What ever happened to tank? One episode and he poofed! I bet Rainbow Dash did something. I demand an investigation!
Have some art while I get to the bottom of this.
Source 1
And new banner by Veggie!
Source 2
Source 3
Source 4
Source 5
Source 6
Source 7
Source 8
Source 9
Source 10
Source 11
Source 12
Everyone point and laugh at Cereal filly
Source 13
Source 14
Source 15
Source 16
Source 17
Source 18
Source 19
Source 20
Source 21
Source 22
Source 23
Source 24
Source 25
Source 26
Source 27
I wanted to make this the main image, but it's too tall! Confound these tall images.
Source 28
Source 29
Source 30
Source 31
Source 32
Source 33
Source 34
Postituse kommentaarid (Atom)
111 kommentaari:
VastaKustutaSo... is the jelly guy officially Derpy's dad or uncle, then?
VastaKustutaHoly crap, that jam guy. I dont know what was up with that, but theres already two fanpeices here?
VastaKustutaThat guy was just /weird/
18 looks like TTGL but someone correct me if I'm wrong.
VastaKustutaRainbow as Flandre? Why didn't I think of this?!
I love how Rainbow's mane was done in #1.
VastaKustutaJelly Pony looks suspiciously like Derpy.
VastaKustuta#1 is the most bad-ass thing I've ever seen.
VastaKustuta#2 The cutest infestation ever.
VastaKustuta#2: aaaaawwwwwwwwwwwwwww (everlasting aww)
VastaKustuta@ReDash, 18 is actually from Redline, which a movie that's pretty much TTGL and Speed Racer fused into one awesome acid-trip.
VastaKustutaI'm guessing that the reason Tank hasn't reappeared is because there hasn't been an episode he could fit into yet. Remember, Winona appeared in Episode 4 of Season 1 and didn't appear again until Episode 7 of Season 2
VastaKustuta#1 Holy shit...I was just thinking about a pic like this. Damn I'm good.
VastaKustutaAwesome draw friend but why was Rainbow making the love poison?
VastaKustuta@space brony Not officially. But whatever you like to believe, I don't really care one or another.
VastaKustuta#28 Whooo! More Touhou ponies!
VastaKustutaFinal boss of Embodiment of Rainbow Devil Flandre Dash or Rainbow Scarlet?
I don't get #32.
VastaKustutaThat would be the best pest infestation ever
Hmm no Luna
VastaKustutaO Well have to do with alicorn twilight then
Autor on selle kommentaari eemaldanud.
VastaKustuta#2 - YES
VastaKustuta#13 - YES
#16 - YES
#22-25 - YES
That is all.
2: The pony toys have come to life and are stealing my cookies! D'aaw.
VastaKustuta14: This guy is creepy and nothing else.
16: epic rage battle start!
17: How is AJ being carried away and Pinkie isn't?
22-25: nice. I'm assuming these are the Alicorn 6 from the Duties fan-fic.
32: Oh Pinkie... silly pony.
33: Trixie and pinecones! I need to play with that idea more!
#20 Rainbow in a Tau battlesuit pure awesome!
VastaKustutaWhy isn't there more warhammer40000 crossovers?
VastaKustutaAw, looks like the artist beat me to it. Its Scarlet Dash. And that kids is the reason you check the DA link before you comment.
Oh hey, I made it. Didn't actually set my expectations high, but this is a cool surprise.
VastaKustutaSource 28
VastaKustutaAnd that's when I felt so...
VastaKustutaAlicorn Pinkie? We're screwed.
VastaKustuta#34 seems more grimdark than i usually end up seeing here <.< but looks cool though.
VastaKustutaoh my cripes more freaking dakkadakkadakka
VastaKustutaI think #14 is my favorite, but there's got to be a risk of suffocation or drowning if you sleep in a tub of jelly.
VastaKustutaAlso I think he may just be a hedonist, who doesn't care that others don't approve of what he enjoys.
#18 pure awesome! Ponyline to the Max!
VastaKustuta#1 Oh man this is all sorts of awesome.
VastaKustuta#7 What's going on here?
#11 Love that AJ, the mane looks great.
#14 What the buck is that? Trollface pony? And why is he in a jar of whatever that is? SO MANY QUESTIONS.
#17 Very nice, I like how Pinkie is grounded with three balloons but AJ is flying away with just the one.
#19 I'd consider watching that.
#21 I have no idea what's going on, but I like it.
#27 That is awesome, I really need to watch Dr. Who
#29 LOL Gummy.
#30 More of that jar of jelly? Maybe it's time to go watch the new episode.
#32 Love that face on the pinecone.
God damn there is some amazing stuff here today!
VastaKustuta#32 made me remember memories I had long forgot...
VastaKustuta@Salted Dinos
VastaKustutaGood chance you're too young. ;P Here ya go: http://youtu.be/bf9nCt6SU3A
@herpyderpy Don't you mean #33. 32 doesn't have a pinecone in it.
VastaKustuta@Salted Dinos
VastaKustutaNumber 32 is a reference to "The Chipmunk Adventure" movie.
#18: Redline is such an over-the-top and awesome anime!
VastaKustuta#23: Princess Pinkia! We are all going to die now!
#1: Ponyhammer 40K? That would be a lot of fun to see, and this drawing shows why.
VastaKustuta#2: I love Dash and AJ on the right. And I keep seeing that jar in the back as "Guinness"... o.O
#3: Another great, dramatic Octavia portrait; I love the way her mane is blowing in the air currents.
#6: Great recreation of a funny scene from the episode.
#8: I love the style used in this drawing. And Spitfire, as always, looks awesome.
#13: That's a really interesting interpretation of DJ P0n-3, but I guess since they're coming out with an official toy of her we have to find someway to make her unique.
#14: ... Yeah, I really don't get the obsession with this stallion.
#15: A beautiful drawing with a touching story to go with it.
#18: There's just something about this drawing that I love, can't put my finger on it, maybe it's the perspective...
#27: Length or not, I think this should've been the main image anyway. Gloriously drawn and full of meaning.
#29: Love Gummy's cameo.
#31: At least she's not drunk (yet). Fun style, love the colors.
#34: Epic Twilight battle scene to close out the Drawfriend.
VastaKustutaYes, yes you do need to watch it.
32 - wow, I remember that movie, I used to watch that constantly.
VastaKustuta1. What? Tank is evolving.
VastaKustuta2. Om nom nom, cookies!
4. Yay, I love me some Allie art.
5. Uh oh, somepony has gone and upset the "Great and Powerful" Trixie.
6. I see what you did there.
10. Super cute.
12. Nah, in that pic he could almost pass for a colt.
15. Dawww. It'll be okay Pinkie. Fluttershy's dress is exquisite.
19. Muhawhaw, poor Spike.
22.- 25. ...And then the Mane Six were Alicorns. Adorable.
29. Cool Daring Doo pic. Hay wait, why are you their Gummy? I bet Pinkie is worried sick.
32. Rock hard Pinkie, rock hard.
#2 is so cute my heart stretched out to handle all the love!
VastaKustuta"What ever happened to tank?" Whatever happened to Philomena? We need the return of the troll phoenix!
VastaKustuta#32: That brings some childhood memo... make that teenage-hood memories, man, I feel old.
VastaKustutaLet us know how the investigation goes, Seth! Now, the awesomeness that is drawfriend. :D
VastaKustuta#1 A tank unit. How appropriate. Anyone dare to mess with Rainbow now?
#2 Aww. This is just too adorable. Take all the cookies.
#3 She's on fire in every sense of the word.
#4 Good to see someone showing a newcomer the basics.
#5 Time to work your magic, Trixie.
#6 Haha. That look is just too funny.
#7 Always good to have a backup plan.
#8 I'm pretty sure I'm missing another crossover here. But I can still enjoy this picture.
#9 Very nice drawing of Twilight. Love the message spelled out on the pages of the book.
#10 I'm pretty sure this is how it went once the cameras stopped rolling.
#11 Simple but still very effective. Nice
#12 Why would I laugh at filly Cereal?
#13 Fear the nightmare!!!
#14 Not a bad Idea. Starting the day with jelly.
#15 So beautiful. So many little details to take in here. Just adorable how Fluttershy is comforting Pinkie.
#16 Fired up and ready to rumble!
#17 They seam to be ready to spread a little love and joy.
#18 Yeah! Redline! Go Lilly!
#19 Spike sure doesn't seem to be happy looking over the animals.
#20 Rainbow seems to be ready to dish out some destruction.
#21 I'll definitely have to check out the fanfiction this was based on. But on it's own, it's pretty powerful.
#22-25 Interesting take on four of the mane 6 as alicorns. Nice.
#26 Everything's good to go. You're cleared for takeoff, Rainbow!
#27 Very odd, but still very cool. Might take me a while to figure it all out.
#28 Again, a crossover I don't get. She still looks cool in that outfit.
#29 Watch out, Daring!
#30 Seems like jelly's the new trend. Everypony looks so happy.
#31 Easy on those bottles, Berry!
#32 You crazy pony! Don't get too caught up in the music.
#33 Ah. Trixie and her pinecones. Definitely one of the oddities of our fandom.
#34 Hang in there, Twilight!
As always, thanks to our artists.
#32: I accidentally nostalgiaed all over my screen. Long-forgotten memories unlocked.
VastaKustuta#15 is my favorite because of course Fluttershy is my favorite pony but she is kind, lovable, and can pull a soul out of sadness and into happiness!
VastaKustutaIs it sad that I still have #32's song memorized even though I haven't seen it in years?
VastaKustutaIs 34 a fanart of knights of equestria balrog fight?
VastaKustutaAm I the only one here who thinks that #34 is probably from Diablo? :D DIABLO FTW!
VastaKustutaOk, who let the Orks near Tank?
VastaKustuta"Wot dis green shelled thing needs is soma arma and some big guns for all da dakka!"
VastaKustutaAlso, ironically, the Tau have hooves. The more you know, eh?
My god... the chimpmunk movie oO oooh.. my colthood.
VastaKustutaIt's so good to be past the whole "keep spoilers to yourself" part of the week. That was a lot of effort... especially when people brought up other alicorn Princesses, or death in the Ponyverse, or any of the other little things that cropped up in the episode.
VastaKustutaOf course, nobody brought up creepy jelly fetishes, oddly enough. But I did know we'd be seeing that guy here.
1) I love this version of Tank! And I'm sure he'll be back again someday. Angel, Opal, Gummi, Opal and to much a lesser degree Winona are the recurring pets. Tank probably hangs with Owlowiscious.
2) Far cuter than if they got into the jelly jars. I'm trying to figure out if I'd put out more or less traps if I had such an infestation in my house. (Live traps, of course.)
3) Octavia plays on, no matter what. That''s what makes pictures like this of her so awesome.
4) Allie Way! I still love this briefly glimpsed background pony. Great to see her again, and with Roseluck too.
5) Don't be mad, Trixie! You have a brushable version of yourself on the way... That's good marketing! You should sell them at your shows. Autographs on them extra, of course.
6) This should have been her reaction the moment she escaped the pit. Even her cutie mark was tramatized into losing the smiling faces. Great portrait of her!
7) Uh-oh... who's going to be all Schmoopy now? Love potions aren't for pranking!
8) I have no idea what they're saying, and yet I still find it funny. I like the simple style too.
9) Twilight can make any book look good. To be fair, however, I doubt some boring tome on tax laws or whatever would have "Friendship is magic" written inside, so it was probably a good one anyway. Nice portrait!
10) I'd say they were a cute couple, but then they did make everyone gag. Still, Cheerilee is a real catch. Good luck, Big Mac.
11) I really like this one... unique style, great pony and pet, and cool lighting. Well done.
12) Is he a filly there? He looks a bit like Snips, actually. I'll still point and laugh at him if required, even though the drawing itself is appealing.
13) No character has generated more epic artwork from such limited screentime. And now she gets her own brushable pony.
14) Surely I wasn't the only one who thought back to Sweetie Bot's song and the line "And you sacrifice some meaning just to have the words rhyme" when this guy popped up, was I? Excellent job capturing his whole creepiness.
15) Aw... Fluttershy would make such a good angel.
16) Whoa... how did Dash level up... the element of Loyalty that she's wearing? That is a pretty intense match-up, I agree. Twi would still mop the floor with her, but even so. Is this from a fic?
17) Twilight is painfully adorable in this. AJ's letting her heart carry her away, I see. Pinkie has a lot of heart to give. But Rarity's expression is the best... I can practically see the eyebrow waggle.
18) Lily's got a vehicle now too? Love her goggles.
19) Tank looks kind of evil in this... He knows that Owlowiscious isn't the same owl from the competition, doesn't he? Regardless, a hilarious collection of pony pets.
20) I really don't want to know the kind of damage a pony can do in one of those things. Especially that pony.
VastaKustuta21) A nice little scene... Don't recognize the main pony in it, but I assume it's from a fic.
22) Love that Angel Bunny seems to have found his proper station in life.
23) Even Pinkie's tiara is fun.
24) A very understated ensemble for Princess Rarity. Once you've achieved that social level, you can pull it off.
25) Princess Twilight already has her tiara. I do wonder about the significance of that in the show, if any. A fun collection of Princess designs.
26) Dash is ready for action. Or trouble.
27) I guess I won't ask what's going on there. But it's pretty damn cool.
28) I'm assuming this is based on something? Because it's all sorts of unexpected. Love the bonnet.
29) How long do you suppose those alligators were left in that temple? Great Daring Do image.
30) Run Derpy! I don't trust that guy at all! Though this is cute... especially the splashy Doc.
31) Wow... I like this Berry Punch. I'd have a drink with her. Great colors.
32) Too high to stage dive, Pinkie! Funny image.
33) Is... is the pinecone wearing a turtleneck?
34) Holy crap, Twilight! Chase him into the sea! And get something for all those cuts. Epic struggle!
A fun post-episode Drawfriend! Jelly guy and all. Thanks to all of the artists for sharing, and to Seth and the gang for putting it all together for us!
Incredible, my favourites are Octavia, Lily, jelly, Cheerilee, Fluttershy in 15 and the rest of the images.
VastaKustuta#34 The Red Bull from The Last Unicorn?
VastaKustuta1) Tortoises grow up to be really big and live a long time. I think he makes fitting artillery.
VastaKustuta2) That's a whole lotta adorable.
7) Oh no. Rainbow, you are messing with forces beyond your control! Don't do it!
22-25) Mane 6 Alicorns! Well, 4 of them anyway!
#1- Tank, what happened to you? ;(
VastaKustuta@Salted Dinos
VastaKustuta... Wait, so you've never seen Alvin and the Chipmunks? It's a reference to one of the movies. And I mean the old movies, when the Chipmunks weren't like most of today's celebrities.
VastaKustutaYou aren't alone.
VastaKustutaIt's a mob cap in #28 not a bonnet, It's a Touhou crossover, Rainbow is dressed as a character named Flandre Scarlet.
#3 Reminds me of Shadow of the Colossus.
VastaKustutaFor those interested in what 28 is referencing (there seem to be several who don't recognize it) here's a link.
Tank! Ya dun poofed!
VastaKustuta#1 Rainbow Dash, the luxon. whoda thunk it? Although I guess the jade sea has the whole "sky" thing going for it
VastaKustuta@Harwick It's a pinecone on a Icecreame cone.
Of Epic.
Filly Cereal is adorable.
VastaKustutaAh! I see now. It looked adorable in a turtleneck. It looks delicious in an ice cream cone.
Either way, that little face on it makes me laugh.
Confound those alicorns, they drive me to clichés
VastaKustutaAww, but I can't laugh at filly Cereal! He's too adorable! Shame on you Seth for wanting us to make fun of him!
VastaKustutaWhat a heart warming episode today, and really funny to boot. Serious earth pony strength is now canon (sugarcube corner is never safe) and Big Mac's lines were as epic as I hoped.
VastaKustutaI'm gonna snuggle up with my very special somepony right after some art. So let's get this going!
#2 dem fillies always getting into the mischief
#9 adorable Twilight is adorable, and i really liked what they did on the top of the pages
#14 that is a "me gusta" face if ive ever seen one
#23 Alicorn Pinkie is just to frightening to imagine, but in the very best way possible
#31 Berry Punch sauced again? No wonder she thought the house was moving on its own
That's it for tonight. Cheers everypony
Well everybody it finally happened. I ended up creating a separate folder for my pony stuff. Why it took this long i have no idea
VastaKustutaI wonder what Bronys are going to call that colt in the jelly jar O.O
VastaKustutaLove that #1
VastaKustuta@Brown Bacon
VastaKustutaLooks like "Hugh Jelly" is gaining traction.
And don't shoot the messenger.
#17 is so epic.
VastaKustutaPoor Applejack and Fluttershy looks like they are nervous of ballons
#32... Omg... that nostalgia bomb just devastated a small nation...
(Also.. I feel bad for anyone who doesn't get this, either from being too young or just unlucky enough to have never experienced that movie at an age where it would be most influential. I'm talking between the ages of 3 and 7. This is, indeed, quite awesome.)
#1 Yeah. I'd totally be running in the opposite direction. But I really like her mane!
#8 Spitfire! Kimi ni kimeta!
#14 U JELLY?
#29 Best pony.
VastaKustuta22-25 so much mane six alicorn!!! Stupid cat why are you attacking my shoes!!!
VastaKustuta#2: ...And then my heart stopped. <3
VastaKustutaA fantastic Drawfriend, these are all really awesome drawings.
VastaKustutaAlicorn Pinkie Pie. Physics and the Fourth Wall will never be safe again.
VastaKustutaLate as usual these days. lol I'll make a short post. I've actually not commented on a Drawfriend in a good two or three days at least now.
VastaKustuta#1 Pretty awesome "Tank Unit" no doubt. ;) And a muffin gun? Will shooting muffins at the enemy do anything? I guess you could distract them with the tasty muffins. Maybe Dash is fighting an army of Derpy's!
#3 Another rather cool Octavia image. And always so dramatic. Which is good, I like dramatic. Though fire and wooden instruments don't typically go together too well. But I think with all the things my cello has been through, we can safely say it's no ordinary instrument either. :P
#5 Rather nice Trixie background. What I love most about this image is how it looks so much like a theatrical stage with what look to be stage props off to the side resembling her carriage house. Pretty cool.
#8 Can't say I can read what it says honestly, but I can only imagine Dash is saying something to the tune of how awesome Spitfire is, while Applejack is saying something to the tune of how much of a stalker Dash is. Lmao. Not too sure about Spike. But in any case, Dash is adorable here.
#12 Awww, but... Cereal filly is so adorable. Can't we all just hug her lots instead? I think that's a much better idea. :3
#13 Was going to say this reminded me a lot of Vinyl if she were somehow transported into a certain movie. Figures said movie was partially the inspiration for this piece. :P I like it. The digital look is one I'm rather of. :D
#14 "Are you jelly?" Doh ho ho! No one has made that joke yet. :P Best Good Morning image from John so far I think. I hope to see more images of this jelly pony. He's just too hilarious. Especially that face of his... oh goodness. This pony is going to be turned into and coupled with all the wrong things... or right, depending on your viewpoint. lol I haven't seen the names people have been given him yet, but I'm sure they are something else.
#18 More Redline crossover images. I can dig it. Not actually seen the anime, but all these awesome pony animations and images of it makes me want to. One of the most epic pics of Lily I think I've seen too.
#19 Awww, they're all so adorable. I feel for poor Spike though. I'm sure they can all be a hand, err, claw full.
#20 More Warhammer 40k pony images, aw yeah! Dash is being way more epic than usual in this. I want a large squad of these Dash's fighting for me. Nothing shall defeat me and my not-quite-so-little ponies!
#22-25 Nice set of most of the mane six as alicorns. Why no Dash or Applejack though? My favorite is Twilight. Because Twilight princess jokes still happen to be funny to me. :P
#27 I want you to be able to make this the main image as well, Seth. lol It's really nicely drawn and it's very unique. The hourglasses sinking into the dunes of sand at the top and the sand merging into sand castles and those trickling down into clocks... too cool a fun a design.
#30 Yay, some more jelly ponies. :3 And this one... kinda makes sense. Derpy likes muffins. That pony likes jelly. Jelly is good on muffins, right? There. Match made in Heaven. lol I love the "splashy?!" Dr Whoof. Also, you got your jelly on my muffin! You got your muffin on my jelly!
#31 This one simply works for me as I am also drinking a bit and slightly buzzed. :D
#33 Trixie will never get over her pinecone phase it seems. Phase? Heck. This is a way of life! Not sure why she seems to be blushing so hard at the cone. Trixie... what are you thinking? Better yet, do we want to know? lol
Even latter posting this now. Went out to eat near the end of typing this. Ah well. xD
tacky jelly from friendship is witchcraft was the first thing i thought of the jelly pony
VastaKustuta#27 is just very wonderfully done, I love it!
VastaKustutaJelly? Everypony knows that syrup goes better on muffins. ;)
so wait with drawfriend stuff, does it just post all the art that was submitted since the last one? or just the good stuff?
VastaKustuta#20 Looks like an XV-9 Hazard Suit from Forgeworld. Makes sense that Rainbow Dash would be a fast attack choice.
VastaKustutaIs it bad that I obeyed the words and actually pointed at the Cereal filly while laughing?
VastaKustutaI saw the trailer for that Chipmunks movie in my Scooby-Doo and Courage/Dog tapes. Never saw it though.
VastaKustutaWarhammer! Heck yes.
VastaKustuta#7: PinkieDash, I approve wholeheartedly.
VastaKustuta#14: This must be one of the weirdest ideas the animators ever had.
#17: Veggie is awesome.
#29: Gummy seems to have learned Pinkie's incredible reality-breaking powers.
#2 nhhhg, medic! medic!
VastaKustuta#20 hmm, I think I have some Fire Warriors somewhere ;)
16: i know that one itys from a sonic crossover damn thats a fine super rainbow dash
VastaKustutaNice drawfriend, I can't pick a favourite though.
VastaKustutaI think jelly stallion is derpys brother
VastaKustuta#1 Awesome Warhammer (non-40k) unit.
VastaKustuta#20 If that WH40K unit existed, I would by ALL the things!
VastaKustutaActually something called "Redline". Never heard of that one though.
VastaKustutaProbably because W40k takes place in a future where the only thing left is war, death and destruction, but on a scale so much more massive than any of the other war-based fanfics to date. I'm thinking it's a somewhat big undertaking to put ponies so far out of their element.
Plus, given how brutal almost all of the factions in the series are, in order to be totally canon on the 40k side of things, ponies as a whole would either get exploited for their magic to be used as a weapon against everyone else, or be completely obliterated to extinction by anyone who considers them a threat. Which could end up being just about everyone, except for maybe the Taus.
But that's just how I take it.
VastaKustutaPinkie is fat. She eats nothing but sweets
#28 Flandre Dash, Oh SHI-! *pichun'd*
VastaKustuta1 is awesome. I want to see more from Tank.