Luna hasn't had a drawfriend header in forever. I wonder what happened to her? We used to get flooded before she gained a canon personality.
Oh well!
Have some art.
Source 1
Source 2
Source 3
Source 4
Source 5
Source 6
Source 7 Joey_Darkmeat
Poor Trixie...
I think 10 of you sent this one.
Source 8
Source 9
Source 10
Source 11
Source 12
Source 13
Saucy Surprise
Source 14
Source 15
Source 16
Source 17
Source 18
Source 19
Source 20
Source 21
Source 22
Source 23
Source 24
Source 25
Source 27
Source 28
Source 29
Source 30
Postituse kommentaarid (Atom)
94 kommentaari:
VastaKustutaLuna is best T-shirt.
VastaKustutaAutor on selle kommentaari eemaldanud.
VastaKustuta'Friendship has been doubled'
VastaKustutaOh, that's just priceless, haha.
yes, a drawfriend
VastaKustutaApplejack and Fluttershy in #8!!!!
VastaKustuta#13 super saucy and awsome wish i coud draw like that.
VastaKustuta#4 is spike alidan
@ source 21, clash of the PONIES!
VastaKustutaThat #27 ;_;
VastaKustutaThere seems to be a strange influx of Surprise fanart lately. Is this totally spontaneous, or is it for any particular reason?
VastaKustutaSurprise does not like to be surprised. I am overwhelmed by the irony.
what's going on first My little pony warhammer, mass effect 3, tron and other games. WTF! its SO AWESOME.
VastaKustutaAt first I was like, yay! drawfriend!
VastaKustutaBut then i realized that this one put my pony picture folder over 1000.
Then I was very, very happy. The End.
15. she saw #7
VastaKustuta25. twilight is best general.
30.DDDDAAAAWWWW!!!! So cute
VastaKustutaWow, you weren't kidding with that warning about the source! Not that it bothers me... **snickers**
Slugbox... even if he does a lot of clop material, (which honestly doesn't matter me in the slightest) that guy can draw like a... is there a pony term for boss? No? Well, he can draw really good.
VastaKustuta#25 Comissar Twilight? Drive me closer I want to hit them with my sword!
VastaKustutaDecent drawfriend.
I don't see how the Suprise picture is not safe for work.
VastaKustutathanks for featuring my nouveau! :D eeee
VastaKustutaCould someone tell me whats in 13?
VastaKustutaI never check out saucy stuff, but this one has some something special about..
Still, I don't want to see for myself D:
What is it?
*puts on helmet and battle armor*
VastaKustutaLuna...IS...BEST PONY!
*jumps into bunker and starts unloading*
@Mirage Seraph
VastaKustutaLike a hoss. Next question.
VastaKustutaIt's not the picture, read the text again and think about it ;)
#17: a Touhou? me like. Not too many mlp/touhou crossovers, but that doesn't surprise me.
VastaKustutaIt's not the picture, read the text again and think about it ;)
@Unknown You mean Aladdin? Good question. I can see Spike wearing the type of clothing Aladdin wore.
VastaKustuta#11 Diabetes!! D'awww!
#19 Oh no! Repulsion gel!
#27 Just epic.
#8 Cherries just ain't the same. Grass and tree looks amazing though.
VastaKustuta#10 Loving this one, awesome background and style.
#15 Welcome to the internet, Dash.
#18 That hat... So cute!
#27 Very sad... definitely an emotional piece.
Rainbow Kirisame has escaped with something from Twilight Knowledge's library! Don't worry, she's only borrowing it. She'll return it... when she's gone lol.
VastaKustutaA cornucopia of perversion and sin, the sort of lewd content a deviant a like myself enjoys. In other words, nothing that you probably have not been made aware of already.
#25 Remember Twilight, executing Spike will give the rest of the squad bonus damage
VastaKustuta#5 is.... IS THAT ROBO COP?!?!?!
VastaKustutaor i guess robo pony in this case?
4: Rarity Jasmine. I approve.
VastaKustuta13: Saucy? Nah.
19: This, however.
17: No such thing as too many Touhou ponies.
Does anyone else see #26? I don't.
VastaKustuta#4 Rarity as Jasmime -- yes!!!
#25 - Not sure which characters Twilight and Spike are supposed to be, but I approve!
#17 is instant win
VastaKustutaI absoutely LOVE all the luna artwork!!! She is so adorable!! /)^3^(\
VastaKustuta5) Twilight is best Robocop? Me gusta.
13) Why did I click that source?!? Not often that Slugbox is one of the tamer artists in a compilation. Still, he does good work and that pic was really well done!
25) Spike looks totally badass here. Although I question why a dragon needs a flamethrower.
27) Sad piece and well drawn but I swear to Celestia if I ever find out who did that to Vinyl POW!, straight to the sun with them!
1. Lunar is a decent game by opinion.
VastaKustuta2. Rad shredder.
3. Looks like she's going on a swordy.
4. Rarity Jasmane. I like her hair better this way.
5. Digital pony saga?
6. SEAlestia. BA DUM TISH!
7. Horn touching not applicable unless you become better friends with her Trixie.
8. Fluttershy became a tree.
9. I also like Rarity's mane like this, she has class.
10. Sad Luna.
11. Happy Luna.
12. Flying upside down is a sport for Pegasi, to see how long they can do it for.
15. Rainbow, I too would be disgusted at my actions as seen by the fandom if I were you. But I'm not so enjoy an eight by ten glossy of you smiling over Applejack.
16. The Muffin Queen is fine, stop overdramatizing it.
17. Mareainbow Dashia the Touhou pony chronicles.
18. Oh my goddess Pinkie ate sleep powered Kirby.
19. Paint Roller'd.
21. Medusa heads, do not directly look at.
22. I still like Fluttershy.
23. Oatmeal? Are they crazy?
24. We love DDH the Muffin Queen.
25. Bring me my brown pants.(Have you seen what those space marines can do?)
27. Vinyl lost her favorite pair of glasses, but her eyes are so beautiful why hide them?
30. Oh my gosh she plucked a feather off Scootaloo.
Wow! This is a fantastic post!! :D
VastaKustutaHi everypony. How's hump day treating you guys? Mine has gone way.better then expected. And for that I'm in an exceptional mood. Let's review some art shall we?
VastaKustuta#1 extremely stylized Luna. I love these.
#2 Scootaloo to the extreme, cue the music from Rad.
#4 This Rarity I like, bring Pinkie as the genie and we have ourselves a movie. Pinkie is best Robin Williams.
#7 Twilight sure seems satisfied doesn't she?
#10 I've seen a hundred versions of this picture and I really do like the minimalist approach on the character models.
#11 I wanna *boop* a pony so bad.
#13 very saucy indeed but i dont think its NSFW.
#15 Rainbow's reaction to the new Facebook layout.
#18 Sleepy Pinkie is so sleepy. Time to tuck her in and read her a story.
#21 Greek ponies. BY ZEUS' MANE
#23 More surprise is well...a unexpected turn of events. Took the highroad on that one.
#30 Its all fun and games until someone loses bladder control. I've seen it, its messy
Some fun art tonight. I have posted some art on my DeviantART page if anyone wants to take a look. Just search Cassassin316 or Adorkable Twilight dance. With that I'm done for the night. Stay classy everypony.
got to the sound of silence and just cant even grasp words to describe it. its just the most moving post ive seen ever put up here on EqD.
VastaKustuta2. Awesome Scootaloo, get some air.
VastaKustuta7. Muwhawhaw. Trixie and her "friend" are adorable.
8. Love the attention to detail.
18. Dawww.
#4 = WUT
VastaKustuta#7 = Brain surgery??
#11 = D"AWWWWW!
#15 = This is Paheal!?
#25...That might be a little too much to handle...
These are all so good!
>#13 very saucy indeed but i dont think its NSFW.
That's because you clicked the link to the picture as hosted on blogger, not the source (
It's obvious how talented someone like Slugbox is when they can make something like that in 30 minutes or less.
13. Slugbox on EqD; never thought that would happen.
VastaKustuta17. Guys, stop breaking her glasses... it's too sad.
Ok that makes a lot more sense, thanks Vipera
VastaKustuta#17 I can see that happening I really really do. Too bad Twilight will have to wait until Dash dies to get them back...
VastaKustutaWoona is best Princess of the Night.
VastaKustutaJust saiyan.
Hey! Luna was just in the header for Drawfriend #345! That one had 5 images of either Luna, NMM or Nyx inside it, so it's not like she's super rare these days.
VastaKustutaHow soon they forget...
1) These Art Nouveau ponies are always fun to see, and I'm betting they're a very popular T-shirt design at We Love Fine.
2) This snazzy Scoot is a good Tumblr ad. Vibrant as the pony herself.
3) Dash looks pretty awesome in black and white stripes, to be truthful.
4) As far as princess matches go, this one seems pretty great from a visual standpoint especially. Obviously, Twi would have to be Belle.
5) ...Or Robocop. RoboTwilight seems perfectly reasonable to me.
6) Sea Pony Celestia? It's a great drawing of her... love the shading and coloring looking up through the water to her sun.
7) Poor Trixie? Do you have any idea how much she could sell that life-sized Twilight for? It's a cute comic, and in a good style.
8) Cainescroll's commission for jodyjm13 is a great image of a homesick Applejack from The Last Round-up. I love ponies under trees.
9) Beatnik Rarity returns! Still one of my top episodes of the season. Neat style for her.
10) Very cool, graphic style for this dual image of the night princess!
11) She takes nose tweaks much better than Twilight did from Discord.
12) Great colors on this Dash in mid-stunt.
13) I didn't realize it was literally a saucy "Surprise". Not going to check the source, but the image is actually lovely and not too bad minus the implications of the text.
14) Ah, Twilight pre-episode 1! Nice pencil work.
15) Heh... I hope she didn't wander onto the wrong Pony website. Funny image.
16) Aw... don't cry, Derpy. You'll always be loved here.
17) I don't know what the reference here is, but it's a fun image nonetheless.
18) Aw... Pinkie looks adorable in her nightcap.
19) I can't really blame her for her attitude... keeping that white coat clean has got to be a nightmare.
20) A lovely Miss Sparkle.
21) 80's Clash of the Titans, pony style? Pretty awesome.
22) Sun-Dappled ponies under trees always work for me. Angle and Hummingway are just bonuses.
23) MMO Loops? I'd try 'em. Fun, well-balanced breakfast image, now with a surprise inside.
24) Derpy Hooves! I do like that name.
25) I still stand by my "ponies in epaulettes are always cool" rule. I like spotted Spike as well.
26) Thankfully, this one came late enough that I only had to change a few numbers after it.
27) Aw... I'm sure we can get you a new pair, Miss Scratch. Neat composition.
28) Rarity makes the best Steampunk Pony, I think. Even though I don't approve of ponies smoking, I do like that cigarette holder.
29) Hey Sweetie... you only got to be Applejack's sister for *one day*.
30) Dash totally had it coming... although you'd think she'd have a resistence to finding feathers ticklish.
An excellent Drawfriend tonight! Thanks to all of the artists for sharing their work, and to Seth and the gang for putting it together for us!
#1: This artist has had a series of art nouveau inspired portraits of popular ponies; they've all been good, and I think they've all been offered on We Love Fine as t-shirts and prints. This Luna may be the best so far, just because her design and colors lend themselves so well to this style to begin with.
VastaKustuta#2: Nice low-angle action shot of Scootaloo scooting; I'd love to see more art from unusual angles like this.
#3: Rainbow Dash and punk go together very well, don't they? Fun portrait.
#8: Since there was pretty much no fanart of Applejack from 'The Last Roundup', I commissioned this piece, and Caine Scroll did an admirable job on it. Love the colors and lighting.
#10: I think the semi-minimalist style works great for this representation of Luna facing her dark side.
#12: Great colors and pose on this portrait of Rainbow Dash in flight.
#15: Lots of great Rainbow Dash art tonight; love her expression here.
#18: Another great expression, this time for Pinkie Pie.
#19, #20: Love the style on these portraits.
#23: A charming morning drawing from Dreatos, but I think my favorite part is Luna's expression in the background.
#27: Identity crisis? Regardless of the meaning, this is a very well-done, original drawing.
#28: Terrific use of color and detail on this steampunk Rarity.
#30: Looks like Twilight Sparkle got Rainbow Dash over for one of her slumber parties; fun image of these two friends.
#2 Scootacool? Meliek.
VastaKustuta#3 Dash looks awesome in this one. My only question is, how in the world did she get that tail ring on?
#7 The Great and Powerful Trixie owns a life size Twilight Sparkle plush? I dunno which I'm more jealous of, Trixie or the plush. Such an adorable piece.
#11 The most adorable act of heresy ever.
#15 I dunno what Dash is looking at, but I want that laptop.
#18 The cute! It hurts so good!
#25 Oh, you silly ponies and your anatomically impossible standing and sitting positions!
oh i love the rarity and luna art! <3
VastaKustuta10 is gorgeous. I love the style on that one. Also 12, 18, 28, and...actually all of them, but I definitely have a few that stand out.
VastaKustutaAll my love for 16, 24, and 27. Derpy is still best pony, and Scratch is even more awesome than Rainbow Dash.
VastaKustuta#17 AHA! You thought you could hide your Touhou crossovers from me, but I have caught you again.
VastaKustutaGreat characters for the roles they're playing. Twi makes an awesome Patchouli, especially pre-friendship Twi, with the whole "Go away I don't want social interaction I just want to sit in my library and study."
And Rainbow is probably the character most similar to Marisa, too.
#28: Once again Rarity proves she is best steampunk pony
VastaKustutaYour pony picture folder is just now over 1000? Piker.
Actually, Slugbox shows up on EqD reasonably often, usually with just about every SFW pony drawing he does.
More people need to understand how epic #5 is. That's Twilight Sparkle as a member of the fucking VANU SOVEREIGNTY. They have LASEHRS, MAGRIDERS, and PULSARS and shit and other profane nouns. PlanetSide players REPRESENT
VastaKustuta/Fluttershy would be TR, though... maybe not because she wants to, but because... yeah you can know very well that FS would never betray someone...
# 25 TWILIGHT SPARKLE, Hero of the Imperium!
VastaKustutaThe Luna pic was the best one^^
VastaKustutaI want a poster/shirt with that picture.
@QUIETLYthundering Welovefine just added one recently.
VastaKustuta#5 Vanu twilight?
VastaKustutaPlanetside 32 isn't even out yet and its pony
#15 Me an Dash become so similar everyday
Is it me or does #5 look like a Robocop Twilight?
VastaKustuta#13 never thought I'd see that.
VastaKustutaIt's the Vanu from Planetside 2
Wow. I haven't commented on one of these things in forever. That might explain why Pinkie's been giving me a sour look these past few days.
VastaKustuta#1 Friendship doubled? Oh yeah!
#2 Action, Scootaloo! Show everybody your awesome stunts!
#3 This is one look that would definitely fit Rainbow. She could totally go punk if she wanted to.
#4 Rarity looks pretty cool as Jasmine, but Opal as Rajah totally steals it.
#5 I know I've said it before, but ponies in armor always look so awesome.
#6 Even underwater, Celestia always looks majestic.
#7 They certainly seem to be happy to be together.
#8 It's pretty much certain this was running through AJ's head when she ran away.
#9 There's no doubt that's one of her best outfits yet.
#10 Gotta say that these are always interesting to look at. No doubt this is something that won't ever escape Luna.
#11 Haha! Simple action, but one that's definitely LOL worthy.
#12 Always nice seeing Rainbow in action.
#14 Such an interesting backstory to this picture. One I wouldn't mind reading more of.
#15 Whatever that was, Rainbow sure doesn't look happy about it.
#16 Very touching. But the way I see it, she never left. She's just planning her next crazy escapade.
#17 You just couldn't ask her, could you. It had to be something extreme.
#18 I saw this as someone's twitcon earlier today. Pinkie sure looks adorable here.
#19 Paint? Prepare for the overly dramatic freakout.
#20 Another one of many great Twilight pictures out there.
#21 Very interesting way to ponify great works.
#22 Doesn't look like Fluttershy is getting much napping done.
#23 Haha! Cereal Surprise.
#24 Aww. We definitely need a heavy dose of happy Derpy right now.
#25 Definitely gives both of them that hardened look.
#27 Oh my. Don't cry, Vinyl! We'll get you some new glasses.
#28 Yeah! Steampunk ponies! And such a great look.
#29 Sweetie definitely looks pretty cool with a stetson.
#30 Oh man. I don't think anyone could win a tickle match against Twilight.
VastaKustutaHere you go.
7# LOL Twilights face! XD
VastaKustuta10# One of the many reasons Luna is one of my favorite ponies! She has a darkside. Which is always cool!
15# I think Dashie found all the shipping stories about her! LOL
21# Clash of the Titans crossover! AWESOME!
VastaKustuta#7 Oh, Trixie. Come on, just talk to Twilight. I'm sure you two would get along just fine, she's forgiven you. However you might want to get rid of the plushie because that could make for a very awkward conversation. I could take it off your hands... :P
VastaKustuta#10 D'AAAAAAWWWWWWWW! Please do this for everypony! *chuckles* Boop! *giggles happily*
#27 Oh Vinyl! How did this happen? Well, at least your just as beautiful without your glasses as with. /)^3^(\
VastaKustutaEDIT *#11 not #10*
VastaKustutaI just don't know what went wrong...
What's this? A full set of comments from me again? Sure why not.
VastaKustuta1. We lead with some beautiful Nouveau. This'll probably be on a WeLoveFine shirt fairly soon.
2. Scootaloo should be wearing a helmet.
3. Punk Rainbow Dash, eh? I definitely see it as being in character.
4. As someone well aware of the racial controversy with Aladdin, seeing Rarity of all ponies cast as Jasmine amuses me GREATLY. Yes, I know her coat color has nothing to do with race. That's not the point.
5. People keep calling this RobocopTwilight, but it's actually from Planetside. I know this because I read the tags on the image. Fantastic by the way.
6. Underwater wings? What? Seaponies continue to be silly. Nicely done though.
7. I didn't realize this was a doll of Twilight at first. It is rather depressing that way.
8. That tree is beautiful! A.J. looks a little miffed though.
9. HIPSTER RARITY IS AWESOME. If you disagree, you are wrong.
10. ...I wonder how long it will take her to get past her history as Nightmare Moon...probably another thousand years.
11. Nose beep? Nose beep! Princess Luna is cute.
12. Great action pose for Dashie.
13. The image is great, but the text implies...even better things? Guess it depends upon how much you like Surprise.
14. While well drawn, I'm not too fond of the more realistic horse interpretations of the Mane Six. I know they're ponies and all, but...still.
15. I agree, Dashie, mature art doesn't belong on the front page of DA.
16. Don't worry, Derpy. You're okay now. We still love you.
17. Touhou references? In My Little Pony?! I'm okay with this.
18. Okay this is instantly saved because Pinkie just looks so ADORABLE this way!
19. Rarity's look of surprise is cute. As for her plot, no comment.
20. She's about to cast some serious magic...that's a nice warm up pose. At least that's how I'm interpreting it anyway.
21. We could use more ponified Greek mythology pictures! This one is gorgeous.
22. Fluttershy's muzzle looks kinda oddly elongated and thin...but I do love the way this was colored!
23. Now there's two you don't usually see sitting at the breakfast table together. I love it.
24. Derpy is a wonderful pony.
25. Not being a fan of Warhammer, I can't speak to the authenticity of this image. I do think it looks fairly badass, though.
26. ...Vinyl? Are you alright? What broke your glasses? (Absolutely phenomenal, artist. I love the reflected perspective on the broken shards.)
27. Steampunk Rarity always meets with my approval!
28. Silly Sweetie Belle, you are not Applejack. (But you are cute.)
29. Two good friends hanging out is always nice to see.
#13 is only saucy because of the text. Aside from that, the artwork is absolutely enthralling. I don't know what it is, but it has captivated me, and I'm not typically a fan of Slugbox's work on the count of I'm not into clopshit.
VastaKustutaAll the good pony fanart has already been drawn, so I'm not going to draw anymore of it. Not like I did much to begin with. No great loss, continue browsing.
VastaKustuta8. Fluttershy is a lesbian, see? Applejack bucked her!
VastaKustutaHahaha Marisa Dash and Patchouli Sparkle.
VastaKustutaAlso, 11's adorable.
#3-Ponies with scarves are always good. Always.
VastaKustuta#5-I'm sure this isn't what the artist was going for, but this one made me think of Twilight saying "Your move, creep". And I liked it.
#11-While not as detailed as some of the others, awwwwww.
#12-My favorite of this batch.
#15-"Rainbow Dash reacts to Two Mares, One Cup"
#19-Dat blot.
#26-Hey, where's 26?
#27-Aw man. Not only does she not have her signature glasses, now Scratch can't see through stuff anymore. Also, beautifully done.
(Looks at book in #17.) And now I'm imagining Daring Do running like mad from Flandre's danmaku....
VastaKustuta#4 lol That's adorable. Especially little Opal down there.
VastaKustuta#7 Oh my, Trixie commissioned her own Twilight plushie it seems. Well... it's cute at least and pretty life-like. :P But yeah, kinda sad. Poor ronery Trixie. :(
#13 I guess she doesn't like some things to be a surprise. Doh ho ho.
#15 Aww, Dash doesn't like those "special" pics of her and AJ I guess.
#23 Hah, I like Celestia's cup. cute. I would wager that this could be a rather interesting breakfast to attend.
#27 Aww, Vinyl. I wondered what happened. This feels like a pretty deep darker piece. Especially with that song to accompany it. Really good song though. As well as this pic.
#28 Love these intricate Steampunk pics. As always. Especially when they're done in this particular style.
#3: That looks really cool.
VastaKustuta#15: "With COLTS?!"
#18: Pinkie has the amazing ability to make even the most hideous articles of clothing look cute.
#6 Jemm is best pony. :D
VastaKustutaYES! Another Ciaphas Cain fan!
For those who know nothing- Commissar Ciaphas Cain is a character from a series of 40k novels. He's a Commissar of the same breed as Blackadder- more interested in staying alive than anything else, but in the process he somehow pulls off heroic deeds that get him sent to some of the most dangerous places possible. Where his further attempts at staying alive and away from the fighting cause him to do more heroic stuff, and so on.
His aide is Gunner Jurgen, a Valhallan (Siberian planet) artilleryman with BO worse than an Ork, zero ability to look presentable, completely literally minded and always packing a melta (which is a nuclear-powered anti-tank microwave gun) He will follow Cain into death without a second thought, and they've saved each others lives more than a few times.
Together, they fight Chaos.
"Of course, if I'd known what was awaiting me at Sweet Apple Acres, I probably would have galloped straight to Froggy Bottom Bog in an instant, stopping only long enough to acquire 5 gallons of barbecue sauce and a neon sign saying 'Free Unicorn Buffet'..."
VastaKustutaSeveral AWESOME Rainbow Dash and a redonkulously cute Vinyl Scratch all in one lineup? The awesomesauce on this one is 20% cooler.
I can feel the gravity and upturn of the wind in 12.
VastaKustutaIt's nice to see the guy behind these shirts at last.
VastaKustutaOn that note... LUNASHIRT! ME WANT. ALL MY MONEY, TAKE IT.
#7 Poor Trixie? Why, she's quite happy. *looks closer at Twilight* Oh, I see...
VastaKustuta#10 Old concept, but done very nicely
#13 Knowing the author, I expected something more saucy
#14 Awesome, love this style
#21 Ponified Greek mythology? Cool!
#28 Steampunk Rarity is the best Rarity
Great Drawfriend this time around! I really liked #24 for the look of happiness on her face. But, did anyone else notice anything odd about the picture, or is it just me?
VastaKustutaGreat Drawfriend this time around! I really liked #24 for the look of happiness on her face. But, did anyone else notice anything odd about the picture, or is it just me?
VastaKustutaThe artist is pretty much pathetic a hypocrite, draws this followed by a rant on saucy picture of ponies and goes on about how dare they do this to kids show characters. Yet she draws Pikachu's being pounded by cocks. Good work there.
1 I think I am in love... Wait... I KNOW I'm in love! :D
VastaKustuta2 Scoots is best filly... Well, except for Woona...
3 Now THIS is dressing in style!
4 I can show you the world!
6 Shoo Be Doo! Sealestia is BEAUTIFUL!!!
7 I wanna give her so many hugs. Oh, and Trixie too!
8 Hey jodyjm13! That's so cool you got your commission here! Congrats! It truly is a beautiful piece!
10 These kind of pics are always so beautiful, and tragically sad.
11 The application SMILE.EXE has stopped responding.
If the application continues to remain unresponsive,
press CTRL-ALT-DEL to open the task manager,
or touch a ponies nose and say "boop" to restart...
Heart restarting in...
BEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE... Beep... Beep... Beep... Beep...
12 Dashie loves twilight. --wink, wink!
13 Surprise is so adorable in this pic!
14 I don't know what to think of this one. It's hauntingly beautiful. I also get a Star Wars vibe for whatever reason.
15 Dash is so SHOCKED! Somepony made art of her being a prude!!! A PRUDE!!!
16 We love you Derpy! We love you so much!
17 Confound these ponies books! They drive me to petty theft!
21 Maredusa is a powerful weapon, at least once you make sure she had a BAD day!
22 Beautiful!
23 Surprise and Celestia eating breakfast together! Hey Luna, you should totally get in on this!
28 Steampunk on my Rarity!!! Oh my! --Takei voice
29 Aww Sweetie! That's so cute!
30 TICKLE FIGHT!!! Umm... I think there might be a skill bias here.
Gotta say, I love #10. Pics that show the duality between Luna and Nightmare Moon are some of my favorite.