• Comic: Pinkie Pie Smile 1-2 / Zecora - Don't Go to the Forest / Pinkie's Creed

    Comic time! First off we have a pre-new episode comic, followed by a parody of Don't Go by The River Zecora style, and finally some Pinkie Pie pulling an Ezio Auditore.  Click all of them for full!

    24 kommentaari:

    1. Pinkie is best Assassin :3

      Is it just me, or are video game gaurds notorious fr having some special quirk?

      Assassin's Creed- you could turn a corner, sit down, and they wouldn't recognize you

      Fallout gaurds- *snipes head* "musta been the wind"

      Legend of Zelda gaurds- impossibly near-sighted

      Skyrim gaurds- they all used to be adventurers

      Mushroom Kingdom gaurds- need I say more?

    2. Speaking about number three- meh, I always liked Altaïr better

    3. Autor on selle kommentaari eemaldanud.

    4. #1 Strange idea but I like the comic, very well done.

      #2 I don't know why but I can't get this one to zoom in, I can't read it at all, looks well drawn though.

      #3 I was never much good at those games, I think Pinkie has me beaten there.

      @Bombedrumbum Fallout guards just babble about Nuclear winters and people eyeballin' them.

      I only notice my spelling mistakes just as I hit post, I wish there was an edit button.

    5. Wow, the Zecora comic is impressive and original!

    6. #1 an interesting take on Pinkie's Smile Song. Very good.

      #2 a fantastic modification of a great song. Bravo.

      #3 The guards would have their hooves full chasing everypony who was jumping across the roofs.

    7. #1- the guy got owned
      #2- zecora is scary as fuck
      #3- what?

    8. Pinkie can make anypony smile tis canon.

      I liked the faces in this one xD very original concepts as far as I know too.

      Pinkie is also the first person I would suspect in an assassination but the last pony I would believe capable of it.

    9. #3 That hilarious!I'm playing Assassins creed right now!

    10. 1. he should not have asked.
      2. wow that was a long comic!
      3. Very great! inspired by to many trespassers on her lawn.
      4. very creative! I love those games!

    11. #1: I love Fancy Pants' never ending horn.

    12. I didn't think it was possible to scare Discord.
      I'm glad to see I was wrong. He he he.

    13. @BombedrumbumMaybe all video game developers hate cops, lul

    14. 1. Pinkie she can make any butler smile(ANY BUTLER)
      2. Zecora convinced me.*walks in Everfree*
      3. Hmmm looks like the idea was there but not there.

    15. Voltaire + Ponies = SO MUCH BUCKING WIN!!!

    16. Anyone else noticed how big Fancy Pants' horn is on the first comic??

    17. @Freekles1245
      Just a little joke on the artist's part.

      Even though I've never played the game (Assassin's Creed?), that last comic was amusing. The first one, the Smile comic, was very good, and the second one was terrific. Excellent comic post!

    18. Fancypants's horn reminds me of Doug Dimmadome's infinite hat from Fairly Odd Parents.

    19. @Celestia
      Transmison(AC/ERAF-005407)Subject daily patrols
      Point alpha(canterlot) :all quiet nothing report
      Point bravo(everfree forest):didn't see any thing that could be a treat
      Point charlie(ponyville):we got your message about pinkie pie about an ..hour ago but we couldn't find her but we will let REA HORIZON Know to keep searching

      From: (main flag ship)REA FOWARD UNTO DAWN
      end transmission

    20. The original song "Don't go by the river" is being invaded by us on YouTube.

    21. Voltaire is a fucking amazing band. A ponified version of riding a black unicorn would be wondrous.
