Well, this is pretty silly. Apparently Daring Do, Dash's newest love interestself-insert literary fixation has her own page on TVTropes. Obviously it's just a facsimile- or a joke- but it's amusing in its own right.
And Daring Do is not my love interest. Just a fictional character in my favorite book series who I can relate to and has some of the same characteristics as myself
To be fair, its not terribly uncommon for a "Show within a Show" to get its own page on TVTropes. This is similar (and in fact partly inspired by) the "Inspector Spacetime" page.
Well whoever it was, they clearly put a lot of work into this. Somebody save a copy of this before they find it and take it down for various reasons. This should definitely be the reference guide for all future fanfictions.
Don't be so quick to dismiss it, "Shrine of the Silver Monkey" is a good story, it more than makes up for the "Temple and Legacy of Nightmare Moon" books, the following books after "Shrine of the Silver Monkey" are really good, too.
This is an amusing little read. Indeed, FiM has reached a certain level of Troper Critical Mass, and any and everything even remotely related to it is subject to lots of traffic.
You know I wonder, if Hasbro ever gets wind of this, they might actually publish a series of books based on Daring Do. That would be hilarious. Sneaky way to support reading while still making wads of cash.
I know someone mentioned The Ugly Barnacle, but there are quite a few joke pages like that, such as "Disney's Anne Frank"... don't ask how i know about that page...
16 books in the series? Dash is a very lucky pony, it seems! Most series I like don't last that long..
Looking at the length of that page, I must say that this is pretty impressive for a one-off character with little screentime. All of it is pretty funny as well and a nice read. Good job, I suppose, even if it is just a bit weird.
..And now I want to read those books. They sound like a marvellous mix of cheesiness and awesome.
I have a stupid grin on my face now and an overwhelming desire to read every one of these books. And whoever came up with "Daring-Do and the Cloud-Held Eternity" gets bonus points, because that is an *awesome* title. You Tropers are crazy.
I do find it unendingly hilarious just how completely this community latches onto even the smallest of appearances and turns them into well-rounded characters. I guess an Indiana Jones stand-in was bound to get the same treatment, but it just still amuses and surprises me. (Also, props to Studio B for making Daring a filly, in keeping with the "girls can be more than just princesses" attitude of the series as a whole.)
@gingerninja666 I liked her, kinda reminds me of Mycroft Holmes, except less passive and more of a jerk. (if that makes any sense.)
That whole page is actually quite well done. Especially “The Trials of Unity” caught my attention. And now I’m sad because it doesn’t exist… (yet) and I don’t even fanfics.
You win. Whatever gloriously magnificent soul crafted this page has bested anything I could possibly hope to do with my life. If these actually became real books, I could die happy.
You read Dexter, don't you? Double Dexter just came out and it had a word that most people don't know and I've never seen you use before. Did you get facsimile from the books or do you actually know that word? I not totally convinced Twilight knows 'facsimile'.
Very well made page from what I've read so far. My only complaint is that there's some inconsistency with whether it's "Sapphire Stone" or "Sapphire Statue".
Actually, we covered that in the YMMY section: Fan Nickname: The first book in the series is more often referred to as Daring Do and the Sapphire Statue, than its actual name of Daring Do and the Sapphire Stone.
@insert name here *sidles into the top image and innocently cuts the vine... giggling madly as Daring Doo plummets into the waiting jaws and is messily devoured!* Lord Discord will be pleased... >:3
@SuperGiantRobot I'm not really familiar with the different sections of TVTropes. Would you mind explaining some of the acronyms/sections? If it's no trouble?
Yeah, the acronyms can be a bit intimidating. WMG is 'Wild Mass Guessing" which is pretty much what it sounds like; basically we're coming up with our own interpretation of events and characters.
"Headscatchers is essentially "what happene here; can anyone guide me through this?"
Fridge Brilliance : is "this scene doesn't make sense but now I finally get it!"
on the main page after Fridge brilliance is Anaylisis (pretty much what it sounds like) and the three crowning moments sections: Best funny scene, best heart-warming scene, best scary scene
I think this is a great idea, extra props to the "Detective Trot Munch" guy in Headscratchers and whoever came up with the "Herpy cleans out the coffee pot" joke.
YMMV stands for Your Mileage May Vary. Basically it's where all the fandom related tropes or tropes that apply differently depending on the individual.
For Example for the Complete Monster trope, requirements can vary widely from person to person.
WMG is Wild Mass Guessing. Basically a place where you can theorise about the work in question.
Headscratchers are for things that don't make sense to you.
Fridge is the place to put things that you only realised about a work a time after watching/reading it.
Then there are the Crowning Moments of Funny, Heartwarming and Awesome. A place to gush about the moments of the work that are incredibly funny, heartwarming or awesome.
I'm mainly doing basic editing, grammar work, and I added much (but not all) of the stuff concerning Inti (I did Hoist By His Own Petard and Fate Worse Than Death- but someone else decided what that fate was) and I apparently decided that the Wooden Mask was Made of Evil... MY troper handle is ptah1888. Again, I love what everyone is contributing to make this entertaining for everypony!
Eh, I started reading it, but stopped only a minute in. Honestly it sounds too much like someone's elaborate headcanon half the time to me. Though I see others are adding in their own headcanon's on her too now. Should turn out... interesting. lol
Well since we're putting it out there. I'm the one who came up with Alicorn's Shadow and Gardens of Equestria. Please tell me somepony out there actually gets the refrence in that one.....
Somepony (or group of ponies) be i n charge of writing those 16 canon Daring Do books, STAT! (or rather, 15, since we already have Sapphire Stone, but yeah!)
I just read the character sheet for the Daring Do series.
Too much effort and thought has been put into these pages for it to not be realised in a proper story. I mean, there is so much detail that an author can get a ready-made roadmap just by Ctrl+F'ing the story they want to write. All the author would have to do is arrange it into a logical order and connect the dots.
For "Gardens of Equestria" you're either suggesting that the Gardens are an expy of the legendary Babylonian hanging gardens, or you're making a reference to Fallout Equestria, which was a spell that could rectify the total annihilation of Equestria's plant-life and fertile soil through the magic of the Elements of Harmony.
And for those wondering, the plan is for any existing Daring Do fanfics or any that aren't based on the ones on the page already are in-verse fanfics that get linked from the fan fic rec page.
Just to put it out there, I was the one who came up with the expies for the Mane 5. See if you can spot who's supposed to be who and what more should be added about them!
So stories like the ones here on EqD act as fan-fics for the Daring Do stories in the Equestrian Universe? Or are they part of what would be called "Spin Offs"?
"Alicorn's Shadow" and it's synopsis seems to suggest a strong possibility of being inspired by Shadow of Colossus. Having never played the game, this concept still sounds exciting to me.
If the "Gardens of Equestria" is written, it would be cool if the the Gardens are similar to the Hanging Gardens of Babylon, if only for the potential parkour and leaps of fate across large drops (Prince of Persia kinda left an impression on me back in the days of the PS2)
This thing is a collaborative thing where people with ideas can come along and help out (as long as they stick within what's established). This is not all done by one author.
I throw in ideas and help clean up grammar and spelling. I'm the Colt of Smooze originator (though Desert Flower was someone else's work). Yes, I am a Friendship is Witchcraft fan.
I should know better than to take a quick moment away from writing my own story to look at something like this. I mean, I know TVTropes is like a strange version of online crack cocaine, but still!
I just spent an hour reading all of it. I held off on coming up with my own Daring Do short story, simply because I have my Moonbeam sequel I'm qorking on, AND I want to try to whip up something for the FimFiction story contest too. And now I REALLY want to write something with Daring Do.
(In other words, wow, the hive mind that put together that trope page is sheer GENIUS! Great work, and my greatest compliments, to everyone who contributed to that page!)
I've been on tvtropes for ages and I'm still awestruck by this. Practically everything on this page is fan ideas, but it fits together into something cohesive, and will probably serve as a foundation to the biggest pony fanfic apart from Fallout Equestria.
It must have taken a while to make that page and it's a fun read but I hope this doesn't put Daring into a mould every writer has to follow. Writers want to express their own imagine too and not have to adhere to a Tropes page. There is no requirement to, but it looks as if people won't read a story if it doesn't have Daring do 'this' and have this type of character. As I understand fanon, it is the trends that emerge in content such as Lyra and Bonbon being together that show the generally accepted ideas of the characters but I hope there is still room for other wacky ideas.
You can write what you want, but odds on if it doesn't fit with the Page, then it will be called an in universe fanfic, instead of an actual book in the series.
While we are trying to keep communication tight (to keep the characterization as consistent as we can between stories), we'd definitely be open to new team players. And I guess the only big requirements for that really is to adhere as closely as possible to the tropes provided for the story in question and stay in communication with everyone else (currently through the main TVTropes FiM forum thread... there'll probably be more documents involved as the project gets rolling). If you think you can do this, come say hello at http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/posts.php?discussion=rp9u726d6kev3mymml5wtnxm&page=3773#94314
Note that this doesn't just apply to Saddlesoap. Other prospective writers can feel free to contact us in the thread.
Hey, does anyone know if "Daring Do and the Cove of Candles" is a reference to a real book? Or maybe to an episode of the 80's My Little Pony cartoon or something? Because I swear I can remember reading that book when I was a kid... I think it was about pirates, and a talking pirate ship or something? It was weird. I don't really remember much about it, except that it really freaked me out when I was a kid. Does anypony else remember this?
I can't post there just yet - still waiting to be let out of the noob-cage (I'm an AVID trope reader, but never became Known before) - but I would certainly enjoy collaborating with all of you.
I have NO problem sticking to others' fanon, and in fact I enjoy bouncing off others' ideas. I am also, however, employed full-time, so if you all want these things written by like a week or two from now, I might not be able to scrape together the free time. >__<
If you will be taking your time even somewhat, though, I'd love to pitch in.
As for "other documents", I think a document sort of point-form listing the major salient plot points from each "Novel" is a fine idea...piecing thing together from trope entries is tricky!
Great to have you on board. I think the time constraint will be fairly loose. Most of us working on this are also either full time employed or full time students, so we essentially in the same boat as you.
And a fanon bible will probably be one of the other documents, which should include entries for the stories and characters that are more concise than the tropes page. It'll probably be quite the group effort just to get that filled accurately and in a timely fashion, though.
That was amusing and well written. I liked the sister and the fact that she has a pet T-rex, but I'm little dissapointed that she only has Auixotle as the main villian(though I liked the part about it being him so often that she expects it to be him at any given time) but that's mainly because I pictured her with a Bond level of rogues and rivals to go up against.
Have you guys come up with titles for all of the books yet?
Whoa, hold your horses (please don't shoot me :P). I put one together yesterday too. It's got more updated info, so we're going to have to consolidate before people start getting confused.
OK, when you said there was a TV tropes page, I thought their was going to be maybe 20 entries, instead I found TWENTY INDIVIDUAL TITLES!I mean, come on! there has to be enough text in there that you probably could have just written one of the novels!
It will be interesting if someone writes a fanficion based on this trope page though.If its good enough they could link it off the trope page, and further confuse people who just stumble across this page, maybe an "excerpts" section?
Hehe, well, enthusiasm was pretty high after Read It and Weep and it basically snowballed into the entire main FiM forum thread writing that page. We're actually working on writing several of those stories at the moment. Platinum Crown looks to be farthest along at the moment, so keep an eye out. :)
Is anyone still working on these? I've glanced through all the documents that the group of authors involved in the project were writing/discussing in, but they all look like they've been gathering dust these past few months.
I just loved the tropes page and adored the enthusiasm and was really looking forward to reading all of the books once they were completed and I just wanted to know if the idea of writing them had been scrapped for good.
125 kommentaari:
Daring Do deserves this page...even though it may be a joke
VastaKustutaOMG This is awesome, no matter what.
VastaKustutaThis is still pretty awesome though.
VastaKustutahuzzah for daring-do!
VastaKustutalol thats pretty awesome xDDD
VastaKustutaNow this is my sort of silly. I'm sure Daring-Do shows up on one of the character pages properly too, but I like this.
VastaKustutaThey found Tropes for every single molecule of FIM. :D
VastaKustutaAnd Daring Do is not my love interest. Just a fictional character in my favorite book series who I can relate to and has some of the same characteristics as myself
Wow. Okay, I love Daring Do, and I love TV Tropes. But wow, the extend we go to with this show. Passion doesn't begin to describe what drives us :D
Ehh... beats having more spam in the 'Nightmare Fuel' page... for MLP, no less.
VastaKustutaSeriously, some of the posts there, ughh.
This is all for fun and pretty well written page, if anything.
VastaKustutaThis is impressive. If I didn't already have a reason to get lost on TV Tropes, now I do.
VastaKustutaI'll bet someone's going to write this series as fanfics at some point.
VastaKustutaMaybe it's even been done already.
It's "The Ugly Barnicle" all over again!
VastaKustutaNot that I mind. =D
Haha, nice. Also, inb4 Daring-Do/Dr. Brinner crossover.
VastaKustutaobligatory 'Oh Cereal, you kidder.'
That'll keep the fanfic writers busy for a while making all that true.
VastaKustutaI like they created so much information for Daring, but I can't help but dislike it a bit.
VastaKustutaTo be fair, its not terribly uncommon for a "Show within a Show" to get its own page on TVTropes. This is similar (and in fact partly inspired by) the "Inspector Spacetime" page.
That said, yes we Troper Bronies are this crazy. I came up with the title "Temple of Nightmare Moon" myself! :D
VastaKustutaWell whoever it was, they clearly put a lot of work into this. Somebody save a copy of this before they find it and take it down for various reasons. This should definitely be the reference guide for all future fanfictions.
VastaKustutaIt's gone downhill since "Legacy of Nightmare Moon". I don't even read the books these days.
VastaKustutaThe series is on life-support. It's clear Polo House just cares about milking every last bit out of this franchise.
Wow someone put a lot of time into this tropes page, it's a pretty fun read!
VastaKustutaThis is, by far, the most funniest thing I've ever seen on TV Tropes.
VastaKustutaNow all we need is a dedicated band of fanfic writers to write ALL of the stories, including as many tropes that are related to them as possible
And should the EqD stories be put into a "Expanded Universe/Spin-offs" section for ponyfeathers and giggles?
Somebody had waaaaaaay too much fun with this... Pretty funny for that very reason though.
VastaKustutaJust when I told myself I wouldn't read the tropes page again until season two is done.
VastaKustuta@Rainbow Dash
VastaKustutaDash and Daring, sitting in a tree... K-I-S-S-I-N-G
I'm not surprised that the page exists, but that the page is full to bursting.
VastaKustutaIt was a collaborative effort, as is everything on TV Tropes ;)
That is a huge collaboration already... scary there's that much stuff, and it all not only makes sense, but matches DD, and MLP, lol.
VastaKustutaWell done Tropers.
Things like this are the reason why I love TV Tropes.
VastaKustutaThat and the fact they made a page for The Ugly Barnacle - not to mention 15 sub-pages.
VastaKustutaDon't be so quick to dismiss it, "Shrine of the Silver Monkey" is a good story, it more than makes up for the "Temple and Legacy of Nightmare Moon" books, the following books after "Shrine of the Silver Monkey" are really good, too.
This is an amusing little read. Indeed, FiM has reached a certain level of Troper Critical Mass, and any and everything even remotely related to it is subject to lots of traffic.
VastaKustutaYou know I wonder, if Hasbro ever gets wind of this, they might actually publish a series of books based on Daring Do. That would be hilarious. Sneaky way to support reading while still making wads of cash.
VastaKustutaI was going to mention "Inspector Spacetime", but you beat me to it.
Another good example would be another very recent one: "Disney's Anne Frank".
It's as wrong as it sounds.
I know someone mentioned The Ugly Barnacle, but there are quite a few joke pages like that, such as "Disney's Anne Frank"... don't ask how i know about that page...
VastaKustutaAs one of the (minor) contributors, I want to say that I love what the other contributors have done with this. Keep being awesome, guys!
VastaKustutaYou mean you want this trope to be invoked?
I'm certainly okay with this!
16 books in the series? Dash is a very lucky pony, it seems! Most series I like don't last that long..
VastaKustutaLooking at the length of that page, I must say that this is pretty impressive for a one-off character with little screentime. All of it is pretty funny as well and a nice read. Good job, I suppose, even if it is just a bit weird.
..And now I want to read those books. They sound like a marvellous mix of cheesiness and awesome.
Well fuck. Now I need to read these books... and they don't even exist!
VastaKustutaAll in favor of getting Hasbro to make these into Daring Do episodes? Or at least getting someone to write these stories as fanfic?
Hey, is the author of 'Dangerous Business' busy?
I have got to do this.
VastaKustuta@Mattatatta I'm sorry but Shrine of the Silver Monkey was terrible. All the blatant retconning?
VastaKustutaAnd Daring became a unlikeable shrew in that book. Completley out of character, typical inteference by Polo Houst to make the character more edgy.
All the joy of the series is gone.
@insert name here
I read Daring Do books for the adventure, not for clop porn.
I wish I was unbanned from there...; I was banned for no reason. (Any TV Tropes admins out there? If so, unban?)
VastaKustutaI have a stupid grin on my face now and an overwhelming desire to read every one of these books. And whoever came up with "Daring-Do and the Cloud-Held Eternity" gets bonus points, because that is an *awesome* title. You Tropers are crazy.
I do find it unendingly hilarious just how completely this community latches onto even the smallest of appearances and turns them into well-rounded characters. I guess an Indiana Jones stand-in was bound to get the same treatment, but it just still amuses and surprises me. (Also, props to Studio B for making Daring a filly, in keeping with the "girls can be more than just princesses" attitude of the series as a whole.)
Autor on selle kommentaari eemaldanud.
VastaKustutaCan't please everypony, I guess. I've enjoyed all of the stories, even the spinoff titles. But this is coming from somepony who likes everything
Daring Do needs her own spin-off series. Even if it's just a single season!
VastaKustutaCome on, Hasbro, I'll help pay for it... *checks couch cushion for change*
Daring Do use to be about adventure, but now it's all about which colt Daring will chose to be her very special somepony.
VastaKustutaTeam Bravado vs Team Outback? You people make me sick.
VastaKustutaAgreed Team Bravado and Outback make me sick.
Clearly Team Herpy is the way to go.
I came up with the idea of Derring. Daring's aloof older sister. No love for her?
VastaKustutaWhat is it with people and Silver Monkeys? Nobody cared about the green teams the way I do!
VastaKustutaAt least Ohmek makes a guest appearance.
TV Tropes has gotten too good at this. Some of its members really should start making money off their talent.
VastaKustutaIn fact, we need a TEAM of authors working on this.
VastaKustutaI liked her, kinda reminds me of Mycroft Holmes, except less passive and more of a jerk. (if that makes any sense.)
That whole page is actually quite well done. Especially “The Trials of Unity” caught my attention. And now I’m sad because it doesn’t exist… (yet) and I don’t even fanfics.
This is all kinds of silly. I like it!
VastaKustuta…Wow. This is… I can't even…
VastaKustutaYou win. Whatever gloriously magnificent soul crafted this page has bested anything I could possibly hope to do with my life. If these actually became real books, I could die happy.
I created Darrin, Bravado, Anaongea and the title for "Ring of the Marengeti"
VastaKustutaActually, we're seriously considering writing them.
@Shimmer ScrollWhere Bronies, some glories individual will right these.
VastaKustutaLook for Reed Richards; that's me.
VastaKustutaYou read Dexter, don't you? Double Dexter just came out and it had a word that most people don't know and I've never seen you use before. Did you get facsimile from the books or do you actually know that word? I not totally convinced Twilight knows 'facsimile'.
VastaKustutaThat's pretty much exactly what I was trying to say.
Very well made page from what I've read so far. My only complaint is that there's some inconsistency with whether it's "Sapphire Stone" or "Sapphire Statue".
VastaKustutaActually, we covered that in the YMMY section: Fan Nickname: The first book in the series is more often referred to as Daring Do and the Sapphire Statue, than its actual name of Daring Do and the Sapphire Stone.
@insert name here *sidles into the top image and innocently cuts the vine... giggling madly as Daring Doo plummets into the waiting jaws and is messily devoured!* Lord Discord will be pleased... >:3
VastaKustutaI'm not really familiar with the different sections of TVTropes. Would you mind explaining some of the acronyms/sections? If it's no trouble?
VastaKustutaYeah, the acronyms can be a bit intimidating. WMG is 'Wild Mass Guessing" which is pretty much what it sounds like; basically we're coming up with our own interpretation of events and characters.
"Headscatchers is essentially "what happene here; can anyone guide me through this?"
Fridge Brilliance : is "this scene doesn't make sense but now I finally get it!"
on the main page after Fridge brilliance is Anaylisis (pretty much what it sounds like) and the three crowning moments sections: Best funny scene, best heart-warming scene, best scary scene
I think this is a great idea, extra props to the "Detective Trot Munch" guy in Headscratchers and whoever came up with the "Herpy cleans out the coffee pot" joke.
VastaKustutaYMMV stands for Your Mileage May Vary. Basically it's where all the fandom related tropes or tropes that apply differently depending on the individual.
For Example for the Complete Monster trope, requirements can vary widely from person to person.
WMG is Wild Mass Guessing. Basically a place where you can theorise about the work in question.
Headscratchers are for things that don't make sense to you.
Fridge is the place to put things that you only realised about a work a time after watching/reading it.
Then there are the Crowning Moments of Funny, Heartwarming and Awesome. A place to gush about the moments of the work that are incredibly funny, heartwarming or awesome.
Anything else you want to know?
Autor on selle kommentaari eemaldanud.
VastaKustutaMissed one:
VastaKustutaYMMY is Your Mileage May Vary; essentially someone has a belief about a character that may just be interpretive as opposed to true.
Thanks to both of you! Though I already knew all the fridge ones, I didn't know the others. Again thanks!
VastaKustutaHoly crap this is amazing! I cant wait to read these!
VastaKustutaIt's interesting how they put more effort into this book series than the actual writer did.
VastaKustutaWhat's next? The fridge scene?
VastaKustutaYeah, we're having a hell of a kick out of it. I mean this is totally new ground: we essentially have catre blanche here.
VastaKustuta... Curse you high school. I need to write these.
VastaKustutaI'm mainly doing basic editing, grammar work, and I added much (but not all) of the stuff concerning Inti (I did Hoist By His Own Petard and Fate Worse Than Death- but someone else decided what that fate was) and I apparently decided that the Wooden Mask was Made of Evil... MY troper handle is ptah1888. Again, I love what everyone is contributing to make this entertaining for everypony!
VastaKustutaWow! If I didn't know better I would say that that page was for a real series... I want to read it!
VastaKustutaAnd it's all in an order, all really organized...
Also I wanna know what mare or Mares wrote it!
Eh, I started reading it, but stopped only a minute in. Honestly it sounds too much like someone's elaborate headcanon half the time to me. Though I see others are adding in their own headcanon's on her too now. Should turn out... interesting. lol
VastaKustutaWell since we're putting it out there. I'm the one who came up with Alicorn's Shadow and Gardens of Equestria. Please tell me somepony out there actually gets the refrence in that one.....
VastaKustutaHey, "The Ugly Barnacle" story from Spongebob got its own TV Tropes page, so with that considered, I don't see why Daring Do can't!
VastaKustutaSomepony (or group of ponies) be i n charge of writing those 16 canon Daring Do books, STAT! (or rather, 15, since we already have Sapphire Stone, but yeah!)
VastaKustutaHa ha! This tropes saw the Daring Do page before this post! *puts on Wayfarers
VastaKustutaTvtropes does this sort of think. They did the same with Community show in a show Dr. Who parody. Its just for fun.
VastaKustutaPretty comprehensive for a joke.
VastaKustutaI just read the character sheet for the Daring Do series.
Too much effort and thought has been put into these pages for it to not be realised in a proper story. I mean, there is so much detail that an author can get a ready-made roadmap just by Ctrl+F'ing the story they want to write. All the author would have to do is arrange it into a logical order and connect the dots.
For "Gardens of Equestria" you're either suggesting that the Gardens are an expy of the legendary Babylonian hanging gardens, or you're making a reference to Fallout Equestria, which was a spell that could rectify the total annihilation of Equestria's plant-life and fertile soil through the magic of the Elements of Harmony.
Alicorn's Shadow has me stumped...
And for those wondering, the plan is for any existing Daring Do fanfics or any that aren't based on the ones on the page already are in-verse fanfics that get linked from the fan fic rec page.
VastaKustutaWow, someone behind this really likes Friendship is Witchcraft.
VastaKustutaYeah Gardens is a fallout Equestria refrence, no real reason for Shadow, just thought it sounded cool
Just to put it out there, I was the one who came up with the expies for the Mane 5. See if you can spot who's supposed to be who and what more should be added about them!
VastaKustutaSo stories like the ones here on EqD act as fan-fics for the Daring Do stories in the Equestrian Universe? Or are they part of what would be called "Spin Offs"?
VastaKustuta"Alicorn's Shadow" and it's synopsis seems to suggest a strong possibility of being inspired by Shadow of Colossus. Having never played the game, this concept still sounds exciting to me.
If the "Gardens of Equestria" is written, it would be cool if the the Gardens are similar to the Hanging Gardens of Babylon, if only for the potential parkour and leaps of fate across large drops (Prince of Persia kinda left an impression on me back in the days of the PS2)
VastaKustutaIdea is that they act as in universe fanfics written by fans of the books
I feel compelled to read these books, why make something I can never have sound so awesome?
VastaKustutaAs stated earlier we eventually plan to do all sixteen books (well, fifteen, but we might do Sapphire Stone as well).
VastaKustutaHere's the list.
VastaKustutaThis thing is a collaborative thing where people with ideas can come along and help out (as long as they stick within what's established). This is not all done by one author.
VastaKustutaI throw in ideas and help clean up grammar and spelling. I'm the Colt of Smooze originator (though Desert Flower was someone else's work). Yes, I am a Friendship is Witchcraft fan.
VastaKustutaThere's already a committee of wriers for it?! *cheers* THE DARING DO SERIES SHALL BE MARE!
VastaKustutaDaring Do or Daring Do not - there is no marketable phrase!
VastaKustutaOh, sweet Celestia!
VastaKustutaI should know better than to take a quick moment away from writing my own story to look at something like this. I mean, I know TVTropes is like a strange version of online crack cocaine, but still!
I just spent an hour reading all of it. I held off on coming up with my own Daring Do short story, simply because I have my Moonbeam sequel I'm qorking on, AND I want to try to whip up something for the FimFiction story contest too. And now I REALLY want to write something with Daring Do.
(In other words, wow, the hive mind that put together that trope page is sheer GENIUS! Great work, and my greatest compliments, to everyone who contributed to that page!)
I've been on tvtropes for ages and I'm still awestruck by this. Practically everything on this page is fan ideas, but it fits together into something cohesive, and will probably serve as a foundation to the biggest pony fanfic apart from Fallout Equestria.
VastaKustutaIt must have taken a while to make that page and it's a fun read but I hope this doesn't put Daring into a mould every writer has to follow. Writers want to express their own imagine too and not have to adhere to a Tropes page. There is no requirement to, but it looks as if people won't read a story if it doesn't have Daring do 'this' and have this type of character. As I understand fanon, it is the trends that emerge in content such as Lyra and Bonbon being together that show the generally accepted ideas of the characters but I hope there is still room for other wacky ideas.
VastaKustutayou know what happens when you link to TvTropes, right cereal?
VastaKustutaWell anyway, this is pure genius!
TV Tropes Will Ruin Your Life. Have fun!
VastaKustutaSo...that claimed list.
You folks mind if others do some claiming, or are you all collaborating in a tight group?
...Cause I notice the 'darker, edgier' Temple of Nightmare Moon is still unclaimed....
VastaKustutaYou can write what you want, but odds on if it doesn't fit with the Page, then it will be called an in universe fanfic, instead of an actual book in the series.
Best. Fandom. Ever.
VastaKustutaWhile we are trying to keep communication tight (to keep the characterization as consistent as we can between stories), we'd definitely be open to new team players. And I guess the only big requirements for that really is to adhere as closely as possible to the tropes provided for the story in question and stay in communication with everyone else (currently through the main TVTropes FiM forum thread... there'll probably be more documents involved as the project gets rolling). If you think you can do this, come say hello at http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/posts.php?discussion=rp9u726d6kev3mymml5wtnxm&page=3773#94314
Note that this doesn't just apply to Saddlesoap. Other prospective writers can feel free to contact us in the thread.
Hey, does anyone know if "Daring Do and the Cove of Candles" is a reference to a real book? Or maybe to an episode of the 80's My Little Pony cartoon or something? Because I swear I can remember reading that book when I was a kid...
VastaKustutaI think it was about pirates, and a talking pirate ship or something? It was weird.
I don't really remember much about it, except that it really freaked me out when I was a kid.
Does anypony else remember this?
VastaKustutaI remember that show, but it wasn't very scary. The production values were terrible - like HALF of every episode was just static!
@Kuroi Tsubasa Tenshi
VastaKustutaVery kind!
I can't post there just yet - still waiting to be let out of the noob-cage (I'm an AVID trope reader, but never became Known before) - but I would certainly enjoy collaborating with all of you.
I have NO problem sticking to others' fanon, and in fact I enjoy bouncing off others' ideas. I am also, however, employed full-time, so if you all want these things written by like a week or two from now, I might not be able to scrape together the free time. >__<
If you will be taking your time even somewhat, though, I'd love to pitch in.
As for "other documents", I think a document sort of point-form listing the major salient plot points from each "Novel" is a fine idea...piecing thing together from trope entries is tricky!
VastaKustutaGreat to have you on board. I think the time constraint will be fairly loose. Most of us working on this are also either full time employed or full time students, so we essentially in the same boat as you.
And a fanon bible will probably be one of the other documents, which should include entries for the stories and characters that are more concise than the tropes page. It'll probably be quite the group effort just to get that filled accurately and in a timely fashion, though.
VastaKustutaHaha, I see what you mean now. I got confused with in-pony-universe fiction and in-universe fiction of canon xD
Autor on selle kommentaari eemaldanud.
VastaKustutaThat was amusing and well written. I liked the sister and the fact that she has a pet T-rex, but I'm little dissapointed that she only has Auixotle as the main villian(though I liked the part about it being him so often that she expects it to be him at any given time) but that's mainly because I pictured her with a Bond level of rogues and rivals to go up against.
VastaKustutaHave you guys come up with titles for all of the books yet?
For people involved in actually writing this series, I've created a google doc that can serve as our hub. Hope this helps!
@Richard Jao
VastaKustutaWhoa, hold your horses (please don't shoot me :P). I put one together yesterday too. It's got more updated info, so we're going to have to consolidate before people start getting confused.
VastaKustutaThanks, glad you like that one - added that but took me a moment to decide exactly what to go with.
Wow. You guys have way too much free time if you're writing TV Tropes pages for nonexistent works.
VastaKustutaOn the other hand, I can see how creating a tropes page ahead of time could help with writing the actual stories.
Here's to hoping someone does manage to write them.
OK, when you said there was a TV tropes page, I thought their was going to be maybe 20 entries, instead I found TWENTY INDIVIDUAL TITLES!I mean, come on! there has to be enough text in there that you probably could have just written one of the novels!
VastaKustutaIt will be interesting if someone writes a fanficion based on this trope page though.If its good enough they could link it off the trope page, and further confuse people who just stumble across this page, maybe an "excerpts" section?
VastaKustutaHehe, well, enthusiasm was pretty high after Read It and Weep and it basically snowballed into the entire main FiM forum thread writing that page. We're actually working on writing several of those stories at the moment. Platinum Crown looks to be farthest along at the moment, so keep an eye out. :)
VastaKustutaYep. I wonder how long it'll take before the full series is written? Here's book two of the series that someone's set their heart to finishing:
Is anyone still working on these? I've glanced through all the documents that the group of authors involved in the project were writing/discussing in, but they all look like they've been gathering dust these past few months.
VastaKustutaI just loved the tropes page and adored the enthusiasm and was really looking forward to reading all of the books once they were completed and I just wanted to know if the idea of writing them had been scrapped for good.
Does anyone know for sure?