So colorful! New wallpaper time!
Have some art while I give Twilight in socks the bad news.
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I really want this game. You guys need to stop drawing this crossover before I am forced to buy Square and make them produce it!
(I'm joking, more plz!)
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91 kommentaari:
VastaKustuta#15 Reminds me that Allegrezza has finished...
VastaKustuta#28 LMAO!!!
VastaKustutaHuzzah for steampunk Alicorn. Overall, a good drawfriend.
VastaKustutaLuna and Celestia randomly stalking Big Mac and Cheerliee along with Angel?
VastaKustutaI'm oddly OK with this.
#10: It must be hard to live with all that swag, Macintosh.
VastaKustuta#17: So Gummy is Daring's sidekick now?
#24: I really like her mane!
#8: Q_Q
Number 28... number... 28...
Spike died because he was Christian...
VastaKustutaLol #28. A tea party for the disturbed.
VastaKustutaNote: PegasusRescueBrigadedoesnotactuallycondonetheinterpretationofDerpyHoovesasmentallydisturbedthankyouhaveaniceday.
<3 Daring Do
VastaKustuta#21 daww
VastaKustuta#5 is, like, I don't know, just something special...
VastaKustutaLoving #15
VastaKustuta#3 is saucy...
VastaKustuta#8: No, what happened to Spike?! Very sad, yet beautifully drawn.
VastaKustuta#28 is genius. That is all.
VastaKustuta#28 is awesomes. X3
VastaKustuta@Rita Lot You're right :O
VastaKustutaSpike? NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!
VastaKustutaBut that cross is wrong. Everypony knows Spike refuses to believe in the Lord Jesus Christ.
(Really, really old Spike meme.)
#13 Man. Awesome.
VastaKustuta#11 is gorgeous, I already saw it on tumblr but I am very glad to see it here to. Simply beautiful! <3 <3 <3
VastaKustuta#28 YES! More crazy ponies! This is awesome-saucum! Crazy ponies are best ponies.
Dat #28, a really great Drawfriend (as usual).
VastaKustutaOh Lord, Dat #28...
#21 links to the wrong image.
VastaKustuta3PM over your place ?
VastaKustuta11PM here.
I can now go to bed.
#24, how i picture her when she grows up in My litte dashie
VastaKustutawtf #8?!
VastaKustuta#20 made me chuckle :)
Love the one with Derpy, Screwball and Screwloose XD Legend.. And also WHERE'S MAH TEA!
VastaKustuta#8 The only thing we find depressing about this is Twilight crying.
VastaKustuta#28 is genius.
#15 why did Allegrezza have to end?
#20 was absolutely daww worthy for some reason.
VastaKustuta1) Dang, the way the princesses questionably-tangible manes are drawn is nothing short of amazing in this one! Of course the rest is amazing too. It's just that their manes continue to baffle me.
VastaKustuta7) No idea, but I find this funny anyway!
13) Haha! Rainbow Dash in a Tanooki suit! This is so awes-- …Holy crud WEEGEE!!
20) Somehow the drool is adorable.
28) Oh the insanity! I love insanity!
Don´t worry Seth. Given this fandom there will be soon enough another Twi in socks picture which will become your new wallpaper cause it´s drawn so well you can´t stop looking at it.^^
VastaKustutaI give it a week or two. XD
Spot on, spot on
VastaKustuta#14 Oh hey! That's the guy from Kirby Squeak Squad! What was his name again?
VastaKustuta#28 is fantastic. I literally laughed out loud.
VastaKustuta#13 is so cute. Tanooki Dash looks so happy.
Bad news?
VastaKustuta#15 what an amazing story. WHY DID YOU HAVE TO END?!? WHY!!!!
VastaKustutaOkay really.
VastaKustutaNow I really want to know what the news is.
Nice drawfriend, again though i'm at a loss for what to comment on, confound this.
VastaKustutaOm nom nom, art!
VastaKustuta9# Awesome game...but the third part is taking FOOREEVEEEER
VastaKustuta13# Rainbow Dash 3D Land
Your lack of Pinkie disturbs me...
VastaKustuta13. Turbo Tanooki Dash.
VastaKustuta28. Yes please, muffin queen.
It is a colorful Drawfriend! Just what I needed, as this weekend has been kind of dreary for me.
VastaKustuta1) So vibrant and happy, with some hilarious details. I wonder what has earned Angel's disapproval? Maybe he's a Fluttermac shipper. Nice details on the manes, and especially the Princesses'
2) A beautiful almost-stained glass style image of Rarity. I like how it incorporrates her cutie mark and the fire jewel Spike gave her.
3) A new take on Rarity... elegant and shiny.
4) Nicely done soft rendering of Spitfire.
5) Rarity looks a little more rough and tumble with that eye make-up, doesn't she? The attitude helps too, certainly.
6) That's an unusual pairing... but a very cute Nightmare Moon and filly Celestia image. I like the style used for NMM's mane and tail.
7) Ha... Trixie, lord of the Smurfs demands tribute! More Smurfberries! Love Smurfette's jealously. You know she sold them all out to Gargamel the moment she got bored with them.
8) You... you can't kill Spike! Why would you kill Spike? Twilight looks so lovely yet sad here.
9) Beautiful coloring on this... the whole thing really pops. I haven't played Kingdom Hearts... did Scootaloo step out of the 70's?
10) Heh... well, the CMC's got them to dress up for this date, so they must be doing something right. Love the expressions.
11) The colors on this one work so well with the detailed shading... I could stare at her mane all day. So well-brushed.
12) I choose to believe this happened, back before she settled down to do Princessy things.
13) Dash in a Raccoon Suit. Yes.
14) Interesting... who dares to challenge the Great and Powerful Trixie?
15) Aw... Take a bow. You've both earned it.
16) Okay, this is the second white Dash we've seen. What's it from?
17) Gummi would totally fit well with Daring Do. Buddy comedy adventures.
18) Nice use of her wing to further her body language, and that shy smile is too cute.
19) Do you think she's really outspoken and opinionated online?
20) Hey, any fan is a good fan. As long as they don't know where you live. Cute, funny pic!
21) Hurry, Twilight! Get out of nature and back indoors! She's always adorable as a filly. I still want to see more in-show flashbacks to that time.
22) A very vibrant pair of Pegasi.
23) I wonder if she ever got that hat back, or if Spike stretched it too much. What does she do with her spare time (when she's not drugged by her students)?
24) A really lovely portrait of Dash. I like the delicate linework and the graceful style quite a bit.
25) Luna needs a solstice celebration of her own.
26) is that a version of Trixie? Or maybe a relative?
27) Very cool image and style on this one, and the title made me laugh.
28) Er... I'll pass on that, thanks. Maybe get a teapot next time. Funny and vaguely disturbing.
29) Some very nice inkwork in this Fluttershy image.
30) What has Phoe been up to, in order to get that mussed?
Lots of fun ones this time around... Thanks to the artist for sharing, and to Seth and the Gang for putting them together!
16. Spectrum Dash is also cool.
VastaKustutaThis was the best drawfriend in ages!
VastaKustuta24 is just beatiful
VastaKustutaFor #16, check its source. All will be revealed.
@MultiversityThat would be Daroach. He is my favorite kirby villain, and I thought he'd be a perfect match for Trixie. And yes, that is my drawing.
VastaKustutaOh... that's my drawing...! HA! I got in again? That's two for two now!
Awesome edition none really stood out to much for me but hey every drawfriend is awesome in it's own way and there's always tomorrow!!!
VastaKustutaWhy is Cheerilee wearing King Zebra's hat?
VastaKustuta#1-"Your highnesses? Where are you both going?"
"You're not going out stalking, are you?"
"Of course not. Now, if you'll excuse us, we must leave. We're going out....toooo....stalk...Big Mac and Cheerilee. D'OH!"
I guess Angel was shipping Fluttershy with Big Mac.
#6-I think she might be gobbling backside in this one.
#7-Bow down to some cartoons thats better than you.
#8-"I dinnae cry when me own pa was hung for stealin' a pig...bu' I'll cry now!"
Lots of great Cheerilee art this time around. Drawings of the Mane Six are fine, but this is why episodes focusing on new or background characters are so welcome.
#19-You'd think the keys would have to be bigger for animals with hooves.
#21-Twilight's parents need names.
#24-Shoujo Dash.
VastaKustutaAllegrezza finished? woo, I can go and download it now! :-)
VastaKustutaNB: Update Complete posts don't appear in the RSS feed for the site. (Probably because they're just updates on an older post.) plz2fix kthxbye :-)
VastaKustutaCue some Napoleon XIV songs XD
Awesome more fanfics
VastaKustuta8. How could you ?!
VastaKustuta10. Dawww. Big Mac looks rather dapper, and Miss Cheerilee is quite stunning.
13. Muwhawhaw. Great pic, but wouldn't the tanooki suit make Super Rainbow Dash fly worse? Ah, who cares it's cute.
17. Now miss Doo, be sure to take Gummy stait back home to Pinkie Pie's. I'm sure she'll have a "Rescue Party".
19. Adorable. 5 Bits says she's looking at kitties.
23. Stylin' and profilin'.
28. Ewww. No tea for me, thanks.
And now I've learned how to get complete multipart fimfiction stories onto my kindle I'm even happier.
VastaKustuta...what do you mean you don't have any?
I hereby declare that any fanart or canon appearance of Big Macintosh or Caramel being romantically involved with anyone except each other was caused by love poison.
#2: Love the colors and design on this drawing; it's very appropriate for Rarity.
VastaKustuta#4: A wonderful portrait of Spitfire; the colors and textures are marvelous.
#9: Again, great colors, and the casting of Discord as the villain is perfect.
#11: Another lovely but odd portrait from Swaetshrit; I'm not sure what the symbolism of the flower is, but even so it's a compelling image.
#12: A really fun steampunk design for Celestia.
#17: What's with the sudden popularity of pairing Gummy with Daring Do? Can't argue with the results, though..
#20: It makes sense that Derpy would make sure she's not left out on Hearts and Hooves Day. (Has a name been decided for that mare yet? I'm not terribly fond of Barking Mad or Screwloose, but I guess it's going to be one or t'other.)
#21: Dangit, Twi, stop reminding me of myself!
#28: "We're all made here." Can't say I'm fond of Derpy being portrayed quite this far gone, but it's a funny idea executed well.
#29: Love the linework, especially how Fluttershy's dress becomes part of the scenery.
VastaKustutaJust a note - you may not be able to see it in the small version, but Screw Loose is actually giving the valentine to Derpy - drool and all. X3 (you can see Derpy's name in the big version).
Also I was discussing the matter of Screw Loose's name in the stream while I was drawing this - I think it's fair to say that she was probably a engineer-type or carpenter-type or some other type of Handy-pony who either had a break down or got into an accident that effected her mental status. Screw Loose, in this case, is not an insult - just a vocation that ended up with a double meaning.
#8 makes me really sad. Kill Spike, really? It's drawn nicely, though. Anyway, I gotta go. There's something in my eyes. :(
VastaKustuta#1 is awesome
VastaKustuta#4 I like this style.
#6 is silly
#28 I'm a sucker for Alice's Adventures in Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass references.
#7 That Trixie face just kills me. Hilarious and silly. Trixie truly is best smurf.
VastaKustuta#20 D'awwww. Best Heart's and Hooves special somepony ever? Yeah. Best Heart's and Hooves special somepony ever. That crazy adorable face. <3
#28 And... Best. Tea Party. Ever.
VastaKustutaActually, I was just thinking of the fact that Derpy was visiting Screw Loose when I mentioned that, but thanks for pointing out that the valentine was being given to Derpy. And especially thanks for explaining your take on Screw Loose; my headcanon already had her as a carpenter or something similar, but I like how you tie that in to her fanon name (or one of them, at least).
#4 There can never be enough Spitfire! I love how her mane was done.
VastaKustuta#8 NOPE NOPE NOPE
#10 Scootaloo is best waitress.
#13 JJ gets the weirdest requests.
#17 d'awwwww
#24 I love this style!
#27 Do I even need to say it?
#8 Whywouldyoudothisbwaaaaah
VastaKustuta#1 That is some amazing coloring. The manes are probably the best I've seen yet.
VastaKustuta#2 Love this, great design and execution. Too bad she looks a little sad.
#7 Did lol, Trixie the smurf overlord. Awesome facial expression.
#8 Damn... that's heavy.
#10 This is awesome! Loving all the expressions here. Looks like the CMCs are doing a fine job of catering the pair.
#17 Gummy? I guess an alligator would make a good pet for an adventurer like Daring.
#20 Double insanity!
#23 Cheerilee can totally pull off that pimp hat.
#28 Triple insanity...? This won't end well.
#1 Hey Molestia, wanna be a little less obvious about where you're lookin? (In all seriousness though I love this picture.)
VastaKustuta#7 For some reason her face is really amusing.
#19 I'm on the internets! Though probably not for long.
#20 Win.
#21 Filly Twilight is most adorable filly.
Art time again, this one is gonna be short, I'm a tired pony tonight
VastaKustuta#7 all hail Trixie, queen of the smurfs
#8 due to his massive periods of being MIA, sometimes I think spike actually kicked the bucket...which would make me sad
#11 Miss Cheerilee is quickly climbing the ranks of favorite pony. Very well done and strangely seductive.
#13 Scootaloo is best Mario, but I don't think I could stomp on tank :(
#19 poor Fluttershy must have a hard time with that keyboard
#26 possibly inspired by Astor Courscare from "Ponies Make War"
#30 oh that Phoe, more adorable of the blog ponies. Don't you just want to give her a hug?
That's all for tonight, my bed is calling real fierce.
Cheers everypony anger good night
VastaKustutaFuck you. How could Spike die before Twilight? Whhhhhhhhhyyyyyyyyyyyyy?!
VastaKustutaNot much from the new episode. Some pretty good ones though
VastaKustutaWhy would she look different? In the story, it's said that shes almost exactly the same as in the cartoon.
At number 7 I was all like "Hey, that's pretty silly! That makes me happy!" and then I saw number 8 and then all that happiness from number 7 just died.
VastaKustuta#8: Well, I wanted to go to sleep, but once again I need that portal to Equestria. I've got to be there for my favorite pony.
VastaKustutaThe detail on #1.
VastaKustutaSuper Rainbow Dash seems to be popular.
#11, is that a Days of Ruin reference?
#11, is that a Days of Ruin reference?
VastaKustutaTwilight's parents DO have names! Mr and Mrs Sparkle ^_^
VastaKustutaDAAWWWWW #21
VastaKustuta#21 Oh... My childhood...
VastaKustutaAbsolutely love #16, with a white RD. She looks amazing in white.
VastaKustuta#11: I REALLY like her MANE!