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It's comic time! Up above we have a Hearts and Hooves comic (That was pre-leak so totally safe), and below some Rainbow Dash and Daring-Do stuff, because that combo is amazing.
I honestly want Daring-Do to make a comback more than Trixie at this point.
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I don't really understand the first one.
ReplyDelete#2 was nice.
ReplyDeleteOh, now I get it. I failed at speed reading a comic with virtually no words.
Waitwhat? Seth wants Daring Do over Trixie? Is he no longer in lesbians with Trixie? MY WORLD HAS BEEN ROCKED.
ReplyDeleteI really like #3. The Greek writing makes for a cool effect. #1 is also funny, especially the expressions on Big Mac and Cheerilee's faces. #2 was funny as well, particularly the little quips from the peanut gallery outside Rainbow's room.
ReplyDeleteSeth is now officially in lesbians with Daring Do
ReplyDeleteI knew it was just a matter of time
Wait? Seth wants Daring back instead of Trixie? He prefers the Huntsman using Daring Do over the Battle Medic Trixie? What kind of sorcery is this?!
ReplyDeleteAlso, all three comics were pretty good and loved the third one.
SETH NOOO!!!! Somewhere in Equestria, Trixie shed a tear and couldn't explain it. You and us both know why she shed that tear, Seth. We all know now.
ReplyDeleteGlove Mixture? That... Is... The....BEST THING SINCE HAY BACON STRIPS!
ReplyDeleteI believe it says "clove" like the little herb like things you sometimes cook with to improve flavor.
On a related note, I represent the Council for Hay Bacon Strips and I demand that you retract your statement, as everypony knows that nothing could possibly be better than Hay Bacon Strips.
Seth, please, for Trixie's sake, DON'T YOU DARE GIVE UP ON HER. She's suffered enough already. Don't add to it. *Clears throat.* Now, the comics.
ReplyDelete#1 Talk about close calls. Looks like everyone dodged a bullet there.
#2 Good thing this wasn't a live reading. Way to play on Rainbow's manner of reading a book.
#3 We've all felt that "disappointment" before, Daring.
1. I swear I can't make predictions for a leaked episode.
ReplyDelete2. The reasons why the death trap wouldn't work anyway. Sand would stop the enclosing spike walls gears. Snakes can and do eat spiders and there are spiders that can eat snakes. Daring-Do was free'd by the spikes as they were used to cut her straps. She would have had enough time to fly out of their even if she didn't miraculously hit the lever.
If anything I think the sand worms would have made the experience a lot more frightening. If you go over kill on the deathtraps, they have a chance of cancelling themselves out before they can even hurt the intended target.
Chalk one up for villain cliche's as the villain also left the room unguarded, when we all know very well that skeleton minions shouldn't be very hard to come by as they are magically cheap.
3. Fallout Equestria, the real story.
@D. Shadows
ReplyDeleteNot that a injured wing stopped her either.
Who are you and what have you done with Sethisto?
ReplyDeleteI don't get #2.
ReplyDeleteJaberwocky <this.
ReplyDelete"I honestly want Daring-Do to make a comeback more than Trixie at this point."
ReplyDelete…Are you okay, Seth?
Also I promise not to tell Trixie you said that. As if that would help. As the official EQD "mascot" she reads this stuff too!
Second one made me chuckle, good one Pinkie!
ReplyDelete"I honestly want Daring-Do to make a comback more than Trixie at this point."
ReplyDeleteDoes this mean we'll have random Daring Do posts with no actual content from now on :P?
You want Daring Do back more than Trixie? Why? There's nothing special about her, a really boring character. ;___;
ReplyDeleteGasp! Seth likes a character more than Trixie?! It's a sign of the apocalypse!
ReplyDelete*Obligatory comment on Seth's betrayal of Trixie*
ReplyDelete#1 Zecora in a comic? Is it really true? From Sevii to the artist: I LOVE YOU!
#2 Somehow, I saw this coming...Am I a wizard?
#3 Hmm, not much to say on this one...But I think the artist earned him or herself the scorn of many Greeks with it.
#2 my favorite. Dash just got Burgundy'd. Maybe when she has more practice reading, she'll stop saying everything out loud.
ReplyDelete#3, we've all felt that disappoint before. Like you get to the end of an old video game, you get rewarded with a hearty "Congraturation". They don't even bother to give you multiple ones. Like they just had a congraturation leftover after the morning meeting in the break room. "You gonna eat that?" "Nah, we'll just stick it in the game for after you beat the end boss." Jerks.