This is from that person who does that one Tumblr you guys talked about, right? I think it's really sweet; like lethal at higher levels sweet. That's why I'll only watch it once, I get the message.
Seth, something's up. A lot of people are having trouble seeing some of the things you've posted today. Including me. I think Blogger's flipping out, you might want to look into it.
Don' cry on me, Lasty! Must....retain....macho....image...!! *whimper* That wasn't a whimper, I just...belched real quiet. From all the liquor I had. 'Cause I'm a man!
Although the pairing does not make sense to me, this flash is really well done. Also well done is the music choice which comes from Clannad, one of the best animes I've seen.
I had a look at this earlier today, and it was the Christmas flash movie all over again. I'll admit it; I was crying tears of joy. This was so touching, not to mention insanely adorable. I don't think I can handle having another look, but I know I'm gonna have to eventually.
Amazingly cute and beautifully done as always. very tender and sweet. my only beef was talking at the end, i liked the whole nonverbal going on and suddenly talking was a bit jarring but i can understand it might be hard to express that with just pictures in word bubbles.
I... this makes me sad that I didn't have a mare or stallion to hold during Hearts and Hooves day. But really, it is a nice flash. Now excuse me, I need to go cry a mix of happy and jealous tears.
ALL OF MY TEARS. Okay, so I didn't cry. But seriously that Clannad Dango Daikazoku came out of nowhere and caught me so off guard... ugh that soundtrack is a masterpiece (as is the show). In any case, I'm not a big FlutterPie fan, but that was absolutely adorable, and the music was perfect. Loved it. Do AppleDash? :3
I love this! Speccy is one of the best flash makers I've seen. The best part is, is that he is one of the ones that knows how shipping is supposed to be, thoughtful. I thank you for your work, it's beautiful.
Awwwwww, another Hearts and Hooves Day pony animation that started off rather sad and had me teary-eyed. Glad this one ended so sweetly too. Now I wish I had had a Hearts and Hooves Day somepony too.
I really enjoy works this. I am soo glad to see some wonderful things coming from the fandom still. This really cheered me up despite how things have been for me lately. Thanks n.n
@Weim_Time The Tumblr that this came from has an entry to fill in a couple of missing details. The note told Fluttershy to wait at Sugarcube Corner while Pinkie got everything ready. Fluttershy never saw it before she went out looking for Pinkie, which explains why she got so worked up as the day went on.
142 kommentaari:
VastaKustutaFlutterpie is best pony
VastaKustutafirst! yayayayy and greeat flash
VastaKustutaSometimes, I dream of cheese
VastaKustutalink, it says im missing plugin
VastaKustutaSo sweet Happy H&H day, only ten mins left for me though
VastaKustutaWhy the heck does it say Missing plugin? DX
VastaKustutasame :/
Eh? Missing plugin?
VastaKustutaWhat plugin am I missing?
i am not first again damn unknown
VastaKustutaYay, it's finally up! I d'awwwwd, bawwwwd, and hnnnnng'd at the same time when I first saw this!
VastaKustutaI cried a little....soooo beautiful.
VastaKustuta@Rainbows are awesome
VastaKustuta<3 - Think I fixed my name.
I can die happy now and give up trying to get first.
This is from that person who does that one Tumblr you guys talked about, right? I think it's really sweet; like lethal at higher levels sweet. That's why I'll only watch it once, I get the message.
VastaKustutaAhhh... So cute <3
VastaKustutaThat was good but I don't like this shipping that much.
VastaKustutaDaango daang daango... :)
VastaKustutaMelody is from Clannad.
Darn this one and that Derpy one have got me....
VastaKustutaD'AWWWWW Andrea Libman loves Andrea Libman
VastaKustutaSpeccy why you make such adorable things.
VastaKustutaGreat flash. How sweet.
VastaKustutaALL MY LOVE! Seriously, that was too damn adorable. Loved every second of it!
VastaKustutacan you also post link seth? it doesnt work for me
VastaKustutaAdorable XD
VastaKustuta*heart attack*
This ship is obnoxiously cute, especially when done by this author. This was no exception.
VastaKustutaAnyone else take some issue with how out of character pinkie seems for the bulk of this, though?
Seth, something's up. A lot of people are having trouble seeing some of the things you've posted today. Including me. I think Blogger's flipping out, you might want to look into it.
VastaKustutaMissing Plug-in? Tis a lie! I assure thee my plug-in is whole and ungobbled!
VastaKustuta Yar, here be the link.
VastaKustutaWe be dango daikozoku up in this piece.
VastaKustutaAfter watching, it is now confirmed that I have diabeetus.
VastaKustutaDohoho, you win sir!
@Dr. Weller
VastaKustutaIt's a great piece of music but it makes me teary eyed every time :(
VastaKustuta2:obligatory 'DAAAWWWW'
3:This post reminded me of something but I forgot again... ... Oh yes! Happy Valentines Day to all, and to all a good night.
Hnnnnnggggg'd and cried at the same time.
VastaKustutaMan, after watching CLANNAD it became impossible to cry to anything else. :(
VastaKustutaWhat a sad feeling. *cries*
VastaKustutaI began to cry a lot because of this flash video and My Little Pony changed my entire life forever!!!! :,)
VastaKustutaPinkieShy makes no sense whatsoever. ADHD does not match with shyness.
VastaKustutaBut eh, crack shippers gonna crack ship.
Another great animation from Speccy. So cute.
VastaKustutaI died from diabetes. I am now a zombie, which is awesome.
VastaKustutaThe Pinkie & Fluttershy Tumblr is one of my favorite ones. That Flash made me cry!
VastaKustutaHaving the Clannad theme song just makes it even more heartwarming and tear jerking. :')
VastaKustutaGreat. Now I'm in a terrible mood. :/
Clannad is best anime
VastaKustutaall of my daw
VastaKustutaWhy Did Twi's cutie mark look like texas?
VastaKustuta*Cuteness overload and explode*
my blackened heart, why you beat again?!
VastaKustutapinkie/anyypony is my fav ship.
but flutterpie is especially cute, great job!
Aw that was beautiful, the music and art were amazing as well.
VastaKustutatoo...much... cute!
VastaKustutaOh man, this music.
Flash... The bane of my existence. On Valentine's Day, nonetheless!
VastaKustutaTo the computer!
Dango Daikazoku... Good memories. Very good animation. :)
VastaKustutaIf there was one piece of music I didn't expect to hear on clicking play, it was the Dango Daikazoku melody o.o
VastaKustutaThat was /adorable/ .. but, now I want ponified CLANNAD characters >.>
Don' cry on me, Lasty! Must....retain....macho....image...!! *whimper* That wasn't a whimper, I just...belched real quiet. From all the liquor I had. 'Cause I'm a man!
VastaKustuta....a man....
Although the pairing does not make sense to me, this flash is really well done. Also well done is the music choice which comes from Clannad, one of the best animes I've seen.
VastaKustutaWhy woukd you use that song. Why would you male me re live the trauma. Why. Why. Why.
VastaKustutaI had just buried that.
VastaKustutaManly tears have been shed! great job! ;u;
VastaKustutaMany manly tears were shed.
VastaKustutaNinjas everywhere, today!
I had a look at this earlier today, and it was the Christmas flash movie all over again. I'll admit it; I was crying tears of joy. This was so touching, not to mention insanely adorable. I don't think I can handle having another look, but I know I'm gonna have to eventually.
VastaKustutaI just got "HNNNG'd" to exponential levels.
VastaKustutaDaaawwww. :')
VastaKustutaWow, how many anxiety attacks did this provoke?
VastaKustutaManly tears were shed, no regrets. So cute.
VastaKustutais that the clannad theme?
VastaKustutaAmazingly cute and beautifully done as always. very tender and sweet. my only beef was talking at the end, i liked the whole nonverbal going on and suddenly talking was a bit jarring but i can understand it might be hard to express that with just pictures in word bubbles.
VastaKustutaMissing plugin? I know I have flash...
VastaKustutaIn my inevitable compulsion to compare things, I have to say the christmas one was a bit better.
VastaKustutaThis is still damn awesome, mind.
Dawww I cried happy tears. It's amazing how much you can do without any real dialogue
VastaKustutaI'm not crying, there's just something in my eye that's all.
VastaKustutaManly tears of pure diabeetus were shed
VastaKustuta@Shrpsho0ter Pinkie shy
VastaKustutaSo sweet! Enough said.
VastaKustutawow so touching :)
VastaKustutamine says "missing plugin" :(
VastaKustutaI... this makes me sad that I didn't have a mare or stallion to hold during Hearts and Hooves day. But really, it is a nice flash. Now excuse me, I need to go cry a mix of happy and jealous tears.
VastaKustutaThe music and art style reminded me of Yoshi's Island, in a very, very good way.
VastaKustutaBut with ponies. Which is even better.
VastaKustutaAwwwwwwww, that made me cry, and i hate shipping. <3
VastaKustutaShipping or not, I love this Tumblr. This is just too freaking cute.
VastaKustutaDango Daikazoku allways bring a smile to my lips.
hmmm to be honest don't really like this shipping but its so amazing I don't really care more of this please.
VastaKustutaGreat song choice.
VastaKustutaAnyone else jelly of Pinkie?
Dango Daikazoku! I love Clannad.
VastaKustutaI really wish we could see what Pinkie wrote on that note.
shit man, i got something in my eye. causing me to tear up and what not. no im not crying leave me alone.
VastaKustutaALL OF MY TEARS. Okay, so I didn't cry. But seriously that Clannad Dango Daikazoku came out of nowhere and caught me so off guard... ugh that soundtrack is a masterpiece (as is the show). In any case, I'm not a big FlutterPie fan, but that was absolutely adorable, and the music was perfect. Loved it. Do AppleDash? :3
VastaKustutaAll this did was make me want to cry.
VastaKustutaPhysically unable to handle all of the D'aww from these flash animations today. I didn't prepare my body for a lethal amount of cuteness.
VastaKustutaDAT MUSIC
VastaKustutaI love this! Speccy is one of the best flash makers I've seen. The best part is, is that he is one of the ones that knows how shipping is supposed to be, thoughtful. I thank you for your work, it's beautiful.
VastaKustutaAw. That was sweet.
VastaKustutaDidn't Speccy once specifically say these two weren't a couple, just really good friends?
VastaKustutasmall tears welled up, music was very fitting.
VastaKustutaAAAAAAAHHHHHH ;_; That was adorable.
VastaKustutaRecepie for a perfect Valentine night, by Pinkie Pie:
VastaKustuta-Make your loved one feel like shit the whole day.
-Surprise with cheap dinner and gift once the sun is down.
--Pretend you are the best pony in the world, not actually an asshole.
I'm sorry, but this is how I see it. Also, why Pinkie is so out of character in this ask?
ees like a picture book. me gusta
VastaKustutaees like a picture book. me gusta
VastaKustutaCurse you're collecting all our tears for some nefarious purpose aren't you?
VastaKustutahow does this even count as an animation and also pinkie pie is a huge douche in this story.
VastaKustutaAwwwwww, another Hearts and Hooves Day pony animation that started off rather sad and had me teary-eyed. Glad this one ended so sweetly too. Now I wish I had had a Hearts and Hooves Day somepony too.
VastaKustutaI really enjoy works this. I am soo glad to see some wonderful things coming from the fandom still. This really cheered me up despite how things have been for me lately. Thanks n.n
VastaKustutaHeads-up: the "Missing Plugin" problem appears to be specific to Chrome. Works fine in Firefox.
VastaKustutaLink again (thanks, FarmboyKenny!) for those averse to CTRL+F :
VastaKustutaNo she isn't. She left a note for Fluttershy but it fell under the table where she didn't see it.
Autor on selle kommentaari eemaldanud.
VastaKustutaI love PinkieShy ships... They are the cutest shipping in all of the MLP universe!
VastaKustutait was ok... plot didn't make much sense...
VastaKustutadawwwwwwwwwww overload!!!!
VastaKustutaI thought I was used to this kind of stuff by now, but dammit! Why won't my eyes stop crying!? This was beautiful!
VastaKustuta*HEAD 'SPLODES*
VastaKustutaPinkieShy is underrated and is my favorite ship. <3
VastaKustutaNever considered FlutterPie as a ship but that was pretty good.
VastaKustutaSpeccy's art style is extremely cute. Dare I say it, his Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy look even more adorable than the actual designs in the show.
VastaKustutaI cried.
VastaKustutaI felt that familiar stirring in my chest as this progressed.
VastaKustutaIt's the same feeling I get whenever I watch, listen to, or read something that is truly touching and well-done.
For such a simple, slideshow-type Flash, this was so... beautiful.
Thanks for making this.
That was so sad, celestiadarnit, that melted my heart.
VastaKustutaJust let it happen...
I think the second saddest thing is I can't remember what song it is.. :(
VastaKustutaExplosion of da'www
VastaKustutaDango, dango, dango, dango~
VastaKustutaThe saddest anime ever. If no pony has seen this series I highly, highly, highly recommend it if you're into drama/romance.
Just had to use Dango Daikazoku. Now my eyes are all sweaty. Very cute and moving vid.
VastaKustutaAnd as others have said, CLANNAD will make anyone cry. Especially After Story. I can pretty much guarantee it.
this is so touching, nearly cried :(
VastaKustutaMy little Dango.
VastaKustutaFlutterPie again? This holiday needs more PinkieDash.
VastaKustutaUsually I hate shipping, but this and Decay are the only exceptions. great job!
VastaKustutaUhm, my eyes are leaking. :/ *manly tears*
VastaKustutaThis did it. it wiped out that last testosterone fueled manly part of me. I never D'awwed so hard.
VastaKustutaLol you and i have the same avatar, but this animation was very heart-warming... my manly tears have been shed once again...
VastaKustutaOh, I know this feeling. It occurs when you are too stunned by the beauty of something. I thought I'm the only one who reacts this way.
And it does have one thing in common with My Little Dashie - it's remarkably simple and moving.
VastaKustutaL-let what happen, I..I don't know what you're...They're just pon-...i don't even ship...
That was absolutely beautiful, although I've never really been a fan of Flutterpie shipping. The music went so well with the piece too.
VastaKustutadango, dango, dango, dango, dango daikazoku.
VastaKustutaI cried a little. So sweet!
VastaKustutaThe Tumblr that this came from has an entry to fill in a couple of missing details. The note told Fluttershy to wait at Sugarcube Corner while Pinkie got everything ready. Fluttershy never saw it before she went out looking for Pinkie, which explains why she got so worked up as the day went on.