• Important News For Plushie Creators on Ebay

    This has been floating around today, and I think we've gathered enough information to confirm it.  Apparently various plushies on Ebay are being taken down if the name of the auction includes "My Little Pony", "FiM", or "MLP" (along with other variations).

    The creator of the Applejack seen above (WhiteDove-Creations, aka maker of that amazing Trixie that I was taunted with by everyone for a week :p) contacted the site about it. From the response they received,  it sounds like you can still call them "Pony Plushies" and include the character name, but anything specifically relating to My Little Pony has a good chance of being taken down.

    Right now there are still a bunch of them available, but for now at least, It's best to keep on the safe side if you plan to sell any in the near future. 

    Note:  As far as we know, this is not Hasbro's doing! Apparently actual community members are reporting these.

    Here is a link to the original Deviant Art journal.

    And the Ponychan thread discussing it. 

    122 kommentaari:

    1. so, Etsy-type rules now apply to eBay? Strange, but OK then...

    2. And so we've gotten a new curve ball thrown at us. I don't even know what to make of this.

    3. I could understand some of that but community members?
      What guys you want legal stuff or something that Hasbro branded? These people put a lot of work into these things

    4. Something very wrong is happening in the community right now....and it's not good. :(

    5. Wow, seriously Bronies are taking them down? Someone must be trolling or being a meanie.

    6. @just4lolzz
      You're average copyright laws buddy, not ACTA.

    7. Wait, what is the legal stance with these Plushie's?

    8. Guess I'll pass out the Torches and Pitchforks

    9. I guess they report it because they are jealous that they can't get them.

    10. so, Does this only apply to fan-made MLP plushies, or does that also include other fan-made stuff? Like custom MLP toys, sculptures, clothing, etc?

    11. So is this like the youtube thing? I think by community he just meant ebay trolls. I doubt actual bronies would do this, lest this fandom simply implodes on itself.

    12. GOD DAMMIT YOU!!!!!

    13. @Beta-Carotene

      I agree about the trolls. Bronies wouldn't do this to each other.

    14. This whole thing reeks of jealousy. I mean, I can afford these things either, but I don't think we need to go reporting anyone over it.

    15. Haters gonna hate, I'll put our next pony plush up as Pony Plush! I'll be sending you a link to it when it's ready since it'll be hard for others to fish through all of those e-bay pages....

      Thanks for the info!

    16. they be trolling everywhere and every way they can. this is internet warfare, ponies VS trolls in a hilarious "we found your weakness so you found a new way to attack us". A trolls weakness BTW is utter contempt as well as Love and Tolerance.

    17. Meant to say not on that last 1. I mean did you see that trixie? 1300, for Celestia sake.

    18. I actually think its us. Seems like the casual brony to start attacking there own people.

      I really didn't want to say this before, but for some reason, some people MIGHT be getting a few too many wankers stuck up their ass (I'll regret saying that). I mean, this would be okay-ish if Hasbro did it, but if was done by anyone else, or even a fellow brony, this is just... no. Just no. Why would anybody want to take down one of these? Trolls?

      I really didn't want to say this before, but for some reason, some people MIGHT be getting a few too many wankers stuck up their ass (I'll regret saying that). I mean, this would be okay-ish if Hasbro did it, but if was done by anyone else, or even a fellow brony, this is just... no. Just no. Why would anybody want to take down one of these? Trolls?

    21. Man your battle stations folks, the enemy has been spotted at the gates! We must rally now and stop this maddening chaos. They are striking when the confusion is at its highest, stand strong.

    22. It would seem as if the haters are stepping up their game. Like some of you have said, if this was coming from Hasbro, that would be understandable. But when you see community members, it's gotta be a sure bet that someone out there has ill wishes towards us. But like I keep saying, we'll find a way through this. We're strong, people. Let them try to break us. And then quietly laugh at their frustration as they realize they just can't do it.

    23. This is getting really old. We're being played.

      Why is everyone so quick to attack fellow bronies? Do you really think that the people who love this show and community would do this?

      The derpy thing? Probably some pissed off overprotective mom issue.

      The youtube take-downs of legit material? Do you think bronies did that?

      Now this? C'mon, we've seen this pattern before.

      This fan-base suffers more trolling than any group I've ever seen. The last thing we need to do is start turning on each other. In the face of trolling the best thing to do is keep spreading the magic :)

      The trolling is only gonna get harder as we keep growing. Hell, just the other day I came to my university (Colostate) and the entire plaza was filled with pony art (whoever did that, thank you). I know some brony-haters in real life and they got hilariously infuriated.

      This is the only fandom I have ever been apart of. It's been wonderful so far and I'd hate to see Bronies start pointing fingers at each other when we have no reason to believe that they did it at all!

    24. Yeah, one of the plush makers I follow posted something on this while I was at work earlier today. Sucks =/

    25. ok, at least it's not hasbro. i think it should pass

    26. The reason I became a brony is because this is the most non-biased, least hateful, least elitist fandom that I've ever seen spring up. I'm a proud otaku and gamer, and even those fandoms have severe amount of prejudice and snobbery. Last thing we need is to start doubting each other over crap like this. Let's take on these trolls and the matter into our OWN hands... PINKIE PIE-STYLE!!!

    27. Commercial use of someone else's copyright without permission is illegal.

      As much as I don't like it myself, it's simply fact that making a MLP plush and publicly selling, auctioning it, anything like that is entirely illegal.

    28. You know, we suffer from so much online trolling, I think we need to move our operations into the real world. Pony stands on the streets! Back alley plushie dealers! Real life forums with a stage and everything!

      The trolls will be so happy we're offline :)

    29. First Derpy is gone and we're left in the dark here wondering what's happening with little information and now we have plushies being pulled. I think it's time to sit back and watch what happens next. Things seem to be happening in order in the middle of the confusion. Most likely an unfortunate coincidence, but it makes you think...

    30. I agree with beta. Won't lash out and say a fellow Brony did it, I'd suspect Trolls more than anything...=\

    31. Probably just trolls, though it would probably be a good idea to wait till we have more info before pointing fingers.

    32. @Apollo-kun

      Whoever thinks we're a judgmental fan-base should be re-directed to the Halo forums :)

    33. @MCXD

      Copyright enforcement is the duty of the copyright holder to perform.

    34. all of us know that the haters are doing this so we know what to do Love and Tolerance as always :)

    35. This is bizarre. There's no basis to report such a thing for -copyright- infringement. Now, -trademark- infringement I could understand.

    36. Autor on selle kommentaari eemaldanud.

    37. I know next to nothing about the current state of the Brony community vs haters, but as a former seller I know a lot about eBay.

      eBay and its users do not tolerate even a little anything that can be construed as a knockoff, or that might even be possibly described as knockoff. Case in point, half of the items in my last round of sales were taken down because I used the expression "like mint" in the title to describe the condition of my items. ("Like" being a common weasel word.)

      If the item in question is not a bona fide official product, do not make any references to it being an official product, even to say its not.

    38. God, the trolls are out of control. First Derpy, now this?

    39. Ready the bombay doors, we're going to have to drop our loving and toleration ICBM's in those parasprites' P.O. Boxes.

    40. We should all send customer complaints to ebay about this! How dare they! No one takes down the ponies! >(
      *Pony force, assemble!*
      *Elements of harmony, assemble!*

    41. Ready the bombay doors, we're going to have to drop our loving and toleration ICBM's in those parasprites' P.O. Boxes.

    42. Ah, Equestria Daily, the one place I can go when I want to find out the latest way Hasbro is managing to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory.

      This hour, it's eBay. A few hours ago, Derpy. A few days before that, every YouTube video and streaming site they could get their hands on.

      Everything good that their writers, animators, producers and voice actors come up with is somehow seemingly matched with something atrocious from their PR or Legal teams. Just when we're sitting pretty, immersing ourselves into the idealized world of love and tolerance that they themselves bankrolled, they drag us back out into the real world, where litigation and intellectual property reign supreme and happiness is only allowed when it's a good business decision.

      Hasbro seems to be their own worst enemy sometimes.

    43. @The Armadillo

      I don't think ICBMs need bombay doors, you know, since they're not launched from planes...

    44. @Shadowluma GAAAAAASP!!! Maybe they're the same trolls working together to destroy ponies from the interwebz!!! we must stop this once and forever! :O
      This must be discord's work!!! nooo!!!
      (although i do love me some chocolate milk rain(;)

    45. @The Armadillo
      ICBMS are launched from platforms on strict bases
      Nuclear weapons however I think still can

    46. Welp, add that to the list of shit things happening lately.

      Ten bucks says it's really Hasbro... which, of course, is entirely within their legal right to do. My problem is, they refuse to make decent 'official' plushies, so it would seem dickish if they went after people trying to fill this void.

    47. I'm pretty sure Sethisto means eBay community members, NOT brony community members. Most likely this is just trolls going to ebay to dick with the bronies there.

      You guys sure are easy to throw into a tizzy.

    48. So much drama lately hopefully things will calm down again soon.

    49. Trollestia strikes again?

      I'm honestly not too surprised. When I saw an AJ plushie go for $1K, I began to wonder when the C&D orders would start to hit.

    50. @Luna You can't blame us for being a little on edge. I knew Seth meant ebay members, but someone else might interpret it differently.

      As for whether it's Hasbro or not, if it is, so be it. But it would be nice if they could tell us something. If it's the trolls, wow. They're stepping up their game. But we can take them. We just gotta get creative.

    51. Seriously, what is going on with this community?! Where is the love and tolerance?!

    52. Maybe this signals the dawn of Hasbro making official plushies, seeing as how people will pay $200 for these things.

    53. @ConfusedBrony

      I repeat, this is probably not members of OUR community. It's either obligatory ebay "copyright/paranoia enforcement" or trolls.

      Either way, it does no good to lash out at our own community. Whoever does this kind of stuff isn't a real brony anyway.

    54. By "community members" I think he meant Ebay users. BUT if it is really bronies doing it, we can't let it tear us apart. One thing that happens all the time is people claim to be "part" of the fandom but really only "joined" it to troll it from the inside. This is fandom that probably gets trolled the most out of any of them out there. Stick to your guns people Love and Tolerate means love and tolerate everyone. even other bronies.

    55. I'm sure this has already been mentioned, but I think by community members, they mean E-BAY COMMUNITY MEMBERS not Brony community members. Chill out bronies. We're developing a really bad habit of jumping the gun. :P

    56. Honestly, sounds like an overreaction to the whole SOPA scare. (It hasn't died by the way)

      Keep in mind, when someone speaks, "Community" in that term it's pretty much any Ebay user.

      Sad to say, if it continues I know a few people that are going to get hurt by it.

    57. @guilmonmon

      As far as I can tell, we're the only fandom to ever name our fists Love & Tolerance and threaten trolls with Weapons of Mass D'awwww

    58. @Beta-Carotene Actually, I've never heard of naming fists love and tolerance. Thanks for throwing that one out there.

    59. All we need is a search keyword that bronies will find but that is not protected by Hasbro's copyright. Right? You guys?

      I suggest "Brony plush " / "Brony custom ".

      "Magic Little Pony" might even go through.

    60. Guys, it's a little sad how quick you are to jump on fellow bronies. I immediately interpreted Seth as saying that it's eBay community people, most likely trolls and haters doing what they do best in their sad little existences.

      And if it is Hasbro, well, I don't like it, but it's within their rights to do so. Hopefully it heralds their own line of plushies that, all respect to the fandom members who make these, won't be driven up to prices of $300 via auction.

    61. Ebay has already said that it's not Hasbro. It's just normal people.

    62. @guilmonmon Yes, the bronies are the most trolled fanbase...
      *cough* furriesSonicDemocratsDukeNukem *cough*
      Though seriously, it's just a troll. Hasbro may lay claim to the characters, but as long as they aren't making plushies, nor have given the rights to anyone to make plushies, they don't really have any power to force people not to sell their artwork.
      Think of it like those chibi plushies of kingdom hearts characters you see at ever comic-con. If Square wanted to sue people for selling them, they'd piss people off because of the fact they aren't supplying them either.

      Oh, and hasbro, if you're going to make plushies... please be accurate with them. I would love an Accurate Applejack plush that didn't take my entire earnings from a job to get.

    63. @22e54dc0-88ac-11e0-b989-000bcdcb2996
      Didn't you read the part which said this doesn't seem to be Hasbro's doing?

    64. She directly told me that the Ebay representative said that it was several people who reported the plush. Not Hasbro, not one or two individuals, but apparently quite a few normal people.

    65. Unless it was Hasbro, which it wasn't, they are going against their own policy.

      "Before a listing is removed, the rights owner must give us information that ensures that the person reporting the item is authorized to do so. It also allows us to correctly identify the listing to be removed. If your item is reported, you'll receive an email notifying you that a VeRO participant requested your listing be removed."


      It uses DMCA provisions. You aren't allowed to file a takedown unless you're a rights-holder, and even if they were you should get the DMCA filing and be able to counterfile. Random people can complain about it, but it should not have resulted in a take down, they don't have the right to claim that it actually is infringement.

      Plushie Makers! Do not stop using "my little pony" in the title. If they remove your listing, and you didn't receive a copyright infringement notification, demand they reinstate it!

      If one of you have received a DMCA notice, please post it!

    66. The most likely explanation is that it's not anyone trolling us specifically but just the types who report any kind of copyright infringement they see.

    67. @Jessica C
      Thik you could post this on Ponychan too?

    68. Im pretty sure there is a massive trolling going on lately....speculation.

    69. She asked me to post this since she doesn't have an account yet.

      Quote from WhiteDove:

      "First off, let me make it clear that I did not receive a C&D order. When I talked to ebay, the guy told me that several community members reported my auction. He told me not to use MIP or FIM in the title. He said I could list it as pony plush. I don't think this is bronies. I do think it is few jealousy people with nothing better to do."

    70. Guys, stop going into histronics every time something like this happens. It happened with derpy, and now this, even though by community he meant ebay, not pony fans. It just makes the fanbase look like a bunch of whiners.

    71. LOL @ people acting like it would be okay if Hasbro were pulling this bullshit.

    72. Good grief, there's just all sorts of trolls out there trying to destroy this sweet thing we've got. Well, when the going gets tough, the tough get going.

    73. @Blackout
      Well then, he didn't have the authority to tell you not to use the terms, and whoever at ebay that removed the auctions also didn't have authority. You're free to use whatever you want as long as it's not copyright infringement. Unless he can show that it is copyright infringement, then there's no reason to remove them. You aren't claiming to own the copyright and you aren't claiming to be selling official plushies.

      It would be sad, but they have ever right to. But it really doesn't matter since they didn't do this.

    74. This doesn't sound like that big of a deal. I mean, as long as they can still use character names, people will still find them (and therefore buy them). Besides, it is kinda sorta selling non-official merchandise using name brand. Not to say that any plushie makers are just in it for the money, of course, it just looks a bit bad from a legal standpoint.

      I'm just surprised that it isn't actually Hasbro's doing.

      I just wish I had enough to buy one of those amazing plushies for myself :\.

    75. sounds kind of like a non-issue to me, since you can still use the character names in the description. ah well.

    76. Well Hasbro has every right to remove these. As the characters copyrighted.
      I highly dought it's them. Probably some troll's.
      I honestly hope it's not some community members.

    77. Huh, how did I miss this post? Weird. Actual community members are reporting them you say? That's rather odd. If anything, I would have suspected Ebay of taking them down themselves over copyright issues. In the end after they've been reported, that might be why they get taken down though. From what I'm gathering and my understanding of this, they're still saying you can make them and offer them for sale there. Just not to use the "My Little Pony" name in the description. It'll make finding them harder, but at least they will still be around.

    78. "Note: As far as we know, this is not Hasbro's doing! Apparently actual community members are reporting these. "

      And i'll bet you anything, it's the same kinda of "Anti-Derpy" people pulling this crap, too.

      Showing that pony-hating trolls have taken to pretending to be fans in order to find sneaky ways to hurt the fanbase. I remain convinced that's their strategy. It's the only way I can even begin to imagine how half of the "brony" community has been "seemingly" acting so horrible within the last several weeks.

    79. These trolls are all "Death on Two Legs." Google search it to get my reference.

    80. @NightStarX et al.

      It's probably not trolls, as Poe's law said anything that can be interpreted as malice is most likely stupidity. 10 bits says it's some of the eBay Power Users thinking they're doing their duty by reporting non-kosher merchandise, which it kinda is, and they kinda are. Just jump through whatever hoops you have to, and there shouldn't be that big a deal.

    81. @Blue fox

      I don't think it's copyright issues. You find licensed stuff on Ebay all the time. From Final Fantasy to Legend of Zelda and everything in between.

      I think it is trolls...trolls with no day job.

    82. @janalybarger

      Or life. Seriously, how specifically screwed up does a person have to be to wage war against My Little Pony, of all things?

    83. Just for future notice for the next panic event, can you people PLEASE READ BEFORE PANICKING! I keep entering threads explaining that Hasbro is not behind disaster x to see people yelling at Hasbro for disaster x.

      I also have no idea what kind of thought process is involved in the heads of bronies who immediately interpret community to refer to fellow bronies instead of ebay users as every bit of context and logic would suggest. I see people suggesting that other bronies are somehow behind this (because those bronies hate ponies so much?) and I'm not sure if they are trolling or just...I don't want to say stupid, but overly excitable? I need a squinty Fry face.

    84. Ranting aside, this is obviously trolls migrating from youtube to ebay. Same strategy. Copyright flag everything in sight whether legitimate or not.

    85. Why is this article bombed down to two stars? People know the rating is for the article and not a definition of agreement for the subject right?

    86. Community members "against" plushies? Must be anti-bronies. It reeks of it.

    87. I think someone might actually have an organized force of anti-bronies up to no good lately.

      We've seen random scattered troll attacks in the past, but way too much large scale crap has been happening lately.

    88. When they mean "community" members, they mean EBAY community members, not MLP's.

      Let's face it. Hasbro has been really lax about fans making their plushies (and personally they have the right to shut them down, but they have been relaxed about it).

      Some ebay users and members must be green with envy how they would get slapped with DMCA and fines over selling knockoffs while the MLP brony community does things without problems.

      Obviously they would start a stink to make things difficult.

      Think about it.

    89. Ah, finally something that falls within my area of expertise. :D

      First things first, don't listen to a word ebay says. Ebay are useless. So even if they say it's not Hasbro that doesn't mean it's not.

      Hasbro are a member of VERO, which means they can take down anything they own the rights to, which like it or not does include the plushies.

      If it is Hasbro there will be an email address in the notification the seller was sent.

      However, let's assume it's not.

      Ebay will not touch you unless you make it blindingly clear that you're selling unofficial items, because Ebay don't know Hasbro's catalogue.
      There's no need to stop using mlp keywords, just don't say things like 'custom', 'this is not official', 'handmade'.
      I notice the seller who had them taken down uses the phrase "this is fan art only".

      If you do get taken down then consider it game over. Do NOT relist.

    90. I think at this point we need to form our own version of Ebay, like how us furries have FurBuy. Fan-created content is a large part of this fandom, and I think this will be necessary.

      Is anyone here know enough web design to create a Ponybay?

    91. First derpy and now plushies?

      Someone's fuckin' with us.

    92. @ItsOkImAwesome

      Agreed, I wonder if there's roars of laughter over at 7chan over this. Now that SOPA's old news they need something else to keep them occupied.

    93. Guys.... today we found a pinkie pie plush at Toys'R'us for about 25 bucks. it's possible Hasbro is starting to go after these because they toy market is what they make most of their money on, and they're starting to meet the demand for MLP plushies.


    94. @IBmusic67

      That thing still looks ugly as all f*** though, I refuse to call that thing "Pinkie Pie"

      Until Hasbro realise they should fire their entire toy-making department and ramp up the quality severely, we'll be satisfying our own demands for Plushies

    95. Once again, why can't we have nice things, internet?! I don't think I've ever seen ebay give this treatment to other fan merchandise, but what can we do? Ebay has clout and it's easier for them to do a mass takedown than understand the situation. Hard to fight that.

    96. @IBmusic67

      That thing has been around for the better part of a year at least.

      I say that this is the work of upset trolls.

    97. Other bronies are taking them down? I can't believe that, and if it's true I am very disappointed.

    98. @archiveit

      I seriously doubt fellow bronies would do this. The most logical and likely explanation is trolls.

      PLease, Bronies, before the Windigos descend on us stop blaming each other!

    99. Heh heh, someone probably got butt hurt cause they thought it was a "legit" plushie backed by Hasbro. Though I'm sure at some level Hasbro approves of them not being labeled as such. Oh well, no big deal, just canter on.

    100. So it's like Absinthe, where it's legal as long as you don't call it by name? Weird.

      People are being idiots lately...

    101. You know it'd be different if Hasbro actually made plushes for us to buy, but they don't make any show accurate plush toys.

    102. Yep, I smell trolls all over this.

    103. There can be copyright issues on ebay? I figured ebay wouldn't even have that since many things sold on it were created by someone other than the seller.

    104. "Apparently actual community members are reporting these"

      Uhhh Source? Proof? If not I'm calling Bull and saying this is the work of non-community trolls.

    105. Autor on selle kommentaari eemaldanud.

    106. Methinks its those same trolls from youtube with those false takedowns

    107. I know it's been said before, and I doubt anypony will be reading this so long after the initial post went up, but it does bear saying again.

      The best way that we can react to this, and all of the other blatant trolling that is going down against us, is to not show any outward reaction to it. I guarantee you that those responsible for this are also watching these comment threads, looking for the displays of (righteous) anger and frustration. That's really the only concrete reward they get from doing this. Deny them this, and they'll get bored and go away. In the meantime, use the work-arounds and commiserate silently with your friends in private messages, and email.

      Is it fair? No. The thing to remember though is this; every time they try to make our lives miserable and fail, that's when WE win. So, chin up my friends. I know we're stronger than they are by a mile; we just need to remember that, and not let our first impulses to lash out become our first actions.


    108. I too fear there are anti-brony spies within our community. It's very disheartening that some people have nothing better to do than to sabotage something as innocent as ponies. And I know we cite 'love and tolerance' but we may have to fight back and hard. After all, look what love and tolerance got Poland in WWII.

    109. @Tsornin eBay has been no fun for quite some time. It's this heightened fear of "knock-offs" and the push for virtually guaranteed transactions that has poisoned eBay. I had thought that it was eBay that had become power hungry, removing all transparency in who is buying what, making communication between sellers and buyers difficult, and making Paypal the form of payment. But it seems, as with Sbourlon's Applejack, that ebay is getting plenty of push from its "community" to play the role of Police State.

      Zearfox has a good point in that there is need of a viable alternative to eBay. Every so often I look to see if I can find one where I can buy my colectibles. Ruby Lane comes close, but eBay is so huge, nearly all the good stuff goes to eBay.

    110. This is an issue of unlicensed products being made in the likeness of copyrighted characters, and then sold for money (quite a bit of money, in the case of Whitedove). Technically, that has always been illegal; however, I personally have wiggle room on my own ethical standing where such things are concerned. It'd be awfully hypocritical of me to neighsay the action in general, since I've purchased two plushes from Whitedove.

      In any case, I was afraid that she might experience some legal backlash as a result, but I'm hoping that it just stays at the level of eBay listing rules, and doesn't go further than that. I'd love for Whitedove to be able to continue selling those marvelous plushes of hers.

      As for the names in the listing, ebay has always had such rules, as far as I'm aware, to help themselves stave off any legal challenges. One example that I'm personally familiar with involves Native American flutes listed on the site: if they're not made by an actual Native American artist (that's most of them, really), then they have to be called "Native American style flutes" or somesuch thing. It's all a game of translating things into and out of Legalese.

    111. We might look like a perfect target for trolling since we're all about love and tolerance and, well... ponies. But the anti-bronies are noticing one by one how wrong they've been since we tend to be kinda smarter and more refined than the rest of the world and won't provide much "reactions". Let them troll. They'll all come to their senses eventually.

    112. I think that if it's not Hasbro, it might have to be soon. IANAL (and I know from earlier posts that there is an IP lawyer who comments) but my understanding is that this is a trademark issue. Copyright lasts a long, long, time--too long IMO, but that's neither here nor there--but trademarks last only as long as the company keeps registering and defending them. Remember that Lauren Faust wanted to use some of the G1 names, but couldn't because they were no longer trademarked, so that's obviously a big issue for Hasbro's marketing.

      IOW, if Hasbro doesn't send C&D letters to people using their trademarks without permission, a factory in China could start kicking out Applejack dolls (not Aplejack, or Applesmack, or Applejack-like, but actually market them as Applejack). When Hasbro takes them to court, they can print out a page from eBay showing all kinds of Applejack merchandise for sale that Hasbro did nothing about, and say "Hasbro has not defended this trademark." And the judge will say, "You're right. You can keep doing what you're doing. Have a nice day."

    113. @Glowy Pie Discord is behind this! Just as he was with the anti-Derpy attempt! He's trying to shatter our happy community because it's OUR positive energy keeping him imprisoned! I KNOW BECAUSE I SAW IT IN A VISION WHILE I WAS EATING PSYCHADELIC MUSHROOMS!! @_@
