#19: i don´t wanna say it were humans: But it were Humans.
Also dath #2! Nice idea! Someone should use that kind of pony race in a fic, like they´re from a continent over the ocena or something like that!
And i know and am deeply sorry to push this tiny advertise here, but i´d like you guys to take a look at this new tumblr here; ponies-in-space: http://ponies-in-space.tumblr.com/ Seriously, it´s good and updates daily but the tumblr is still unknown for some reason and i´d like to change that and show the artist/author that this work is not only appreciated by a hoofful of people. Thx for reading. Uhm, if you don´t mind. Sorry again.
If the artist is who I think it is then #5 definitely needs a saucy tag. And if the focus were meant to be on the wings the pic could have been from the front.
Wow, this one came early. Lucky I was sitting in front of my computer. Well, let's get to it.
#1 Wow. Such a cool poster. And check out the link in the description for a black and white poster. #2 Bring on the crossovers! This one looks pretty cool. #3 Goodness, Pinkie. How about giving her a heads up at least. This is just way too much cute to handle. #4 Observing the morning ritual. #5 ……not my thing, but the style is pretty cool. #6 The rabbit looks like an unwilling participant. #7 Yay! Bubbles! #8 Hold on to that wheel, Pip!!! #9 Oh, man. This looks EPIC!!! #10 If only little Pinkamena knew what was to come… #11 Even ace flyers need some playtime. Hehe. #12 The crossovers continue. And this looks cool as well. #13 Oh so cute…and I'd say the title's kind of spot on. #14 Love the lighting effect on this one. #15 Anyone here a Yanni fan? Couldn't you just picture her pulling one of these at one of his shows? #16 Such an epic picture. Everything comes together so well here. #17 Never could have pictured Twilight and Scootaloo together. Very interesting illusion there. #18 Yeah. Show that apple who's boss, AJ. #19 The Lyra version of this picture seems a little more fitting. #20 Who better to picture in space than Luna.
Short but this one sure packed a punch. Thanks for sharing, artists. :D
#1: At first I was afraid it was a reference to "Pluto Nash"... Nice to see the Nightmare Night costumes haven't been forgotten.
#5: And already calls for this one to be behind a source link. If it were most any other artist, I'd argue that it's as innocent as any "plot shot" from the show, but since it's by Slugbox I doubt the intent was innocent...
#8: Simple but fun animated gif of Pipsqueak biting off more than he can chew.
#10: Excellent portrait of the Pie family; the artist did a wonderful job making it look like an old oil portrait.
#11: Nice to see a casual drawing of Spitfire and Rainbow Dash hanging out and flying together.
#13: Really cute filly Celestia; I like the softness of the colors.
#15: As much as I appreciate all the creative drawings we've had of Octavia playing the cello very elegantly, it's great to see something different from time to time.
#16: It's been posted before, but it's still very good.
#17: Not sure why Twilight is casting that illusion spell, but darn if Scootaloo doesn't look adorable!
#20: Very nice portrait of the night princess in her domain to round out a short and sweet drawfriend.
#2 - Why does her cutie mark look like poison joke? I think I'll stay away from her... #3 - Teehee #5 - Plot, heh. Does seem a *little* saucy to me, but then again it is slugbox. #15 - Kill it, Octy! Or, play it, or... Nah, just kill it. #20 - Sweet.
Short drawfriend today, I think my favourite is #16 I really love the effects on it, I did have to look at the deviantart description to get it but it's very good.
I really didn't expect a Rarity bayonetta though not a crossover I would have expected, i'd probably count it as saucy really (especially with thst artist) but really I shouldn't complain there was a fair bit of stuff I liked here.
@ShadowsPony What's with so many ponies asking this now? There's a little think right under the banner that has links on it. Click 'Submit'. That should help clear things up.
And alas, #5 is behind a link now, consigned to forever be an additional click away for anyone who may wish to view it.
(To be honest, if I were to object to #5, it wouldn't be because of plot but because it's an edit that the original artist almost certainly didn't give his blessing for.)
#3: Cute picture, but it conflicts with PinkieDash and must therefore be rejected :P. #4: Once again I am left to wonder how non-unicorns get anything done in this world. #10: Pinkie looks so sad.. Heartbreaking. #16: Placet mihi. #19: I've seen something like this one before, only it was Derpy instead of Lyra. - In fact, it turns back into Derpy when you click source :P.
Wow, short *and* early Drawfriend today. Let's do this.
1) Heh... this is a very cute idea on the Nightmare Night episode. Were these three fillies ever identified or seen again? Maybe Luna really did gobble them up. 2) I don't know what a Draeney is, but it's pretty cute. I like the cloven hooves. 3) Anti-shipping people better brace for Valentine's Day. Regardless, ponies with flowers in there hair touching noses are cute. 4) I'm not sure what inspired the looks into the mornings of ponies, but I like it. 5) Well, to be fair, it's less saucy than regular Bayonetta. Better proportioned, too. Lovely coloring job. 6) Sometimes the classic tricks are the best. 7) She seems so intent on... well, I'm not sure. Still adorable though. 8) Ha... gotta love the animation on this one. It's kind of hypnotic. 9) Wait... it's Octavia fighting Pip in space? I mean, it's cool, no doubt... but... but... 10) Heh... I love the middle pie sister looking up for some reason. Pinkie's sadness is cute too. Nicely done. 11) I'd love to see Spitfire have a larger role in an episode. She's such a cool looking pony, as seen here. 12) Again, don't know the reference, but the design is cool. I need me one of those clock swords. 13) Yay! Princess! That's pretty much all my mind can pull out with a Celestia this cute. 14) This one seems familiar to me. I usually have the same blank look in the mornings. 15) Wow... when 'Tavia loosens the tie, she pulls out all the stops. Fierce musical mare image. 16) I'm pretty sure Dash would hang this one over her fireplace. If you can have a fireplace in a cloud home. She could start every morning peering up at it and saying "Looking good, Dash..." 17) Here's a pairing you don't see much of. Lovely image, with a nice painted quality and colors. I'd like to see Twilight with the CMCs more... She runs the library. Shouldn't those kids need books? Does anyone ever check books out of Twilight's place? 18) AJ's talents with an apple are many and varied. The washed-out coloring on this gives it a unique feel. 19) She and Derpy need to collaborate on a thesis. Or better yet, an archeological quest to prove it. 20) What a cool early Luna, against a great starry background. Really nice linework on this one.
And that's it already... huh. It was a light edition, but still had some great works. Thanks to all of the artists for sharing, and to Seth and the gang for putting it together!
@Select Few A lot of bronies whining about Bayonetta Rarity plot... Bayonetta alway has a prominent plot... It's like, required, or something. I personally never got into that game. I guess it just didn't pony. Skyrim can pony. Bayonetta... not so much.
I love all the Luna pics! Rockin' Octy, outta control Lil' Pip, dat brushie brushie, and dat first awesome pic... Also, total reverse order viewing today.
#1 Nice classic reference with this one. And I love the 30's inspired Sci-Fi stuff. Not to mention the fun gadgets and designs. Just look at that sleek futuristic spaceship and laser gun. :P Great piece.
#2 This pony actually looks a lot like my Draenei priest I just leveled. If she was, y'know, a pony. Rather cute.
#3 D'awwww. Wub wub wub. Cute little blushing Fluttershy. And she has the wingest boner right now. lol
#4 And now it's brushie brushie brushie time. Rather cute too. And now the Shiny Teeth and Me song suddenly sprang into my head. Which works rather well given the ever-so-slight connection it has to this. ;) It also seems Luna and Celestia have their own line of bath products. I wanna try them too! :3
#5 Whoa, Slugbox. That's really gorgeous. Dem colors. The wings are beautiful. I like how the glasses match too. The eyes, though a little different, are really beautiful as well. I think the colors in them are from reflections? Either way, very nice. Though my favorite part about this image is, you guessed it, those hind leg boots with the guns strapped to them. Pretty cool and fun design.
#6 Oh no! Trixie turned Angel into just another normal bunny! lol And just look at that smug grin she has. I guess she wouldn't be Trixie without that though.
#7 Had to go look up the text version of this one to see what it was a cover for. Seems to be a fanfic. Looked like a CD cover at first. Well, looks good. Hope the commissioner likes it. :)
#8 lol Awww, that's cute. And it's rather nicely animated. Especially for a first time. He seems to really hold onto that wheel well. I hope he didn't tape himself to it or something. :P
#9 Whoa. I am being a badass in this one. With that outfit, I look like Subzero. And judging by one of the comments, I'm guessing that's who I'm supposed to be. I think? Who shall win I wonder. I know I'm supposed to be a bad guy here, but my bits are on... well, myself. lol Pip is goin' down!
#10 Pretty cool. The thing that I like most about this is of course the old frame it was put in. Really works well for it. Inky seems fascinated by something. I agree with the one commenter, it's probably her dad's mutton chops. Though would get me staring for a while too. :P
#11 Cute little pic. Not much else I can say to this one I guess. Though I did find myself comparing their cutie marks again. I dunno why. lol
#12 Ah, Aeon. Really fun and intricately-designed character. Especially his clothing. Which I love most. I really love his outfit and weapon. I think you transferred him well into pony form. Still looks badass and I still love the design. :D
#13 Daily diabeetus. lol Aww, cute little Tia. Wif her widdle crown. :3 The description of this made me think of something though. Magic kindergarten would be so HHNNNNGGGG inducing. Seriously, diabetes everywhere!
#14 And with that sunshine, what a beautiful morning it looks to be. Raindrops is looking rather cute. Something about ponies with their eyes half open and messed up bed head manes.
#15 Hey! This was drawn by Kit. I've had him over to my place for meets before. He knows Octavia can rock that metal on the cello as well. ;) Pretty badass pic of Octavia again. I love these.
#16 Wow, quite nice. The style used to draw it captures the feeling and way you wanted it portrayed nicely I think. Though admittedly, I've not read The Lost Symbol. But I do know of the Washington painting.
#17 Aww, Twilight is so sweet. I really like Scootaloos expression. So excited and cute. And those tiny wings, gah. Her tiny wings get me everytime. <3
#18 Cute little Applejack piece. Has a little of that anime style I like. I think she's balancing that apple because she's about to spruce up that tree with some of her funky modern art. Lmao. Sorry. First thing that came to mind with that pose.
#19 Okay, this one links to one with Derpy in it. But that's certainly Lyra in the thumbnail. :P Judging from the enlarged thumbnail, someone recolored this to be Lyra. And with the title of the Derpy version, it's no wonder. We need to bring in a human expert. And who better than our very own wannabe-human Lyra? :P
#20 "Oh, and again...I love sparkles!!" Really? We couldn't tell. lol :P But seriously, it's lovely. Really nicely colored. And I love all the sparkles as well. <3
@lord pimpington No, no, not that. I already knew that. I was refering to the more... Quality sense. While I feel my work is good enough for the drawfriend, nothing I've submitted has made it. I've only submitted one picture, so I'm probably jumping the gun, though.
@Vipera Not really, if it was intended "innocent" as someone said earlier, it wouldn't really matter, but considering its Slugbox, it probably wasn't intended to be innocent (I think someone made the same argument) No offense to Mr. Slug, but I've had the misfortune of seeing some of his other less "innocent" work, and he comes off as a bit of a perv (not to say hes not a fantastic porn artist). Nothing wrong with that of course, everyone's a bit of a perv, but that pervation(fake word I think) really shouldn't get involved with pony, like ever. Sorry if I got a bit off topic, opinions blast out of head like a sniper's bullet on its exit route. But yes, in my opinion it should have a source link.
That's a tough one. Of course we have Lyra, Bonbon, Colgate and Derpy back there. Then it kinda looks like a Cheerilee slightly next to the speaker. The yellow and green one looks like Woodentoaster's OC, or maybe Apple Fritter. And the blue and pink one next to Colgate has the colors of Lotus. But that could be an OC too for all I know. lol Hard to tell since you can't really see them. :P
Heh. I shouldn't say this, because it's a lovely image, but the first picture really kind of looks to me like Nightmare Moon is puking rainbows onto them.
#10 is an amazing idea and execution. I don't know if it's supposed to be a nod towards a particularly famous old timey family photo, but it certainly brings to mind a few in a very charming way.
#1 Movie poster kind of deal? I like it. #6 Rabbit in a hat? Pretty sure any unicorn could do that... C'mon Trixie. #10 This is awesome, love the feel of this piece. #15 Rage cello! #17 Very cool, imagine what kind of show Twilight and Trixie could put on together! #18 I bet AJ secretly plays hacky sack with apples when nopony's watching. #19 Corporate Lyra? Yes please.
Hey, Seth, this is a good length for drawfriends. Try to keep them to this length in future. Having only twenty images makes it possible to remember which number goes with which while reading the comments.
#17: This is by far my favourite out of this drawfriend. I wonder, is this the prototype for pony TV?
96 kommentaari:
VastaKustutaShort, but a good one.
VastaKustutaLove #10
VastaKustuta#3, Flutterpie. :D
VastaKustutaNOW, we NEED APPLEPIE.
jeez, artists, get on that.
I giggled at Dr. Lyra.
VastaKustuta#16 I can agree Dash is Awesome
VastaKustuta#19 Qiute simple: Humans
#13: Filly Celestia is too adorable!
VastaKustutaReally, no link for #5? Otherwise, some great stuff. I love the Pie Family portrait.
VastaKustutaErr, shouldn't #5 be saucy tagged?
VastaKustutaAlso why does Colgate look so bored while having that hyoooge smile for #4?
VastaKustutaBy link I mean, sauciness censoring.
VastaKustutaThe Space of dreamworld!!!!!!!!!
VastaKustutaNice, Bayonetta Rarity. I Like.
VastaKustuta@Select Few
VastaKustutaplot isn't saucy. well, the context of that plot isn't sexual.
Omg Colgate i love u JJ
VastaKustutaBayonetta Rarity?!
VastaKustutaI was not ready...
VastaKustutaYep. I think the focus of the picture is Rarity's wings.
There is nothing bad about any of these. Period.
VastaKustuta1: NO! Why did I automatically think Pluto Nash?!
VastaKustutaCan someone make an animation of Derpy blowing bubbles, then trying to chomp them?
VastaKustuta#19: i don´t wanna say it were humans: But it were Humans.
VastaKustutaAlso dath #2! Nice idea! Someone should use that kind of pony race in a fic, like they´re from a continent over the ocena or something like that!
And i know and am deeply sorry to push this tiny advertise here, but i´d like you guys to take a look at this new tumblr here; ponies-in-space:
Seriously, it´s good and updates daily but the tumblr is still unknown for some reason and i´d like to change that and show the artist/author that this work is not only appreciated by a hoofful of people. Thx for reading. Uhm, if you don´t mind. Sorry again.
I think #5 counts as a cheesecake drawing.
VastaKustutaShould we link that?
If the artist is who I think it is then #5 definitely needs a saucy tag. And if the focus were meant to be on the wings the pic could have been from the front.
VastaKustutaWow, this one came early. Lucky I was sitting in front of my computer. Well, let's get to it.
VastaKustuta#1 Wow. Such a cool poster. And check out the link in the description for a black and white poster.
#2 Bring on the crossovers! This one looks pretty cool.
#3 Goodness, Pinkie. How about giving her a heads up at least. This is just way too much cute to handle.
#4 Observing the morning ritual.
#5 ……not my thing, but the style is pretty cool.
#6 The rabbit looks like an unwilling participant.
#7 Yay! Bubbles!
#8 Hold on to that wheel, Pip!!!
#9 Oh, man. This looks EPIC!!!
#10 If only little Pinkamena knew what was to come…
#11 Even ace flyers need some playtime. Hehe.
#12 The crossovers continue. And this looks cool as well.
#13 Oh so cute…and I'd say the title's kind of spot on.
#14 Love the lighting effect on this one.
#15 Anyone here a Yanni fan? Couldn't you just picture her pulling one of these at one of his shows?
#16 Such an epic picture. Everything comes together so well here.
#17 Never could have pictured Twilight and Scootaloo together. Very interesting illusion there.
#18 Yeah. Show that apple who's boss, AJ.
#19 The Lyra version of this picture seems a little more fitting.
#20 Who better to picture in space than Luna.
Short but this one sure packed a punch. Thanks for sharing, artists. :D
I need wallpapers! pretty please?
VastaKustuta#1: At first I was afraid it was a reference to "Pluto Nash"... Nice to see the Nightmare Night costumes haven't been forgotten.
VastaKustuta#5: And already calls for this one to be behind a source link. If it were most any other artist, I'd argue that it's as innocent as any "plot shot" from the show, but since it's by Slugbox I doubt the intent was innocent...
#8: Simple but fun animated gif of Pipsqueak biting off more than he can chew.
#10: Excellent portrait of the Pie family; the artist did a wonderful job making it look like an old oil portrait.
#11: Nice to see a casual drawing of Spitfire and Rainbow Dash hanging out and flying together.
#13: Really cute filly Celestia; I like the softness of the colors.
#15: As much as I appreciate all the creative drawings we've had of Octavia playing the cello very elegantly, it's great to see something different from time to time.
#16: It's been posted before, but it's still very good.
#17: Not sure why Twilight is casting that illusion spell, but darn if Scootaloo doesn't look adorable!
#20: Very nice portrait of the night princess in her domain to round out a short and sweet drawfriend.
Only 20? Not as many as I expected, but at least they were all good.
VastaKustuta@Bomber Ted
VastaKustuta"If the artist is who I think it is then #5 definitely needs a saucy tag."
So you want the picture tagged based on who created it?
y u no use links for saucy images anymore? o_//
VastaKustuta#2 - Why does her cutie mark look like poison joke? I think I'll stay away from her...
VastaKustuta#3 - Teehee
#5 - Plot, heh. Does seem a *little* saucy to me, but then again it is slugbox.
#15 - Kill it, Octy! Or, play it, or... Nah, just kill it.
#20 - Sweet.
Short drawfriend today, I think my favourite is #16 I really love the effects on it, I did have to look at the deviantart description to get it but it's very good.
VastaKustutaI really didn't expect a Rarity bayonetta though not a crossover I would have expected, i'd probably count it as saucy really (especially with thst artist) but really I shouldn't complain there was a fair bit of stuff I liked here.
Spaaaacceeee! :D
VastaKustutaI think everything Slugbox makes should have a saucy tag. Such a great porn artist.
VastaKustutaSeriously, how do you get into one of these things? I want to get into a drawfriend so much!
VastaKustutaAh dang, I missed saying 'Nightmare Moon! WOOT!'
VastaKustutaSo, uh...
Nightmare Moon! WOOT!
Alas, guilt by association has driven a quality piece of art to hide behind a link.
VastaKustutaWhat's with so many ponies asking this now? There's a little think right under the banner that has links on it. Click 'Submit'. That should help clear things up.
#3 <3!
VastaKustuta#16 Haha, "My Little Pony" in Latin?
VastaKustutaoh GOD... I clicked on the source link for #19 and lyra became DERPY. O_e
VastaKustutaAww, Short drawfriend today. Couple of good ones though.
VastaKustutaApple pie?
And alas, #5 is behind a link now, consigned to forever be an additional click away for anyone who may wish to view it.
(To be honest, if I were to object to #5, it wouldn't be because of plot but because it's an edit that the original artist almost certainly didn't give his blessing for.)
VastaKustutaOh, you.
Poland can into space.
VastaKustuta#3: Cute picture, but it conflicts with PinkieDash and must therefore be rejected :P.
#4: Once again I am left to wonder how non-unicorns get anything done in this world.
#10: Pinkie looks so sad.. Heartbreaking.
#16: Placet mihi.
#19: I've seen something like this one before, only it was Derpy instead of Lyra. - In fact, it turns back into Derpy when you click source :P.
#14 - Raindrops! Why isn't there more of you?
VastaKustutaMen #5 bayoneta rarity is kick ass
VastaKustutaWow, short *and* early Drawfriend today. Let's do this.
VastaKustuta1) Heh... this is a very cute idea on the Nightmare Night episode. Were these three fillies ever identified or seen again? Maybe Luna really did gobble them up.
2) I don't know what a Draeney is, but it's pretty cute. I like the cloven hooves.
3) Anti-shipping people better brace for Valentine's Day. Regardless, ponies with flowers in there hair touching noses are cute.
4) I'm not sure what inspired the looks into the mornings of ponies, but I like it.
5) Well, to be fair, it's less saucy than regular Bayonetta. Better proportioned, too. Lovely coloring job.
6) Sometimes the classic tricks are the best.
7) She seems so intent on... well, I'm not sure. Still adorable though.
8) Ha... gotta love the animation on this one. It's kind of hypnotic.
9) Wait... it's Octavia fighting Pip in space? I mean, it's cool, no doubt... but... but...
10) Heh... I love the middle pie sister looking up for some reason. Pinkie's sadness is cute too. Nicely done.
11) I'd love to see Spitfire have a larger role in an episode. She's such a cool looking pony, as seen here.
12) Again, don't know the reference, but the design is cool. I need me one of those clock swords.
13) Yay! Princess! That's pretty much all my mind can pull out with a Celestia this cute.
14) This one seems familiar to me. I usually have the same blank look in the mornings.
15) Wow... when 'Tavia loosens the tie, she pulls out all the stops. Fierce musical mare image.
16) I'm pretty sure Dash would hang this one over her fireplace. If you can have a fireplace in a cloud home. She could start every morning peering up at it and saying "Looking good, Dash..."
17) Here's a pairing you don't see much of. Lovely image, with a nice painted quality and colors. I'd like to see Twilight with the CMCs more... She runs the library. Shouldn't those kids need books? Does anyone ever check books out of Twilight's place?
18) AJ's talents with an apple are many and varied. The washed-out coloring on this gives it a unique feel.
19) She and Derpy need to collaborate on a thesis. Or better yet, an archeological quest to prove it.
20) What a cool early Luna, against a great starry background. Really nice linework on this one.
And that's it already... huh. It was a light edition, but still had some great works. Thanks to all of the artists for sharing, and to Seth and the gang for putting it together!
#15: Hardcore cello playing Octavia! Love it.
VastaKustuta@Select Few
VastaKustutaA lot of bronies whining about Bayonetta Rarity plot... Bayonetta alway has a prominent plot... It's like, required, or something. I personally never got into that game. I guess it just didn't pony. Skyrim can pony. Bayonetta... not so much.
That Rarinetta pic....
VastaKustutaIt makes me feel like....like I need to finish that damn game already.
What? What were you thinking?
I love all the Luna pics! Rockin' Octy, outta control Lil' Pip, dat brushie brushie, and dat first awesome pic... Also, total reverse order viewing today.
VastaKustuta#5 heh Rarinetta
VastaKustutaOh wow, this was a rather early Drawfriend today.
VastaKustuta#1 Nice classic reference with this one. And I love the 30's inspired Sci-Fi stuff. Not to mention the fun gadgets and designs. Just look at that sleek futuristic spaceship and laser gun. :P Great piece.
#2 This pony actually looks a lot like my Draenei priest I just leveled. If she was, y'know, a pony. Rather cute.
#3 D'awwww. Wub wub wub. Cute little blushing Fluttershy. And she has the wingest boner right now. lol
#4 And now it's brushie brushie brushie time. Rather cute too. And now the Shiny Teeth and Me song suddenly sprang into my head. Which works rather well given the ever-so-slight connection it has to this. ;) It also seems Luna and Celestia have their own line of bath products. I wanna try them too! :3
#5 Whoa, Slugbox. That's really gorgeous. Dem colors. The wings are beautiful. I like how the glasses match too. The eyes, though a little different, are really beautiful as well. I think the colors in them are from reflections? Either way, very nice. Though my favorite part about this image is, you guessed it, those hind leg boots with the guns strapped to them. Pretty cool and fun design.
#6 Oh no! Trixie turned Angel into just another normal bunny! lol And just look at that smug grin she has. I guess she wouldn't be Trixie without that though.
#7 Had to go look up the text version of this one to see what it was a cover for. Seems to be a fanfic. Looked like a CD cover at first. Well, looks good. Hope the commissioner likes it. :)
#8 lol Awww, that's cute. And it's rather nicely animated. Especially for a first time. He seems to really hold onto that wheel well. I hope he didn't tape himself to it or something. :P
#9 Whoa. I am being a badass in this one. With that outfit, I look like Subzero. And judging by one of the comments, I'm guessing that's who I'm supposed to be. I think? Who shall win I wonder. I know I'm supposed to be a bad guy here, but my bits are on... well, myself. lol Pip is goin' down!
#10 Pretty cool. The thing that I like most about this is of course the old frame it was put in. Really works well for it. Inky seems fascinated by something. I agree with the one commenter, it's probably her dad's mutton chops. Though would get me staring for a while too. :P
#11 Cute little pic. Not much else I can say to this one I guess. Though I did find myself comparing their cutie marks again. I dunno why. lol
VastaKustuta#12 Ah, Aeon. Really fun and intricately-designed character. Especially his clothing. Which I love most. I really love his outfit and weapon. I think you transferred him well into pony form. Still looks badass and I still love the design. :D
#13 Daily diabeetus. lol Aww, cute little Tia. Wif her widdle crown. :3 The description of this made me think of something though. Magic kindergarten would be so HHNNNNGGGG inducing. Seriously, diabetes everywhere!
#14 And with that sunshine, what a beautiful morning it looks to be. Raindrops is looking rather cute. Something about ponies with their eyes half open and messed up bed head manes.
#15 Hey! This was drawn by Kit. I've had him over to my place for meets before. He knows Octavia can rock that metal on the cello as well. ;) Pretty badass pic of Octavia again. I love these.
#16 Wow, quite nice. The style used to draw it captures the feeling and way you wanted it portrayed nicely I think. Though admittedly, I've not read The Lost Symbol. But I do know of the Washington painting.
#17 Aww, Twilight is so sweet. I really like Scootaloos expression. So excited and cute. And those tiny wings, gah. Her tiny wings get me everytime. <3
#18 Cute little Applejack piece. Has a little of that anime style I like. I think she's balancing that apple because she's about to spruce up that tree with some of her funky modern art. Lmao. Sorry. First thing that came to mind with that pose.
#19 Okay, this one links to one with Derpy in it. But that's certainly Lyra in the thumbnail. :P Judging from the enlarged thumbnail, someone recolored this to be Lyra. And with the title of the Derpy version, it's no wonder. We need to bring in a human expert. And who better than our very own wannabe-human Lyra? :P
#20 "Oh, and again...I love sparkles!!" Really? We couldn't tell. lol :P But seriously, it's lovely. Really nicely colored. And I love all the sparkles as well. <3
VastaKustuta19 is awesome and what you just said about it will probably become a fanfic.
1. The detail on this is amazing.
VastaKustuta10. I'd be surprised if something like this wasn't hanging on wall inside the Pie's family house. You can almost fell the tension between them.
20. Well Luna seems to be enjoying herself. Really nice looking pic.
#15 here: try to guess all 6 ponies in the bg.
VastaKustuta/me will be very impressed if you get the last two
#12: Aeon, nice. There is one that I would really like to see now: Grant Danasty, the most agile pony in Equestria.
VastaKustuta@lord pimpington
VastaKustutaNo, no, not that. I already knew that. I was refering to the more... Quality sense. While I feel my work is good enough for the drawfriend, nothing I've submitted has made it. I've only submitted one picture, so I'm probably jumping the gun, though.
VastaKustuta...It could be an Indiana Jones parody!
...So which is better, Lyra Jones or Derpy Jones?... Perhaps the question is, which last name is easier to sacrifice?
VastaKustutaNot really, if it was intended "innocent" as someone said earlier, it wouldn't really matter, but considering its Slugbox, it probably wasn't intended to be innocent (I think someone made the same argument)
No offense to Mr. Slug, but I've had the misfortune of seeing some of his other less "innocent" work, and he comes off as a bit of a perv (not to say hes not a fantastic porn artist). Nothing wrong with that of course, everyone's a bit of a perv, but that pervation(fake word I think) really shouldn't get involved with pony, like ever. Sorry if I got a bit off topic, opinions blast out of head like a sniper's bullet on its exit route.
But yes, in my opinion it should have a source link.
VastaKustutaThat's a tough one. Of course we have Lyra, Bonbon, Colgate and Derpy back there. Then it kinda looks like a Cheerilee slightly next to the speaker. The yellow and green one looks like Woodentoaster's OC, or maybe Apple Fritter. And the blue and pink one next to Colgate has the colors of Lotus. But that could be an OC too for all I know. lol Hard to tell since you can't really see them. :P
@Bomber Ted
VastaKustutaMakes sense.
VastaKustutaThey are all canon ponies.
There's also the really hard one between Octy's stomach and the cello.
You'll have to go on color alone.
Gratz on Cheerilee :D
#19 I'm not saying it was humans, but it was humans.
VastaKustuta@wackypony What he said.
VastaKustuta>Featured on EqD's drawfriend (#8 here)
VastaKustutaCan today possibly get any better?
>People like it
It just did!
#2 WoW!!! HOW THE FUCK DID I MISS THAT?! Totally skipped over it.
VastaKustuta#16: That banner says "My Little Pony", in case you were wondering.
VastaKustutaExcellent drawfriend as always
wow..... very short drawfriend.
VastaKustutaHeh. I shouldn't say this, because it's a lovely image, but the first picture really kind of looks to me like Nightmare Moon is puking rainbows onto them.
VastaKustuta@Joe England
VastaKustutaMaybe she ate way too many skittles.
@Select Few Saucy or not, #5 has Butterfly Rarity with dual heel-hoof holsters! She's like... Trigun Rarity!
VastaKustuta#10 is an amazing idea and execution. I don't know if it's supposed to be a nod towards a particularly famous old timey family photo, but it certainly brings to mind a few in a very charming way.
VastaKustuta16) Wasn't this in a drawfriend ages ago? Still awesome though. Apotheosis is an epic theme.
VastaKustutaWell, first I'd have to invent the Universe.
#10 looks like it could of been taken straight from the show.... amazing pic, adds something to the whole "Cupcakes" genre of fanfic
VastaKustutaThe only response I have for #2 is /waggle.
VastaKustuta#20 aaaa luuunnnaaa iiiinnnnn sspppaaaaaccceeee.
VastaKustuta# 20
VastaKustutaWait, what? What the bloody blue blazes does this have to do with an over-the-top torture-porn gorefic?
but we had already a ponies in space edition, remember?
VastaKustutaHe must be one of the morons that think Cupcakes and "Pinkamena" are related in any way. Possibly he didn't actually even see party of one.
Good drawfriend today!
VastaKustutaOh, and #19 link is derped.
#1 Movie poster kind of deal? I like it.
VastaKustuta#6 Rabbit in a hat? Pretty sure any unicorn could do that... C'mon Trixie.
#10 This is awesome, love the feel of this piece.
#15 Rage cello!
#17 Very cool, imagine what kind of show Twilight and Trixie could put on together!
#18 I bet AJ secretly plays hacky sack with apples when nopony's watching.
#19 Corporate Lyra? Yes please.
This wasn't a very impressive Drawfriends. Nothing really jumps out at me in terms of style and originality. But that's just my opinion.
VastaKustutaHey, Seth, this is a good length for drawfriends. Try to keep them to this length in future. Having only twenty images makes it possible to remember which number goes with which while reading the comments.
VastaKustuta#17: This is by far my favourite out of this drawfriend. I wonder, is this the prototype for pony TV?
#12 is right on time!
#20 Luna is so awesome! >.<
VastaKustuta@Travis Smith
VastaKustutaThe final frontier. These are the voyages of the ERS Celestia...
Oh god, I'm watching ancient aliens right now too.
VastaKustutaOMG #2, draenei pony!! Ponies and draenei, my two favourites, I think my brain just exploded!