Isn't Pinkie adorable? I mean, everypony loves Pinkie. Anyone who doesn't is probably an ass. (Ha, foreshadowing
and a donkey joke! I'm full of comedy gold today!)
(No, I don't think you're an ass if you don't like Pinkie... but you're probably confused, because repeatedly breaking the fourth wall is pretty awesome.)
Oh boy, only a few more hours!! :D
ReplyDeleteThat Pinkie Pie... My God... these characters do terrible things to me. :3
ReplyDeleteSmile Smile Smile!!! My body is ready
ReplyDeleteit's got to get harder to post that itunes link the longer they have episodes missing...
ReplyDeleteFirst comment EVER!!! OH MY GOSH!!! LET'S GET OUR PINKIE ON!
ReplyDelete6 hours to go and on the edge of my seat!
ReplyDeleteThat picture is too cute!
ReplyDeleteBeen looking forward to this episode.
inb4 comments about a certain leaked song
The best thing about being awake at 5:44 on a Saturday morning?
ReplyDeletePonies on cable!
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteI love Pinkie Pie. There's no shame in that. Though admittedly my friends aren't fans and think I'm a bit silly for being so damned giddy about a bunch of "technicolor donkeys", they can bite my cutie-marked purple flank! Ponies rule! New episode time!
ReplyDeleteOne does not simply refuse Pinkie's friendship.
ReplyDeleteMaybe best song will be in it?
ReplyDeleteCause i've heard best song over 100 times.
And now I play the waiting game
ReplyDeleteI, personally, hate everyone not praising Pinkie on a daily basis :)
If the episode has a song in it it's already good. Rule applies to all episodes if it's got a song it makes it better. Also Pinkie Pie episodes are always so "interesting".
ReplyDeleteThis will be my first time streaming, I'm pretty excited.
ReplyDeleteThis will be the best episode yet, due to the continuing phenomenom of every episode being better than the last.
ReplyDeleteGonna stay up all night.......zzzz
ReplyDeleteSleep for 4 hours... watch episode... sleep 4 more.
ReplyDeletePerfect saturday.
She is so cute! I'll use it as desktop picture :)
ReplyDeleteOk guys think about this.
ReplyDeleteLeaked song: Making friends smiles.
This episode: Someone who doesn't want friendship.
The songs not going to be in it unfortunately. :(
ReplyDelete>your face when it is actually in the episode
ReplyDeletegoing to be odd to see that certain song in this episode. from what you could hear there is supposedly a ton of chorus in it, background ponies/donkeys singing with Pinkie? hmm well these people have been on a roll these past few weeks so lets see what they got!
ReplyDeleteSuch an adorable picture, well Pinkie is just adorable. I have a feeling smile will finally pop up in this episode, bring it on!
ReplyDeletealso why that XyroFire pic not in any Drawfriends? we always see Seth and the gang in them whenever they get fanart? what da dillio yo? I thought it came out adorably well! and brushed Spitfire is even cooler then wild hair spitfire xD (like I can totally see that being her casual off the job look!)
ReplyDelete*reads my little dashie, conveniently sealing my fate of staying up the extra 3 hours till the episode*
ReplyDeleteMy wish is for one day an episode that is *all* song, a fully musical episode.
ReplyDeleteWho knows, maybe this is it! And they leaked one song on purpose making us think there is only one but really it's singing all the way through!
I really should get some sleep before the show.
Can't wait to see what all the oversensitive Bronuns find to bitch over in this episode
either way it should be fun to watch.
ReplyDeleteMy Little Pony: Opera is Magic?
"Come on everypony, smile, smile, smile..."
ReplyDeleteIf Smile is in this ep. I hope it's a really good one. Best song deserves an awesome episode.
ReplyDeleteOnce More, With Ponies?
ReplyDeleteThe Phantom of the Clopera?
Well I thought that joke was pretty funny. And yes, I think Pinkie can be quite adorable. I don't think as adorable as Fluttershy, but adorable nonetheless. Seems like expectations for 'Smile' are running high. In which case, I've got my "singing" voice ready.
ReplyDeleteAm I the only one that hopes today's lesson will be something like "You can't be friends with everyone, but you still can tolerate each other"?
ReplyDeleteWhat I like most about Pinkie Pie is the fact that just beneath her poofy-haired, bubbly, outgoing, lighthearted public persona lies straight-haired, brooding, insecure and somewhat psychotic Pinkamena (as featured in Party of One) who has major betrayal and abandonment issues.
ReplyDeleteFor a comic relief character, Pinkie has surprising depth, and knowing she's so upbeat because she MUST be upbeat to keep Pinkamena from consuming her makes her more a tragic heroine than a token ditz.
Yet another example of just how masterfully-crafted this show truly is.
Oh, and another thing, even though it's off-topic.
ReplyDeleteHere it is a week after release, and iTunes *still* hasn't posted Hearts and Hooves Day in the store. What in the name of all things cinnamon swirl is the problem here? Is it going to take more than a week for this week's episode to make it into iTunes?
This is absurd. Somewhere, off in techno-heaven, I like to think the spirit of Steve Jobs is signing pink slips for this.
ReplyDeleteAs one who made a point to encourage others to buy the itunes seasons to support the show - and did so myself despite it being hard to do so outside the US - it's frankly embarrassing.
ReplyDeleteI would love for the song to be in the episode. I just don't see how they would do it. Studio B has performed miracles before...we just have to wait and see.
Where is the best site to watch it?
ReplyDeleteThey could have posted it already, as evidenced by the leak, so there is no reason why it should be so late.
It is a bit of a shambles, people outside the US have absolutely no way to legally get eps, and even those inside the US are being shafted by a really poor service.
I've always been a firm believer that piracy is a service problem, and poor service like this isn't going to anything to stop piracy.
To be frank, I pirate a lot, but if FiM had a UK legal release that wasn't Apple, then I would purchase it to show support. Be that downloads (not iTunes) or DVDs.
As for now, I pirate the eps, and I don't feel bad. Boomerang (the UK TV channel which is being stupid with FiM) can go buck themselves.
ReplyDeleteLots use BronyState, if that dies/lags then try HaxMega, his usually runs fine for me. Both are linked at the top.
Only 2 hour 30 min :3
ReplyDeleteI hope they have a DVD/Bluray boxed set out at the end of season 2...
ReplyDeleteI thInk that smile smile smile will appear today. Pinkie's relationship with the donkey isn't going well, something happens, then she says : lets start over shall we? *plays song* what I think at least.
ReplyDeleteOr when she introduces herself to the donkey.
@Sgt Byrd
ReplyDeleteThank you!
I just lost the last nine and half hours of my life play Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning. But that's entirely unimportant news.
ReplyDeleteI'm here with todays predictions.
'Disneys Recess' Expy like episose where TJ Duttweiler couldn't get that one guy to like him no matter what he did 60%.
Sad, Derpessed or Angry Pinkie 78% chance.
Pinkie going straight haired 15% chance.
Derpy getting another part in this season 100% chance.
Donkey will be same one Twilight conversed with 10% chance, unless the animators remembered the donkey they named then 80% chance.
Donkey Kong reference square root of zero devided by ninety times forty two percent chance.
Pinkie gets some love by the end of the episode 92.6% chacne.
Twilight with book 45% chance.
Rarity and Pinkie being in a scene together 70% more likely as it seems they get stuck together in odd situations despite a vast gulf of interaction betweenst the two.
Fluttershy being cute or Rainbow being with Tank negative Buck Norris percent chance.
The donkey is a complete Jacka-pple and will be mistaken for a mule at least once in the episode 50% chance.
There will be something to nitpick in this episode 'Pacman with his mouth open' percent chance.
Chances of Darkon Arters Shadows predictions going a little more wonky 1% chance.
New reasons to ship ponies with a donkey from this episode coming up in the comments 100% chance as it's happened already.
Celestia, Luna, Trixie, Gilda, Pip or any other mostly CHUCK CUNNINGHAM-ed characters apparing 'Q44batmansymbolY?ladygagaandthestatueoflibertyandbethoovensnthochestrathatkilledalittlecatbyaccident' percent chance.
Chances of a song happening this episode that will be worth hearing repeatedly... 23% chance.
The end of this comment one hundred percent likely!
^ /watch?v=-mrmBe-fFr4
ReplyDeleteI predict the donkey draws alot, 50%
ReplyDeleteI wonder if that "leaked" Pinkie Pie Smile song is really a leaked song or a hoax
ReplyDeleteI actually made this days ago before I remembered about today's episode......
yes she is. And i hope this will be good.
ReplyDeleteNo you're just looking way too deep into it.
Gonna miss the live stream so I hope the 1080 will be up when I come back home.
ReplyDeletePinkie is very cute
Do Xyro can have a picture of him and Spitfire but I try that with one of my characters and Rainbow Dash and I'm told screw off.
Congrats Xyro your better then me
ReplyDeleteI'm lazy so I'll just go with what D.Shadows said
Xyro doesn't really have one... what? I don't get it.
ReplyDeleteBut anyway, much excited about this lore-wise. Animals with hooves seem to be the only ones that can talk. (And dragons of course.)
Ponies, cows, buffalo, zebras and donkeys so far. I wonder about giraffe, deer, antelopes and pigs...
@RainbowLeader 510
ReplyDeleteDoesn't have a "Xyro's note".
Also Griffons/Griffins/Gryphons/Griefers have spoken, and they have Paws/Claws.
We also had Sheep talking.
@ponyvangelist "For a comic relief character, Pinkie has surprising depth, and knowing she's so upbeat because she MUST be upbeat to keep Pinkamena from consuming her makes her more a tragic heroine than a token ditz."
ReplyDeleteGo make a FiM fanfiction, you're good at making stuff up.
Im mad atchu...
Why is that donkey refusing Pinkie Pie's Friendship? He/she is such an ASS!!! (literally)
ReplyDelete^_^. I accept friendship with everypony
ReplyDeleteHave the producers even said the song was theirs?
ReplyDeleteSo cute....
ReplyDeleteI can't wait for the episode. :)
ReplyDeleteNot directly with a public statement, but EqD took it down at someone's request. Presumably that had to be Hasbro/Hub/DHX. They wouldn't take it down for anyone else, and those three wouldn't request a takedown if it wasn't even their song. So yeah, it's theirs, just we don't know when it will drop. Today is probably the most likely time since the leak.
Has anybody seen that movie "the cable guy"? I'm sure Pinkie could play a good Jim Carrey, she already has the odd pet thing going.
ReplyDeleteI had a dream last night that Zecora was getting married and about to have foals, and Cranky Doodle was actually evil like discord and made all the ponies hate each other and it was up to Pinkie Pie to save Equestria...by singing Smile.
ReplyDeleteThirty minutes people, get the lead out of your pants. Also stop getting shot so that the lead ends up there in the first place.
ReplyDeletePonies coming up the fairway!
Awake and my body is ready.
ReplyDeleteI really wanted to join a stream tonight, but I really needed sleep. Got a long day at work today. Oh well, at least I still have TV.
ReplyDeleteKnowing this fandom, everyone will be making half-assed "ass" jokes. <_<
ReplyDeleteSurprise called it.
ReplyDeleteI'm sure we won't make the donkey the butt of all our jokes, that's what Pinkie is for.
The lemon themed character on Strawberry Shortcake just acted like Fluttershy, hiding behind her hair with an embarrassed and apologetic look.
ReplyDeleteAndrea Libman makes any character adorable.
There's probably already 'Jackass' parodies in the broniverse, but I predict there will be even more using images and video from this episode by the end of the week.
ReplyDelete10 minutes
ReplyDeleteAnd here it is at last... In a few more minutes I will have successfully avoided listening to Smile, Smile, Smile before its air date... So pumped... but god, Strawberry Shortcake, could you go any slower?
ReplyDeleteEh, I'm just tired of the 'OMG look! She's talking to us! Isn't she so ZANY and WACKY?' character archetype. Sorry Pinkie!
ReplyDelete(Plus, it happens in the actual show a lot less than it does in fanon.)
Just a few more minutes!
ReplyDeletePinkie's smile song has GOT to be in this episode!
ReplyDelete8 minutes everypony get proper snacks and beverages prepared!
ReplyDelete@Ninja Colt
ReplyDeleteI didn't listen to Smile either, and it seems likely that it will appear this episode.
why does the only ones that I can watch to be full so that I can't enter
ReplyDeleteJust how many times has Pinkie actually broken the fourth wall during the series, really? I can remember her doing so at the ends of two episodes ("Elements of Harmony" and "Over a Barrel"); have there been any other instances of her doing so?
ReplyDeleteThe opener is starting in a minute. I bet it starts with some pony else with Pinkie and a silly situation.
ReplyDeleteRegarding Hearts and Hooves not being available...
It may be due to a miscommunication between Hasbro and Apple. I received an email from Apple's iTunes customer service yesterday on the subject.
They explained that when they receive a takedown order, they quite literally REMOVE the episode... It was quite implied that they likely delete it from the iTunes server.
Even if Hasbro contacts Apple and says the episode can go back up... There is simply nothing Apple can do, if they have deleted the source files.
Hasbro MAY need to resubmit these episodes, and they may bot necessarily be aware of the issue, or the way the process works... It's not often that Hasbro has to have it's own episodes taken down.
Even if Hasbro has been OK with Derpy in The Last Roundup, and even if Hearts and Hooves is now past the official release date... As long as that miscommunication exists... We may just be out of luck.
Oh, and during the "Cupcakes" song in "Call of the Cutie", so that makes 3 times that I can recall. Others?
ReplyDeletePinkie Excercise craze to stay fit and healthy from all the snackage.
ReplyDeleteI r a little late this time. Ah well. Ponies, ponies, ponies, swag.
ReplyDeleteLol Derpy Pinkie.
ReplyDeleteBaby Cakes, yay!
ReplyDeleteThe cakes.
ReplyDeleteLeg warmers are canon?
ReplyDeleteAlso does what the element of Laughter is supposed to.
ReplyDeleteThey came back!
ReplyDeleteyay, continuity!
ReplyDeletePinkie 's getting... PHYSICAL! PHYSICAL!
ReplyDeletePinkie loves the 90's
ReplyDeleteWhy were we just assailed by the '80s?
ReplyDeleteI'm glad the Cakes' twins didn't just have a one time appearance.
ReplyDeleteSo the baby cakes now have more screen time than Luna. :(
ReplyDeletelol, pinkie 'nailed it' in more ways than one, just with tacks instead of nails.
ReplyDeleteSee what they did there? I did.
Hopes BomberBumDrum doesn't notice it trying to sneak up to second place poster on Equestria Daily.
ReplyDeleteNAILED IT!
ReplyDeleteThanks for the update! I think I'll pass that along to Hasbro...
An introduced character(s) that shows up more than once? WHAT IS THIS?
ReplyDeleteDid I just hear "Froggy Went A-Courtin'" during that commercial for laundry detergent?
ReplyDeleteZecora is chopped liver?
Daisy Joe? OH GODDESS.
ReplyDeleteCanadian cows!
ReplyDeleteRose has a voice!
ReplyDeleteRoseluck? Waddle?
ReplyDeleteop they threw in fanon name
ReplyDeleteZecora...didn't rhyme?
ReplyDeleteSmile song confirmed.
ReplyDeleteThere's your song.
ReplyDeleteOh wow, they're really treating cows like people.
ReplyDeletewow that leaked song was *really* early
ReplyDeleteRope jumping itself... Pinkie defying the laws of physics again.
ReplyDeleteDamn, Pinkie. That artistic talent.
ReplyDeleteomg DOUBLE PINKIE!!
ReplyDeleteWell... *IF* it had to be confirmed...
ReplyDeleteCows&Bulls are sentient race that do stuff like the donkeys and ponies.
Also... *THE SONG !*
The one that had been ''leaked'' some time ago, right ?
i came here to see people go: OMG ITS SMILE SMILE SMILE!!! YESSSSS!!!
ReplyDeleteSo did ANYONE think we'd get it this early in the ep?
ReplyDeletePinkie's the glue that holds Ponyville together, apparently, whether they realize it or not. ^.^
ReplyDeleteDamn. BEST. SONG. EVER.
ReplyDeletePinkie's musical numbers induce pony parkour. Excellent ^_^
ReplyDeleteSinging along!
ReplyDeleteYes, I actually avoided the leaked song until its release, and it is glorious!
ReplyDeleteI see Derpy, also get a screenshot of the overhead ponies view.
ReplyDeleteIt's really such a very cute little singing piece.
ReplyDeleteAnd there's our other headliner for today.
Even without new episode goggles on, clearly best song ever.
ReplyDeleteIt's the song. o_O My life is complete now.
ReplyDeleteI am so glad I refused to listen to this song when it leaked. So worth the wait! Mr. Ingram, you are amazing.
ReplyDeleteWell, we called this one.
ReplyDeleteDonkey plus Crankey equal Kong!
ReplyDeleteThat's it. I'm singing this
ReplyDeleteHow did I know she was going to do a parody of Yankee Doodle?
ReplyDelete"Sing random song out of nowhere."
ReplyDeleteWell, at least she's self aware.
Paper works animated brain?
ReplyDeletewas that like, papercraft animation?
ReplyDeletePinkie's mind is full of felt...it all makes sense now!
ReplyDeleteWhat's with the felt?
ReplyDeleteBreaking the fourth wall with felt. YES.
ReplyDeleteAnd the 4th wall breaks
ReplyDeleteI'm glad I didn't listen to smile earlier.
ReplyDeleteSing random song out of nowhere
ReplyDeletetwo songs in one episode?
Pinkie Pie Cult
ReplyDeletePinkie's mental checklist , haha. This episode is already awesome.
ReplyDelete"Sing random song out of nowhere!"
ReplyDeleteI wonder what face he's making ? ;)
One word. Felt.
ReplyDeleteCranky Doodle Donkey. lol
ReplyDeleteyou KNEW it was coming as soon as the synopsis came out, c'mon
Right now, this is my new fave episode. It's going to have to have a horrible 1/2 half to mess this up.
ReplyDeleteSorry, ponies. ME3 awaits!
ReplyDeleteI wonder what would have occur if Pinkie met someone like Eeyore, from Winnie the Pooh ?
ReplyDeleteNow I may be getting my answer with this episode. :D
Okay, anypony else feel like it's safe to call this their new favorite episode?
ReplyDeleteThe psychological torment that goes through Pinkie's head must be atrocious
ReplyDeleteThe forth wall, its all over the god damn floor now!
ReplyDeleteFlashdance is now canon.
ReplyDeleteGreatest. Song. Ever. It certainly made me Smile! the whole time.
ReplyDeleteThat song was a musical epic, and I loved the felt, using different styles and mediums is something I always love and so far this episode is pretty good.
ReplyDeleteThat was 500 times better than I though it was going to be. This is why Pinkie Pie is best pony!!
ReplyDeleteDamn sorry, been trying to sign into Google for the past 10 minutes. Nevemind that.
ReplyDeleteI believe that Cranky has a toupee. He may be angry because he doesn't want anyone to know that he's bald.
ReplyDeleteOMG Pinkie's mind is in felt, it makes so much sense!
ReplyDeletethat song was worth waiting for, and so far this episode shapes to be awesome!
ReplyDelete"Smile, Smile, Smile"!
ReplyDeleteSmile smile smile hands down, best song ever for FiM.
ReplyDeleteI think I have a new favorite song and a new favorite episode.
ReplyDeleteYeah, me too.
Lyra and Bon-Bon were next to each other during the song.
ReplyDeleteCows already talked, in the episode where Applejack and Winona stopped the stampede. (They chatted with the cows at the end.)
ReplyDeleteBroken 4th Wall--DEFINITE CHECK
Potential new best episode--CHECK CHECK CHECK
I feel a patriotism theme going on behind Crankey Doodles background music.
ReplyDeletePinkie squee. <3
ReplyDeletePonyville? Peace and quiet? Try again!
ReplyDelete"Came to Ponyville for some peace and quiet"
ReplyDeleteCDD, you don't pay attention to the news, do you? Ponyville was a bad choice.
pinkie squeel lol
ReplyDeleteSince Smile song came early, I'm guessing the moral of this ep will be "Look, some people are dickheads. There's only so much you can do."
ReplyDeleteWhich is actually kind of a running theme for this show. *coughgildatrixiecough*
"Wagon buddies"
ReplyDeleteWelcome wagon, literally.
ReplyDeleteWant to make a new friend.
ReplyDeleteIgnore what they have to say.
And you wonder why you're having trouble, Pinkie.
Welcome wagon is best wagon
ReplyDeleteThere's another song just for fun. :)
ReplyDeletePinkie is doing showtoons all episode, but they won't win him over.
ReplyDelete2 song