• Comic: Squeezin' It Revenge / Clock is Ticking

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    You know what happens when you tickle a bunch of ponies against their will? You get a bunch of tickling yourself! Check above for MickeyMonster's latest. Poor Discord, he didn't stand a chance!

    Below we have a comic speculating on the Twilight meets future Twilight episode! I'm personally looking forward to it. After all, who doesn't like a little more Twilight in their lives?

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    24 kommentaari:

    1. AppleJack doesn't look like she's tickling Discord.....

    2. revenge is sweet for these ponies!!! ^_^

    3. That's actually a pretty creative way of tickling someone Pinkie is using.

    4. "...who doesn't like a little more Twilight in their lives?"
      No. Just no.

    5. Twilight, I like you and all, but you better not let anything happen to Spike!

    6. #1 About time they got back at him! Aww bless Fluttershy lol.
      #2 Seriously can't wait for this episode, awesome comic!

    7. Is it just me or isn't the banner loading? Can't seem to see it no matter how much I refresh the page.

    8. @Bombedrumbum
      The others are holding him down so Pinkie can do the dirty work. Fluttershy doesn't seem happy with this plan. :P

      Also the second one is probably going to have multiple time travels, but the idea is good. After all, what could possibly be wrong with having say...five Twilights in one time stream. I hope Doctor Hooves plays a role 0.0

    9. Well that was a bit Spoiler-y, I didn't know we were gonna have an episode about Future Twilight...

      Now I really wanna know when it airs, but I don't wanna spoil MORE episodes looking for it!

    10. The squeezin' comics have been a pony meme-series I haven't been enjoying. It feels like an exercise in trying to portray rape in a G rated way. With that in mind, I suppose it helps that they've turned the tables on Discord finally, but meh...

    11. @Scott_Lochmoeller

      You're the type that mickeymonster drew this for.

      It does not equate rape, not even remotely.
      There are plenty of things benign or otherwise that can be done to people against their wills, including tickling someone smaller and weaker than yourself. The only way I could see this taken not just not literally, but into the realm of sexual violation is by someone who had a sexualized tickle fetish of their own.

    12. Vengeance is mine you shall be.... Tickled?

    13. If they set that android free IT WILL BE THE END OF ALL OF US!! NOOOOO!!! Love that comic would that happen in story?

    14. Aww and I had been doing so well about avoiding everything related to future episodes.

    15. Autor on selle kommentaari eemaldanud.

    16. Toxic Mario's comics often read to me like they're missing the last panel.

    17. 1. Discord defeated again.


    18. #1 Well, you can't say Discord didn't have that coming. Fluttershy's just too adorable in that one.

      #2 Hop to it Twilight! Time's a factor here. Your #1 assistant may be in danger!

      Awesome comics, both of them. :D

    19. @Scott_Lochmoeller

      You're e one displaying as rape, fucked up man!

    20. @Dr. Orbital Death-Ray

      In my defense...I like to give the reader a chance to think of what will happen next. It's a style of art I don't see much anymore. :(
