they don't screw up Derpy Hooves, I don't want to have to boycott Hasbro. I recently started playing Magic again, and while I haven't bought Transformers since Animated, the Prime toys like really good.

    69. "it's hard to really say we are out of the woods"

      I really suspect that we were never even in the woods. I think we were sitting in a fancy condo in a city, and we saw a shrub and thought we were in the woods.

      Not the best analogy, but you know what I mean.

    70. The Last Roundup just went up on the Verizon Fios on demand service today, Derpy intact.

    71. The Last Roundup is still missing from iTunes, even though they finally fixed the numbering of the proceeding episodes. Hoping it's just a glitch, but it's just a might worrisome...

    72. Obviously, I was a bit nervous about the possibility of Derpy's name being yanked. We're still not sure what is/has happened and we may never know, especially if nothing regarding Derpy ends up being changed. It seems awfully strange that the WLF thing seemed to coincide with the iTunes ep. take down AND the name being censored on Tabitha St. Germain's site.

      I disagree with the viewpoints of Yamino in regards to Derpy. I see Derpy as simply a silly, clumsy character akin to Goofy. It seems that anything these days can be offensive to someone. You will never please everyone. Playing Devil's advocate, Yamino's web comic would likely be seen as highly offensive to some Catholics. (Note that I am not personally complaining about it. I get that it is supposed to be tongue-in-cheek and humorous.)

      That being said, I think that the behavior displayed by a small amount of Bronies towards Yamino was completely uncalled for. It was absolutely not cool to go and flame her out for something she obviously didn't do. She may have spoken out against Derpy on her blog, but it seems clear she didn't start any sort of online petition/campaign to try to force a change to the character. Even if she had, flaming her out like some people did would still not be acceptable.

    73. @Shadowed Rainbow
      Oh, no, it wasn't a pony-related thing. I was referring to a faux pas Hasbro made last December by naming a Transformer "Spastic", which they didn't know is a derogatory term for mentally-challenged people in the UK, but not in the US. Hasbro reacted immediately with a public statement...and since they haven't done the same thing with Derpy, I doubt anything is actually wrong.

    74. The moral of the story is that Hasbro knows not to piss off a large chunk of its potential paying customers in order to accede to the whining of a politically correct minority. I don't think it's a stretch to suggest that much of the brony community would have boycotted the FiM DVDs and other stuff if they'd actually yanked Derpy from The Last Roundup, seeing as said removal would've essentially been a slap in the face.

    75. @zibbity

      I don't know if Hasbro will be THAT impressed by something like that. Most of the money that keeps FIM alive doesn't come from bronies but from children and their parents.

    76. You don't learn a fucking thing about not stirring up shit for the sake of sensationalist overreactions, do you, boy?

    77. I'm... Not sending a letter. I'm too worried that whatever I write will look stupid or not well thought-out. :(

    78. Does anyone remember the spongebob episode where squidward breaks into the krusty krab? where the security system was a bucket of "water"(gasoline)?
      That scene was later edited out of the episode. the same thing happened with the "procrastination" episode. I just pray that won't happen to Derpy.

    79. Does it really matter if her name is changed or not? As long as she is on the show wheather as a reqular background with ocassional derps heer and there like in season one or how she has been for the most part of season 2. Speaking role or not shouldn't that meke you happy?

      They went through a hell of a shit storm putting her in the round up with a speaking role.

      Sure they might change her name or voice im alright with that because im glad they gave the biggesst nod to bronies even if it was for one episode.

      Honestly alot of bronieshave been overreacting about this wholesituation.

    80. @Tenaris
      That's what I've been saying for two days now, and no one's even dignified it with an answer. Jeez, people, way to miss the point; it's Derpy herself we love. A name change (assuming that's all that happens...or that anything happens at all) means nothing so long as she still gets to be the same old silly pony.

    81. @Sandman

      I think the concern that most have is that a voice or name change would be the start of a slippery slope because it would acknowledge that there is something wrong with Derpy's voice or the name "Derpy", when the overwhelming majority has no problem with either.

      Being forced to change Derpy would also be seen as a slap in the face to the people who have gone out of their way to integrate ideas from a group outside the target demographic. It would at least give them pause every time they consider any future shout-outs to the Brony community.

    82. @MyBoyJ
      There is something wrong, though, at least with the voice-- the fact that Tabitha mistook her for a boy. Changing it solely for that reason wouldn't be a slap in the face to anyone, it would just be correcting a small production error.

      As for her name, though...I don't know. Would be people be angry if it was just retconned to Rainbow Dash's nickname for her or something? Lots of people seem to act like the name is the most integral part of her, rather than her eyes, behaviour, personality, etc...personally, I think she'd sound better with a name that's not just derived from a tired internet joke, but a lot of people would disagree with me.

    83. But being a production error was what made derpy popular in the first place? Even though she thought derpy was a boy i can't deny i thought the voicewasspot on for fans. Im okay with what ever they give us.

      A lot of people consiuder her Ditzy Doo and consider the namederpy what everyone calls her in ponyvile. But yeah whatever name they would decide on would be alright.

      So much save derpy stuff all over the nets, just because of a possible name change doesnt mean she will no longer be in the show which some people are speculating about.

    84. @Sandman

      Honestly, I wouldn't have a problem with future Derpy appearances giving her a more feminine voice, since Tabitha St. Germain now knows that Derpy is female.

      I would, however have a problem with them editing The Last Roundup to give Derpy a different voice. What's done is done, leave it be and move forward. If anyone complains about voice inconsistency in background ponies, I will just direct them to Bon-Bon, who has had four speaking roles and four different voices (my personal favorite being "mime's got rocks in it").

      In addition, Princess Luna's appearance and voice changed from season 1 to season 2 and Friendship is Magic part 2 wasn't edited to match Luna Eclipsed.

      Ultimately, voice inconsistencies don't matter much for minor characters, and they shouldn't be edited to "fix" them.

    85. @MyBoyJ
      Huh? Oh, okay; we have no issue, then. Having Derpy sound different in future appearances is exactly what I was talking about. Going back and editing The Last Roundup would just be silly. I mean, the makers of Transformers Prime didn't go back and mess around with Optimus' chest windows or Arcee's pink stripes in the first few episodes; it's pointless!

      And like you said, background characters have different voices all the time. Doctor Whooves is either young or old depending on which episode you go by, and I'm pretty sure Caramel has had at least 2 voices as well; it happens. Such is the nature of background characters.

    86. @MyBoyJ

      I've thought about it, and if all they had to change was her name, I'd be okay with it. As long as they don't take her away from us COMPLETELY because of a few whiny parents, I'm good. Besides, it's not like I ever refer to Carrot Top as "Golden Harvest"

    87. @Jake

      That's a nicely moderate point of view; I commend you, sir. I highly doubt that they would get rid of the character entirely just because of some tiny minority of angry parents or whatever. And as for names, it's very easy to create a compromise by having one be the real name and the other a nickname. It makes no difference, really, since there are characters in canon who exclusively go by their nicknames anyway (has anyone besides her parents ever called Pinkie Pie "Pinkamena Diane Pie"?). Even if we see a change to Ditzy Doo, I'm pretty sure both fans and show characters would still call her Derpy.

    88. You, know, I really don't mind if they take Derpy out in her current form. I can see how it could be offensive. But maybe change her up a bit? Re-voice her with Tabitha knowing she's voicing a female (since the male voice may be part of why she sounded retarded). Even better, come up with a different reason for the town hall being destroyed but replace the mailman who brings AJ's message with Derpy

    89. I don't find Derpy Hooves offensive in the slightest. I myself am cross-eyed and as a result completely lack depth perception. I could very well imagine that being pegasus without proper depth perception could make you a bit clumsy in the air, but it does not make you retarded.

      But that's okay. It seems that the vast majority is already in agreement that Derpy Hooves is fine the way she is. I'm not really sure where all this drama is supposed to be.

    90. @Sandman

      As far as Pinkie goes, I've only seen fans call her crazy side (straight mane)"Pinkamena."

    91. @MattTheCat

      I dunno... she had only be seen doing movings in Feeling Pinkie Keen.

    92. @Jake
      A habit which annoys me to no end, but apparently I'm the only one.

    93. I sent an apology to Yamino personally from my DA acc and I urge people to do the same. I don't see the point of being incredibly rude to someone for simply stating an opinion on a name they don't approve of. Maybe it's just me idk but I felt an apology from someone to her was needed as the vocal minority wins over her inbox most likely at the moment. So if you have the time just write a little something to say you care about opinions whether they aren't in your favor or not.

      Love and Tolerate my Friends.

    94. I respect how ponies here are being positive about this, but I also really really REALLY hope they don't change a thing (There's probably nothing going on anyways) I like the voice. I don't find it offensive. Plus it could just be trolls causing all this uproar (maybe, maybe not.) If they do change something, I can live with it though.

    95. @mechaluigi7

      I'm leaning more towards the "uproar" being virtually nonexistent and this was all just us Bronies misunderstanding a minor trademark issue that got sorted out in Derpy's favor.

    96. Totally unrelated, but I can watch the episode on there and I'm from Canada? They took out the region lock?

    97. @jodyjm13

      No, I find myself hating it more and more these days. Pinkie Pie is just a sweet little pony who wants nothing more than to make her friends happy. Everyone's allowed to have alternate character interpretations, but this one has run its course with me.

    98. @Jake

      Bronies tend to refer to straight mane Pinkie as Pinkamena because her mane was straight and she was sad on the rock farm and in Party of One. We associate straight hair on Pinkie with a depressive mood for that reason. Whether that's a good reason is up to interpretation.

      I'm working on a fanfic that will provide a more canon themed version of Pinkamema, rather than the "Cupcakes" themed one we usually associate her with.

    99. @MyBoyJ

      I get what you're saying. I was referring to the whole Cupcakes theme. I'm really sick of Cupcakes.

    100. @MyBoyJ
      That much I can buy; it's just labeling her "Pinkamina" and, especially, linking that to "Cupcakes" that gets to me.

    101. @IkkouSoryu
      Yeah, that post last Friday asking people to thank Studio B et. al. for Derpy, and mentioned in passing "a few complaints about her from various sections of the internet", really stirred things up.

      Then this Monday morning, posting about "The Last Roundup" being missing from iTunes was just irresponsible; pointing out that the episode was available on the Hub, speculating that the disappearance was caused by a glitch, and debunking the rumors of Hasbro apologizing after being flooded with complaints can't begin to make up for such sensationalism.

      And Wednesday's post, asking people to sign a petition defending Derpy and hinting ominously that WeLoveFine may stop selling her merchandise, was just shameless. Then Sethisto followed that up with another post pointing out that Derpy merchandise at WLF was being renamed and that "The Last Roundup" was still missing at iTunes, saying it might mean changes in the future. He also very cleverly planted the seeds of worry about the DVD by stating it definitely was going to have the episode as it originally aired. Of course, another site reported that WLF was pressured by Hasbro to take down their Derpy merchandise, but any real fan would know Hasbro was only kidding.

      And now we've had posts mentioning some of the WLF merchandise has had its Derpy name restored, and pointing out "The Last Roundup" being played on Hasbro's own MLP page, just to keep the issue fresh in bronies' minds. Sethisto even asked fans to send "well thought out and intelligent letters" to Hasbro, but we all know he really meant for bronies to continue attacking the anti-Derpy faction.

      Yes, obviously EqD is primarily to blame for this tempest in a teacup, sending bronies to pristine pastures such as Ponibooru to foment hate and panic.

    102. @jodyjm13

      The last week does seem to be saying something along the lines of "here are the very few facts we know, speculate!" Of course a lot of us are going to assume the worst. But if EqD didn't report on it, we would have found out some other way.

      When it comes down to it, the facts don't add up to a big controversy that changes Derpy. It seems most likely to be an issue with Hasbro not having a trademark on the name Derpy, so they pulled it from the most common places it would be seen (iTunes, Welovefine) temporarily until they could secure a trademark, which they seem to have done now.

    103. I'm just curious on how long it takes for Fox News to catch wind of this and run a story about our. 'Horribly Offensive Retarded Pegasus.'

      Yep, can't wait to see the fan reaction to that.

    104. @jodyjm13

      Oh, somebody actually called out EqD staff on this bullshit while I just generalized. That's brave.

      You only omitted that one post which encouraged people to buy shirts from certain store because fans needed to show their love for background character, implying fans were to blame and they needed to apologize. By buying shirts. Guilt-based marketing at its finest.

    105. I often ponder this quote when considering whether to mobilize to full alert in the Derpy Brigade of Bronydom:

      "I am in too great doubt to derp. To prepare or to let be? To prepare for war, which is yet only guessed: train applebuckers and candymakers in the midst of peace for bloodspilling and battle: put iron in the hooves of greedy captains who will love only conquest, and count the slain as their glory? Will they say to Celestia: At least your enemies were amongst them? Or to fold hooves, while friends die unjustly: let everypony live in blind peace, until the ravisher is at the gate? What then will they do: match naked hooves against iron and die in vain, or flee leaving the cries of fillies behind them? Will they say to Celestia: At least I spilled no blood."

    106. Frankly, I've always found the name "Ditzy Doo" sort of tasteless.

      Sounds like something you'd remedy with Kaopectate.

    107. All letters to Hasbro should start off as "Dear Princess Celestia,"

    108. @IkkouSoryu

      I'm pretty sure the tone of his response was intended to be sarcastic.

      EQD is in no way hurting for page views, and to suggest that this was all some sort of ploy or collusion between EQD and WLF to sell t-shirts is baseless.

      The Last Roundup Disappearing from the iTunes store and "Derpy" being changed to "_____" on Ms. St. Germain's web site are indisputable facts, and I doubt either party benefits from WLF t-shirt sales.

    109. @Shiranai

      >The Last Roundup Disappearing from the iTunes store and "Derpy" being changed to "_____" on Ms. St. Germain's web site are indisputable facts

      And I don't doubt them. Only, y'know, an episode could disappear for any number of reasons. Did that thought cross your mind?

      But here people made some leap of logic that Derpy was the reason, then the whole thing was kept alive because posts kept appearing, hinting at some (non-existent) Derpy crisis.

      And Tabitha was just making fun of this insanity.

      Here, I'll break down for you why this "crisis" never existed. People made up two theories regarding this so-called issue - legal trouble and trouble with some offended activist group. And they both don't stand up.

      Legal issue can be dismissed outright because (as some people pointed out way before me but everyone ignored them, going apeshit is more fun I guess) you can actually go and check whether "Derpy" is copyrighted or not. Surprise, it's not.

      Now, some activist group stirring trouble is a definite possibility, but where's the facts? Such groups try to be as public as possible, writing open letters and giving direct links to general audience. It would be all over Internet if some "mentally deficient' rights group" decided to antagonize Hasbro and Derpy. Yet there's nothing to be found.

    110. I don't know all the details but I still think that there is a bit of overreacting that is going on. All I know is that to remain calm is the best answer who knows this probably is all just a huge mix up that we're blowing way out of proportion.

    111. @IkkouSoryu
      Yes, I admit I was being sarcastic. Or, more accurately, demonstrating why I should never try to be sarcastic.

      Anyway, I do agree that much of bronydom overreacted to the Derpy-related events of the last couple of weeks; in particular, I was so disgusted by the attacks on people who complained about Derpy that I've literally lost sleep over it. I also disagree with two or three relatively minor things EqD has done in reporting on this (such as asking fans to buy t-shirts; while I'm sure Phoe and the rest of EqD had the best of intentions, it does open them to charges of unscrupulous behavior). Still, I think it's an exaggeration to charge EqD with fanning the flames of this controversy; even before the first passing mention of any controversy a week ago here, there had already been at least a half-dozen posts on Ponibooru about it, each one filled with dozens of hate-filled comments rallying people to spam Yamino and others and calling them retards or worse.

      There's lots of blame to go around, but I really doubt EqD deserves more than a small slice of it.

    112. @IkkouSoryu

      Nobody knows why the episode was removed from iTunes, but multiple things happened in short proximity that made it entirely feasible that there might be some issue with the "Derpy" name that was forcing Hasbro to backpedal on using it.

      While we do not for know for certain why these events transpired (and we may never know), they did occur. Certainly the iTunes store thing and the WLF thing could be unrelated. Certainly the episode take down could have been for a myriad of reasons.

      In the meantime, you've inferred that this was all a marketing ploy conducted by Equestria Daily, presumably to benefit sales over at WeLoveFine. I find this to be completely baseless.

      Any calls from EQD staff to buy Derpy goods was a well intentioned, if misguided, attempt to communicate to Hasbro the community's love for the character. It is presumed by many that the only way to really communicate with a corporation is to open your wallet.

      (I believe it was possibly misguided because I'm not certain Hasbro really sees THAT much money out of WLF fine sales.)

      This is the same line of reasoning used when they routinely encourage the community to buy the official releases on DVD or on iTunes where available.

    113. @jodyjm13

      Yes, there were certainly elements within the community who should be ashamed of their actions. Namely, anyone who spammed Yamino and others with hateful comments or threats (and anyone who instigated or supported such behavior).

      However, I see no reason to believe that EQD staff members were involved in this behavior.

    114. Derpy Hooves is the pony fandom's baby, and when your baby might be in danger, sometimes you overreact. I'm starting to think it was a mix of coincidence and maybe a rash of trolls posing as legitimate complainers and having things taken down.

    115. Maybe this is proof that this is all a Brony over-reaction.
      Maybe Hasbro had trouble copywriting the name "derpy Hooves"/ "Derpy" and wants to use the other fanon/Faust name of Ditzy

    116. So far the only things that have actually happened are that some merchandise items got their web listing titles changed, some of those got changed back, The Last Roundup got taken off of iTunes, and Tabatha's blog blanked out Derpy's name. So far there's no indication that Derpy's voice (apart from possibly correcting it to be more feminine), appearance, or personality will be changed or that she'll be taken out of the show.

    117. @jodyjm13

      That was stupid of me, really. Guess I was caught up in the heat myself. As for the blame, yes, I think EqD rightfully deserves it, but for a different reason than spammers and haters, I'll explain below.


      >...multiple things happened in short proximity that made it entirely feasible that there might be some issue...

      Read this one more time please. It's a big cluster of "what if"s and leaps of logic. And somehow this clusterfuck made it to EqD.


      Now, I understand why you defend EqD and I'm playing the bad guy here, throwing feces at people, but hear me out. My inferred version about marketing is just as baseless as any other, and I won't push it, maybe they were unfortunate accomplices in WLF scheme.

      My beef here is how Equestria Daily reported the whole thing. So, some rumors started more than a week ago and EqD posted them. "Derpy's in danger!!11!" Later, Jan 31 post said that rumors were just that, rumors. And then on Feb 2 outta nowhere we got epic "Show your love" post. Only in following update we actually got hard facts about episode takedown and such, best thing being apology "for being slightly vague". And I also love endind sentiment "It does sound like some changes to the character overall will happen in the near future."

      Here's my problem - if up until Feb 2 EqD had only rumors and no facts, why they kept posting things like something official is happening? And in that update - another baseless speculation. Equestria Daily is supposed to be the voice of reason and face of MLP fandom, right? Then that's a poor job being reasonable. Where's expected skepticism and verifications? Isn't it possible to hit up studio B official, ask if something's up and wait for response? I didn't see anything like that. And if there's rage and hate-spamming going on (you keep mentioning some Yamino), why didn't EqD report that incident and say "that's the wrong way to go about it."

    118. @OperatorPony Neigh! Twas naught the case! Twas the will of the villainous Discord at work, bespoiling the good nature of the brony herd, turning us against one another, thus was his plan to eliciteth disharmony and breaketh free from his stone prison once more! I and my band of heroes did him battle and sacrificeth our lives to stopeth him, convertingeth all our life force and souls to a great cataclysmic Spirit Bomb, which we did dasheth upon the evil creature with the last ounce of our might! And so Discord at last wast no more. We're all deadeth now, but Derpy and Equestria hath been preservedeth!


    119. Eh, forgot question mark.

      Anyway, if you sum up my rant, Two problems: Harassment incidents were never called out, posts about "Derpy-crisis" weren't factual.

    120. @IkkouSoryu
      I'm sorry about any impression I gave that I was labeling you a villain; I disagree with some of what you said and think you were overreacting (a charge that I really can't deny myself, to be honest), but I wouldn't want to give the impression you're twirling your handlebar mustache and chuckling maniacally while writing your comments.

      As I mentioned, there were already rumors running rampant on Ponibooru at least (I'm guessing also either 4chan or Ponychan, since one of the screenshots I saw was from a chan) over a week ago. The first hint that EqD gave of any trouble was that passing statement I quoted in the post dedicated to thanking the MLP:FiM creators for Derpy, and that statement was vague enough to not give any clue about anything beyond the people who'd already complained in the EqD comments.

      There's Monday's post, which mentioned that the episode was taken off iTunes; it referred to the chan screenshot saying Hasbro was being forced to apologize, but mentioned it had been debunked (that may have been a later edit, but it couldn't have been too much later). Beyond that, the only speculation in that post is that it may have been a glitch that caused the episode to disappear, since it was still available at the Hub.

      Phoe's post Wednesday was the first time EqD really concretely mentioned any larger Derpy drama, as she asked people to sign a petition and buy shirts on WLF, saying no more than that Derpy was in trouble and the shirts might not be available much longer. Considering that post was made around the same time as one on another site saying Hasbro was pressuring WLF to remove Derpy merchandise, the part about the shirts possibly disappearing looks like justified speculation. Saying that Derpy was in trouble was more speculative, from what I can see, but not baseless, and there's the possibility that the EqD admins had more information than they had mentioned by that time.

      Sethisto's later post mostly summarized what was known, with two new facts: the iTunes removal was deliberate, not a glitch, and the DVD would carry the episode as aired. Given that, his statement about "some changes" seems going a little too far based on what we know, and that's my second (minor) complaint about how EqD handled it.

      The posts since then have definitely not fallen under the fearmongering label, either reporting good news or (in reporting on Tabitha St. Germain's blog) laughing at what appears to be a clever joke.

      I do very much wish that EqD had issued a call to treat the complainers with respect and not with insults; I can't say for sure if they knew how bad things had gotten last week, when such a call would have had to be made to do the most good, so I'm reluctant to blame them for that inaction, but I do think a direct call for sanity and tolerance would have dampened the Derpy drama at least a little.

    121. I didn't overreact, but I still sent a polite, short and well-worded request not to make any changes to her to Hasbro.

      But I would still offer an apology on behalf of the community for the way many behaved.

    122. Looks like it's not on the Hub site now, but I thought I saw it there the other day (I could be wrong). The only full episode available there now is Cider Squeezy.

    123. Question: Why have people gotten so upset over Derpy, but had no problem with Snips and Snails?

    124. I'm watching it on the Hub RIGHT NOW. It's there.

    125. Request the episode be returned here:

      This was the comment that I sent:

      This episode was briefly available and then disappeared. This episode was wonderful. It had wonderful tributes to classic TV, a touching story line, great cartoon physical slapstick type humor, and the inclusion of the fan favorite background character "Derpy", now with actual lines!

      The character "Derpy" was spotted by fans as far back as episode 1 due to an animation error. She was dubbed "Derpy Hooves" by the fandom of the show, due to her crossed eyes. "Derpy" is an online term that refers to a cross or wall-eyed facial expression, and began usage in that manner with an image posted about the cheap animation of a Megaman cartoon years ago. Fans on the internet have created their own theories behind the character. For example, a small unicorn filly that is often seen in scenes with Derpy was dubbed Dinky Hooves, and is regarded by fans, unofficially, as Derpy's daughter. Fans came up with the idea of her being a "mailmare", and being responsible for delivering mail and packages in Ponyville. Due to her ONE line in season one being her greedily drooling over some muffins... She has been viewed by fans as absolutely LOVING muffins. Since the fandom's adoption, the crew at Media DHX/Studio B have also openly embraced the character. Her cute walleyed look and tendency to cause accidents due to her poor depth perception was returned to the show officially, not as an animation error, but as intentional comic relief and a shout out to fans. In Season 1, Episode 15, "Feeling Pinkie Keen", she accidentally drops the contents of a delivery cart onto another character, in a very "Looney Tunes" inspired scene. Here, the studio accepted the fandom interpretation of her as an accident prone delivery mare... Important to note, both studio and the high majority of fans view her as completely functional, mentally NORMAL, and fully capable of having a job and interacting with other ponies. She only has a problem with depth perception. All rumors that she is depicted as mentally handicapped are overblown and FALSE claims by a few angry individuals who have a beef with the popularity of the show.

      In March Producer Lauren Faust sketched several of the pony characters and sold them at a charity auction to support disaster relief in Japan. Derpy's sketch sold for OVER $2000! People LOVE Derpy!

      In S02E14, "The Last Roundup" Derpy was voiced by Tabitha St. Germain. As is the case with some VAs, she was given the name of the character, and the lines, and told to do them as she saw fit. Not every crew member can devote so much time into following the fandom's every nuance, and the studio crew never thought to mention... Derpy is a MARE... Tabitha was one of the few on the crew who was NOT aware of this, and voiced the lines as a colt. This led to Derpy sounding more masculine, like a teenage boy. While this was not intentional, some people have misinterpreted the voice, thinking it makes Derpy sound mentally handicapped.

      THIS WAS NEVER THE INTENTION. There was a knee jerk reaction by about half a dozen individuals, BEFORE the information on Tabitha's voicing gender error was made public.

      You should know that licensed merchandise (T-Shirts, hats, bags, buttons, etc), as well as THIS VERY EPISODE on Hasbro's "The Hub" website are all still up, all still say Derpy, and all have made no fuss. Heck... They FEATURED this episode and it is the top video right now!

      Pulling this episode is the same kind of HORRIFICALLY knee jerk, over PC, hair trigger reaction that makes me HATE liberal nonsense. You're only hurting yourselves by leaving it down...

    126. @richfiles: Hmp...it's still not showing up when I'm going to the Hub's site. I tried the pony dedicated page and their general full episode page and the only MLP complete episode appearing is Cider Squeezy.

      Is this happening to anyone else? Might it have something to do with the market I'm in?

    127. @Earthtree

      This <3
      Derpy IS our baby, and don't ever stand between a mother and her child! RAWR!!! LOL!

      I literally just watched it. Not sure what's happening for you, but I can confirm that it played just fine at the Hub...

      As for iTunes... Still DOWN, as of within 30 minutes ago.

    128. Just to be clear - and because now I'm really curious if anyone else is experiencing this - I am referring to this site (the MLP page on the Hub website): http://www.hubworld.com/my-little-pony/shows/friendship-is-magic

      Rather than this site (the Hub page on the Hasbro website, where it is featured): http://www.hasbro.com/mylittlepony/en_US/media/browse.cfm?type=videos

    129. @Earthtree
      Good point, and I think it can also help explain some of the overreactions on the anti-Derpy side. I can easily see parents being worried about "derpy" being used to insult their child, without worrying about where the term originally came from, or if their child will even be bothered by such a name.

    130. @fc53465c-4f21-11e1-a7e9-000f20980440
      You say that like over 5% of bronies act like racist spastic animals

    131. I belive Derpy is just fine, in "A friend in deed" Derpy is in the snowglobe, and her eyes are a little 'fixed' and in "Putting your hoove down" Derpy is her natural self at the assertive thing in the crowd at Iron Will's shin-dig. (Sorry about gramatical errors)
