The full synopsis for Putting Your Hoof Down has been released on U-verse. Check it out after the break as always!
“When Fluttershy becomes tired of being pushed around for too long, she decides to seek some assertiveness training from self-help guru Iron Will. With the help of her new teacher, she quickly transforms her unsure ways."
Iron Will eh? Sounds like this is going to be an interesting character.
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My wife calls me iron will... when we're in bed.
VastaKustutaGenuinely assertive fluttershy?
VastaKustutaNot sure if want.
inb4 Iron Will is Discord in disguise or somehow being controlled by Discord or related to Discord and/or chaos in some way, or at least an antagonist.
VastaKustutaFluttershy not being shy? well we have seen it plenty already but i hope its not going to be a full character persona change. I love Fluttershy for being timid and quiet most of the time.
VastaKustutaIs this going to be like the spongebob episode where plankton makes him more assertive? Flutterbitch round 2 incoming! :D
VastaKustutaSo... which pony is going to push her over the edge in the episode to go for said training... my guess would be Rainbow Dash.
VastaKustutaOh good, another chance for Fluttershy to be a writer's pet Canon Sue and outshine everyone else.
VastaKustutaWell, whatever. I wasn't very optimistic about the recent Applejack episodes either, and they turned out to be some of the best episodes yet, so... Not judging it until I watch it.
All I can think about is Assertive by Taps and YAC. <3 that song.
VastaKustutaThey're really nailing the right themes all the time! Just as I (and quite some people, too) started seeing Fluttershy as more of a weak background character with the one trick of being shy and looking cute doing so, her personality is now possibly changing!
VastaKustutaAll that remains is a Scootaloo episode in my opinion to seal the deal, whoever comes up with these is brilliant.
I swear to god if this episode is not an extended Full Metal Jacket homage...
VastaKustutaIron Will 'll be a girl? LOL awesome
VastaKustutaThis episode is going to be great
VastaKustuta@TatoChorizo Says who?
VastaKustutaThis does have the potential to be another antagonist. Maybe an unintentional one, the sort of character who is like "I know what's best for her!" and then by the end of the episode, when Ponyville is in flames, he will be like "What have I done? I was wrong! Help me!"
VastaKustutaI'm calling it.
Inb4 Flutterbitch 2.0
VastaKustutaNot INsertive, Assertive!
VastaKustutaIm curious as to why she wants to change her way all of the sudden. She told Discord she's fine with how she is, so what happened? :O
VastaKustutaI hope he's voiced by R. Lee Ermey.
VastaKustutaI can't wait! Been awhile since we've had a good Flutters episode. :P
VastaKustuta@Gaiascope same question i have for this episode.
VastaKustutaHas anyone else noticed that a sound effect heavily associated with Discord has been playing all throughout the season? I expect to hear a lot of it in this episode. It's that metally down-slidey noise. I dunno, it's hard to explain a noise in text, and I haven't seen any youtube videos calling it out.
VastaKustutaMaybe I should stitch together a 'He's Still Here' montage to point out all the times the sound effect gets used. The first usage in season two is when Discord's statue is first introduced, 36 seconds into season 2, episode 1. It's used repeatedly during that scene.
looks like angel will start respecting her, yay :D
VastaKustuta"Fluttershy becomes tired of being pushed around for too long."
VastaKustutaIsn't that exactly what Dash does to her? I agree with MiColt above, my bits are on Rainbow.
This is gonna be fun.....but I doubt we'll see the full change in her's just an episode thing. I already know the lesson in this episode already XD.
VastaKustutaI foresee a hilarious episode incoming.
VastaKustutaI think I read a fanfic about this once.
VastaKustutaSounds like we shall get atleast one segment of Assertive Fluttershy that will no doubt be hilarious. What would Iron Will be like, a Shaolin Monk or some sort of Army Instructor. Curious to see how it goes. And Rainbow Dash... just be cautious, ok?
VastaKustutaI still wish they'd hire a different synopsis writer. One that's not too blunt and spoiler-prone.
VastaKustutaIron will and fluttershy are now my OTP
VastaKustutaHo ho this is looking good. I wonder what will finally push her over the edge, though to have a guess like others have said above me it may probably have something to do with RD.
VastaKustutaThat won't last. Shy Fluttershy is best Fluttershy. Yes, I am stating the obvious, but if I don't, who will?
VastaKustutaI'm going to go out on a limb and say that it's going to be a minor character, perhaps the Mayor, who pushes Fluttershy too far by taking her for granted too much.
VastaKustutaThe one thing that really worries me is how they're going to make the aesop work; especially if status quo makes everything go back to how it was, how they will avoid making it seem like standing up for yourself is a bad thing. I'm going to guess for that to happen, Iron Will is going to have to be a pretty big jerk.
In my head, I'm hoping that Iron Will sounds like Sean Connery.
VastaKustutaIsn't there a fanfic like this? Except that Iron Will is replaced by a record player.
VastaKustuta@Laurence Brown Maybe it'll be 'It's okay to stand up for yourself, but don't be a jerk about it'.
VastaKustutaOr maybe Fluttershy confuses being assertive with aggressive.
Ah I was hoping that she was going to get help from Trixie.
VastaKustuta"YOU have the manners of a goat!"
"Um... Well actually, that's a misconception... You see... I know plenty of goats who are very..."
Well, this will be one heck of a fantastic episode.
VastaKustutaFluttershy really does need some hints and tips; I doubt she'd want another Gilda-scenario, among other things...
I avoid the pre-show synopsis, but if that title and and image are an indication of a Fluttershy episode, then that is some great news. I was really hoping to see at least one this season. If so, Yay.
VastaKustutaKind of sounds like the Fraggle Rock episode where Wembley goes to Convincing John to become more decisive.
VastaKustuta@Rita Lot
I have a feeling she's gonna become assertive and then her friends are going to somehow make her shy again. Or somthing that effect. There would be no point in her being called FlutterSHY when she wasn't shy.
VastaKustutaHmmm...never noticed until you pointed it out. It's kind of a high-pitched slidey synth sound.
Now I have a reason to re-watch season 2...yay! (as if I needed a reason).
@EonMaster There are 2... But In my honest opinion both of them were quite underwhelming, so I can't wait to see this premise done right.
VastaKustutaAt the moment I'm presuming "assertive" will translate to "unholy godbitch" and the lesson will be that even if you do need to change, don't go to extremes. Or "you're fine as you are".
VastaKustutaAutor on selle kommentaari eemaldanud.
VastaKustutainb4 Status Quo is God. (Even though there are some exceptions in MLP)
VastaKustutaObligatory TVTropes Warning.
inb4, fluttershy will be an unintentionally aggressive pony : \
VastaKustutaI wonder if this episode will have a montage of training Fluttershy.
@The_A_Drain Fluttershy: *sticks hoof in mouth*
VastaKustutaPlankton: Not INSERTIVE, ASSERTIVE!!!
Try not to cry :'( and stop changing my ponies hasbro
VastaKustuta@Beheld lol, Highlander time!
VastaKustutaWho dares to push Fluttershy around?
VastaKustutaNow imagining Iron Will sounding and being a reference to Mr. Miyagi
VastaKustutaWoooo, I'm going to ENJOY this episode. 'Bout time we had an episode like this. Maybe it'll reveal that Fluttershy has anger issues and solves them by keeping her negative emotions bottled up.
VastaKustutaBut all that hatred has to go somewhere... Besides, this will be a good lesson for kids with anger issues.
This sounds exactly like so very many fanfictions...
VastaKustutaSTILL not sure if Iron Will is a male or female... But what I am sure is, anyone who DARES try to take advantage or abuse Fluttershy is going to GET IT! >:(
VastaKustutaIt bears repeating!
Can't wait to see how canon-accurate my good friend Pen was! ^__^
I'm pretty sure this will be a Big Lipped Alligator Moment that's going to be retconned by the end of the episode, so anyone worrying that this is a 'character changing' event should really pay attention to the show or use a hint of common sense.
VastaKustutaWhy is everyone assuming that I'm the one to push Fluttershy around? Did everyone forget about Angel? He seems to push her around more than anyone...
VastaKustutaEpisode of Foster's Home where everyone abuses Wilt's kindness because he doesn't want to displease them by refusing.
Now happening with ponies!
Flutter-sama, assertiveness here *taps head*, assertiveness here *taps heart*. Assertiveness never here *holds waist*.
VastaKustutaAssertive Fluttershy = the most dangerous pony in Equestria. :)
VastaKustutaI hope she could be a little more assertive, but I also hope they don't change her too much. She's pretty cute just the way she is.
Finally fluttershy, it gets on my nerves watching RD push her around all the time, show some assertiveness at least some times D:
VastaKustutaI wanna see another moment that is just as memorable as the "You're going to love me" from this episode.
VastaKustuta@Electric Roses
VastaKustutaAt least some times? It's all she ever does. She had one moment in Dragonshy, and since then she's been Flanderized to the point where they only ever show her when they want her to be uncharacteristically aggressive or better than the other characters at their own special talents. What the writers don't seem to realize is that it's not uncharacteristic at all, it's her whole shtick.
They do have her do her whole "shouting" thing every now and then, but that joke was old as dirt by the end of Green Isn't Your Color.
With Hulk Hogan showing up everywhere lately I wouldn't be surprised if we see him.
VastaKustutaForeshadowing? I remember jumping a little when I realised Nightmare Moon was reflected in the giant hourglass at the start of S1E1 at the mention of her name. Perhaps the season finale will see Discord's return?
Be assertive!!
no,not insertive,assertive!
Meh, I don't see this changing anything; she'll be back to normal by the end of the episode.
VastaKustuta@Derpy Hands "she's been Flanderized to the point where they only ever show her when they want her to be uncharacteristically aggressive or better than the other characters at their own special talents."
VastaKustutaErm... are we watching the same show?
I hope iron will is scottish...
VastaKustutaand yay for fluttershy episode. She had a few towards the end of season one as well, so hopefully it's the same this year
VastaKustutaThanx I was looking for this too
Also, YAY!
Sounds like this "Iron Will" can be reached on a 1-800 number.
VastaKustutaFlutterbitch round 2.
Ten bits says it's R. Lee Ermey!
VastaKustutawe need some new news^^
VastaKustutaAh, I see it.
VastaKustutaFluttershy seeks training.
Fluttershy turns into huge jerk.
Iron Will has to snap her back out of it.
The lesson is there's a time to be assertive, and a time when it's not necessary, or something like that. Only thing is I initially pictured Iron Will as an army vet instead of a self-help guru.
@Rockabilly Rebel
VastaKustutaWhy do people keep saying this? They had a hard enough time getting John De Lancie, and what's he done in the last 20 years?
For that matter, all the people who keep asking for David Tennant to voice the Doctor. Really?
@Derpy Hands
VastaKustutaStare Master & Bird in the Hoof would like to have a word with you.
Iron Willy?
VastaKustutathis is going to be so totally yay!
VastaKustutaplot inna nutshell:
VastaKustutaFluttershy goes and gets self-help training to be more assertive.
takes it too far and drives everypony off.
realizes that there's a difference between being assertive and a complete jerk.
VastaKustutaA word of agreement? Both those episodes proved my point.
I hope it's going to be like "Karate Kid" and Iron Will is gonna be all "WAX ON, WAX OFF, WAX ON, WAX OFF"
VastaKustutaI hope this gives her just a SLIGHT permanent character change, with her being a bit more assertive in the future. Not full-blown "Give it to me or I'll rip your spine out of your asshole" or anything that drastic, but a little less of the constant apologizing and less hesitance to speak her mind.
VastaKustutaHopefully it'll repair her image, too, after the butthurt Fluttermac shippers decided to portray her as a jealous, angry bitch with detachment issues.
VastaKustuta*takes out bazooka*
I love all ponies and im not trying to start nothing, but fluttershy is the least cool of the main six. I mean does anyone else notice she has the worst episodes cause she has no real personality or drive to have a good plot for an episode other than "oh no im shy" it kinda gets old real quick. She needs to be more interesting like every other pony!
VastaKustutaOnce again I post:
Did they send me fillies,
When I asked for mares?
THis is going to end well...
VastaKustutaTHis is going to end well...
VastaKustutaNo, I can't say that I've "noticed" that at all.
It really is ridiculous how suddenly this "Fluttershy is boring" nonsense started. I can't believe how short peoples' attention spans are that they turn on her simply for not having anything to do yet this season.
As there's a many persons with dynamic personalities who tested into being most like Fluttershy, myself being one of them, this is a welcome addition to her character.
VastaKustutaI respect your rebudle I really do but even from the begining she was kind of a one note character. Even the episodes she has, everyone else steals the show. She is hilarious for being a one line spitting comedy act, but in no way should she have her own episodes, she has no room for development other than the same old schtick of "im shy, but now im not shy!" Her whole character is like beating a dead horse (no pun intended) now I like her and im glad she is in the show, I just don't understand this insane amount of fanbase she has for doing nothing but the same old joke over and over. I really am not trying to be a jerk, just putting my feeling out there.
VastaKustutaMost likely all of them in little ways.
I'm guessing Fluttershy goes completely overboard with being assertive, has a mental breakdown, and learns to be herself.
VastaKustutaIron Will? Like the DnD 3.5 feat?
VastaKustutawell, where is this Dash is a jerk who only pushes Fluttershy around coming from? Most of the time Fluttershy is put into situations where she has to help.
Whenever I notice this Iron Will being talked about, I immediately think about Skyrim for some reason.
VastaKustutaAnd then if she gets too assertive and she remembers the Return of Harmony, we could have Bondageshy.
VastaKustutaPlease don't say that Glowy Pie, his name is dangerously close to mine and I would not like to be associated with that game! :P
VastaKustutaTen bits says Iron Will has a drill sergeant's wide brim hat has a cutie mark. He gets Flutterbitch to come out again. She realizes what a jerk she's been at the end of the episode and reverts back.
VastaKustutaLooks to be interesting. I still hope to see the shy put back in Fluttershy though.
VastaKustutaPretty much what most of you have said. She's gonna give assertiveness a shot. But it's just not going to work out for her and her friends are gonna do something to get that point across to her. This does nothing to change my opinion on Fluttershy. I for one think it's gonna be interesting to see this new side of her.
VastaKustutaIron will is a female obviously....I'm already sick of stallions...
VastaKustutaHopefully Iron Will will be the best thing since Photo Finish.
VastaKustutaFluttershy ain't gonna take yo shit no more.
VastaKustuta@Derpy Hands
VastaKustutaThe Gunny's lent his voice to sillier things... SpongeBob, Kim Possible, Invader Zim, The Simpsons, Teenage Robot... Why not ponies?
@Derpy Hands
VastaKustutaWell then I don't know what your point is.
In Stare Master she was trying to babysit the CMC and realize she was in over her head. She got aggressive against the Cockatrice, but it was to protect her friends, for the exact same reason she did it in Dragonshy.
In Bird in the hoof, she tries to care for Philomena, because caring for animals is HER special talent, and she realizes to not jump to conclusions or take matters into her own hands without asking.
Now how do those prove she is nothing but uncharacteristically aggressive or that she is better at other people's talents?
It sounds to me like you just want to hate Fluttershy for no better reason than to hate Fluttershy.
VastaKustuta"Even in her own episodes, everone else steals the show."
Lolwut? Maybe you're confusing Fluttershy for Applejack, or maybe you haven't watched any real Fluttershy episodes. She co-starred with the CMC in Stare Master and had 85% of the screen-time in Bird in the Hoof. Please tell me how everyone else was stealing her spotlight when she Out-stared a Medusa-Chicken or when she was caring for a dying Pheonix.
And she certainly had more going for her that "I'm shy but now I'm not shy" in Green Isn't your color and as stated above, Bird in the Hoof.
I honestly don't get where people keep getting that she's "a one-trick pony" when Fluttershy has proven multiple times that there is more to her character than just breaking away from her shy-ness every once in a while.
For those of you worried about this episode, I'd like to point out the general lack of contunity in this sort of show.
VastaKustutaSure we did see some contuity leading up to the finale of season 1 (something notably absent in season 2 as far as I can tell), but I'm pretty sure Rainbow Dash is still as boastful as ever (even after the events of "The Mysterious Mare do Well") and Rarity is still incredibly self-centered (in spite of her element of generosity even).
@LizardWizard I'd watch that.
VastaKustutaI think I see where this is going, I bet there's going to be an epic ending.
VastaKustutaI'm gonna go against the current here and actually hope that they DO, in fact, give Fluttershy some actual character development from this and make her permanently a bit more assertive. She could use it.
VastaKustutaIt also wouldn't be the first time one of the ponies had something similar happen for their character and the development stick in later episodes.
Applejack: Applebuck Season vs. Super Speedy Cider Squeezy 6000.
Rainbow Dash: Mare Do Well vs. Last Roundup.
Rarity: Sonic Rainboom vs. Sweet and Elite.
Twilight Sparkle: Lesson Zero vs. the rest of season two.
Permanent character development beyond initial concept isn't a bad thing, and the character can still be the same character, even after a bit of "growing up."
VastaKustutaI loved that story, easily one of my faves. I can remember exactly where I was when reading it too, on the train to my aunt's. Weird things like that stick with you.
The train ride wasn't long, and the fic seemed to fly by, so the length wasn't in excess of an episode.
I actually though FS was perfectly right to pwn everyone except the CMC.
This sort of episode was one that could half be predicted. Most likely they'll do an episode where someone needs something and have to do a line of trades to get it, FimFlamFilospher did it in the Mentally Advanced abridged series, and so many TV shows have done it. DS9 did it with "Treachery, Faith and the Great River". It's one of those stories that gets done by almost every show. The only question is which pony does it. I think CMC are a good bet for it.
I'm looking forward to this episode very much.
What do y'all want to bet that this will end up being Flutterbitch all over again? Not that I'm complaining, of course. I've always been a fan of ironic character development, even if it's just a lapse.
VastaKustuta@LizardWizard I've noticed that too. There also seems to be a recurring musical motif from his theme song popping up in various places (that little dooooo doo-doooo doo-doooo doo-doooo piece that goes down in pitch then rises back up a bit). It would be one hell of an awesome plot twist if he managed to come back somehow.
VastaKustutaMore assertive than any other pony!!! ^_^
VastaKustutaI'm betting R Lee Ermey would be up for it. He's done cartoon voices before (Angry Beavers, Spongebob Squarepants, Kim Possible, to name a few) and he's worked in Vancouver before. And why the hell not? It would be epic! All we can do now is wait and see...
VastaKustutahere's my prediction: Iron Will is one of those motivational speaker types who directly markets to people like fluttershy. we are going to see other characters like fluttershy as well because he has a seminar that fluttershy goes to.
VastaKustutathe thing is, iron will isn't actually concerned with actually improving anyone, just in making them think that they need him to improve themselves. That way he can keep milking them for money to stay in his worthless program, knowing full well that none of his clients have the nerve to actually call him out.
Dr. Phil reference?
VastaKustutaVan down by the river reference?
VastaKustutaI swear (while unlikely) if Fluttershy changes at all from this episode onwards studio b and Hasbro are gonna find regular severed heads in the post each with a demand for a retcon carved into them.
VastaKustutaLets hope won't need to go that far
inb4 Fluttershy learns to be assertive, becomes too assertive, and then reverts back to her normal self with occasional assertiveness.
VastaKustuta@Temparius Bronius
VastaKustutaLet's hope YOU don't go that far you overreactive nincompoop.
Fluttershy without shyness is like Applejack with no apples. Like if Rainbow Dash was slow and monochrome. It's in her name! Guess she'll just be finding a new personality that doesn't match her name quite so perfectly.
VastaKustutayou really don't see it? She was angry at the dragon in dragonshy and angry at the cockatrice in stare master, the only time she wasn't mad was in bird in the hoof. She is outshined all the time like in dragonshy EVERYPONY was better with their attempts to deal with the dragon she just was in the background till the end. Stare master was more about the CMC than her cause they where doing all kinds of things to get their marks, even they had the episodes song! In bird in the hoof, at the party everyone was funnier than her then later on she is outshined by how funny twilight is. In green isn't your color every other pony (even Photofinish) is outperforming her. while I admit she is a hilarious background character she is just not interesting enough to hold her own in the spot light. My girlfriend even made a great point in saying why do the monster animals get afraid of her, they don't know her so they don't know she is all sweet then turns all crazy. So why is like a dragon afraid of a pink and tan pony yelling than a aggresive blue one kicking him in the face, it just feels like she is forced to be the character you "don't mess with" when its plot convinent... :(
I want to see her use The Stare on a rhinoceros, then ride it around town to intimidate everypony.
VastaKustutaA different writer, perhaps?
I remember the characters acting out of character when someone named Merriwether Williams wrote the episode storyline.
"With the help of her new teacher, she quickly transforms her unsure ways."
VastaKustutaReturn of Fluttercruel?
I don't want Fluttershy to change! Boo!
VastaKustutaStatus quo bro, she'll be back to shy by the end of the episode, any character development won't change her too much as her name does have 'shy' in it. They can't make her truly assertive or confident.
My hopes are that even though she remains shy and reserved, she will be more likely to stand up for herself or friends when she is wronged
Did Iron Will get his name by winning a brutal sled race in honor of his late father?
@Nostalgia Schmaltz
VastaKustutaOf the small number of Foster's episodes I actually watched, I saw that one, and I thought it was a fantastic episode - partly because I could relate to Wilt's difficulty in saying "No".
I'm gonna relate so hard to this upcoming ep
@Adrian Brony
VastaKustutaTo add: He naturally completely and utterly underestimates Fluttershy, who does stand up for herself and her friends when she has to. By the time Iron Will realises his error in judgement, he's getting told off in the most adorable way that only Fluttershy can manage
VastaKustutaThat's what I'm expecting.
I honestly can't wait, we all know Fluttershy has a backbone, but so far it only shows itself in extreme situations. She could stand up for herself more and still be the shy little thing we all love.
Fluttershy ep INCOMING
VastaKustuta"She is outshined all the time like in dragonshy EVERYPONY was better with their attempts to deal with the dragon she just was in the background till the end"
Maybe I misread your post or my sarcasm detector is off like a mofo'...... but...
Trying to weasel a dragon out of his horde ala Rarity...or even better...kicking it in the friggin' face ala dash is "dealing with it better"?
RD almost got them all killed lmao
This will end well. But its FINALLY a Fluttershy ep. ^^ yay.
VastaKustutalol I ment like funnier way to deal with it, like more attention grabbing. Sorry it sounded sarcastic, damn typing can't get tones across. But I mean yelling at something is equal to kicking it, I mean aggression is agression so I don't see why kick mad it angry and yelling mad it scared. Its just a little.....forced ya know?
Sorry, those "mad" are suppose to be made... stupid auto correct...
VastaKustutaI mean even in the last round up, Pinkie proved she is MUCH scarrier than Fluttershy when she is angry so the only thing she is really unique with is some really hilarious one liners! (Im serious, Fluttershy always gets the best one liners)
VastaKustutaOk lol that makes a little more sense. I admit I was a bit confused at the post I was replying too.
I kinda feel you. When thinking of aggression being aggression. But I damn know for certain that I will still react differently if someone aggressively yells at me...and if they just up and jaw me out of no where.
One will get a confused/angry reaction. And the other will just get my fist. ;p
So I actually find it a bit more believable...and besides..she stared at it too. XD
Episode synopsis reminds me of that one PPG eppie where Bubbles decides to become "tougher" herself and goes flipping crazy...
This is gonna be great, guys! :D
VastaKustutaAs much as I don't like getting into these kind of things over the internet...
First of all, she was angry in those two instances you mentioned, yes, and the moment called for it. But she wasn't ever angry in Bird in the Hoof or GIYC, so what exactly is your point? Those episodes were about taking on more than you can handle and sacrificing honesty in an attempt to appease your friends, both of which Fluttershy didn't feel shoehorned into, or anything. So no, she's not the same "one trick pony" all the time. She's assertive sometimes, yes, but not all the time for certain. More often than not, her lack of assertiveness causes her problems.
As for the whole "out shining" thing, that is ridiculously subjective and it shouldn't even be a point. I can see why others find Fluttershy boring compared to the others in the main cast, and I accept that. But for me, personally, Fluttershy steals almost every scene she's in - and again, that's just my personal la de da thing. But don't think that just because you don't think she's a stand out character, no one else should either.
As for the whole "Fluttershy controls the big scary animals" factor, it is sort of weird, yeah, explanation is The Stare - combined with her natural, unteachable gift with animals. It makes enough sense to me in the canon, and I think if you think about it too much you'll just drive yourself crazy.
In conclusion, I respect your opinions, just realize that not everyone shares them.
-Summer Glau
P.S. Don't forget to check out the next season of The Sarah Connor Chronicles this fall on Fox!
I feel like Iron Will will be like some kind of Might Guy or Rock Lee "TO TEH LIMIITZZ!!!" Kind of character.
VastaKustuta@Boone Yeah, nor am I...
VastaKustutatrust me my good sir I am not trying to argue on the internet, that is the last thing I want to do. I just enjoy a good exchange of veiws from time to time. I like Fluttershy, I really do! I would love to see them do more with her, but with her lack of drive or background you have to admit there is no real room for her to grow as a character.
VastaKustutaI do hate Fluttershy, actually. But not for no reason. Is it even possible to just hate a character for no reason? I hate her because there's no more depth to her character than being a shy moeblob who occasionally (in my personal opinion too frequently for the joke to work properly) srses up and becomes more of an unstoppable Incredible Hulk than all her friends put together. Oh, and uh...
The arm's a size tight, the middy collar dosen't go with the shawl lapel, the hems are clearly machine stitched, the pleats are uneven, the fabric looks like toile, you used a back stitch here when it clearly called for a top stitch, or mabye a traditional blanket stitch, and the overall design is reminesent of pret-a-porter and not true French haute couture.
But um... whatever character you wanna like is fine.
@Derpy Hands Just copy/pasted the rant from elsewhere. Now seeing that it has spelling errors in it. That irks me to no end.
VastaKustutaI love Fluttershy, I hope she doesn't change too much.
VastaKustutaWhy Fluttershy? I like way to are...I want to see this Iron Will.
VastaKustutaWhen I first heard about this episode, I thought it was gonna play off the Fanfic "Fluttersertive" but reading this made me thing about it in a better way. :D
VastaKustuta@Casual Wisdom
VastaKustutaThat's the guy that played the drill sergeant in the movie Fullmetal Jacket right?
It's always been PINKIE PIE that has been pushing around Fluttershy... look back at the episodes where every time Fluttershy tries to talk Pinkie interrupts and finishes her sentences and always scaring her like in the last roundup episode. Rainbow Dash doesn't do anything but complain about how she's always afraid of everything she doesn't actually push Fluttershy around like Pinkie does.
VastaKustutaMy prediction: Fluttershy is going to end up taking the lessons too seriously and will need a lecture from Twilight before she realises she's gone overboard.
VastaKustutaI really do believe this episode could serve as a good excuse to bring Gilda back to the show, for just another episode or to establish her as a permanent secondary character. The way I see it, it can work two different ways:
VastaKustuta1) Gilda returns at the beginning of the episode, having to reside in Ponyville because of a series of events during the time she left Ponyville last time and when she returns here. She quickly becomes town bully and gives Fluttershy a hard time again, if not consistently. It is then because of her that Fluttershy goes to Iron Will in the first place. When she does become assertive, she goes back and stands up to Gilda, thus making Gilda technically the antagonist of the episode.
2) When Fluttershy goes to Iron Will for different reasons, the treatment works too well and Fluttershy moves from assertive to becoming almost like a bully. After several attempts to snap her make to normal, the rest of the Mane Six and Iron Will turn to Gilda as a last resort to stop the rampagin Fluttershy.
I think both of these are feesible, though I prefer the first myself.
Just checked U-Verse on my TV.
VastaKustutaMarch 3rd.
Ok, seriously. My pony's name is Iron Will. Jeez, don't sue me for copyright infringement, Hasbro. My pony looks completely original.
VastaKustutaJust saw it, was not expecting Iron Will to be Mr.T as a Minotaur