PONYVILLE, the final frontier. We don't get a ton of traditional art outside of pencil sketches, so seeing something like this is always refreshing.
I didn't really have time to dig for stuff this time around, so for the artists out there that usually let us do the absorption, feel free to send it if we missed it!
Source 1
The earlier banner by: Fiftyniner
And current banner by CEREAL VELOCITY / With vectors by Equestria Prevails
Source 2
Reading Dash is BEST Dash
Source 3
Source 4
Source 5

Source 6
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Source 9
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Source 12
Source 13
Source 14
Source 15
Source 16
Source 17
Source 18
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Source 20
Source 21
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Source 27
Source 28
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Source 33
137 kommentaari:
VastaKustutaKICK ASS
VastaKustutaCool story bronies
VastaKustutaI'm totally not first and I want to say that I'm surprised that Harry Potter ponies haven't been done yet.
VastaKustuta#27 made me feel like someone punched my heart with a knife.
VastaKustutaA knife.
Number 2:
VastaKustutaTwilight ripped her eyes out?
#13 Awww...
VastaKustuta#2 is so awesome, i would love to hear rainbowdash reading stories while sleeping :D
VastaKustutawow, you guys take less that a day to make something amazing about the new episode
VastaKustuta5 is saucy. 20 BAWWWW.
VastaKustutaOh the second picture ahhh <33
VastaKustutaHarry Potter ponies!
VastaKustutaHeh. Right?
#12 reminds me of that story from Vol. 3 of Neil Gaiman's "The Sandman", where a cat tells a story of how THEY were once dominant over humans, only for the power of the humans' dreams to shift the world into what THEY wanted.
VastaKustutaThat's probably not what they're going for, but hell, it's late and I've been writing fanfic all day.
#1: Words cannot describe how epic this is
VastaKustuta#20: Awwww, poor Derpy. I'll give you a home. :(
#30: The artist that made this deserves a Prrrrromotion!
VastaKustutaoh my god...
I'm not gonna cry...I'm not gonna cry...I'm not gonna cry....you're a grown man....
17 is o_O mind = boom
VastaKustutaThat first image, wow!
VastaKustutaPoor Derpy in 27. We still love you, silly filly!
I like the texture in number 10.
12 is just too funny! XD
lol, some of these I find very humorous lol... Like the Scoot's on the Chocobo!
VastaKustuta#27 may be the single saddest piece of fanart I've ever seen.
VastaKustutaManly tears were shed on a few of these...
VastaKustuta#28 The fun levels will be at maximum efficiency!
VastaKustutaThe Robotnik pony made me lol
VastaKustutaGreat Drawfriend tonight, totally worth waiting for
#1 Fantastic.
VastaKustutaThis Drawfriend was worth the wait.
27 made me cry...
VastaKustuta#27.) Its ok Derpy, were here for you.
VastaKustuta#27.) Its ok Derpy, were here for you.
VastaKustutaNinja Dash!
VastaKustutaI have a solution to the derpy/ditzy doo problem..... Why not make ditzy her middle name? Derpy Ditzy Doo or ditzy derpy doo! Idc just don't take her away from us!!!!!!!!
VastaKustutai was worried we werent guna get a drawfriend today
VastaKustutabut now its all good!
First I hit #2 and was gonna be all like "d'aww manly tears" even though I didn't really cry. Like when you type "lol" but don't actually laugh out loud.
VastaKustutaThen I hit #27 and actually cried :(
loving that first one
VastaKustutaplease..no more sad crying derpy...its just too much to take!!!
VastaKustutaSomepony please make the first one into a puzzle. :P
VastaKustutaI want a comic based on #12.
VastaKustutaIt would ROCK!
So much nice art this time around. Especially 1, 2, and 27.
VastaKustuta1. Is my new wallpaper for the week
2. My initial reaction of horror towards Twilight's (temporary I hope) blindness was instantly overriden by the sweetness of Dash reading to her. In fact, this is my favorite pic of the night due to how sweet it is.
27. Was saddeningly true, even if the negativity was blown out of proportion.
VastaKustutathose buckards
i never knew a piece of art could touch my heart like that one did
5, oh god what.
VastaKustuta17 and 21 are amazing.
27.. my heart... my poor heart
Love #2, I'm imagining Twilight fought with some super powerful villian and lost her sight temporarily.
VastaKustutaIs Sweetiebot a official thing now?
#12 LOL
VastaKustuta#17 Awesome
#27 Poor Derpy I still love you
#2, i had this idea floating around, but Twilight was just lying in bed next to Dash.
VastaKustutaLove the style and colors on #2. I'd have to think that Twilight read Cupcakes and hurt her eyes doing so, so Rainbow is reading her something that's not so horribly disturbing. She's even got her Smarty Pants doll there with her...
VastaKustuta27, 20 & 13... HNNNNNNGGGG :3
VastaKustutaNumber 13 is best number.
#2 Twilight hugging Smarty Pants doll ;)
VastaKustuta#18 Luna and Celestia awww moment
#19 heh is it Battlecloud, or Cloudship??
#20 :( poor Derpy, must send muffins right away
#36 moar Trixie yay
27. :(
VastaKustutaAnd I love 28. _Cutie_Mark_Acquisition_Program._
1) Beautiful!
VastaKustuta2) That's sweet!
12) This is a twist I never would have thought of.
17) Epic crossover!
27) I'm still convinced there's nothing to worry about, but a great drawing none the less..
28) Still like this bot!
30) YUS! My favorite villain!
#2 Rainbow Dash Presents? Also, dat Spitfire (#5)
VastaKustutaWow. This one came really late. But glad to see it nonetheless.
VastaKustuta#1 Very nice overview of Ponyville. Gives it a very quaint feel.
#2 Well, nice to see that Twi has an extra pair of eyes. And as the artist points out on dA, really gives it a "Sight For Sore Eyes" vibe.
#3 Luna sure is working up a storm right now.
#4 A simple drawing of Rainbow, but good nonetheless.
#5 Surfs up, Spitfire! Whoo hoo!
#6 Well, we all have our precious possessions.
#7 Don't let that letter get away, Derpy!
#8 Don't know if it's been done, but ponified Harry Potter looks pretty cool.
#9 Ah, Blueblood. Locking as over confident as ever.
#10 No, Derpy. You did nothing wrong. You were just being yourself.
#11 Steam punk city, huh. Must have been quite the trip for those two.
#12 And so the roles have been reversed. Wonder how the mane 6 look as the pets.
#13 Derpy's so lucky to have somepony faithfully by her side.
#14 If I didn't see the source, I wouldn't have known it was AJ. Very interesting.
#15 After all that, you'd think Daring would have put some thought into how to get the statue without triggering anything. But then, that wouldn't have made for a good epsiode.
#16 Oh Rainbow. The lengths you went to conceal your newfound interest…sort of sounds like us.
#17 Now this is EPIC times infinity. The ultimate monster battle!!!
#18 Nice picture of the royal sisters. Luna looks so playful.
#19 LOL. That look on Fluttershy. She looks thoroughly unamused.
#20 I would readily take her in. No pony deserves to be left out in the cold & rain.
#21 One can only guess what's running through Scoots' mind.
#22 So cool. Though you'd think she would have thought this one over.
#23 AJ sure looks like she's having the ride of her life.
#24 Fly away, Scootaloo!
#25 And the Mane 6…well, being the mane 6.
#26 So adorable. Chase on, Scoots!
#27 *Sniff* Don't you just want to give her a reassuring hug?
#28 Haha. Arise, Sweetie Bot!!!
#29 I don't know what's the point of the fish, but it looks pretty funny.
#30 Anything's liable to be ponified, and that includes Eggman.
#31 Aww. Sleeping Luna looks so adorable.
#32 Wow. This little filly actually got a drawing.
#33 And what better way to close this out than with Trixie!
As always, awesome job artists.
VastaKustuta#27 Derpy, rest assured, it was nothing you did. You are not to blame. You were just being yourself.
VastaKustutaBy the way, I'm still not convinced there's a problem at all.
I think number 13 is so cute! Derpy is indeed lucky to have a lover X3
VastaKustutaand lol at 30
#1 That is just beautiful. 'Nuff said.
VastaKustuta#2 Hehe, fun piece. Loving their expressions.
#12 Wow those two look cute as hell as ponies.
#14 Jesus Christ that AJ is creepy as hell. Love that huge scythe though.
#15 I like the style, but aren't her wings a little too small? Also that tail is ridiculously long.
#16 Ninjadash! So cute!
#20 Awww... So sad D:
#22 Very nice, looks a lot like the show.
#23 AJ on a Chocobo? Yeaaaaaa son. And are those... flying waffles? lol?
#27 Poor Derpy, I chose to ignore all that drama. Doesn't matter if you speak or not, you'll always be great to me!
#28 Creepy... Very nicely designed though.
#30 LOL.
#33 Drawfriends are never complete without a bad-ass Trixie piece. Love that expression.
#1 - Gorgeous, but the link no longer works!
VastaKustuta#27 - HNNNGGGGGGG! Poor Derpy! :(
Damn, real good art this time around. I usually don't like listing a whole lot of things so I'll just leave it at "I liked a lot" to make things shorter.
VastaKustuta#2 is now my wallpaper. Reading Dash IS best Dash.
VastaKustuta#1 This is a really cool image.
VastaKustuta#2 Also a great image. Really liking the lighting.
#12 Hah hah! Well played. Couldn't figure out who they were at first until mentioned by name. Though I was wondering why pony Winona looked like a dog.
#13 Too adorable for words, and I don't even care for shipping.
#20 I'd take her home in a heart beat.
#27 Great image (but really sad, please no more sad Derpy!) Derpy will always be best pony in my book.
#28 Input name : Sweetie Belle.
#28 Gotta chuck some grapes? Throw them with your face!
VastaKustutaGood job, everypony. You made Derpy cry, and for what?
I hope you are happy. Because im certainly not. You people who complained about Derpy should feel ashamed of yourselves. Look at what you've done...
I love you Derpy. Always have, always will.
#2 sent me over the edge. First time I've actually teared up at a fan creation...
VastaKustutaAnyone who's been on either side of that scenario would understand. It's something that can't be explained in words.
Needs more Daring Doo. Maybe later this week.
VastaKustuta#12: More needs to be done with this idea. It's funny.
VastaKustuta#2 aww that's so nice of you dash.
VastaKustutaWHOO I made number 1!
I LOVE number 10 paper derpy!
VastaKustuta30: Huh guess eating oats really helped trim down Eggman
2: was I the only one who thought Daredevil Twilight upon seeing that?
12: I'm scared what that implies
Image 22 really does Indy justice! Great recreation!
VastaKustuta@Dashyy Thank you then for the awesome pice of art my dear brony
*starts crying*
how could you be so mean to derpy...
#2: Reading Rainbow is best Rainbow
VastaKustutaHoly... my work was actually featured in THE EqD...?
:DDDDDDDDDDD (I made #17)
Does anyone know what the fish is supposed to be in #29?
VastaKustutaI don't know why, but #29 looks like Vinyl Scratch invaded adventure time.
VastaKustuta27 :(
VastaKustuta#27 deserves it's own post!
VastaKustutaalso, top notch drawfriend!
VastaKustutaI pretty much died at #27. I didn't see Derpy in today's episode. I hope she'll show up next week. I need to see some cheerful Derpy again...
VastaKustutaI feel angered. Derpy is everyone's favorite pony regardless of being, handicapped, retarded, stupid, [synonyms]. In fact, we embrace it and make it into something cute
@Dashyy Congrats. A spot well earned. Such a great overview of Ponyville you drew there.
VastaKustuta@primogenitor34 Congrats to you too. Excellent job portraying what would certainly be an epic battle.
VastaKustuta#3 The Moony Maiden is on my list of fics to read... Honest. I only just got my tablet Thursday, and I'm still learning to use it!
Why has no pony made a Luna themed abacus app for android?
☾ Make this my bronies! I beseech thee to do as thus! ☽
VastaKustutaDr. Ivo 'Eggman' Robotnik: Mad Scientist, Evil Conquerer, and.... Unfortunately shaped. Yeah, poor Eggy, I'm afraid that Eggman is easier on the tongue than Robotnik, so he's stuck with it, I'm afraid.
VastaKustuta...... Sorry about that. Is everything all right now?
VastaKustutaWell, I mean, you have my sympathy. I WISH I could draw like that, but regardless......
@ Current Banner: Look out! Here comes Tom!
VastaKustuta5: Dat plot!
VastaKustutaNumber 6 was kinda disturbing.
Huh. Somehow I clicked this and left it open in the background with 0 comments while I watched the new episode.
VastaKustutaThat last Trixie pic is boss.
Wow am I ever late to this Drawfriend. Ah well, I'm just going to be lazy and say great Drawfriend as always. Sorry. ^^;
VastaKustutaAutor on selle kommentaari eemaldanud.
VastaKustuta#2 and #27 both bring out strong emotional responses... ESPECIALLY #27
VastaKustuta(Grumbles about there being no edit button.) #28 is a reference to Friendship is Witchcraft. If you've seen the two latest episodes, its actually hilarious instead of creepy.
No Ahuizotl? I am disappoint
VastaKustutaNot going to lie, 27 gave me sads
VastaKustutaAll I have to say is this: Derpy is forever our Muffin Queen, forever in our hearts.
VastaKustutaWhen do you think a character dies? When a bunch of trolls pressure a corporation to remove her? No. When she's not seen in future episodes (hopefully she hasn't been written out of the show)? No.
A character dies when people forget her. We will never forget, Derpy.
My little Derpy.. sniff
VastaKustuta#27... okay, stop me crying please.
#16, seriously, when she was dressed like that in the episode, all I could think was "Na na na na na na na na BATDASH"!
VastaKustutaAnd maybe not so much "think" as sing out loud...repeatedly.
Well this is pretty good, some awesome artwork here....*Sees #27*
VastaKustutaOh that's it! Alright Derpy, tell me who made you cry *Cocks shotgun* I'd like to have a word with them...
How could anyone hate Derpy? It just seems impossible to me!
Too much sad Derpy, it hurts.
VastaKustutaAutor on selle kommentaari eemaldanud.
VastaKustuta#2 best pic of today´s drawfriend, nuff said.
VastaKustutaThese are pretty fudging awesome, #1 blew me away.
VastaKustuta#1: This is freaking impressive. Beautiful colors, and nice composition. Anyone care to nominate this as a Daily Deviation?
VastaKustuta#2: We're going to see a lot of drawings titled "Reading Rainbow", aren't we? ;) Aside from a couple of drawings of Daring Do (sp?), this is the first piece of fan art I've seen for the episode, and I think I've already found my favorite. Taking Dash's new-found appreciation of reading and applying it this way is very creative.
#6: I really like the wonky art style used on this drawing; it complements the subject perfectly. And Tom Dan is rockin' that mortarboard.
#7: I love this Derpy portrait, very dynamic and fun, with some interesting color work.
#9: Great color and pose for a self-centered, stuck-up jerk. ;)
#10: Nice use of a cut-out style for an abashed Derpy.
#12: Wait 'til she gets to what Tank was in her dream... Really cute and creative drawing.
#13: The best thing about Derpygate is the quality fanart being produced in response; even though I can't take the Derpy & Doctor pairing seriously, this is one of my favorite responses.
#15: Another nice nod to the new episode; this really does look like it came from an Indiana Jones-style adventure movie.
#18: Great drawing of the royal sisters spending quality time together; I love the fluid poses here.
#27: I have to be honest and say a lot of the "sad Derpy" fanart strikes me as a bit overblown, but this one has it just about right.
#5 is that saucy? Really? Huh...
VastaKustutaOh, and link to #1 is derped; it should be http://icarfish.deviantart.com/art/Ponyville-283145816.
What the heck is going on in 23?
VastaKustutaWas that inspired by a particularly strange dream someone had or something?
also lolrobosweetiebelle
Inb4 Daring-Do fanfiction.
VastaKustutaThis is the best drawfriend ever. Hooves-down!
VastaKustutaSo much D'AWWWWWW and HNNNGGGGGHHH!!!!!!
#1 - I want that picture on my wall. It's fantastic!
VastaKustuta#21 - speechless..
#27 - not your fault Derpy, we still love you.
#2 - simply adorable, good drawing :)
27# Poor Derpy :(
VastaKustuta28# LOL
#28 Set phasers to HUG!
VastaKustutaCannot take the sad Derpys :(
VastaKustutaThat 1, WOW, amazing work right there!
VastaKustuta2: Butterfly in the sky
VastaKustutaI can go twice as high.
Take a look
It's in a book
Reading Rainbow!
My favorites were Sweetie Bot and ponified Winona and Opalescence
VastaKustuta#30 should totally be the cover image for that awesome Dr. Robotnik in ponyville fanfic.
VastaKustuta#16 - For some reason, when Rainbow dash dressed up in that to go and steal something I staring thinking about the Thief series. Maybe while Apple Bloom is Snake, Rainbow Dash is Garrett?
VastaKustutaManly tears were shed at #27.
VastaKustuta#27 It bugs me that people misinterpreted that derpy part and now there's a possibility of them remaking the episode and there could be no derpy :(.
VastaKustuta#29 DJ PON3 is best fishing pony :P
VastaKustutaSeconded! Thought it does currently have a ponified Robotnik image. :)
but I love Derpy...
VastaKustutaoh god #27
VastaKustutaDon't change Derpy's name. She is in our hearts forever.
VastaKustuta#2: That's kinda cute, but I can't help but wonder what happened to Twilight's eyes..
VastaKustuta#19: You gonna carry that book around everywhere now, Rainbow?
Sweetie Bot is best bot.
VastaKustuta8 Harry Trotter and Hermione Maneger
VastaKustutaWell I gave up on seeing this last night, so this post is very late. Sorry.
VastaKustuta1. An oil painting, that's rare for this fandom. Great gob.
2. This makes me sad, get better Twilight. Excellent pic.
12. Wait what. Oh I see. Muwhawhaw, do Gummy next.
16. Wooosh! Nin nin nin!
19. Dash placed her pieces in diagonally. That little sneak. No wonder Fluttershy looks so frustrated.
20. Dawww. You can come stay with me if you want, I've got muffins.
22. Yoink!
23. Wark Wark! Go AJ , you syrup up them waffles something fierce.
27. Hugs.
31. Adorable.
#30 Snooping as usual I see
VastaKustuta#2 was soooooooooo HNNNNG and heart warming!!!
VastaKustutaN°2 is awesome !
VastaKustutaN°8 Too !!!
My deviant page : http://newfrenchartist.deviantart.com/
As this is Drawfriends number 324, I am required to comment on all of its drawings, since that's my favorite number!
VastaKustuta1. A beautiful oil painting to open up with. Nicely done. I wouldn't mind having one of these to hang on my wall.
2. ...Twilight? Are...are you okay? Please tell me she'll regain her sight! Dashie, you're a good friend!
3. Luna with her abacus. Not much else to say really.
4. Dashie looks rather shiny on that cloud, though she also looks upset. What's wrong, Dashie?
5. Surfing at sunset doesn't seem safe, Spitfire.
6. That's a WEIRD style...reminds me of Alice in Wonderland.
7. She's about to deliver mail and eat some muffins. And she's all out of muffins.
9. Blueblood, don't you worry about those haters. You just keep doing your thing.
10. I still love you Derpy!
11. Gaslamp City, huh? Must be from a fanfic. Neat.
12. My mind is broken upon seeing this. Winona and Opal as ponies? What does Angel look like?
13. Doctor Whooves is loyal to his Derpy. These two are cute together.
14. I don't understand the reference, but it's definitely well made!
15. Nice alternate take on Derring Do.
16. So does this make her a cat burglar, or a pony burglar?
17. I am truly impressed by the quality of this pencil sketch. Well done!
18. The Sisters together. Pretty.
19. Crosspromotion of toys is always fun in a show, isn't it?
20. Come on in, Derpy. You can stay with me if you need to.
21. I don't quite get the context, but it's a great painting.
22. Yes, it's definitely blue, Derring Do.
23. Oh jeez, just what we need...Chocobos...
24. Is that Scootaloo aflight? I hope so!
25. The Mane Six are always fun.
26. This is beautiful! Scootaloo looks so happy here.
27. I don't care what anyone else says, Derpy, but I will always care about you. You've done nothing wrong.
29. ...I don't get it.
30. Oh for the love of--NO. GET OUT.
31. Sleepy Luna is cute.
32. At least she wasn't a mean nurse.
33. And we end with Trixie on a nice background.
#27 please... don't cry derpy you did nothing wrong... nothing at all...
VastaKustuta#28 - Sweetiebot! It's high time you created Sweetienet and destroyed all of ponykind. Heh
VastaKustuta*looks at Hermione's coat color*
*looks at own oc pony's coat color*
*looks at Hermione's mane*
*looks at own oc pony's mane*
*looks at Hermione's cutie mark*
*looks at own oc pony's cutie mark*
... I'm now Hermione?
1) Excellent new background? Get.
VastaKustuta2) Oh no! What happened to Twilight?! Dash, never leave her side!
5)But I can't surf...I had no idea YOU knew how to.
6)What is this madness?
16)Dash is best petty thief.
19)Fluttershy is not amused.
20)I'll take you in Derpy. You don't deserve to
be in a box.
27)All my tears.
28)All my fear.
33) Trixie, NO! What'd I do to deserve this?
#20 ILL ADOPT YOU DERPY! i dont know how to make muffins but by oden ill learn!