The felt pony competition has come to a close! After the break you will find 74 entries. I have to admit, I didn't expect such a huge turnout on this one due to the difficulty level, but once again, you have all surprised me.
You want some winners though don't you! Deciding between all of these was probably one of the most difficult choice we have had so far in these little events. The quality and creativity was just straight up impressive. With the strict deadline, we couldn't open it up to the masses, so hopefully most of you will agree with the choices we made!
First place can be found above as the header image, and wins a Friendship Express DVD, the Friendship Express Train, and a 11x17 Friendship Express Poster.
Runner Ups (Win One Friendship Express DVD Each):
By Slip Stitch, California
By HairyFox - Austria
By Foxxy
By slifertheskydragon - California
Grats to all the winners! As was stated in the competition rules, please send a picture of you holding up your contest entry to [email protected] (You can hide your face). I am going to give a three day cushion on it, then default to some of honorable mentions below. (Feel free to let me know if you need an extension though in the same email box!)
Thanks again for entering! We have a few more events coming up, so keep an eye out!
And Atlur's take on me accidently posting our internal poll over here:
![]() |
Also number 4 poofed, oops :3 |
1) By Andrew Atmadja
2) By Andrew Atmadja
3) By Joshua Klein
5) By Derpy Magazine Collage
6) By darkshines
7) By RAGE Twilight
8) By Spitfire V - Thunderbay
9) By Rowan - Troy,MT
10) By 2Dd
11) By Breaking the Fourth Wall - Felt Contest
12) By Slip Stitch, California
13) By Kate Gibson - Utah
14) By ~CM~ - Amuricah
15) By Debra Mackenzie - Manchester
16) By HareDoctor
17) By vmkhappy-panda - WA
18) By Sharebear
19) By vmkhappy-panda - WA
20) By Samantah Reyes- Pacifica, C.A
21) By WhiteHeather Portland Oregon
22) By Topit Munkeydog
23) By vmkhappy-panda - WA
24) By Bronies@UVA
25) By Birdie - Chicago
27) By Maggie - North Carolina
28) By HairyFox - Austria
29) By Jim
30) By Anthony Pasquarelli
31) By Alice V.
32) By Amana
33) By Braeburn Felt Art
34) By Castform5 (aka brony and proud of it)
35) By Mandy
36) By Foxxy
37) By Kaiserin
38) By Kyouhen
39) By EnigmaticElocution
40) By Sharebear
41) By slifertheskydragon - California
42) By Honey Petal-NJ
43) By JohnPaulGeorgeRingo6
44) By KittyKatz547
45) By cygaj - Poland
46) By Felt Art PC - Hi Rainbow Dash! scene
47) By 8bitbleepbleep
48) By Fishi
49) By Flutteryay Felt Art Pony Competition
50) By Bridget G. - Maryland, USA
51) By Ivan H.
52) By Force-UnBleached - Pensacola, FL
53) By Kawaiimo - Tustin, California
54) By Tai Kuroba
56) By Romel Alarcon
57) By Emerald Bresnahan
58) By Gabriel Mismash
59) By StarStep
61) By Mirisha - Coralville, Iowa
63) By Jazmine
64) By Freyaday
65) By TravisWar - Alberta
66) By Modjeska Hutchings
67) By Elizabeth Cockerill
68) By Erik - Medford, OR
69) By RadekaL
71) By Blaze72
73) By Ressy
74) By Frankie Hernandez
97 kommentaari:
VastaKustutaWOW these are all amazing!
VastaKustutaWhy is Daring Do brown?
VastaKustutaOh well~
Lovely work ponies-who-are-clearly-more-talented-than-I! Job well done, especially the winner and the runner-ups!
VastaKustutaI love the Derpy mail mare one
VastaKustutaso many awesome ones it's hard to pick a winner!
Wow... These are outstanding! I have to call out some special love for Bob and Doug McKenzie because, seriously, who saw that coming, eh?
VastaKustutaAlso, I really like the depth of #39, with Dash and Discord. Great job.
So many fun ones... Awesome work everyone!
Congrats to all the winners, and to everyone that submitted an entry!! :D This fandom is so talented... These were all incredible!
VastaKustutaI love contests like this :) It gets my artsy side going. Give us more, Seth! :D
Epic felt is epic.
VastaKustutaAutor on selle kommentaari eemaldanud.
VastaKustutamine was number 20 :D
VastaKustutaI like 39, 50, and 59 the best :3
VastaKustutahaha loved yours dashyflash. Mine was 53.
VastaKustutaThese are all amazing! Felt pony art may be my new favorite pony art. Brilliant work everybody :)
VastaKustutaEveryone's a winner in my book!
VastaKustutaThe skill and creativity of this fandom continue to amaze me!
VastaKustutaThat was great! Love the fireworks!!
VastaKustutaI really liked #21!
VastaKustutaThese are incredible! I also didn't expect anyone to
VastaKustutamake an animated entry, so way to go!
HOLY FUCK THESE ARE AMAZING!!!!!! I really think seth should mail these to director Jay, along with a "look at what you inspired us to do" note. I bet he'd love it
VastaKustutaAutor on selle kommentaari eemaldanud.
VastaKustutaThese are all amazing, well done to all the entries!
VastaKustutaGood idea!
So much win
VastaKustutaAll of these are impressive especially the animated ones. Good job you guys!
VastaKustutaWow, these are epic! 39 is definitely the next runner up, if anything.
VastaKustutaThey all turned out amazingly well! Great job everypony!
VastaKustutaTo offer some criticism, I feel as if the winner was chosen unfairly, and merely due to the fact that it was animated, while there are other entries, one in particular that was outstanding, that didn't even manage to get into the runners up. Thus, the choices seem highly biased.
VastaKustuta#23 managed to line up perfectly as a I scrolled so it looked as though it were animated. Kinda creepy.
VastaKustutamind blown
VastaKustutaSuch wonderful artwork! Give yourselves a pat on the back everypony!
VastaKustutaSweet Celestia that's a LOT of felt! So many awesome entries. Loved the gif on 50. Felt Pinkie will live on FOREVER!!
VastaKustuta#65 How have we not had this crossover yet?
VastaKustutaI FELT that the winner was chosen more for his animation rather than the FABRICation.
VastaKustuta@_OJ_ hey, I remember you
VastaKustutaHeh, i really FELT all the effort put into this!
VastaKustuta...I'll go sit in a corner now.
@_OJ_ If you really hate bronies so much, why the frick do you keep coming here to post your trash talk? You're nothing more than a common 4chan troll in my book now.
VastaKustutaSo many wonderful submissions!
VastaKustutaIt's amazing what my fellow fans can produce when prompted. What am I saying, they make incredible stuff all the time!
VastaKustutahard to choss which is my fav really, so many choices... with such riches a plenty...
VastaKustutaOh these are just amazing. Thanks to everyone who participated in this. These are really original pieces of art!
VastaKustuta*Squee* Oh Celestia! I was not expecting this. Thank you!
VastaKustuta@ChromosomeI think you should come up with better material
VastaKustutaI feel that the winner was picked just because of the animation rather than the shape and the material used. /:
VastaKustutaThere are other outstanding entries which are not picked for the runner-ups, much to my disappointment.
VastaKustutaNot a bad problem to have if you ask me.
(I'm willing to take this to its inevitable end.)
Ha, no less then three felt animations. You people keep surprising me
VastaKustutawow. there are a lot of great entries. wish the expression of Pinkie changed a little in the winning one but otherwise stellar work. (pun unplanned but works!) Was 18/20 a collaborative project since it's the same image? That Discord and Dash felt is pretty sweet. As is the animated Pinkie out of the sponges. Really though great work everyone who entered!
VastaKustutaThat's a lot of art! #26 and 59 are my favorites, but a lot of good stuff has been send in.
VastaKustutaWhats that? did somebody say this fandom is amazing and creative as F**K? huh.. cuz thats what i heard...
VastaKustutaI can see why it would be difficult to pick winners out of this lot. They're all very fun and creative!
VastaKustutaI'd love to have 12 and 21 on my wall. :)
Well it was worth a shot. Mine the ugliest at 11.
VastaKustutabig gratz to the winners
VastaKustutai love 29 ok i have to my hubby did it....
mine is 15...
They are all awesome! I especially like 50 though.
VastaKustutaOMG I never expected you to reply to that! I am so happy! you're the best!
(ps i typed this earlier but didn't see it posted so my bad if this is a double)
I wonder what shipping to Austria cost? Congrats on the wins.
VastaKustutaI love #21
VastaKustutaIs that even felt on the winning entry? It looks like construction paper...
VastaKustutaAutor on selle kommentaari eemaldanud.
VastaKustuta@CygnusVismundCygnus Yeah, it's construction paper. The rules had said that was fine to use as well.
VastaKustutaYou ponies be AWESOME!
VastaKustutaAll that is hella time and effort, and y'all were just runnin on magic brony mojo. I can't even haul rump to Fabricland.
I love too many of them, but 17 and 19 hella bawwwed me with my favourite ponies. Bias is strong with them.
50 is best. May be biased because pinkie is best pony.
VastaKustutaAs amazing as the winners look, I'm a bit sad that only one of them as actual felt in it. Construction paper is easier to work with than felt, so I feel it's a tad unfair to have allowed it.
VastaKustutaSo much Trixie! /)^3^(\
VastaKustutaGotta lovw Flim and Flam
VastaKustutaWhy doesn't some one just do a readers poll on them so that we could see how the choice differs if people are stressing about the choice. Might not be a prize involved tho willing to donate a custom hat if it helps.
VastaKustutagaha! you didnt' say they could be animated! I would have totally done that if you said that in the rules, because I totally work better with animation than static images...
VastaKustutaPS: Derpy Hooves runner up should have won. THat is obviously 20% cooler than the real winner.
Totally not surprised by the unprofessionalism that runs amok the higher ups in the community.
VastaKustuta#50 Wow that's great - and creepy.
VastaKustutaWait...aren't 17 and 19 the same???
VastaKustuta17, 19 and 23 are mine! 17 and 19 are the same except luna's tail is missing in 17... no idea how that happened hahah
VastaKustutaI'm glad Derpy was in the top 5, after the recent fracas.
VastaKustutaTons of cred to StarStep, awesome animation and Pinkie and Twilight are my two favorite ponies.
Related to the winner:
15, 17, and 39 should've totally ranked. I don't know who they could've replaced because Seth's choices were pretty solid too.
VastaKustutaGood stuff. Personal favorites in no particular order are #15, #29, #36, #39 and #45.
VastaKustutaSpecial mention to #50 because - foreverrrr!
@Mayor Mare
VastaKustutaAnyone who entered the contest had the option to work with the "easier" construction paper media. It's not unfair when the option is open to everyone.
I would be really interested to see if the winners would have been the same with a poll instead of a panel of judges. The ones that won aren't all the ones I would have picked, and not just because mine isn't one of them (I did #21). I also feel that Slip Stitch's runner up entry deserved to win, for its quality, creativity, and the fact that it's even related to the "friendship express" theme of the prizes.
#50 is my fav :3
VastaKustuta@Heather I know, but why call it a felt contest if you don't have to use felt? I don't mean to offend, because the work done with construction paper is beautiful (yours included), but the contest idea was because of the felt ponies in the recent episode, as well as Pixelkitties' art.
VastaKustutaIn the end, what I say doesn't matter anyway. Just expressing an opinion.
@Mayor Mare
VastaKustutaNo offense taken. I just think it's silly to call it unfair when everyone had the option to do it that way. It may also be silly to call it a felt competition, but that wasn't your original point. It probably should have been called a felt and papercraft competition.
Yes it was inspired by the felt art and Pixelkittie's art, but really Pixelkittie's art was digital and honestly looks more like something you could do with paper than felt anyway.
Also signing in with the right gmail account this time hopefully...
Im amazed 50 didnt get a prize
VastaKustutaHey great job everypony i live them all personally i think we should have another one just for kicks with a little longer deadline i wanna see what the artists can really do i know maybe have a felt freind week instead of a drawfreind or both idk but these are awesome tldr; post moar!!!
VastaKustutaHey great job everypony i live them all personally i think we should have another one just for kicks with a little longer deadline i wanna see what the artists can really do i know maybe have a felt freind week instead of a drawfreind or both idk but these are awesome tldr; post moar!!!
VastaKustuta@Mayor Mare
VastaKustutaWell, not everybody has an easy access to felt.
yay to 13 for FiW fan art
One of those you mentioned is mine. Glad you like it, thank you! :)
@StarStep Congratulations! I am seriously impressed by yours, that must have taken you forever!
VastaKustuta@Heather You are so sweet. I'm cool with taking runner up to the one that got 1st though, that must have taken a lot of time to organize all those pieces. I certainly wouldn't have had the patience for it :)
VastaKustutaI'm sad to see you didn't get a prize though, I seriously adore yours :(
The next contest should be making pony art out of FOOD
39, 50, and 59 are my favorites
VastaKustutafucking brilliant!
VastaKustutahi seth.
Im talking to seth. {Fangirl squeak}
WOW, guys. #50 would have had my vote, mostly because it's "animated" in real life! If someone sent me a card like that they would instantly become my hero forever. 17, 21 and 23 also delight me.
VastaKustutaIn before a bunch of people complain that the winners in a subjective art contest were chosen unfairly.. oh, wait, no I'm not. :( You can compliment other entries or suggest that next time maybe we could do a popular vote without insulting the winner(s). Let's be good sports here, everypony.
WOW, guys. #50 would have had my vote, mostly because it's "animated" in real life! If someone sent me a card like that they would instantly become my hero forever. 17, 21 and 23 also delight me.
VastaKustutaIn before a bunch of people complain that the winners in a subjective art contest were chosen unfairly.. oh, wait, no I'm not. :( You can compliment other entries or suggest that next time maybe we could do a popular vote without insulting the winner(s). Let's be good sports here, everypony.
VastaKustutaIn my opinion, all these should win the first prize.
#18 was very unoriginal imho
VastaKustuta#s 22, 39, and 45 definitely should have been ranked higher for their creative output.
My favorites are 39 and 63. Well done, artists.
VastaKustutaDude, wow, they're all so awesome!
VastaKustutaThe definitely think the first one deserved to win. It may have won because it was animated but it's so smooth. And they even went the extra mile of making it light up when the firework went off. Not to say it isn't cute: the picture itself was original and nicely done. I really enjoy all the pictures and the ones who won deserved to win.