I want to go explore temples with Daring-Do. Assuming there aren't too many spiders, I hate spiders.
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Saucy Taviascratch
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Source 11
Stargate for those wondering!
Source 12
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Source 39
"Have some news"?
ReplyDeleteBut this is Drawfriend o.O
I love it all so mcuh!
ReplyDeleteKimono Rarity is best Rarity
ReplyDeleteHow Do I Submit My Drawings ? :o
ReplyDeleteDaww.... Derpy wants a muffin...
ReplyDeleteSource 8: Mord es numero uno HUEHUEHUEHUE
ReplyDeleterandom time for a drawfriend.
ReplyDeleteAw, Seth, you don't like spiderses?
ReplyDelete#3.... dat filename.
I love it all so mcuh!
ReplyDeleteLots of great Trixie art. :D
ReplyDeleteWAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY too much trixie.
ReplyDeleteI suggest a healty dose of applejack to even the weight.
ReplyDeletei hate spiders to
ReplyDelete#11 I might be thinking this just because I was watching SG-1 a while ago, but is that supposed to be Daniel Jackson?
ReplyDeleteYES! Finally someone draws Daniel and Twilight.
@Tin Can
ReplyDelete0_0 !!!
lol, I guess Sethisto thought it was early in the morning for a second there.
Love #27 so much xD might be worthy of my Facebook...
ReplyDeleteLyra approves? So do I!
ReplyDeleteWait is that both Star wars and stargate in my ponies? Bloody epic drawfrind!
14 is just awesome! Star Destroyer, TIE Defender, and ponies? What more could you want? Galactic Empire FTW
ReplyDelete#9: It's nice to see Derpy crying over something happy for a change...
ReplyDeleteThis is definitely a great news post, Seth. I don't see why there is so much art in it, though...
ReplyDelete2 and 24
ReplyDeleteDamn, Scoots is looking particularly scary his drawfriend.
I have been waiting months and months and months for #11 to come about since reading Stargate Equestria. I am so jelly.
ReplyDeleteSo, #34. What's the inside joke on Phoe?
ReplyDelete2 & 24
ReplyDeleteI hope I never read that fanfic
Holy christ this one is trippy. So...
ReplyDelete#5 - awww...
#6 - hmmmm...I'll be in my bunk...
#7 - woah. Could you use a hug? I think you could. Have a hug. *hugs*
#15 - Hmmmm...
#17 - lulz were had
#21 - YES
#24 - What the... Dont worry! I'm here to... help... what is going on?!
#29 & 30 - YES
#38 - more lulz were had
Numer 3: Dat Filename. :O
ReplyDelete14: So much awesome!!!
ReplyDelete#11 - Yes! Need more Stargate Equestria!
ReplyDelete#26 - Oh god...we're all doomed now.
#36 - Is Trixie...puzzled? :)
#38 - Yes, Derpy. All the muffins.
Careful Seth, don't want to do anymore damage than you've already done... :/
ReplyDeleteLove ya ;)
#1 Very nice style here, loving Daring Do art.
ReplyDelete#4 Lol.
#8 Nice, I hated Mordekaiser though. Such an annoying champ.
#10 Awww...
#16 Video game rage, the best kind of rage.
#17 What are you doing in that sushi box Trixie?
#18 Very cool, love that expression and stance.
#20 Noooo...!
#22 That is so sad... Poor Trixie.
#23 Rainbow Dash, you're so shiny.
#25 That's a lot of Trixie, the tiara suits her.
#26 Did lol, artificial horn ftw!
#27 Dem memories.
#29+30 Oh Rarity... you're such a classy pony.
#32 That a filly Fluttershy? Rabbits must live a long time in Equestria.
#35 Great CMC drawing, so cute!
#36 Why so much sad Trixie... WHY?!
Yay, finally some Daniel and Twi.
ReplyDelete6: *thumbs up*
ReplyDelete10: *thumbs up*
15: *thumbs up*
29, 30: I ran out of things to go up. >.>
"I hate spiders..."
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeletethose Rarity images:
ReplyDeletelol, epic fix there too.
@RainBowDashiSee that "Submit" button at the top of the screen? That would be a good place to start.
ReplyDeleteI was waiting for someone to draw that picture from Stargate: Equestria. It's an awesome scene from an awesome fanfic.
ReplyDelete-__- Really didn't need to know that, but thanks for keeping me posted.Anyway...
Seth, please tell me that the name for number three is derped. I'd save it, but i don't want that name in my folder. (Yes, I'm too lazy to rename it, it also feels like stealing then)
I shall get my comments in before the other main commentators!
ReplyDelete1. Even though I never watched the show, this reminds me of Legend of the Hidden Temple for some reason. Absolutely gorgeous.
2. Sigh. Fantastically drawn, but Grimdark reminders are no fun.
3. What the crap is up with the filename? It has no relation to the cute little filly Dashie we see at the window.
4. Well I suppose that's one way to market a soda.
5. Derpy and Dinky: momma loves her child.
6. These two are cute together.
7. Lovely portrait of Princess Luna.
8. Nice armor, but that weapon looks impossible to wield for a pony.
9. Muffin cake? Someone get Pinkie Pie on the line: we're gonna make a fortune with these!
10. I'm not sure who she's sleeping on, but it's adorable.
11. I had to look at the source to realize what this was from, to my shame because...it's Stargate: Equestria! Is that still being updated? I really want to read more of it.
12. Pinkie looks cute on her giant balloon.
13. Okay, you know what guys? SHE WASN'T A FLIPPING NINJA. SHE WAS A CAT BURGLAR. Good grief. I mean I like this image, but come on people!
14. Last defense of Cloudsdale?! Hang in there, everypony! You can do it!
15. Good morning, Trixie. Any particular reason you're walking in an anatomically impossible position? (I kid, I kid. This is fantastic.)
16. Controllers for ponies have got to be these oversized monstrosities that are impossible to wield.
17. Alright, what jerk thought it was funny to make a Trixie lunch?
18. Scootaloo posing in action, though her forelegs seem a little shrunken.
19. ...huh? Is Snake somewhere in the background yammering about his sacred boxes?
20. Sorry, Daring, but since you should already be dead being that close to lava anyway, you're getting off lucky by just losing the sapphire statuette.
21. I love these sorts of pictures, where it's just Twilight casting a spell like a badflank.
22. Oh that's just cruel! Someone get me an icepick.
23. This one is particularly shiny. I like it.
24. Oh dear lord, Scootaloo, get out of there! That Evilloo will probably eat you or something.
25. Nice tiara, Trixie. I think I like it better than your magician's hat since now you can show off your horn.
26. You know, I could TOTALLY see an invention by Pegasi or Earth Ponies of this nature, to use magic in a mechanical way. It just makes sense!
27. Hah! I wouldn't have been surprised, with how kooky that chase scene was.
28. Pinkie needs a hug. C'mere Pinkie.
29. Rarity looks rather pretty posing on her couch like that.
30. More posing! Is this a photoshoot?
31. Greyscale Luna is being a bit childish.
32. I hope that's the Whitetail Woods she's in and not the Everfree, because the Everfree is far too dangerous for a picnic.
33. Silk kimono Rarity needs more drawings. Get on that people!
34. Now I recognize them as Phoe, but why are there two of them? I must have missed something by not watching that last Livestream.
35. Okay, I love the picture, but I can't help but wonder if Apple Bloom is checking out Scootaloo, if only because of the way her eyes are positioned...
36. Huh...the jigsaw puzzle creates some interesting imagery, but I'm not sure what it's supposed to be implying...her life is a puzzling box? That's probably too literal.
37. Nice and tasteful way to hide your plot when posing, Rarity. I approve.
38. Sure Derpy, I'll give ya a muffin.
39. And we conclude with unshorn fetlock Applejack who is possibly a filly because she looks younger.
You will be happy to know that this art dulled the icy pain after I foolishly tried to pleasure myself with sombra for the second time.....thank you.
ReplyDelete27 at first I went meh...then a second later it made me smile, then after that I was like ha....ha ha....hehehehehe BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
ReplyDelete#14. Huh, Tie Defenders. Oddly enough, one of the most powerful ships in the galaxy is probably the one that would fare least well against ponies, because they're poorly shielded against physical threats, their only weakness.
ReplyDeleteOMG! OMG! OMG! OMG! OMG!
ReplyDelete#14 almost caused my head to explode with pure awesome.
This is great post though:
#3 is completely adorable
#4 I feel like people are going to b***h about this but I think it is well done
#17 is funny and well done
#19 is rather cute
#27 I think this is the result of Pinkie tearing to many holes in the fourth wall. This is an amazing piece though
#35 This is awesome and well done
I think all of these were really good and Drawfriends is something I look forward to everyday.
34) I don't know Phoe well enough to get this inside joke.
ReplyDeletePlease tell me I'm not the only one who immediately recognized Totoro in 10. I usually don't like anime-type stuff, but that movie was awesome!
ReplyDeleteAdding Fluttershy just makes it that much more adorable.
#1 Skillz
ReplyDelete#2 This is scary.
#4 Lyra approved? Must have!
#6 HEY OH! Somebody's about to get lucky. Or did they already get lucky? Hell I dunno.
#16 Trixie's a button masher.
#24 Seriously, these are pretty creepy.
#26 Derpy, goddess of lightning and the element of muffinosity.
#38 This picture wins a muffin.
@Kinrah I don't know, but I approve of it.
ReplyDeleteWhere's my humanized? You promised us one humanized per Drawfriend, Seth!
ReplyDeleteDerpy got muffins... is March 1 her fanon birthday as well as Derpy Day? She's so emotional!
ReplyDelete#1 = best frame of whole Derpy appearance hands down
ReplyDeleteI won't even explain why 26 is awesome.
Also I'm with you on the whole spider thing Seth. I'm not so afraid of them that I won't try n squash em, but ugh they make me nervous. They should go back to the nightmare they crawled out of.
Hey, I happened upon an oddly timed Drawfriend!
ReplyDelete1) That place is just crawling with spiders, I can feel it. Plus quite a bit of mildew. I do love full on environment paintings, and this one is quite nifty.
2) Eek... Scootaloo... you really should have that eye examined. It looks a wee bit infected. Also, you may have spilled some ketchup on your floor there.
3) No flight school tomorrow! Adorable Dash.
4) Um... what exactly is in that drink, Lyra? You seem a tad too into it.
5) Very cute family image. I love wing hugs.
6) Whoa... she's naked! How scandalous. They look kind of graceful together here.
7) I like the background details to this well-rendered Princess of the Night.
8) How is she going to swing that thing? That's gotta be hard on the teeth, after all.
9) Aw... Surely Pinkie has a serious party planned, but this is a lovely start to things.
10) Fluttershy and Totoro go together like peanut butter and jelly. Love it!
11) Ponies and Stargate go together like... um... Well, it's a cute image nonetheless. Who doesn't like a good reading buddy?
12) I hope there's more to her plan. A bright and fun Pinkie portrait.
13) Ninja Hoodie Dash was one of the best things about that episode, but she wasn't as cool looking as this drawing.
14) After Lando screwed things up with Vader, Ponies moved in and took over the cloud city. And that's how Equestria was made! Really unexpected crossover image here... but cool.
15) Guten Morgen indeed! Now get some clothes on. Preferably that awesome hat and cape.
16) Those controllers just weren't designed for hooves, were they? Sorry Trixie.
17) I know it's supposed to be raw, but perhaps this sushi is a little under-done anyway.
18) Heroic outcropping pose, Scootaloo! Nicely done.
19) Say what you want about the Princess, at least she is easily entertained. I guess pretty much any activity looks good after 1000 years on the moon.
20) Aw crud. Adventuring and crypt robbing is much easier with fingers, I bet. Funny image.
21) Twilight is the best magical pony. I hope she gets another chance to be epic this season.
ReplyDelete22) Wow, Trixie is still very popular in the Drawfriend, despite not seeing hide nor hair of her beyond her one episode. Let's see the Flim Flam brothers match that. Poor Trixcicle.
23) Very nice, appealing style to this Dash portrait.
24) Still haven't gotten that eye checked, have you Scoot? And you're giving Trixie a run for the most images here. I'll bite... what are these illustrations related to? Spooky but well done.
25) While I prefer her awesome hat, I have to admit Trixie can totally pull off a tiara. Nice pic here.
26) C'mon... tell me that Derpy's helmet isn't the more impressive demonstration here. And so stylish! Love it.
27) I'm pretty sure Rarity and Pinkie used one of their painted-on tunnels during their trip back to Ponyville. Funny cross-over.
28) Let the sun shine in, Pinkamena. Face it with a grin.
29) Rarity can work that fainting couch like nopony's business. Casual elegance all the way.
30) I mean, look at her. It's like she's totally into whatever you're talking to her about, while still making it all about her. That's a talent.
31) Sure, everyone knows the Royal Canterlot Voice, but fewer know the tradition of the Royal Silly Face.
32) Seriously, what is that bunny's problem? Little ingrate. fluttershy looks adorable with ribbons in her hair.
33) Awesome new outfit for Rarity. I really like the way the fabric hangs off of her here.
34) Phoe, you really need to get out and meet more people. Who aren't you.
35) Sweetie Belle may not BE a dictionary, but she knows how to use one. (or two.) Cute CMC group shot.
36) Trixie totally owns this Drawfriend. She's everywhere. Why? It's a puzzler.
37) Rarity has some impressive telekinetic skills. Seriously, I think she could have trounced Trixie has she challenged her there. Those bolts of fabric are heavy. Love her expression.
38) Er... sorry, Derpy... Fresh out. Aw, hell... this is cute enough to make me go out and buy more.
39) Applejack! I've missed her. I suspect she'll be having at least a supporting role in the episode about her brother's relationship. Cute image... now go even out those fetlocks.
A very fun Drawfriend, full of cheery images! Thanks to the artists for sharing, and to Seth and the gang for putting it all together for us!
Of course I meant the BBQ'd Derpy on the cloud, not the actual Daring-Do image. Whoops!
ReplyDeleteThat last one is a G4 version of the ORIGINAL My Pretty Pony, the precursor of My Little Pony. Retro! I like it!
ReplyDeleteBut spiders are our friends!
ReplyDelete1: Awesome drawing, with great colors and a wealth of detail. This looks like one of those great old covers of a pulp magazine.
2: I realize I'm in the minority here, but this is the sort of image I'd rather not have on EqD, turning beloved characters into dark, twisted versions of themselves, spilling blood and causing pain.
3: Dang, filly Dash has some huge eyes. I'm sure that's how I looked when I saw snow as a kid. Both times...
4: I like the "Lyra approves!" in the corner.
5: Wonderful mother-daughter drawing; I love Dinky's expression, and the detail on Derpy's wing.
6: In b4 saucy complaints? I mean, Vinyl has removed Octavia's bowtie, so now she's nekkid!
7: A rather haunted-looking Luna, appropriate given what's written just above her.
8: I have no idea what this crossover is with, but that armor does work reasonably well for ponies.
9: I like the lighting on this one, even if it's unrealistic. I wouldn't mind having a "cake" like that too, as it would save me the trouble of slicing.
10: Cute crossover image; this looks like it could have come directly from the show.
11: Stargate crossover? That's unexpected, but I'll take any excuse to see Twilight in glasses and reading.
12: A nicely bright, cheerful Pinkie portrait.
13: How Rainbow Dash saw herself when she dressed up like a ninja. I like the art style in this one.
14: Nice feeling of action in this drawing, especially with that exaggerated Celestia figure. That Star Destroyer doesn't stand a chance.
15: A bit more anthro than I like, but that's a cute portrait of Trixie awakening.
16: I imagine Trixie as a button-masher.
17: ... I have no idea what's going on here, but it's well drawn.
18: Much better Scootaloo drawing, ready to face whatever the future might bring.
19: Apparently Luna and Fluttershy are playing the original Tetris? Odd idea, cute drawing.
20: And this is why she should be glad Ahuizotl took the Sapphire Stone from her. Nice job giving an alternate take on that scene.
21: This is when it's wise to drop to your knees and plead for mercy. Nice job on showing Twilight displaying her power, especially with those magic wings.
22: Great monochromatic portrait of Trixie, very heavy on the symbolism.
23: Basic Rainbow Dash portrait, but I like the soft colors.
24: See my comment on #2, above.
25: Trixie actually looks a bit less smug than usual here; again, I really like the colors.
26: Very amusing pic, with the characters drawn virtually perfectly. I also like the artist's comment on this drawing. :)
27: An amusing crossover; I love how Pinkie is cheerfully waving.
28: Not really sure what's going on here, but it's an effectively moody portrait.
29 & 30: Cute drawings of Rarity on her "fainting couch" (yes, it's a chaise longue, I know); good job of making her flirty and playful but not "saucy".
31: OK, I admit it, I love Luna sticking her tongue out. Sillycute pic.
32: Source: http://fav.me/d4owulo Cute pic, even if Fluttershy looks a bit chubby and a bit young. Angel is just perfect, though.
33: This drawing is slightly more magnificent than a good book. Seriously, though, I do like the design on the pajamas.
34: Phoe, meet Phoe?
35: Simple but nice portrait of the CMC; their eyes are especially well done.
36: Another symbolic, monochromatic Trixie portrait; nice job on her expression.
37: Terrific drawing of Rarity at work; I like this style.
38: That's one of the cutest Derpy drawings I've seen; love the way her mane and tail are draping off whatever she's on.
39: A G0-to-G4 transformation? Is that a first? Apparently, this is one of the two "My Pretty Pony" dolls, the precursors to "My Little Pony". She does make a cute G4 pony.
Someone contain that Seth. Trixie! TRIXIE EVERYWHERE! (not that it's a bad thing hehe)
ReplyDeleteRe your comment on #10: Rent "My Neighbor Totoro". Seriously, do it. I'll grant the theme song is rather cheesy, but past that it's a whimsical, charming movie. And Catbus is one of the greatest creations of any animated movie anywhere, any time.
27: It's funny, the recent Looney Tunes show resembles more like a Seinfeld The Animated series while MLP resembles more like old Looney Tunes.
ReplyDeleteWow. That kind of creeped me out. I was watching Stargate Atlantis when I saw #11. Gave me chills.
ReplyDeleteAnd then after that, rent "Kiki's Delivery Service" and "Spirited Away" and "Porco Rosso" and...
What? Too much too soon?
well scoots has snapped....well its been nice knowing everypony
ReplyDeleteUhhhhhh #6?
ReplyDeleteI have this feeling that 36 has to do something with me hmmm
Is it just me, or has the Daring Do image heading the Drawfriend disappeared?
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDelete@jodyjm13 Currently there for me. Derpy has been added since Seth corrected his "Have some news" mistake, but otherwise it seems the same.
ReplyDelete#2 Um...help?
ReplyDelete#3 I cried a bit...it's my little dashie all over again. :{
#24 What's with the evil Scootaloo pics? I needz moar.
Derpedy derp!
ReplyDeleteTainted Scootaloo disturbs me greatly. Great art as always, you pony artists are really something else!
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteBad pun time!
ReplyDelete36: Trixie looks puzzled. Haha! Get it?
Yeah, I'm done. I like the stargate and original Looney Tunes pix, as well as just about all of them.
Damn, you guys are talented.
ReplyDeleteAfter your reply, I checked and found several other images weren't displaying. One Firefox restart later, and the only ones not showing are the ones I don't want showing. (Thank you, Ad Block Plus!) Dunno what the problem was, but at least it was temporary...
1. Looks epic.
ReplyDelete10. I see what did there, very cute.
13. Cool pic, but that sword seems to defy gravity.
16. A wild guess here, but maybe Trixie is discovering the cheapness of Bison.
18. Awesome Scootaloo pic.
19. Adorable, glad to see they are getting along after that awkward Nightmare night incident.
20. So close.
29. Classy
30. ^
35. Dawww. Very bright and colorful.
What happened to that 1 humanized per drawfriend idea :U
ReplyDeleteIs the first picture a reference to the old bungi game Pathways into Darkness? and also star gate 4 the WIN!!!
ReplyDeleteIs the first picture a reference to the old bungi game Pathways into Darkness? and also star gate 4 the WIN!!!
ReplyDeleteLate again to this.
ReplyDelete#4 This reminds me of those Twilight Cola images we had a while back. Also. Lyra, you seem to have gotten some in your mane up there... yeah. My favorite part of this image is the smaller Lyra in the bottom left corner. Does... she just have one large thumb? lol Trying to tell, but that's what it looks like it is.
#6 "Lesbian Pony Makeout Session 2: The Makeoutening" Doh ho ho! Oh, you are some silly fillies. But oh my... there certainly seems to be some mixing of something going on here alright, hooyah! Haha.
#10 Oh yay, a Totoro crossover piece. Love these and we haven't had one in a good while it seems. I think that movie was my introduction into anime, so it holds a special place for me. Though all Miyazaki films are especially awesome. Plus Fluttershy for added greatness. :)
#14 Now that's pretty awesome an image. All I could think reading the description was; "What would go well with a sunset? I know! Cloudsdale! What would go well with Cloudsdale? I know! A freaken Imperial Class Star Destroyer!" lol And that's basically what how it was I guess. And Pinkie wasn't too hard to find. One of the few little bits of pink in the entire image. :P
#17 lol I... I don't even. Trixie, what are you doing in there? You aren't sushi. You don't even taste at all like fish or rice. Or do you... ?
#19 Luna and Fluttershy, thou think you may be playing Tetris wrong.
#24 "Motorloo" and "Tainted Scootaloo". This is a new one to me. But I kinda like this piece. I'm sure there's some type of story behind these two. Tainted Scootaloo reminds me of a Priest gone bad or something along those lines in this one. I think it's partially that clothing.
#26 Is that a Lord of The Rings reference I'm seeing in that description? :P Love Derpy with her cooky little unicorn helmet on. I want one of those. :D
#27 Excellent old nostalgia crossover. The mountains do have the same type of look as their old cartoons do. Wile E. Coyote seems a little baffled at where these colorful ponies came from. My real question is: "How did they get into the same universe?" I'm betting it would have something to do with a certain pink pony.
#28 This Pinkamena image has a certain extra scarey feeling to it. I think it's the grey background and the ominous light coming through the window that lend themselves to that here. Kinda reminds me of the Poltergeist movies. I can definitely imagine Pinkamena going; "They're heeeeerrrre."
#31 That Luna tongue... is too adorable. <3
#34 Oh no. Looks like we have some more Phoe and Phoe action. Courtesy of John. :P
#36 Awww, blue Trixie is a sad Trixie. :( Despite a sad Trixie, I love the puzzle piece background. Such environments always give me a very strong fantasy and Alice in Wonderland feeling.
#38 Sure, Derpy. You can has muffins. You're way too adorable to say no to. C:
Great Drawfriend with many great artists as always. :)
#1: I don't mind a few spiders, it's the potential for lava that concerns me. The idea of bladed pendulums and poison darts aren't exactly reassuring either.
ReplyDelete#11: Awh yeah, that is so adorable. The human to pony scale bugs me, but it seems about right for the story in question. Speaking of which, it so needs to get a new update.
#14: That's the Imperial Star Destroyer, attacking Cloudsdale, and Princes Celestia is squaring of against a friggin' TIE defender. This picture is full of so much WIN!
#20: Called it, lava.
#26: Well I suppose that's one way to become an alicorn.
14 receives all my yes
ReplyDelete#11 Speaking of Stargate, does anyone know if Stargate: Equestria ever got updated? I kinda just gave up hope.
ReplyDeleteYou need an entire drawfriend dedicated to http://needsmoarg4.tumblr.com
ReplyDeleteIs there a story behind the "tainted Scootaloo" ones with the red eyes? Scootaloo being best filly, I am curious to know where these are coming from.
ReplyDelete#16 Trixie looks like shes having a hard time.
ReplyDelete#26 Unicorn power! lol Derpy is so awesome XD
Well I guess Seth doesn't like Spider-Man, too bad I was gonna try my hoof at making a Spider-Pony
ReplyDelete#6 is a bit saucy.
ReplyDelete#14 Oooohhh. The mighty TIE Defender... Celestia is in for it.
This was pretty good yea i liked it
ReplyDelete#2- looks like scootaloo wants revenge for what pinkie did to dash! Nicely done!
ReplyDelete#2- looks like scootaloo wants revenge for what pinkie did to dash! Nicely done!
ReplyDelete11 - Yes! ButtercupSaiyan did a beautiful job on this! She was the best artist that I could think of that could handle this scene properly and I think she did a great job. I might commission another from her soon, there's a scene in the second story that would be cute.
ReplyDeleteBTW, it's from Stargate: Equestria, and the author is working on the latest chapter according to the comments.
ReplyDeleteI squeed far louder than is socially acceptable at this image.
Nice drawfriend today.
ReplyDelete#10 It has been awhile since i've seen that, perhaps it is time to remedy that.
#11 Moving an ISD should be easier than moving the sun, I think they had better prepare for a crash landing.
I feel rather like Stargate now too.
#03 Noo not more my littel dashie
ReplyDelete#07 Great draw style (and yey for luna)
#11 Reminds me of a other fanfic ( Twi and Me )
#26 Ho did derpy visit to get a unicorn horn helm (want one also)
#27 Yes the best 2 cartoon togetter roadrunner and MLP
#10 Totoro reference a few Drawfriends ago...another one now...I hope this is the start of a new trend! :D
ReplyDeleteIs it me or I wish that I could find that Celestia as a cheerleader during that Superbowl event picture? I don't find it in the recent Drawfriends lately.
ReplyDeleteGood stuff tonight.
ReplyDelete#2 those eyes...
#14 took a sec to realize what I was looking, but when I did, bricks.
#21 personal favorite, angelic twilight is best twilight
That Phoe pic would be number 34...
ReplyDeleteHere you go.
#1: I love all this new Daring Do art :D
ReplyDelete#2: Based on the Ask Pinkamina tumblr, I take it?
#12: I'm running out of names for pictures of Pinkie Pie flying with the help of balloons..
#13: ..And somehow ninja Dash became even cooler.
#20: Hehe. Well, at least she'll probably survive.
ReplyDeletePonykaiser es numero uno
ReplyDeleteMordekaiser ponyfyed!
man I love League of Legends
ReplyDeleteThe last picture isn't Applejack, it's a G4 style My Pretty Pony. (The precursor to G1 MLP)
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteYou only need to click once, foal!
ReplyDeleteYaaay, my Derpy made it on EqD!
ReplyDeleteSource, if anyone's interested.
#20 That always happens to me in minecraft.
ReplyDeleteThe amount of Trixie in this Drawfriend...It pleases me greatly, but we could use some Zecora, there's not been much of her lately!
ReplyDeleteGet on it now, Seth and Cereal, I command you!
Twilight and Daniel? My two favorite characters of my two favorite shows? Christmas came early! :D